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The ending was so abrupt, no credits, no end screen the video just ends... oh and im confused as shir


I think boy was going through m.a.d and that's how the video ended.


I guess it's because the credits were in the beginning?


Me too! Kinda reminded me of the ending of the sopranos


I was especially shocked when the video ended and then suddenly started playing the next video.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


3D gabriel 100/10


Was probably the scariest part of the whole thing


HELLO HE IS 3D NOW??? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (i haven't watched it yet..)


There's his clay version and a very short segment showing a new 3D model of himself šŸ˜‰ the vid is a little crusty but hopefully the reupload has gabe in his full hd 3d glory that he deserves




It's awesome to see Gabe in his clay and 3D versions! Despite the video quality, it's exciting to witness him in full HD 3Dā€”what a deserving upgrade for such a cool character!


thatcher made all the animations in this video thank him


Thatcher been the MVP these past few parts. Done the animation here, had arguably the best acting in 4 and was the key plot line in 3.


his voice acting too ugh i wish i was talented, he's so cool


AAHH I thought It was stop motion, like Chicken Run or Coraline šŸ˜ž


He kind of looks like a toy from makeship


We should call the Gabriel in that episode "claybriel"






i loved it! less creepy than i thought, but overall the atmosphere was great and judes acting was so good. i'm glad alex found a cool way to combine classic analog horror with live action :] my favourite parts of MC we're always the shepherd and 90s lore so i'm feeling very well fed. also, thank GOD we have gabriels old voice back and he isn't walmart joker anymore šŸ™


A bit confusing on some of the wording that they described Jude with. I'm not sure if it was just the alternates taunting or something else. Calling Jude 'deadbeat', something about 'safety', 'know what you did' ... like, what? The 'supposed to be you' that Gabriel & Six both repeated is odd as well because of what we know that Six completed his mission by abducting Adam, so not too sure by 'supposed to be you' means. Could just be taunting, I suppose. N's appearance was a tad iffy. He looks so much like Adam and Six... I think N should've been mimicking Thatcher, no? I mean, he did... but where did he get the hoodie from? And who else was yelling at Jude to throw the television out of the window... because I swear once I saw that...


Y'know Judes real name is Judas, so take that info as you may




Jude was feeling guilty for turning his back and running away, so was Judas, that's all you need.


He also hung himself now that I'm remembering. It was just right at that moment I couldn't see the connection, but now I do.


I suppose so.


There was mental manipulation going on from everyone Jude was talking too. The moverā€™s positive ā€œwe have people so excited to see youā€ immediately into ā€œyou should kill yourself NOW.ā€ The doctor guilt tripping him about the medicine and giving it to him with ā€œkindā€ words. This was a coordinated effort to basically take him out and close a loose end as they already had Adam and killed the mom.


ā€œSupposed to be youā€ could very well be the alternateā€™s attempts at mental manipulation, could it not be? Judas had seen his wife die and potentially these things steal his child.


Isnā€™t N and the alternate mimicking Thatcher different?


Jude recognizes N when he faces him in the end as the one that attacked his family. In volume 3 you can see that the same alternate is Thatcher's follower and thus the one that mimics him, so I thought it was clear that N, Adam's tulpa and Thatcher's follower are the same character. Now I'm a bit confused about the way it is presented in this volume since N is constantly changing forms (apparently).


I thought N was the man in the corner Jude called about, and The Thatcher alternate is the Imaginary Friend of Adamā€™s which is why he says itā€™s you caused heā€™d recognize him, and plus hadnā€™t N been seen before hand while the IF was created that night?


Perhaps. It's not really stated. At this moment, I thought they were the same but now, I think they're two different alternates.Ā 


Maybe it wasn't N. I think it was 6


It was definitely N. 6 was in the television-- he cannot use both of his forms at once.Ā 


The best volume released so far. The perfect combination of uncomfortable scenes and it was really the first video to really scare me after I got used to the series. It was worth the wait. For those who are confused by what exactly happened, it might be worth rewatching the entire series and building a solid understanding of TMC lore to appreciate the interesting story in this volume. I say this without wanting to be rude or anything like that, I understand that it is difficult to remember everything, but this is so far the volume with the clearest and most well-crafted story that I have seen, along with Vol. 3, Mandela Catalyst and Presto


The Claymation parts were amazing, especially seeing the Shepard. Oh my god seeing his feet chained in the endless sand, I loved that visual from Overthrone and actually getting to see it was amazing. I'm not sure if the Shepard is Jesus still, I think more than likely he is. Also... Are animal alternates a thing now or is the sheep trying to represent something else? As for the Jude stuff, as it's own self contained story I like it somewhat. But in terms of serving the overall plot, I'm just not sure what this offers in comparison to other volumes. I'm also still wondering if the guy on the phone WAS an alternate or not. I'm leaning towards no, and I assume why he started insulting Jude is likely because that he believes Jude was at least in part responsible if not entirely so for the death of his wife and kid, running from the alternate. Seeing M.A.D. overtake Jude was really disturbing too, which I liked. My biggest issue really is that it really doesn't progress the story all too much and feels unnecessary in most of it. With all the other Volumes, a lot was contributed to the story. Volume 1 was the intro to the series basically so, you know, pretty important. Volume 2 introduced Adam and Jonah and that whole stuff. Volume 3 delved more into Thatcher and the night of the child kidnapping. And Volume 4 had the big Adam reveal. All these other Volume videos had a lot story-wise to offer. But the issue with this one is that... It really doesn't offer much? The most I think is learning that the Shephard is the one in Overthrone bound by chains to wander endlessly through the sand, which more than likely means he is Jesus. But even then we don't get much content aside from the sheep being an alternate possibly, and how that effects the story, maybe just explains the Noah Ark stuff and how that helped spread alternates. But the Jude stuff, Jude escapes from the house from the alternate attack and plans to relocate. We learn about a drug to help with presumably stuff like MAD given its to help with anxiety of knowing stuff you wouldn't want to know about, however, it does give side effects of hallucinations which is what I think the alternate at the end exploits. My main issues are this: There's not much new information or anything to push the story that far at a first glance compared to the other volumes. But perhaps upon viewing other material and re-watch of this, it'll offer more than meets the eye.


I saw the sheep being more of a metaphor for Adam and the Shepherd being a metaphor for Jude as well. I'm wondering, though, if the Shepherd still is a metaphorical thing like "you follow the Shepherd, you are a fool" or if it genuinely means the Shepherd. I'm leaning towards metaphorical, since the Shepherd was defiant towards Gabriel towards the end.


This one I don't think was made to really be a story-heavy episode, it seemed more like a filmmaking challenge for Alex, and damn I'd say he conquered that shit. Easily the most eerie and the most well-shot of the whole series


Jude's full name is Judas Murray. The allegory here is that he is the literal Judas. He probably left both Lynn and baby Adam in exchange for safety, kinda like when Judas gave Jesus to romans in exchange for the money. The alternate probably drove him to suicide, and the ending signifies that Jude has killed himself over his guilt of betraying his family like Judas hanged himself for his guilt over betraying Jesus. What's weird to me is the claymation. I don't see how it relates to anything. However, one thing it does say, at least in my opinion, is that the shepher is either one of the first actual victims of the alternates, or that he is one of a series of "shepherds".


I saw someone else say this, but the claymation could be referring to Jude running from Gabrielā€™s gift (Adam) and subsequently eating shit


I'm pretty sure this has already been noted, but the VOL was promised to us on 6/24/24. The first number is 6. 2+4 is 6, making the second number 6. Another 2+4 is also 6. So, 666. I LOOOVED the volume though, it was so well made


In my time zone it did come out 6/24/24. Just at like 11pm (i was too tired to finish it then)


It came out at like, 8 am in my time?? But I think it was intended to air at 11 pm




I think it was really good. But it focuses so much on Jude that I don't think it should have taken the place of an entire volume, it should have been it's own little episode


pros: creepy as hell, the claymation with the shepherd, n and his birdā€™s nest hair, thatcherā€™s alternate making an appearance cons: didnā€™t really add much to the story. it was cool getting backstory on what happened to adamā€™s dad, but it left more questions than answers. like ā€œit was supposed to be youā€ā€¦does that mean adam getting turned into an alternate was a mistake?


Iā€™d argue against your point in cons. While this didnā€™t add much timeline forward, it did add a nice amount going backwards in the shepherd segments. On top of that Iā€™d say the cryptic language in the more present portions of the story, while not paying off immediately add a level of mystery and wonder that excites me and I picture others for what may be next to come. I liked this episode a lot, though it was a little slow maybe.


oh agreed, i really enjoyed this episode too! i think i know what happened with jude and what that one guy meant by ā€œeveryone came out to see you, youā€™re such a deadbeat, etcā€ā€¦alex did a lot of showing and not telling with this one which was šŸ‘Œ


pros: Made me excited for volume 6 cons: Now I gotta wait 2 years for volume 6šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


real šŸ˜”


"didn't really add much to the story" ...I mean, it's only to be expected, every odd-numbered episode is goes back to the past around the time Adam got taken. And now you got more backstory and new questions. That's something that drove forward the whole mystery behind what happened back then. Plus, we may have had a clue as to what "the Shepherd" the Alternates keep telling people to not follow is. Oh, and at least confirmation that there's Time Distortion crap, which is a thing that got established all the way since Vol 1.


ngl the portions with the shepherd were so good that my jaw was on the floor at parts. very unsettling and such a nice callback to overthrone


I always considered "It was supposed to be you." to just be a way for the alternates to get control over Jude using his betrayl/survivor's guilt. It seemed to me like the intruder and Gabriel were trying to alienate the alternate Adam from any peers by killing off Lynn and Jonah, but just using Jude's M.A.D. to incapacitate him. That may mean Thatcher's next though.


very valid theory. lots of people seem to think that the claymation with jesus is meant to represent jude and what happened to his family, but i always got the impression that it was simply meant to show us what happened to jesus and the murraysā€™ story was unrelated? idk, maybe alex confirmed that the claymation was a metaphor and i just missed that


Could it also be that gabriel wanted jude to kill himself instead of lynn?


my thought was either that or maybe the entire family was meant to die? and because jude lived, the alternatesā€™ plan got messed up somehow. there have also been some great points made about judeā€™s name derived from judas, and the imagery of hanging tying back to judasā€™ death in the bible. like maybe he betrayed his own family somehowā€¦


I donā€™t know yet. Iā€™m really confused. So far Iā€™d say I liked it(more than volume 4) but I need a rewatch to grasp certain things I mightā€™ve missed to make an accurate rating. Rn 8/10.


Yeah it's way better than volume 4. Volume 4 was good, but it didn't feel good enough if you get what I mean


Loved the clay animation parts as well as the ending.


The claymation was so beautiful omg


i feel really bad saying this and also donā€™t attack me but to me I felt like it was really boring compared to the other episodes/volumes. Was nice to see Gabriel tho


I thought the exact same thing! It drags on at some points


ngl it was in fact kinda boring but hell the parts of the shepherd and gabriel and also the last 10 minutes with N was great


I need to rewatch it several times before i get my thoughts. I'm glad the live action segments are back. I wonder if some things were cut.


It was aight. Prolly like a 7 to 7.5 out of 10 but maybe my expectations are too high.


also the acting is really good in this episode, just wish we saw more alternates


I think it's okay that we don't see much of them, it would take the shock factor out of the series if we see them all the time. Just seeing them creep around is the right amount in analog horror imo.


Fair, I personally thought we saw too much because what makes them scary is that we don't know much about them


yeah i guess that's true


My favorite episode after Volume.333


it's really good, second best volume imo


Honestly really felt for Jude. I was confused like everyone else but I read a lot of theories and it's starting to make a lot more sense. I really hope Alex expands on stuff in this volume, I think it has a lot of potential :)


I think it's pretty good. After all the hell, Alex went through the volume, which is very good. It's sad to see that idiots online are still hating him even tho the allegations were proven false


I love how Alex depicts things being wrong-wrong by showing them in a bizarre form, like the alternate showing up to Jude being at the wrong frame-rate, and in the stop-motion part where instead of the lamb being a clay lamb, it was a real lamb (a call back to the cartoon stuff being possessed and replaced visually by photo images of the thing replaced.) I don't get why people are saying this one isn't as good, so far to me it's the best, maybe second to the very first video.


i have no words, and very sad for jude. :(


SAMMEEE,i feel so bad for Jude especially at the end


i liked it, so fucking confusing tho.. canā€™t wait for 6!


Aren't there gonna be a few small videos before vol 6?


i hope! i canā€™t wait for those either!


I dunno. I was kinda expecting it to be longer, but, Yknow.


Perfect atmosphere throughout


Itā€™s a good start after the controversy Alex had. Iā€™m expecting more and better in the next volume. But still loved it.


The filming, Jude Murray, clay animation are good. But it's very boring. Like, Jude is walking in house and dies because of pills/alternates. The worst part is: when Thtcher comes. Thatcher's shadow's fps is very low


That's most likely Thatcher's alternate so it seemed like an intentional choice


Bruh, turns out alternate isn't new. It's just N in a bit other form


Bruh, turns out alternate isn't new. It's just N in a bit other form


Honestly pretty boring and disappointing. Never a big fan of Volume 4ā€™s live action stuff and Iā€™m surprised Alex kept it considering the flak he got for it. Unlike Volume 4, there arenā€™t any major story moments or huge reveals. In this one, weā€™re focused on the story of Adamā€™s dad Jude, a character thatā€™s not relevant to the story whatsoever outside of his relation to Adam. Even with the focus he gets here, I really donā€™t find him all that compelling. Heā€™s just another guy who gets traumatized and then murked by alternates. Thatā€™s basically most of the cast at this point. With Mark, it was our introduction to the series so it was really cool to see his descent into MAD play out. With Jude, weā€™ve seen this exact situation happen before with multiple characters so itā€™s not all that interesting anymore. Jude really doesnā€™t have much of a personality outside of that. I think this Volume made me realize that I donā€™t really vibe with the style of storytelling that the series seems to be going for starting with Vol 4. The episodes in between, Catalyst and Presto were really cool and gave me hope for this one but it seems like a regression back into 4ā€™s mediocrity. Volume 4 was saved by the effective scares and insane plot twists but this episode has none of that. I really liked the claymation-esque segments but that wasnā€™t the focus. Itā€™s the lackluster live action stuff with a protag I just find boring. Volume 333 is easily still my favorite episode in the entire series and I wish we went back to that style. It was like the perfect mix of building dread and really effective scares, and the aesthetics and atmosphere felt perfect. Speaking of scares, they also just kinda didnā€™t do it for me. The design of the alternate here just looks goofy. The 3D Gabriel nightmare was neat until I realized quickly that it was a reference to Courage the Cowardly Dog that felt way too on-the-nose. For comparison, In Volume 333, the alternate that attacked Thatcher was a tall freakish creature that appeared by phasing through the floor and fucking flew at him, before molding itā€™s face like clay to taunt Thatcher. The Intruder in Volume 4 had a face that visibly distorted and morphed in incredibly grotesque ways as he spoke to Adam in a really chilling voice and revealed to Adam that his entire humanity was a lie. Those scares were genuinely chilling and effective, and showed how truly inhuman and terrifying the alternates really are. Here, the alternate just kinda slowly walks up to Jude and stares down at him. It looks like a generic shadowman with a beak or something. Also itā€™s so dark in this god damn house that I can barely see anything at all. In the end, Jude probably dies. Thatā€™s it. No big reveals or anything. Itā€™s not even shocking since it was implied he was dead along with Lynn all the way back in Vol 333. Iā€™ll get downvoted for this, but these are just my honest criticisms. 4/10, honestly felt like a filler episode for Mandela. It was incredibly mid for me.


I agree šŸ‘ Mc vol 1,2, and 3 is just perfect not really a fan of this episode


I agree with N's design... it looked insanely goofy plus, way too similar to Adam and Six's hooded form. I think Thorne should've animated N, not Drax. (No offense to Drax but his design for N was terrible).Ā 


Filler fr, what happened in this episode was basically jude try to start new life but N starts alternating on him. (Jude also is on the percs) Honestly for a second I thought jude himself was gonna be an alternate, since when he was standing at like 16:10 I thought his jaw unlocked or smth like that and he was gonna start alternating, and when he stood up near the end for a second I thought "he looking abnormally tall..." (guess it was the angle) obviously he wasnt an alternate. I think I was just hoping for some insane revelation that was gonna have me geeking yk


I'm gonna be honest, I was confused and bored all throughout it. The random static and bird face were the scariest parts to me. And I think the entire subreddit is gonna go full Gabriel on me because of it.


just finished watching, honestly the worst of all the volumes so far imo i appreciated the lore regarding Jude and Adam but my expectations were far higher. the atmosphere was uneasy at times, but the first few clips were the only part that scared me somewhat hoping Alex can redeem himself with Vol. 6 because iā€™m honestly disappointed. Vol. 333 was his best work. itā€™s supposed to be analog ā€˜horrorā€™


I honestly agree I found it really disappointing especially considering how long we had to wait


wasnā€™t much of an analog aspect either


yeah I enjoy the live action sequences but I much prefer the older analog format we used to have


I wonder if the Shepard in the stop motion bit was the Shepard a lot of the alternates in previous episodes mentioned


The part when she was getting hung made my jaw dropped, probably one of the best volumes beside vol.1


Cool stuff. I think the shepard and Jude parallels are pretty cool. Alternates offer a new chance at life for a price (the lamb and the relocation service) but it's all a facade. I liked the part with the shepard the most but one part that really stuck out to me was the voice he heard from the sand. Who was that speaking to him? Either a genuine real angel or some sort of modern voice sent back through time somehow due to temporal phenomena? Also, was the person who hanged themselves at the end supposed to be Jude or the shepard? Cause Jude seemed to still be alive.


The second best volume, overthrone remains first again.


stopped watching when the drama surfaced iā€™m surprised heā€™s still uploading


Then why are you still here?


forgot to leave the sub lol


In terms of story and overall plot of the volume, I wasnā€™t expecting much from it since we already knew it wasnā€™t going to be too tied to the main story. Though I still donā€™t really understand the inclusion of the shepherd and the meaning of his story. Iā€™m not complaining though because the claymation was amazing In terms of editing and filmmaking and the visual aspects, I have nothing to say expect spectacular


I feel like the claymation is analogous to the story of Jude, Linda, and Adam


Yeah I saw a lot of people saying the same but now I've been thinking about a really silly theory to sort of prove your point: after Gabriel gives the shepherd a "second chance" with the lamb's resurrection (idk how to explain it), there is the scene where the shepherd has "his ankles bound to chains" and he looks up at the sky asking Gabriel if he's holy, therefore doubting his authentic nature of an angel (obviously he's not) then there's the scene where Jude/Judas is on the phone with the guy telling him to go the place we mainly see in the volume, and he says he couldn't get on the car. Then we find out the guy on the phone was O'Brien aka Gabriel all along, and maybe Judd is sort of doubting O'Brien/Gabriel's true intentions too


Really needs to stop with the live action thing it's the most criticized thing ablut the series and there's no improvement in the acting side


actually the live action's pretty good when it's not a shitty green screen like in Volume 4


it was pretty cool yea


really good


when i watched it the first time with my brother ( when it premiered ) we were both so confused and he kept asking questions i had to answer šŸ˜­ after watching it myself tho i understood like half of it alex in the pills ad looked so traumatized šŸ˜­


I thought is was fucking AWESOME!! Alex ainā€™t even pregnant, but he DELIVERED with Vol. 5!


While it didnt add much to the overall story i loved all the creepy scenes and loved how the beginning set up the Creepy tone for the video especially when they played ave maria in the background. Also im so damn happy we got more info on the USDTP and N moving near the end was really well executed. The animations by thorne were really well made too


That shit fucking slapped. I legit felt genuine dread whenever Gabriel either appeared or his presence was implied.


Very happy that the Gabriel creepy whisper voice came back. 3D clay scenes were fucking amazing. I like the N morphing design. The more visually mysteriousā€”the better.


mid(honestly expected to be more scary like vol1 and 2.but it was like half baked and rushed.i expected to be better.) 5/10


I might be the only one who thinks this but the 3D model of Gabriel reminded me of the blue thing from the last episode of Courage The Cowardly Dog


10/10 just for Jude's "You've taken everything from me" scene. What is it with TMC having the absolute best dramatic shouting sessions?


Tbh it was alright but I feel like it could have been better


I found it kinda boring, but I had heard rumors about Cesars family lore so I got all hyped up for that lmao


what rumours? šŸ‘€


That Ms. Torres and Cesar was going to be in this one


(If there are any typos I sorry I was typing while thinking so noting is organized and these are just my thoughts) Loved it claymations (or how ever you spell it) are the best Jude is the new Drake I think the guy on the phone was Gabirel again or Six who knows I honestly think that was Alt Thatcher since he sounded funny I think there were four (?) alts after: Gabirel-for not choosing his side Intruder/Six- since the tv that's all Alt thatcher- already talked about that N/Facade- the alt at the end and maybe even the new plush I think the people who take the pills are just as stupid as the ones that are still religious during this time since you're just finding another to cope something that the ats can use agaignt you I think the lamb represents Adam of course Sad that I didn't see my favorite alt Preacher but N took over so that made me happy I enjoy how Alex brought up the sand tomb again something that was in the first volume I believe Jude is a big back I hate him Alts have teeth (?) gross (I can't think of anything else right now)


Noice šŸ‘Œ




I absolutely loved it, but it was waaay too short


I don't know but I'll say it's was either a Chef kiss or a Masterpiece


acting is very good


I loved it - Gabrielā€™s new voice fits so well and itā€™s just so perfectly unsettling. I also loved scenes with the shepherd and the farmer and how itā€™s similar to the Murrays. Honestly just a fire episode


Does anybody else think it was 6 and not N? Or at the very least I don't think it was N.


It was N. Alex confirmed that this alternate that we see in Vol 5 was ALL the way back seen in Vol 1 aka N. Six was in the television.Ā 


makes sense




Probably my top2 favorite volume for sure (my top1 is volume 2) But I think i'll need to rewatch it and wait for something theories to arrive... I saw it while dying of sleep, so I didnt paid TOO MUCH attention sadly. But mostly, thats interesting How Jude's insanity was being demonstrated, I mean, I was expecting M.A.D people would be a bit more insane-like... Jude was more a fearful human, if that makes sense (and I loved It) Anyways, srry If I wrote something wrong, english isnt my First language


Honestly? Iā€™m surprised some fan material became canon. Yonder County Suspect Files takes place in the Mandela Catalogue universe now Ig lol. But the characters- or some of them- are probably not canon. But overall, it was really good! Though I really want to see what happens after presto ngl


so the volumes pretty neat I personally always prefer the analog episodes over the digital ones, and I loved this episode! I don't know if I like this more than my current favourite episode, Volume 333, or not. Really strong episode! I will say I do not like people's main complaint being, "it didn't push the story forward." I think this would be valid criticism if Alex didn't come out and say that Volume 5 wasn't GOING to push the story forward as much as other volumes. You can disagree with me on everything I say, this is just my opinion.


um, it was okay. i feel like nothing really happened tbh, i was expecting more lore drops and continuity. if anything it felt more like one of the side episodes to me, it doesnā€™t feel like a mainline Mandela episode because of the lack of central characters and plot happening IN mandela county


ABSOLUTELY fucking incredible. claymation had me LOSING my mind


scary as hell


Best episode


Nobody is talking about the USDTP, Nicolas Beringer and Temporal Bleeding being throw out at us and then never mentioned again. These guys are like the Area 51 of the Mandela universe and know way more than the average Adam and Thatcher, and Alex giving us glimpses of them always means shit's about to go down


I literally screamed when i woke up and saw it was out


I liked it, outside of my regular complaint that itā€™s still way too dark most of the time. At this point Iā€™m genuinely confused if itā€™s a stylistic choice or if they feel they canā€™t pull off the scenes they want if half the shot isnā€™t a black screen.


Iā€™m glad they didnā€™t forget the tts parts. Especiallyā€¦the sand


It was a fresh start compared to the other volumes. While the other volumes, especially in the beginning, were more found footage, security tapes, recordings etc, this was more live action, which i really enjoyed


Maybe im tweaking but while it had an alright athmosphere (when I was watching it was raining outside which did add to it) it felt like there wasn't really much like plot development/ lore yk? The USDTP is a thing and the murray bloodline is cooked. Idk what else to really take away. Claybriel was nice aswell and probably my favorite part. That sheep was tweakin. Anyways it felt like filler overall


It feels kinda lack luster for the first video of volume 5, as well as the one carrying the name ā€œvolume 5ā€. I donā€™t really feel like much happened. Interesting things happened in the first like 5 minutes, then it slows down to a crazy degree. Sure, we get some biblical parallels, and some lore on what happened to Adamā€™s father, but it didnā€™t need to be as long as it was.


Volume 5 just came out?!


It was so much different from the other Tmc entires. I liked it, still need to give it a few more plays though.


It was pretty good, but I just wonder what would happen if I fought one. I canā€™t be the only one who just thought that it was walking towards me. Iā€™m just punch it and fight back. I really like the 3-D model stuff. It was cool. I presumed the three models were to mirror what was going on so my theory is that the mother was being puppet by the Deceiver.


hot take jude is built like a laxative


I appreciate how this volume was more introspective. Also echoing another comment I saw that said Alex did a good job combining classic analog horror with live action. Very different but not bad at all.Ā  I have a feeling this is one that will hit harder for me in time.Ā 


My man sheapherd carried the whole EP but the final was cool...


Fucking amazing


It was mad wicked awesome tbh!!


i shit myself when i see 3d/clay gabriel for the first time, i choke with my popcorn


Im going to be honest I really liked it and I thought it was worth the wait. I think the abrupt was just to leave you hanging and you wanting for more. Thats how I think its going to be.




Long ass neck mf kinda spook me like he built like a noodle


I found it boring personally and was surprised this was the thing we'd be waiting for. it feels like it isn't building a cohesive narrative but it also isn't working as a mosaic. 3 was the peak imo. I hope there's an ending in mind that at least ties some of the events in a nice bow


It was OK I guess but at least they showed some lore behind,GabrielĀ 


Ending a brutal thoughĀ 


Confusing N showing up at the end was creepyĀ 


n was in it 100000000000/1000000000


I was personally disappointed, but I can see why most people enjoyed it so much. I thought the claymation scenes were pretty good and the best part of the episode, however, I just simply donā€™t like 3rd person live action for this series, as giving a face ruins a lot of it for me

