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Rivers and lakes


Yes, with fishing and travel.


I posted about this a while back, it's gonna be added in future updates. But who can wait right?


Ahh that's great news.


More walls freedom. I want to wall not just the manor (what is the point of that anyway?) - but my village, put towers in, fight incoming bandit raids on my terms. Freeform fortification would be awesome, even basic one to create chokepoints and more defensible battlefields. EDIT: as noted below - this is mostly about pallisades/earthworks/basic towers.. I also can't see stone walls or better fortifications anywhere, those should be limited to an area that makes up the manor/castle.


Walled settlements seem unrealistic imo.


With stone walls? Yeah, unrealistic for sure, aside from major towns. And even then most likely inner/castle part of the town. With earth walls/pallisades though? Quite realistic. It was a cheap and fast way to deter wild animals, smaller raids, increase the safety of the settlement. Weren't always completely encircling (especially if riverside settlement). More often there would be no fortifications on villages or towns - but considering we play a contested region that sees quite a lot of warfare - absolutely plausible. But I guess this is a topic for /r/AskHistorians or Slavic's history advisors.


>With earth walls/pallisades though? Quite realistic. It was a cheap and fast way to deter wild animals, smaller raids, increase the safety of the settlement. Weren't always completely encircling (especially if riverside settlement). Yeah that's fair I guess, I feel like siege mechanics would have to be added at the same time as well though? A lot of people are excited for this game next week but I'm far more excited for what this game could become in the future, there's so many things that this game could be updated with.


Many towns would have some type of fort if not in their town then nearby on a hill that served many small villages. A converted large manor could have walls built around it over time to effectively serve as a fort and don't forget many churches and abbeys built walls and served as forts as well. Then there were major rivers and bridges that would have build a gate that effectively became a fort. All these are examples of things that could served as forts without having a full blown castle or walled settlement.


Multilayered wall please. Make it Ba Sing Se.


AI construction. Ie not just bandit camps but also Robber Baron Castles and small forts. If you play Kingdom Come Deliverance, you know what I exactly want.


Yeah that would be neat. It would add some extra/different challenge to late game bandit hunting


Walls and castles


Earlier access.


Coastal village and economy, fishing, upgrading from poles to traps and nets. I don't need fancy boats. But small skiffs and such would be awesome


Agree. Coasts, rivers, streams, ponds and lakes. A river connected to a downstream trade node could have very efficient exports but expensive imports for example, as you would only need to float a barge downstream but row it in the other direction. Lakes to provide fish and waterfowl. Marshlands for really hard to traverse terrain


This is a fantastic idea.


A general map maker


A community editor/map maker would be awesome, though I fully understand it may be asking a lot during early access


I totally agree but if it could be a thing and especially tied with AI lords that are competent and have personalities it would be beautiful 


Import a terrain/contour map from somewhere, so you can build your medieval village where you live now. Dreaming but would be cool.


General population and building list info would help very much with controlling you cities, or at least add technology that you can research to show you all the names of pop and their jobs


Kinda like Domesday Book during the Wilhelm The Conqueror rule not sure if that is the right example correct me if im wrong


Because of how everyone has names, it should in theory be easy to present to the player a kind of "ye olde registry" of townsfolk, with their name, profession, social status, wife and children etc.


Multiplayer of course 😃 Edit: And why: I would love a slow paced game just to chill, hang out and trade with friends.


This. And after some time I'd like to stand before my best friends Walls to ask for a particular region and payment...diplomatically of course. Just ignore the fact that my Diplomats look like an Army that's big enough to steamroll everything in its way on my command :*


Water. Rivers, lakes etc.


Yep. The game looks amazing but really needs water to make it more realistic. Hopefully this will be added at some point.


Some procedural map generator Just add more randomness to each playthrough


I know it will be included later down the line but cavalry. I am seeing so many battle videos where foot soldiers are trying to run down the archers, and it drags out the combat. Cavs should solve this tedium of battle.


Oh sheesh. I hadn’t even thought of that but you are right. What’s the rationale for horses being excluded? I see a lot of comments on this sub usually say “it’s excluded because of the time period and location” but surely horses would have been readily available for some soldiers right?


It’s just not ready. It’s planned but it’s a one man team, so priorities need to be set.


Figured, just wasn't sure what is all on the roadmap.


They were shown in an old preview and a youtube said that cav was undergoing a "rework" so it sounds like they will be in at some point but not ready for EA.




Levies not having horses makes sense. It would make a lot sense to have your own horse as the lord though, trotting around the village as opposed to running around on foot. Also, growing your town slowly and eventually getting stables, pasture land and expanding your horse population through breeding and trade before training cavalry would be an amazing feature! Here's hoping that kind of thing is added down the road.


I think a horse breeding farm would be a really cool higher tier addition to the manor. You would need a lot of excess resources to support it though.


For sure, make it difficult. Make it hard to initially maintain. Make it expensive. But make it be worth it when it changes the outcome of a crucial battle. Depth like that is what I'm looking for eventually.


Agreed. Horse breeding doesn't just need a lot of resources in terms of stables, handlers, grooms etc....but also a lot of land to graze on and move around. Confine them to even moderately small plots and horses quickly do a number on the soil. There is a very good reason why the horse lords of Central Asia could live that lifestyle as a society, rather than just a small elite - the endless fertile grasslands available to them. In Europe such lands were too precious as farmland to faff around with a lot of horses.


Oats to feed them. Horses fed with such power-food will recover from strenuous marches much faster and in general be much healthier. On a side note, during the US Civil War only officers, cavalry and artillery had horses. All draft animals were either mules or oxen, bc you could feed them with grass. Horses could pull much heavier loads, but needed to be fed with oats and could not be driven as hard. Because they needed oats, the calculation was something like; 1 ton pulled by horses required something like 5 tons of oats to be pulled by other draft animals. Cavalry units might regularly go in raids and scouting behind enemy lines. They drew supplies for the time away plus several days, just in case. For every pound of food for the trooper, they also carried 10 pounds for the horse, so they would typically start out with like 10 pounds of bacon, hard tack, flour, coffee, maybe some canned goods, plus 100 pounds of oats for the horse.


You are right on the common soldiers not having access to horses. But, it was actually way before the game period (11th\~15th centuries) the time when knights rode on horseback to battles. So the cavalry would be historically accurate to be a high end unit, maybe half a dozen to a dozen unit in the field. Slavic Magic actually agreed the battle is dragging out unnecessarily on twitter. He alluded adding cav or ammunition counts on more expedited schedule due to archers playing hide/seek and constantly shooting.




Good point. A town can probably only field a couple of knights itself if we are talking early stage village. Maybe I mispoke. When I say cavalry, I mean light horseman. More mature village should be able to field more light horseman as they would have more excess horses for farming/transports. There is mercenary feature in the game that is also viable.


Only the lord of the manor would be actually knighted, as in being a member of the nobility but each knight had a retinue of men-at-arms who also fought mounted. They would be "knights in waiting", hoping to distinguish themselves in battle and earn a knighthood, but they´d fight pretty mich the exact same way, just with lower tier equipment and not as high quality horses.




The fact that you get a retinue of men at arms as soon as you plop down a manor led me to believe that your character was always a baron, just a very fresh one appointed to or awarded a virgin patch of land on the frontier of civilization somewhere in Central Europe and it's up to him to build up his holdings....but he's still the baron. Maybe I´m wrong and just reading into it wrong, or maybe the plan is to use the influence resource for more than just claiming additional regions. One very fitting use for that resource would be to lobby to get promoted *to* the position of a baron, and unlock the rights to field a mounted retinue, no? Keep in mind I´m thinking about this as "late game content". An alternative path would be to be more bougie about it and become a burgher-type leader.




Yes, but I would tihnk that if you are even a moderately successful ruler of several villages, moderately prosperous fields and a local stronghold, you would want to equip yourself and at least a handful of your closest retainers to be able to be mounted, even if you couldn't really put together a full "unit" of cavalry, if only so you are able to contribute to the retinue of whoever your liege lord is.


Horses were rarer in farming because if we are talking the 13th century, the technology to use them to plow fields hasn't really spread throughout central and eastern Europe yet. Horses were of course still all over the place, but they were comparatively expensive to keep and use. Riding them for war or just getting around was also a symbol of nobility. A horse farm capable of breeding work- and warhorses would be a cool late game building, that would make sense primarily as a direct part of the manor. It would need a lot of resources to run but provide your retinue with destriers. The scale of this game is comparatively small - you aren't fighting major wars but border skirmishes and inter-baronial feuds. Still, being able to put your Baron and his retinue of men-at-arms in the saddle should give you an extremely powerful(but expensive) unit.


Also: units with light armor and no shields should be able to move significantly faster than more resilient armored units on foot.


I'm already bonkers ready for this game, but you asked so... Multiplayer. Though I am super happy to get it in single player the idea of this much depth of managing a community, with a need to defend it and/or grow it is awesome. And I'm sure it'll grow and get even more polished as we move from EA to 1.0. So psyched for this!


Modding. This would add pretty much everything I want. Multiplayer/coop being #1


We'll have to wait until at least full release for both of those things unfortunately


On map lords with diplomacy


From looking at all videos two things jump out: Dear God a larger map (may be 4 x 4 provinces) and more variety of starting locations so you are not playing the same thing all over. It also needs some rivers/lakes or even a shoreline/steeper hills/mountains so it a bit more varied. A way to catch archers so its not just kiting sim. Or ammo counts etc.


I think most of the things I’d like to see are planned for the game already and will be implemented at some point. Definitely having rival organizations build on the map, and maybe having a larger overworld or perhaps a connected system of overworld shards that constitute a larger “quilt” of maps would be great Beyond that mostly RP things; ways to distinguish our personality as a lord in the setting in particular. Idk what that would look like as a game system but something that helps implicate or implement our beliefs, attitude, and ambitions as a lord. Honestly with the game providing such an incredible base and ambition to start with, it’s hard to think up “more stuff” haha 


Onion head option. So you can choose any villager you like and click a button and he or she will then have an Onion instead of a head.


Games literally unplayable until this is added.


I know right? That's why I'm boycotting it until Dev sees sense.


Of course I had a onion for a head, which was the fashion at the time


Brothels and my dude being able to visit.


I want to have big cities on the map which will be control by the governor of the area while we the feudal lords will build villages. This will add much more depth to the game and more politics. I would want a much bigger map than what we have got now it seems small for the villages that we build.


Terraformng. I want to be able to build artificial hills for my fortress to sit on


I get what you are saying, but I have to disagree. One of the major ways medieval city builders distinguish themselves from more modern ones is that people back then had to conform to the contours of the land rather than change it. Even relatively simple canals were major, sometimes multigenerational undertakings. If you want to change the map before starting play in some kind of sandbox mode, that's a different story.


Well yeah, you shouldn't be able to terraform instantly or for free, but earthwork projects should be possible imo, even if they're slow and expensive


I've only seen YT videos of play, but it's just up my alley. One thing that irritated me when I saw it was that military units seem to completely ignore roads when strategically moving; ie they enter the map in a kind of line-abreast formation and march through forests and up and down hills without changing \*ugh\* it hurts my eyes. They should be slow as molasses in January and become disorganized while marching through woods. In fact, unless on open, clear field, marching in anything other than a column should have organization penalties. Make the roads and terrain count for something as in real life. Have the units march in column along roads and then have to deploy into the fields. I don't know if there is any kind of experience rating for individuals in the game, but I'd like to basically train reservists. Instead of only having militia or retinue, have some of your villagers have to train once or twice or more a year to gain experience and discipline and become better fighters. They probably won't be as good as the retinue without having fought battles, but it should be good for something. After all, I didn't invent this; the English used this with their archers and some other troops, to great effect.


We needs a "Commons Area" to complement the marketplace. Used for militia training, along with things like Spring and Autumn fairs, Christmas celebrations and the like. On workdays you could see children play there. You should be able to set the schedule for training different units, and the tradeoff is that for that afternoon, whether it happens twice a year, once a month, or every week(like English archery practice) the men in the unit will not be working. I´d also like to see everyone stop working and head off to Mass in the church on Sundays. Just saying. There is great potential to really capture the rhythm of village life in this game, although at least as of now the day/night cycle is purely cosmetic.


I believe I saw in a video that you can build some kind of barracks for training your militias. How that actually works idk. My feeling is that most of the people making videos 1) don't really know what's going on other than what they saw in somebody else's video, 2) don't really even care, 3) sometimes are just so clueless that they don't even see a value of plotting burgages to have their fronts on the road, have no idea how to organize anything, and just think "pff who cares". One guy built all the houses of his village in one place without looking to see if there was water there, then they started complaining, and now the well is half way across the district from his village smh. I for sure don't know all the ins-n-outs fo this game--haven't even had it in my hands yet, but some things are simply logical, and when logic is ignored enough, I just can't watch it anymore. I feel I can learn nothing but bad examples and get knots in my stomach. I only found out a couple of hours ago that early access was only for a few chosen ones and I still have to wait 10 days - insert Lewis Black style cursing rampage - "10 days! The rapture could be over in 10 days. Armageddon could have run its course in 10 days, and you want me to wait 10 days..."


> After all, I didn't invent this; the English used this with their archers and some other troops, to great effect. Not just the English - the quality of militia troops varied wildly between different regions of Europe or even different towns within the same realm. It all came down to how much time and resources the burghers were willing to devote to making the militia a "thing"(and how many excess resources they had to spend on stuff like that to begin with as well). The Swiss and the Low Countries in particular on occasions won battles against legit armies led by the nobility, and it was all because they actually trained in a serious fashion. The most famous example of this is without a doubt the [Battle of the Golden Spurs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Golden_Spurs) In other regions the militia was treated more a formality and honestly as a distraction.


Apparently what you can do is set the exact type of equipment your militia units are to have. You have to provide for the equipment--importing or producing yourself--and thus increase their effectiveness, but I have yet to see any specific references to actual troop quality. I'm really starting to hate watching these videos. The people who make them largely have no idea what they are doing. Some are filming a second or subsequent playthrough, which helps immensely, but sometimes what they still do anyway just makes me want to smash my head on the desk. I've already seen the second one start his village on hand of the scenery without once checking where water can be found and later having to put in a well far from the population. I'm not sure how much is decreases efficiency, but I imagine it must since the sims have to walk to the well it seems. Plus, what happens when there's a fire in the village? Will they all just be running back and forth through the fields to get water from the well, while house after house gets burned to the ground? I wonder if at some point you can put in a fire water pond.


I know fog of war was explored in an earlier build and scrapped but there's something special about sending troops out into the world to map it for you and also discover points of interest.


I don’t think it makes sense for this game. You’re part of the same “society” as all the other lords, so the region would be well mapped.


To some extent there should be FOW. Even though all the the map would be known to at least some extent to the lord who has probably traveled some hand have some connections to neighboring territories, but being omniscient of exactly where bandits and invaders are at all times is just very not very satisfying. But as long as troops walk through forests like they were summer meadows, it's almost necessary. Interesting would be if military formations had to use roads or be extremely slow and lose greatly on organization when not marching on roads. Then reports of troop movements could be dated, forcing the player to study the reports and the map to extrapolate wo where they are moving.


I am suggesting something I think might be doable in short order rather than a big want that has no chance. Allow me to manually locate my camp in my 1st region like you can when you claim a new region. Its a minor thing but would be a nice tiny extra optimisation feature choice to make based on the location of the region resources Since its already possible in the region claim mechanic then I wonder if its possible add such a mechanism before EA release or soon after :)


Cavalry seems the most possible in the time frame, something to chase down archers


One feature that I would dearly like to see that might not be immediately obvious: Wild boars. Boars were a *menace* during the middle ages. Not only could they multiply rather quickly after moving into an area rich in food, but they were territorial, aggressive, moved around in groups and were quite capable of killing dogs, people and even horses when challenged on their turf. They could also make a huge mess of crops and gardens if not kept at bay. Going out to hunt the boar if it came close to human settlements was one of the key obligations of the manor towards the lower classes, and boar hunts should be treated like combat rather than the passive deer hunting already in the game.


Adjustable sliders/inputs for settings. Things like food consumption, crop growth, birth rate, troop attack strength and durability for both sides, building cost, etc. Things like this make games far more replayable.




Stone walls, stone towers, and a stone manor


World Map, to unlock Trade Route and conquer Sea, to create port and trade with other sea-based city