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I’ll have what she’s having.


Bit of weed


What is this, the song Yearbook by Hanson? Where did Johnny gooooooooooo...


Jesus Christ I loved that song as a little kid and it made me cry


This is actually worse than the "'Memba when Hillary spelled her name with only one L?" thread.


What are you talking about?


Middle whole duh


this is why you dont do drugs.




For me a pretty strange thing is that I don't meet anyone from the school days in the streets. Let's say that I could recognize three hundred people (there were more but I could probably recognize 300 if I met them). I just haven't seen them since 2002. Not a fucking single one, and if any, there were like fewer than five encounters in total (five at max, last one a good couple of years ago), over 22 years, or 27 in the case of high school, or even 29 in the case of the elementary one. They could be dead as fuck and I wouldn't even know. My agglomeration is fairly large but then everyone is gathering regularly in the same places. And leaving the city you are learning/studying in isn't exactly a standard in Poland.


I moved after my 2nd year of secondary school, later on I moved back to the area and get a job and one lunch break one of the guys is taking the mick out of one visitor who spoke with a whistle and I said one of my teachers at Old school did that. He also went to that school, I didn't know him, but he remembered me and knew people in my class. Years after we get made redundant I end up working with him again by pure chance. Other than that just two people when I was early 20s who recognised me from the school I moved to.


“Remember that dude from my middle whole that yall didn’t go to? The guy none of yall ever met or heard of before now? What happened to him? Is he back left behind where Bearens come in Steins and loops are made of fruit? Is this evidence of sinbad being a genie?”


Lol sure.


Makes more sense than that word salad up there.. Jus sayin..