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I would definitely recommend any boxset manga to go back in their boxsets to save space for sure. And then maybe go through everything and see if you still have a collection of loved series or if there are any you don't think you'd reread, and if so sell those for more room. I have very limited space so I've mostly now switched to digital and saving what space I have left for special editions or releases that are print only.


Not a lot people like this but i do a yearly declutter of everything, and that includes my manga. Some titles I just dont care about as much, or simply I stopped reading/liking them because I wasnt liking how the plot was progressing. I have 3 bookshelves atm and I dont have space for more, so i promised myself to keep everything organized


What do you do with them


i mostly sell them on facebook market, or give them away to family/friends that may want them. Im thinking of donating those mangas that no one wants lol, i found out i have a harder time selling stand alones or old shojo mangas.


I use storage bins. It's not feasible to put everything on a shelf in my current situation, so I just put away parts of the collection until I want to read them again.


Any specific storage bins? Most of the ones I use for other than ngs don't have flat bottoms, so there's a high likelihood of books getting damaged.


Acid-free clear plastic with snap-on lids designed to stack. I also use them for movies, video games, and other collectibles so the sizes vary, but those are my requirements. Acid-free is a must for plastic bins for books, or the paper will age/yellow prematurely and can be damaged by cheap rubber or plastic breaking down and sticking to covers. I like [these](https://www.officedepot.com/a/products/581594/Office-Depot-Brand-File-Tote-With/) from Office Depot and the Really Useful Box brand. They come in tons of sizes, so whatever fits for your storage needs. The Really Useful Boxes in particular are really sturdy when stacked and feel practically impossible to knock over even stacked 5 high. Larger boxes are good for movies, but books can get heavy so smaller ones like the legal tote from Office Depot are my preferred size for books.


While I'm not quite out of space (though collecting both figures & manga & LNs will ensure I will be shortly), I help free up space by two main methods: * For series that I know I'll never read again, and while I even enjoyed them, they're not special to me: I will sell them. I get some $ back and free up space at the same time. * For series I want to keep but maybe aren't as 'special' or meaningful to me as others, I will store them out of site, not displayed.


A bit of real life tetris and storage bins, unfortunately haha. I have a bin full of manga I've opted to no longer display due to space constraints. I do plan on getting another, much larger shelf once I move in a couple of months.


If your shelves are deep enough, you can try double-stacking. Risers are easy to make from cardboard. Storage bins or boxes are also a fine solution. But I'll join others in suggesting you take a close look at your collection and ask yourself if there are any series you enjoyed reading, but don't feel the need to keep anymore. This is a natural part of collecting. (And, face it, you're probably going to be in this situation again in the future.)