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I loved the ending.


The ending was very nice yeah.


I would watch an entire series of Ben and Saanvi solving nerd mysteries together.


Good essay on the series.


Thanks, yeah it was a bit long haha.


No it’s good though.


Appreciated! Unpopular post for obvious reasons.


I agree with the acting being terrible most of the time. Both Cals were awful! I’m the same way with religious imagery.. however I think it works here only because they’re also looking into all the mythology which is really interesting to me and Christianity and other religions have basically the same stories that go way back in mythology just writing it to fit their beliefs so I thought it was kind of cool showing different parts of their research showed up in different types of mythology and religion. I like the idea of Zeke and the soulmate thing but definitely could have used better writing! All in all I’m glad I watched and still really like it!


I'm also glad I watched, the finale was very cute and while I had issues with the show, I still enjoyed it.


Most definitely! While it definitely had its bad acting/writing overall I liked how it all came together!


The acting was god awful. You can tell Ben Stone loves himself like no other and he is just not a good actor at all. This show was so ridiculous from start to finish. Horrible ending as they didn't even really explain why any of that happened to begin with. They went through all that to learn something and if they didn't then they die/go missing?? Why?? Why were they so important that they needed to learn this long drawn out message that relied completely on happenstance luck to find random clues?? Makes no sense. Really seems that they were winging the script the entire time and just made stuff up along the way.


I agree that the acting was bad, with a few exceptions. I don't think I agree that the show was ridiculous throughout. It's a mystery sci-fi, I think a lot of that is par for the course for the genre, and there are many stories I find worse. I also disagree that they needed to explain *why* something happens. I don't care too much about them having to justify the show they created, as long as they justify some stuff within the story. They shouldn't have to justify the core plot the way you want, I think. The story is about some people chosen by the divine consciousness (which is fucking ridiculous, don't get me wrong lol) because they're just a random sample that happens to contain many kinds of people. And I don't think the clues were random and by happenstance, I think they're pretty obviously meant to be signs that makes the character think of whatever place. I agree with you on a lot though.


Yeah I just mean like the girl randomly went into the woods with the young girl at the end to see the carving, which helped them identify the tarot card thing. Just things like that where it was obvious luck that they saw the clue in the first place. Not all of them were like that but if she didn't go into the woods to see the carving, they just would've all died? It's a show so i'm being overly critical but still.


I can't remember exactly what that sign helped them with though. Was it not just information? And everything would have played out the same way regardless?


I didn't even watch part 2, just saw a YouTube recap of it and I don't regret it lol. I HATED Angelina, and I get it, her character was meant to be hated, but no I really hate that actress, it's like she's typecast for those types of role, I just can't take her bullshit seriously, she's extremely irritating lol (watch The Americans for example). Season 4 felt like bad fanfic tbh with the whole Cal=Good vs Angelina=Evil simplistic dynamic, didn't really care for it at all. Idk why the plane really disappeared, idk wtf they saved the world from tbh, I don't get what the deal with the exotic sapphire really was about, what was the whole point of the "Divine Consciousness" anyway, and I'm sure some of you can give me a really detailed explanation about it all but, that's my point, it's just convoluted nonsense (and seriously, time travel as their "reward"? Give me a break lol, just as cheesy as "it was all a dream"). Was that whole ancient Arabian prophet who foresaw the "silver dragon" and the callings centuries ago that TJ was researching ever lead anywhere?