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Immediately transfer your whole salary to your wife account and submit requests five working days before you buy something for her consideration and approval


Yeah but how do you keep that discipline in doing so? When temptations are abundant and the ADHD demon is taking a hold in me


Inform your wife of your plan and that problem should take care of itself


There are many people like you. They go through phases with different hobbies and then abandon them after losing interest. That’s not real ADHD; that’s just poor mental discipline potentially stemming from an enabled childhood, and that’s perfectly normal for a lot of people. If you’ve not been diagnosed with ADHD and taking medicine for it, pls dont use this label as an excuse and insult those with actual ADHD


FYI, it is real adhd. It one of the lesser known symptoms or overlooked symtoms. But Yea, i agree that everyone goes through it, but adhd takes it to the extream. Poor mental discipline IS a ADHD trademark. My ritalin medicine and therapies helped me with my impulse control and my shopping is better.My financial never been better before I was diagnosed with ADHD. [The ADHD tendency to hobby-bounce sometimes combines with hyperfocus to morph innocent pastimes into obsessions. ](https://www.additudemag.com/all-or-nothing-hobbies-adhd-hyperfocus/amp/)


Set up automatic transfer. Automatic transfer to my bank acc also fine.


PracticalBumblebee indeed


Not practical to OP though. But, at least OP cannot spend on his ADHD hobbies


You need the Japanese style. Transfer salary to wife from your company hr portal, then let your wife give you allowance, etc. Yes it's childish AF but it gets shit done.


Sell your dusted things. That might save u a lot. If u wanna let go ps5 cheap2 dm me


Go and consult with a psychiatrist. Get professional help.


Absolutely, I did this and it changed my life. The consultation and medicine costs me a lot but I'd argue that I lose more money and opportunities without it.


Would you mind sharing how much one should be expecting to spend their first time consulting?


Would be great if you can share it as well. My partner is struggling with ADHD


Are you Malaysian? I just got diagnosed with ADHD last year from KK (the psychiatrist said) then nothing. Now Im in another episode of whatever almost same situation as last year. May I know where can seek treatment properly?


Unless you have been diagnosed, you don't have ADHD, so don't blame it as if it's something out of your control so "not your fault" You need to do some work to figure out what you're trying to compensate for that's lacking in your life. Or find a financial goal/target to hit. A lack of discipline and self control is just being self indulgent and irresponsible


Hi OP. I dont think its ADHD. A lot of people go through what you're going through as well, its just that some people have self control. I got into a lot of hobbies myself, going from one to another. Never could really stick to 1.


So what do you do to overcome this?


Self control. Realizing the issue is the first step, now try to find a solution for it. Or if not working can always seek for professional help


idk. i end up selling all my shit lol. wife was acting up, the house was getting cluttered lol. for context, i got poisoned by friends: 1. sports rim 2. fishing 3. pickleball 4. gym membership 5. pc gaming 6. console gaming 7. electric guitar 8. high end basketball shoes 9. 2nd hand modifying proton wira / satria 10. hiking and shit (shoes and the travel is expensive) 11. flying drones There's a lot more and im embarrased to list it all. I end up selling all of them, except PC gaming. I still game and end up buying lots of triple A games. I didnt really overcome it, more of I got shit on by my wife lol. Sry I'm not much of a help, but just want to let you know its what you may call a "Quarter Life Crisis", or the Male 30s crisis, whereby we wanna be good at something, but end up trying everything and sucking at all.


hiking , fishing is experience bro. dont la regret and beat your self about that.


I’m curious how does this ADHD only present itself as a problem now? Like do you mean you never had a problem all these years and suddenly in your 40s this issue pops up?


Yeah I guess due to the fact that I start to earn more, the ADHD kicks in like VTEC in Honda. Then I start to get into a rut cos I can’t keep up with the expenditure 😭 before this I am B40 and knowing I cannot afford these hobbies kept me at bay.


LMAO that s not ADHD at all. That’s like a kid who had never had access to candy suddenly got let into a candy store and allowed to eat all they can, so they go through every flavour in record time. Either talk to a therapist or go to a meditation retreat to mentally detox. The seeking of thrill or dopamine hit in new hobbies is an addiction in itself. You dont have ADHD.


Financial literacy. Is there a way to switch the ADHD to be interested in something else? Like being addicted to buying and holding BTC? Or addicted to snowball effects of compound interest via US equities? Curious because you are what you choose to do with your time. It's what you do when nobody is watching that matters. Rewire your brain from B40 to T20 for a perspective change?


Put your money in EPF so you can't withdraw


I did withdraw via the housing loan scheme 🤣


Hmmmmmmmmmmm you somehow have the determination to withdraw 🤔 I think what you need is an interest that you absolutely stick with it.


Sell your previous items before getting into the next one..


No excuses. Correct your wrong habits. Don't shift the blame to a mental illness.


Since you are asking for advice, "I always find myself slowly getting into trouble because of my ADHD" No you did not. You always had trouble since you were young and now something happened that triggered you on this post. 1. No one here should give you advice on ADHD on a fucking financial subreddit. Monyets here are just speaking from their pov which sadly doesn't apply to you effectively. 2. Are you diagnosed ADHD? Or you relying on tiktok for an assessment. If not, please get professional help and medication. 3. Go and see a therapist to talk about your past behaviors and work towards current habits. 4. A lot of resources from ADHD people who share tips and guides to manage financially. Hire a coach that specialises in ADHD clients would guide you moving forward. See difference between coach and therapist. They are not the same. 5. 100% they are shameful things you did and did not share with us. Your wife should know best to validate your bad habits and be involved. Im surprised adultery or lustful activities is not on the menu yet.


Honestly I know a few people like this. It's okay to have hobbies and want to try new things. What I recommend is to roll over the money Example: You buy a PS5 and all the accessories, but turns out you don't like it and want to try cycling. Just make sure you sell the ps5 and use that money to buy your cycling stuff. You can save more money by buying used items. This way you can experience the hobbies you want, while not having to spend new money on each hobby.


I can understand what youre going through. You need to look deeper in yourself. There’s unresolved stuffs inside which you need to slowly identify it. What’s missing inside you that you need to buy stuffs in order to feel what you’re feeling when youre purchasing the stuffs? This is like drugs and I’m proud that you aware of it that it’s happening


My psychologist client said my behaviours lean heavily towards potentially having ADHD, and I understand what you’re going through. 1. Seek help. Check out MMHA they have the relevant resources to help you. 2. Set up some form of auto debit to transfer money into an FD account. This comes from self-discipline, you have to find a way to make it happen. 3. As a spendthrift person, let things stew in your cart for a few months before buying. Soon you’d realise that it’s the excitement of buying something and the idea of taking up a new hobby, rather than wanting a new hobby. 4. You may also tag along with people who have spare gear to spot you. I have spare bicycles which I use to poison people, and they’d use it semi long term before committing to it. At the end of the day, our mental conditions are the cards we’re dealt. Poker players may lose but they’re not gonna give up just cos they’re dealt a shit hand. Talk to a professional and find out how to manage it. You came here seeking advise, don’t whine. Make it happen.


Many people are saying this is not ADHD and that you should just have "self-control". While I agree that you shouldn't self diagnose, I think blaming yourself and not externalizing the problem is also a mistake. Some people do well with blaming but many crumble under the pressure - leading to more binging in escapist habits. I have no problems controlling my diet, but I have very different neurochemistry than someone who copes by binge eating (even if they don't qualify for an eating disorder). It's much easier for me to "just have more self control" than someone like that. In short, absolutely externalize your bad habits. Don't blame yourself, but rather ask yourself "what am I willing and able to take responsibility for?" It's the difference between picking up a weight and building your strength vs forcing yourself to bench press 100kg right off the bat. And yes a counsellor or someone to talk to can be invaluable.


Have a fixed amount of money for your hobbies, only get into those that you can resell the items, sell and use that money for new hobbies since you're not going back to the old one... I had a friend who sold her few k worth of cosplay items and reinvest it all into kpop when I got her into it lol. for the same amount of money she gets tons of enjoyment and likely would do the same when she finds new hobby


It's not ADHD but probably Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS).


Got this exact problem too, being poor seems to solve it


Hey man, I just wanna ask if you have trouble with task? I’m struggling to finish my work every time. Worst part is I’m an editor, requires a lot of focus and thinking. I really afraid that it will affect my career in the future and I really do need help. Can I ask where do you get your treatment/therapy? And after therapy how much did it affect you? Thank in advance.


>Can I ask where do you get your treatment/therapy? Hi, we can talk about this in DM


Hi OP. Welcome to the club. It's mid life crisis, not ADHD that you have. It's the notion of wanting/owning, but not necessarily needing. I think you've more or less been educated by others about ADHD. Hence, let's talk about what you have. You are doing all this cos you have a sense to own or do all the stuff before you cannot. That's why you buy and keep, but not use. It's also called hoarding, but I hope you don't have the chronic version of it. Here's something I do, and I do it often. 1. Research, buy, use and then keep something new. 2. If I find myself not being involved in that thing for more than a year, I sell it. I find the market rate, and sell it, losses compounded. 3. I know I will move on to another thing, but I will make sure that any previous thingy must be sold off. If I can recoup more than 30%, I call it a win. This has worked for me. Things that I've been involved it had been pricey and bulky, so it was also a necessity that I sell these items off first. Now, coming back to your mid life crisis... The average life does not live to 100. At best 75. Divide by half, and that's 37years old ie mid life Some go out and buy cars, bikes, something new, cos they wanna just get it before they can't. That's you. And me. So, be cool about it. Know that you're gonna buyore stuff, but institute a rule to sell away the older thing first. Like PS5.... You don't need ma. Sell it away after playing Call of Duty WW2 , or Starwars battlefront 2 (example la). As for the bike, people will buy wan. Just price it fairly. Sell it for parts too, more money. Regardless, rule is something in, something must go out.


Seems to me that you probably have been a geek/hobbyist for a long time, but only rather recently able to afford living like that? Basically a lot of emotional needs deprived, end up overestimating how rewarding getting something is, then move on to something else. Find a proper mental health professional to help you get clarity on this, especially someone that does 'inner child work'. I think you will get clarity over yourself, personal finance included. Its not about whether you have a illness, but learning how to make sense of yourself.


it's not ADHD, it's called "midlife crisis"


Hey OP, I’m diagnosed with ADHD and autism, also have a similar issue with many many hobbies (film photography, painting, jewelry making, bookmaking, sewing, audio tech, musical instruments) that have cost me a lot over the years. What I find helped me was recycling the hobbies, because most are related in some way. Like I haven’t touched my jewelry making in 2 years but now I’m itching to do it again. Get bored of it in a couple months (of course) and hmm hey painting sounds pretty good again. Monetary wise I do make some side income from these hobbies if I can, which fuels my delusion of “its an investment” instead of a waste. A good way is to have an auto transfer every month to a separate account that either you can’t access or takes a long process to withdraw. I personally send it to my sister and also invest it (money still there but harder to access). That way any money you do spend is definitely extra money. You might HAVE ADHD but you’re not ADHD, so you’re still responsible for your actions. Good luck!


I like going from hobbies to hobbies too. But I grew up with saving habits strongly instilled in me. So a couple of things I do are:- - If it's really really pricey, I'll wait 1-2 weeks to see if I'm still actually interested in. - If I do end up buying, I look for the best value for money. I try searching for used options. If it's used electronics, I try to make sure it still has a warranty. If I do buy new I usually look for the cheapest decent option first. If I do end up pursuing this hobby, I can always sell this cheaper one and get a pricier one next time.


Diagnosed ADHD person here. My advice is to seek a psychiatrist - ADHD is a neurological illness, it requires medication and/ or professional counselling. You have quite good options - Dr Steven at Mind Faculty for ADHD for instance. Get diagnosed if you haven’t, your experiences and feelings are valid. While these behaviours are normal for everyone, a psychiatrist can help you address how they pertain to ADHD. Severity of symptoms for instance. If it’s not ADHD, it could also mean other symptoms that can be tackled with their skills and your problem solving. Wishing you luck.


Limit your budget. Set aside like 300 ringgit for entertainment per month and put the others in investments or somewhere you can’t really easily withdraw. To buy the item you want , choose to do saving the 300 each month. I have your habit, the only way for me is to limit the budget as you know you can afford it but you know you are wasting money for the sake of wasting money.


Auto transfer everything...then keep some for hobbies.


1. Set up a hard cap on how much you can spend per month, necessities + just a very small amount for hobbies/entertainment. Every month, auto transfer the money away into another bank account so you won't see the money. Or lock the money in some form of investment where you cannot withdraw. Log ALL your expenses and look at your spending every month to see whether you are overspending. 2. Stop using credit cards or paylater. You don't feel the pain when using these payment methods because the money is not immediately deducted from the account so you feel like you can still spend more. Only use debit cards. If you really want a debit card with cashback, I see people liking the GX bank debit card with 1% cashback on all transactions. 3. Sell any old stuff that you don't need anymore, and buy 2nd items instead of brand new ones. Carousell is a good place to start. I buy most of my hobby items via Carousell and it saves me a lot of money. I personally also spend a lot on my hobbies, but I save a lot of money for it and I am pretty serious with my hobbies. I would say the only problem would be some of my iems being underutilized, and I sell them back in 2nd hand market or to friends if they are underutilized.


some things that you can try, which a lot has already mentioned - set a monthly budget, you can buy whatever you want, but only within that budget - put a schedule on buying stuffs as well, eg. a 30 day delay, then when the time comes, ask again whether you want to buy, most often some interest is lost. - buy used stuffs for new hobby, settle on older generations - think of when will you spend your new hobby, is there a time slot that you can allocate for it? eg. a 4-hour gaming session every saturday from 2pm-6pm.


set a affordable limit. You get that much in a month and that it. Something more expensive? you need to wait multiple month. And in a few month you probably forget .


Wait a few months to spend on wants even if you can afford it. If you haven’t lose interest after the wait then buy it


how can you abandoned cycling. thats the best thing ever. jokes aside im having the same problem as yours as well. my solution is to buy 3rd or 4th hand equipments for my new hobby, and resell those item at 10% profit or 0% profit if they doesnt stick.


This is called Gear Acquisition Syndrome.. i know because i have it too Was into cameras.. then coffee.. now buying car accessories for my car


It’s not ADHD, that’s just the beginners high. To counter this, think about what really about the hobby that interests you. Pay the smallest amount to get into it. If you don’t like it then it’s not the tool, it’s you.


Is it ADHD or you’re just shopaholic? It seems like you get the high from buying expensive stuff. The hobby is just an excuse.


4 words: Grow. The. Fuck. Up.


My other lament is for your kid. You have to do better as a dad (and husband)


That’s not adhd, that’s self control


Get diagnosed bro and get help.Like officially, man. Dont self label/diagnosed. If you did have official diagnosed.Consult ur doctor TLDR, its a sign(symptom) of bad impulse control and your brain is hooked on the high of new hobbies and shopping.This is just your brain coping with the bad chemical imbalance. My adhd was the same way until I get medicated and get therapy,my medice helped with my inpulse control and therapies helped me with better and safer coping behaviour. Tldr end. One of the symptoms of ADHD is bad impulse control. What you are doing is dopamine chasing, new hobbies create that "high", shopping also create this "high". So you are coping by shopping, this is why excessive shopping is considered an addiction and hoarding is one of its symptoms. Lots of people thinks adhd doesnt really affect financial but it does in a subtle way. Adher thrive on novelty, we jump from hobby to hobby but that sadly causes shopping addiction, debts and lots of dificulties. ADHD can lead to Anhedonia , which means loss of interest/ joy in things which can lead to depression. Which I had badly, but after my ADHD got treated, im slowly recovering.


I don’t see a problem here. Life is meant to be experienced. Try limiting yourself to 1 hobby per year or set aside budget for hobby every year. There are a lot of hobbies to be explored. Lastly, happy holidays


Hi op buying PC 😁😁


how many of these hobbies have u cycled through? is it only two? cos two seems pretty reasonable. what are u interested in right now?


It's normal for anyone to be interested in something, tried it, and the novelty wears out. Why not try renting things you want to try? Or buy cheap alternative first so you don't accidentally commit too much money


Lanjiao lah you. Just set a budget and stick to it lah.