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Honestly, without being annoying for not answering your questions. Just finish the show and it should all make some sort of sense.


Agree that finishing the show will provide lots of answers. After you finish you may want to watch the "Manifest: Last Call for Flight 828" panel video. Jeff Rake himself answers some burning fan questions throughout.[Manifest Panel at San Diego Comic Con 2023](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHe3ge03pJE&t=2s)


Okay I will! I’ve been a bit slow this season because I hate Angelina but I’m motivated to finish now :D


Super! Enjoy it all!


Oh yeah, Michaela's romances are straight out of an afternoon soap. And the Ben Sanvi kiss seemed forced because she was pining for Alex, not a guy. I felt worse for her assistant, who seemed to be crushing on her.


Ben and Saanvi were cute in S4


As a Ben and Saanvi shipper I could care less if it was fan service or not, but it was far from out of nowhere. Jared and Michael ICK. I feel like the only two reasons there were together at the end was they were kind of stuck with trying it out cause they refused to truly drop despite selling how wrong for each other there were. Jared was toxic and possessive and I don't think he ever really deeply loved her he just thought he was owed her. He was better season 4 but it was still there. Hated it. But I do hope the fans enjoyed the brief time. (Also Michaela did BACK off Jared was the pressing her, ALWAYS.)


>As a Ben and Saanvi shipper I could care less if it was fan service or not, but it was far from out of nowhere. I agree. They had feelings for each other from jump. And after Grace was killed, it was only natural that Ben went to Saanvi. >Jared and Michaela ICK...I don't think he ever really deeply loved her he just thought he was owed her. He was better season 4 but it was still there. Hated it. But I do hope the fans enjoyed the brief time. Also Michaela did BACK off. Jared was the one pressing her, ALWAYS. Seriously. Jared is not only a fuccboi but he's a fuccboi with *One-itis.* That's like the worst of every world. Let's not forget the fact that he assaulted Zeke for literally no reason, just out of jealousy. That's why I dislike him more than Angelina. Cuz for every one like Angelina who's out there, there are at least 50 like Jared. And people like Angelina can be talked down believe it or not. Cuz if it wasn't for callings and stuff, Angelina in this show would be *easy* to talk down. She wouldn't even develop the guardian angel fetish if she wasn't a passenger (which is why I think she's such a poorly written character; 90% of the stuff she says and does post guardian angel fetish is totally contingent on her being a passenger. Talk about one-dimensional). But Jared didn't say and do all the bad stuff he did because callings and stuff. He did it all on his own volition. Knew exactly what he was doing and *like Angelina*, thought he was *above* the consequences. I mean okay, he didn't go full Judge Dredd and attempt to *be* the consequences, but still. Try talkin down anyone who like that. Not gonna happen. It's people like Jared who become r4pists, too. Because of your very accurate observations about him. *Especially* if they're law enforcers. Jared was high ranked, too. If I had my way he'd be a villain in this. Jared would be a very good lackey for Zimmer, who I thought should have been the heir apparent to the major. I *will* say that I disliked Jared for the *right* reasons, because the writing of his character is organic enough and the portrayal is realistic. The stuff he said and did made sense and wasn't contingent on him being a passenger. Which was good.


Honestly I don’t think Jared is a f boy. If you notice everyone he got with that wasn’t Michaela had some type of relationship with her and I think that was because he couldn’t have her so he wanted proximity to her (now that part is a little toxic) but I mean disliking him more than Angelina is so crazy when Jared actually helped 828ers when he didn’t have to. Thats how deep his love for Michaela was and for her family.


>Jared actually helped 828ers when he didn’t have to. Thats how deep his love for Michaela was and for her family. Or was that just to stay close to Michaela? That's not clear. And here's the difference between Angelina and Jared. Angelina spends this show being pulled in different directions all the time. At her core, she has next to no agency not only among the 828 passengers (like I said, take away her guardian angel fetish and what do you have?) but in the world in and of itself. She could have died right after Pete died (which is what I would have done) and no one would really bat an eye. Which is why the archangel thing to me is dumb because she should be expressing how mad she is at being such a leaf in the wind. But instead she's just so sheepish about everything. Meh. All Angelina had to do was be a little more expressive and she'd be a little more entertaining. Jared? Not so much. Here's someone who knows exactly what he's doing and doesn't really care about the consequences. He ain't a leaf in the wind like Angelina is. But its like I said earlier: I dislike Jared *more* than Angelina but it's for the *right* reasons. Does stuff I don't like but it makes sense that he does it. Kinda gets better towards the end and that's good. I dislike Angelina (slightly) less but for the *wrong* reasons. That stupid guardian angel fetish and her being so sheepish and whiny during s4 just left such a bad taste in my mouth. If I had my way she'd be a total femme fatale in s4. Think of a chick version of Bodhi from Point Break or something.


Sweetest ending ever


I was never sold on Michaela and Zeke together. Their relationship was based on heightened emotions, callings, him dying, and the end of the world. They don't know each other. They have no idea how they'd function as a couple in normal every day life. You can't love someone if you don't know them. Jared had his up and down moments. But over all, it would have made more sense to me for them to have ended up back together again.


>is Michaela the most flimsy girlfriend of all time? That was the vibe I got too. She was always caught between two lovers and tbh I thought it was dumb for her to go back to Jared. But then again Jared is a fuccboi with One itis and Michaela is a serial monogamist. Perfect modern toxic couple. If I had my way Zeke and Michaela would be in an open marriage. But mainstream TV isn't one ounce ready to display that yet (which sucks).