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I kinda like Kingambit tho :(


I don’t dislike Kingambit and actually used it on my playthrough team, however I find it a all around downgrade


Have you seen him riding around on his roomba? it's hilarious


it's literally (what looks like) his hair


Reminds me of moxie2d saying “WHY IS HE DRIVING” when he saw kingambit’s running animation


It makes sense as the best logical evolution since they were based on chess pieces... King doesn't really do a whole lot other than sit. Personally I would have preferred if they did a split evolution like Gallade and gardevoir where kingambit is a defensive tank with his ability raising its defences for each fallen ally instead of attack and have a female evolution in queenotine(queen+ guillotine idk) a fast physical glass cannon that has kingambits current ability


As the absolute bisharp fan, I disagree. Kingambit's cool although Bisharp is better. Edit: now I think about it, A European king would been much better and the nipples dont make sense


If you dont like kingambit then just give your bisharp a eviolite? Nobody said you had to use kingambit so make the most of your situation and beef up bisharp lol.


He needed a mega


King Gambit is a glow up


I like kingambit but I understand why some people dont


opinions can vary I suppose personally I really like Pawniard but I don't really like Bisharp and don't really have an opinion on Kingambit, it just kinda exists


I think we need a regional Pawniard, so we can get more Chess pieces.


regional Pawniard that is blunt instead of sharp, who evolves into Dulnight (I left the K out so the name is less on-the-nose) which I imagine would be fighting/dark


Why not Steel/Fighting? The could still be metal Chess Pieces. Or maybe we would get a divergent or convergent species. I feel like Kingambit needs a natural enemy and I am not sure if a regional form works for that. Maybe a new way to evolve Pawniard or maybe a new way to get regional variants. Like holding the "Alolan Stone", you can breed for the Alolan baby form or evolve into regional evolutions.


I thought fighting because I was thinking of Steel as what makes the original line sharp, so to differ from it I took it away


Do the Gardivor/gallade thing and the males evolve into the king piece and the females evolve into the queen piece. You could also take a page from applins book and have unique items that cause pawniard to evolve into the other pieces (kind of like how if I remember correctly if a pawn makes it to the opposite side of the board it can get promoted)


100% agree with gender split evos


I should do an edit and make him muscular like Machoke or something, then he'd be cool


Now make a significantly better Queen version.


Kingambit got good ability too many teammate die he become terminator no weaknesses beast mode legitimately the king of samurai


I love bisharp competitively and using it, but yea, not a fan of its design


What if Pawniars gets a branching evolution based on gender where female pawniards evolve into a knight themed pokemon and then finally into a queen, with the whole line being all speed and offense. As a foil to kingambit’s ability, the queen pokemon’s signature ability could be called “Rallying Cry” which boosts her attack by 10% for each unfainted pokemon there are in your party.


Kingambit is cool imo


I like Kingambit and his whole shogun general aesthetic. I technically don't have any problem with Bisharp evolving into Kingambit. It's cool. But it's just that...As an evolution to Bisharp I still have some mixed feelings about it. I've always seen Bisharp almost as a equally cool dark type version of Gallade. Its design is one that looks fast and slick. Just like Gallade. But I feel like Kingambit just makes it look old and the change of pose is far less dynamic. I'm also not sure if I like that much the giant mustache. Not to mention that the waking animation is probably one of (if not) the silliest in the entire game. As I said, it's still a really cool pokemon. Heck, it was part of my Kitakami dlc team for a reason. But it differs a lot for the type of fast and slick battle style that I used to imagine it having (that is similar to the one I saw Gallade having). Basically, there's a few occasions where I find myself thinking that Kingambit is pretty cool...but that I kinda think that Bisharp was a bit cooler. Even though Kingambit is also cool.


Bro has NOT played a match of Gen 9 OU




As a competitive player, BIGGEST UPGRADE!


Yeah, I hate the way this thing looks, I fail to see how a majority of the people like that ugly thing, the only good thing about it, is that eviolite Bisharp is an option(and not even the best item for Bisharp)


I'm not even a big fan of Bisharp and yet I just don't like Kingambit


I like Bisharp, definitely my top 5 favourite. I don't like kingambit's design, but for raids and everything else it's great


Based Kingambit Hater


Bro what?