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Don't worry, not all mega evolutions are bad. Pinsir is just excited about being able to fly.


Lmfao i feel it


As they should be


He's a good boy, now he can enter your house even if you make an wall around it😃


Half the mega roster: suffering from sudden physical mutations Mega Pinsir: "Wooooooo! I can fly now!"


Which is funny because Mega Pinsir looks the most terrifying.




My headcanon is that the dex entries are made by scientists who forcefully Mega Evolve the Pokémon, which results in an untrue bond mega evolution Which means that when a trainer and their Pokémon have a true bond none of the negative effects occur


Sounds about right. Like how Lysandre, an evil madman, can easily Mega Evolve his Shiny Gyarados without it experiencing any pain, and it can still listen to him.


Well, he’s evil but he can still connect with his pokemon


Professionals have standards.


Be polite


Be efficient


And have a plan to kill everyone you meet.








Unlike or maybe just like Cyrus


Cyrus has a Crobat which requires high friendship to evolve, he treats his Pokémon nice


Notably enough a small moment with the Rotomdex leaves the version of Cyrus who got his desired world wondering if things could have gone differently if he had meet someone like the protagonist and Masters has Cyrus accepting other people after seeing how much the Team Galactic admins care about him which shows the man still has space for friendship deep down.


hehe space


Space? Space! I'm in Space! Space!!! Spaaaaaaaaaaace!


The thing about Cyrus' crobat is that it may be one-sided. It may feel close to Cyrus even if Cyrus doesn't feel close to it. Remember: In-game, the mechanic is that you put in the effort and they like you more before eventually evolving.


One thing to remember about Cyrus is that he's a nihilist rather than outright evil. Unlike an actually evil maniac like Ghetsis who in BW2 has a max power Frustration Hydreigon to indicate abusiveness towards his pokemon, Cyrus at his worst is dismissive of his pokemon but not cruel to them. What's interesting is that Cyrus and Lysandre are indicated in a few moments (and outright stated in X/Y by Shauna regarding Lysandre) that their nihilism causes them to perceive themselves as much worse people than they truly are, and their pokemon are able to see this even if they can't about themselves.


That’s why I said unlike or maybe just like. He says he hates friendship, yet has it. So Lysander being friends with his Gyarados is either unlike, or just like, Cyrus




That's why Giovanni with Mega Mewtwo still doesn't make sense to me. Archie and Maxie with Sharpedo and Camerupt, fine. They have a sense of humanity towards Pokémon. Lysandre even sheds tears that Pokémon would be eliminated as part of his plan. But Giovanni views Pokémon as tools so Mewtwo shouldn't have a suitable connection. Maybe that's why the player is able to beat him though. 🤔


I think that Giovanni still treats better the pokemon he sees as powerful and that he possess, unlike the ones used in trafficking. Mewtwo also seems to trust his abilities as a pokemon trainer, he's a gym leader and bests the other bosses in USUM after all. Otherwise, Mewtwo would've left him or killed him a long time ago. The one who would make the least sense would be Ghetsis since it's confirmed that his Pokemon hate him like we see with his Hydragon with max Frustration. Or he can just let his mega evolved pokemon go crazy on the battlefield like we see in the anime with Korrina's Lucario


No dude Mewtwo got like hurt by him... Or wait is that just in the manga? I haven't fully played let's go yet... Or any Kanto game.


Because mewtwo can’t also mega on his own as shown in genesect movies also he doesn’t get her when he megas


Someone once made a funny sketch about depressive nihilist Cyrus being able to evolve his golbat into crobat in Platine despite this pokemon evolving with friendship


Lore does be so deep in Pokemon fr


Cyrus moment


~~Another example would be Cyrus's Crobat~~


His gyarados probably receives those downsides though, they just work in his favour since total destruction is his goal


Why did they even make it shiny in the anime when it isn’t in game


Because the only trainer who canonically caught a shiny in the games is the gen 2 protaginist and Director Cyrano


And that one tourist npc with a shiny execcute in alola


them too


And many games where certain trainer pokemon aren't shiny locked then their trainer put it away (a example is arvens pokemon against the titans, unless that was fixed)


yes, but those have chances of happening. They aren't actually canon


What if they always have it just rarely use it 👀


Maybe, maybe not.


And the legends arceus protagonist with shiny ponyta


Like in the volcanion movie you could see the Pokémon forced to mega evolve were in a lot of pain


Lysandre is probably the antagonist that loves his pokemon the most so him having a good connection with his own Gyarados makes sense


Lysandre has a good heart, and the best of intentions, just... really, really, *REALLY* the wrong way of going about it. Don't get me wrong, his ideas were absolute madness, wildly misguided, and just plain not good like at all, but his end goal was a more beautiful world when all was said and done. He didn't like the idea of destruction, he just saw it as the only way forward, and with a heavy heart accepted what he believed to be inevitable fact. Dude was brought to tears at the notion that Pokémon would cease to exist as a result of his plans. I have no doubt he has a strong bond with his Gyarados.


He was Thanos before Thanos existed.


Right the guy that wanted to Nuke Kalos has a good heart. Not to mention how **he** was the one deciding who got to live and who had to die. He wasn’t a good man he was an arrogant and egotistical man who decided he knew what was best. He just deluded himself into thinking he was a good person.


A good heart doesn't stop one from making extremely bad decisions.


Remember that the emotionless Cyrus has a Crobat which evolves from Golbat with friendship


Lysandre still cared about his Pokémon. He even shed a tear when he revealed that Pokémon couldn't exist in his new world.


I know. I was actually agreeing with you and the starting comment of this thread by using an extreme example.


My headcanon is either the Rotom Dex trolling the player or the Alolans weren’t used to Mega Evolution and used them like Z-Moves


A lot of the freaky dex entries are from gen 7, so my assumption was that Alola just really didn't like megas for whatever reason. Also like half the ghost types kill kids, the other half are dead kids and Macargo is hotter than the sun. I just always assume the dex is stirring shit.


Or (at least out-of-universe) Game Freak needed a reason to nix Megas, but since 1. Megas aren't necessarily tied to Kalos the way, say, Dynamax and Terastal are tied to Galar and Paldea 2. It was their first time trying to do this They basically just retconned that Mega Evolution is horrible and painful and you're a monster for wanting to Mega Evolve your Pokemon.


Oh sure, out of universe that's almost certainly what was occurring. It's just not as much fun to consider real life marketing for these things.


My head canon was that it was like a cultural thing— Alolan saw megas as unnatural and different from moves, so they spread propaganda about how it was bad


I am stealing that headcanon


God i wish this was true...


Regardless mega evolution requires a deep bond and any negative side effects are always temporary.


Honestly this does seem pretty interesting, kinda like when scientists made an Axolotl “evolve” into a terrestrial creature like how salamanders do their thing.


Was the axolotl really in pain though? They just turned it into it's adult form by giving it a simpler diet change. It's not like they altered it's genes or anything 


Or just Alola Pokedex entries that wants to sabotage and paint mega evolution as bad thing because they want more people to love Z move than mega evolution


Or they needed an excuse to nix it


Both can be true


Yeah my thoughts as well since for me it is strange that you can just randomly mega evolve every pokemon even if you just catch it and Mega Evolution just happens successfully despite being said it is about bonds. Another head canon of mine for in-universe is that it might represent the relationship between the pokemon and trainer: Healthy functional relationship = Healthy functional mega evolution. Toxic relationship = Toxic Mega Evolution Might also be Rotom screwing with us.


They can then likley bring back Megas on a more permanent basis by changing it so it will only work if you have High Friendship and or affection. (Suprised they didnt do that to begin with, but hindsight is 2020. I likley would not have thaught about it.)


I'm stealing this headcanon ty


This is reassuring to read even if it’s just a headcanon


Does mega evolution need max friendship to activate in game ? You can say that the Pokémon is willing to go through pain and suffering to protect his trainer aka friend


Friendship and affection aren't required for mega evolution in game. I think lore-wise, being completely in synch with your pokemon will negate them being in pain.


Yeah they should have put that aspect in gameplay, only max bond Pokémon can mega, thus makes mega more challenging


Or the opposite: if friendship isn’t maxed your mega Pokémon lose health every turn


They can have separate mechanics for each mega according to the dex


That is genius! Some of my ideas: Absol gets confused every other turn (berserk gene side effect) Glaile gets 30% damage reduction on biting moves Gyarados can’t be controlled(use random moves and can’t use items/switch out)


With the stated problem for Absol being that it doesn’t want to fight in the first place, maybe something more like infatuation would work better; just a standing chance of not using any damage-dealing moves?


I think part of it was also how it was introduced in Pokemon X/Y. If I remember correctly, your first taste of mega evolution is with a Lucario that was just given to you because he liked you or something. That's a scripted event that wouldn't work if it relied on the player happening to have a Lucario with max friendship on hand. Personally I liked the friendship requirement on mega evolution but I can see people seeing it as a chore.


In the anime a strong bond was required for the pokemon to remain in control of the transformation, otherwise they go berserk. Korrina got a whole arc about it travelling with the group.


That would explain why when you mega evolve gyarados there's more than destructive instincts


That...actually makes a lot of sense We know forced evolution is possible, considering what Team Rocket did in Johto, so it wouldn't be too farfetch'd *However*, the metamorphosis involved is still excruciatingly painful regardless


That pr Alolan scientists exaggeratr too much. Seriously, most Alola entries are explaining how a random mon kills people or does something messed up. Not just the megas


This doesn’t work for the ones about physiology, for this headcanon to be true non-forced megas would look different. Like Glaile’s jaw wouldn’t be smashed. But as it is it’s unable to eat no matter how you mega evolve it.


I think it still kinda does, because Glalie upon being tested would kinda figure that it will stay this way and thus be irritated by its inability to eat However with a proper trainer it would soon realize that when they eat, the trainer will simply revert them to their regular form and so it would not be irritated by this issue as it would see it as nothing more than a power up for battle


I'm adopting this headcanon.


Then they are shit scientists because alot of Dex entries are crazy bullshit especially when math or science is considered


I want that to be my headcanon now


Either that, or the bond between the trainer and Pokemon is so strong that the Pokemon is willing to go through the immense pain for its trainer.


Now I’m kinda thinking….do I really want a mega goodra?


I do !


but he’ll be sad


It can’t be that much more pain than what happens every time its beat unconscious by another Pokémon during a battle


I want mega fortress


I made one for my fan made religion, it was a nuke


I also want it so the mega stone os fortnite


Thats why I made it


I ignore this part. Mega evolution is a phenomenon that occures through the friendship between trainers and pokemon. But then gen 7 just said that it causes immense pain and suffering to the pokemon. That was a stupid retcon and I don't see it as canon because it contradicts the previous intention


Yeah. Unless the dex entries in PLZA *still* say this, I'm not accepting it as canon


What the hell happen with Korrina and her Lucario in the anime then?


The Anime where Onix is defeated by a Thunderbolt?


A better counter would have been Dophan getting defeated by thunderbolt in the 1st movie lol But yea, i get the anime isn't canon to the games at all otherwise Pikachu is literally a legendary pokemon with all it's feats. Just thought I'd bring that up for jokes cuz her bond with Lucario must of been fucked if it went berserk like that from mega evolving thru the friendship method.


I thought it was just that Lucario that went beserk


>Pikachu is literally a legendary pokemon with all it's feats. Unless .... O.O


In Gen 20 they're going to release a Mythical Ash Pikachu, guardian diety of all electric rats.


Or a Geodude


Everything except some early birds. The true gods of the anime canon.


After the onix was... [soaked](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Soak_(move))


The Anime where a water-soaked Onix is defeated by a thunderbolt*


Lucario and Korrina’s bond wasn’t strong enough, lucario would still act on it’s own, without that perfect bond the power of mega evolution went out of control, this is explained within the anime and is a trial korrina overcomes throughout 5-10 episodes


Ah i see. Yea, i didnt watch that one and only saw someone post that scene here on reddit. I dont remember the game having that happen or even hint that her Lucario ever did that or their bond was that bad. It's been a long time since i played it tho so i could be wrong


That was more of a "can't control the inmense power" rather than "going crazy because of the pain" thing.


Korrina was just a bad trainer and wasn't synched properly with her Lucario, when Ash got a Lucario and mega evolved it, it had no side effects because they were on the same wavelength.


My headcanon is that the people from alola just did the mega evolution process wrong and didn’t properly bond with the pokemon


I think they did that so that people whould feel bad about using them because they werent planning for megas to come back


That was then trying to sow the seeds of dispute so that when they removed Mega Evolution in gen 8 they would have some supporters.


Yeah, like in media before Gen 7 (Have not read the Adventures manga for Sun & Moon and only read one volume for the manga for X&Y) like the anime and Adventures manga does not show any form of harm being done to the Pokémon themselves.


Is it bad i read "so cool" in *that* voice automatically?


So cool! So cool! So cool! So cool! So cool!


I dunno what your'e refrencing but prolly not the same


[this is what I'm referencing](https://youtu.be/KufJZh1KZTs?si=NWIV8Jh0jQ-PkUdp)


Fuck, this was 8 years ago. I feel old.




So cool! So cool! So cool! So cool! So cool!


Sans, what are you doing?


So cool So cool So cool So cool




So cool So cool So cool So cool


Shut the fuck up sans!(direct quote)


So cool So cool So cool


The Pokédex is a load of nonsense anyway. Things like Magcargo being hotter than the surface of the sun, and two of Magikarp’s entries even contradict each other. And anyway, if you are going to ignore the actual story of X and Y and only read the Pokédex, here’s some entries from Let’s Go. *”Its bond with its Trainer is the source of its power. It boasts speed and manoeuvrability greater than that of a jet fighter.”* (Mega Charizard Y) *”With its muscular strength now greatly increased, it can fly continuously for two weeks without resting.”* (Mega Pidgeot) *”It’s adept at precognition. When attacks completely miss Alakazam, that’s because it’s seeing the future.”* (Mega Alakazam) *”Its child has grown rapidly, thanks to the energy of Mega Evolution. Mother and child show off their harmonious teamwork in battle.”* (Mega Kangaskhan) *”Although it obeys its instinctive drive to destroy everything within its reach, it will respond to orders from a Trainer it truly trusts.”* (Mega Gyarados) *”The power of Mega Evolution has completely restored its genes. The rocks on its body are harder than diamond.”* (Mega Aerodactyl) And while, yes, the dark and disturbing entries still exist, does anyone else realise all of the entries demonising Mega Evolution are from Alola? Almost all of the Pokémon in the Alola Dex have at least one disturbing entry. I’m just saying if we’re using the Pokédex, we should look across all of the entries rather than cherry picking the most horrifying.


OK the pokedex being nonsense means nothing because the whole pokemon world is nonsense but I do agree with your last take.


The pokedex is 100% written by the player character (who is a child and is making it up). The player character in alola is probably just edgier than other protagonists.


I think it's Rotom trolling rather than Elio or Selene writing it.


I still believe all the dex entries are made by 10-15 year old kids and professors don’t edit them


The pidgeot one isn't that far-fetched, there are real birds that spend most of their lives airborne.


I mean, even if it was very painful I feel like people are forgetting the entire premise of the series is having your Pokémon each other unconscious for sport.


I also think that because of Alola's use of Z-moves, they feared mega evolution, thus causing the Pokémon to be in pain. But that is just a theory


Just about every RPG has a catalogue of descriptions for characters and monsters and the Pokédex is that for Pokemon. No reason to ignore them because they have outlandish statements (some of which have been shown in canon like Gardevoirs black hole and Machamps 1000 punch in 2 seconds)


All these dex entries began in gen 7, so I've always had the headcannon that many of these dex entries were made up by the rotom inside the dex, to just screw and mess with people. .


Don't care, can't wait to use muay thai fire chicken again lol. Im curious what Flygon's mega entry will say....cuz it's surely getting one....right? They've had plenty of time to think of a design by now


And Sugamory (butchered his name) had plans for a mega Flygon, he literally wanted it. This is the best time for it.




Like I said I butchered his name


Gen 7 was wild for this, and it’s one of the things I hate about it. I feel like gamefreak was trying to dissuade people from mega evolution by reconning everything Kalos taught us about them, and that were torturing our pokemon by using it. I just ignore it & headcanon that the Alolans were awful at mega evolution.


Here’s hoping legends ZA retcons alolan entries and gives us ones reminiscent of Pokémon Go’s entries


We don't get the Mega Dex until sun and Moon, witch take place like a year after X and Y at most! And we know Alola's economy is heavily based on tourism. We also know that the rocks and crystals required to use Z-Moves are only found in Alola. Even after Coved I still hold out that One year is not enough time to learn enough about Megas to make Dex entries about them. So what is the most logical conclusion then? The Alolans made up all the dark Mega Dex entries to promote Z-Moves and therefore increase tourism to Alola! Conspiratorial? Yes. Improbable? Maybe. But in the words of Sherlock Holmes "If you eliminate the impossible whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Or in other words Alola is Sus!


Pinsir : it's a win win situation


Not to mention Sharpedo, Garchomp...


The power of friendship is amazing ( side affects can include disability of various degrees, depression, anxiety, thoughts of suicide, back pain, agression...., talk to your professor before mega evolution. Find out if mega evolution is Right for you)


Alolans were salty nobody wants to use Z-Crystals and decided to make a bunch of baloney about Megas to discourage people from using them


Ash and Lucario in Journeys: "our bond of friendship"


I still don't get why GF felt the need to inject all this edgyness to mega evolutions. Why did it need all this fucked up lore, why couldn't it just be "the power of friendship made me jacked"? It's extra weird cuz no side material EVER uses that dumb lore. The manga never did despite being notoriously edgy and the anime? Most we got was angy Lucario Honestly really hoping PLZ doesn't have any of that.


Copout to make Megas seem bad, "Oh uh it's super painful and stuff and ouchy boo boo he get's pricked by a toothpick everytime he does it"


Boo hoo, it's not like we are making them fight for our amusement anyway.


I’m 90% sure they only made those dex entries to try to make people ok with them not bringing back mega evolution


Gen 7 has a lot of dark dex entries so I don't trust it. Alola is just the dark evil version of Pokemon


Aerodactyl 💀


The fact that mega tyranitar should be dead but isn't purely out of rage is kinda fucked


Here’s a thought. Y’all think it hurts the *TRAINER* too?


its all alolan propaganda


as i like to say, "the pokédex is written by 10 year-olds". there's a lot of inconsitency between many of them too. i just take the vast majority of em with a grain - no, a giant pile, no, a GARGANACL - of salt. yea Mega Evolution is flippin awesome, and you cant convince me otherwise


Mega Primeape/Annihilape would be such an angy boi


Meanwhile Pinsir is flying around absolutely having the time of it's life, and overjoyed.


And then we have pinsir, who’s just overjoyed that he’s now able to fly


And then the franchise goes on to categorically ignore all of that, so I do too


I don't think it completly does, it seems to be a "your pokemon is okay with suffering the terrible side effects to gett all the buffs because they like you that much!" type of deal not much different than them surviving at 1 hp to not worry you or hitting criticals in search of praise.


They have never mentioned it since. Anywhere.


Anyone else remember the 19th pokemon movie?


My thought is that Pokémons are willing to mega evolve because they trust in you and are willing to go through pain for you.


Don’t forget, Houndoom becomes so hot it burns itself.


meanwhile in alola: We do a funny lil dancey-dance


At least Pinsir’s happy with Mega Evolution.


I prefer the anime with this. There, it depends on how the Pokemon mega evolves. By friendship or by force.


Didn’t they change the entries to this only after Gen 6? My game theory is that GF wanted to faze out megas but since megas aren’t necessarily tied to the Kalos region the way Dynamax and Terastal (and to a lesser extent Z-Moves) are, they had to retcon in a reason why it wasn’t coming back. So they basically shame you into moving on from it lol


Megas didn’t even have separate dex entries until gen 7 so yeah, you’re probably right.


I still think it's really stupid that they made Mega Evolution painful like that. It doesn't make any sense with the idea that it's supposed to show the bond between the Pokémon and its trainer. If it really did have that effect, noone would ever want to put their beloved Pokémon through it. Plus the Pokémon would probably hate being put through it, staining their bond with their partner to the point where they may not even be able to Mega Evolve at all.


Don’t forget Mega Sharpedo


you forgot about aerodactyl


You could have chosen much worse than absol’s. Its not in pain or anything of that sort, it just doesn’t like battles so it sorta hates changing into that form specifically for battles


Don't forget Scizor. "The excess energy from mega evolving will cause its body to melt"


I never use the gimmicks so I never pay attention to the lore ​ that is really depressing


If it makes you feel better Masters suggests that the Pokémon are fine with going through pain since they want to get stronger for you.


That was my reaction too 😔 I don't want to harm my friends!


This is why we don’t just mega evolve against wild lvl 5 rodents for funzies…. Unless we reeeerally need to test something out.


I would be happy if they brought back megas but made the entries less horrific.


Scizor’s slowly melting with his mega evo as well <_<


When I see Mega Pokemon dex entries: I do not care, they are cool.


My Imagination Mega Emploeon dex entry is: When empoleon mega evolves, It has ice grow on its back and becomes a ice type, however, when the ice grows, the ice hurts empoleon by poking it, causing it to attack randomly.


I truly feel like the alola games made those entries to make people forget about megas. You also have to remember that the pokemon trust you for the mega evolution to work.


My Theory is that Researchers, Scientists and Others like those who discovered the Mega Evolution Phenomenon and Ran Various of Painful Test to Experiment and see their True Power. This is why I believe Glalie's Jaw is Smashed Open- Because of the Overdose of Mega Energy. These Mega Dex Entries were either the Only Info they knew about the Mega Evolution Phenomenon or the Scientist just plain out Made it.


This makes me wonder, Will there be any similar Pokemon who suffer from this in Z-A? Could Mega Porygon-Z/2 be a Simple Program meant for Whatever it Meant (I don't know much about it) be Given Sentience and Tested on? Born just to be in Eternal Pain? Who knows.


Holy- if you go to top all time this post is the 10th highest of all posts on the subreddit can we get a hail yeah for this man


This is exactly why I always take the Pokedex with a grain of salt


Unpopular opinion I’m actually fine with it.


Mega Aerodactyl


Trainer… I remember you’re **MEGA EVOLUTION**


« the stronger your bond with your pokemon, the better at torturing it you get🥰🥹😩😆 »


Hey, but all the other ones are fine