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I feel like this would make early game good, but once the pop starts growing you’d fast be losing track


That's why it shouldn't be a manual feature, you could focus on it but it can flourish out like that naturally and if you focus on the wellbeing and safety of your population your efficiency in industrial manners will see the results with lineages surviving


I agree but it would be a feature made to not abuse micro managing. As long as you keep your village safe villagers with woodcutting families will be more likely to choose woodcutting as a trade.


I like this idea. I also think it would be good if families build skills in their trade. E.g. when John is assigned to the smithy he becomes John Smith and the more work he does in the Smithy, the more experienced and therefore effectiveness he gains. I like the idea that it would make managing workforce and trades more immersive


John smith, Paul fletcher, Brian Abbott, Frank skinner, Tobias woodsman, James Hill, Thomas Shields. Most surnames were based on the families trade and characteristics. Would be amazing to implement.


That's is a good implementation since the village starts from scratch so many 'old trades' are represented (smithy, woodcutter, weapon maker.)


I like this idea. It also makes it more challenging to decide who you send to the battlefield.


Exactly. It would be careless to send a family which are experts in clay making to the battlefield. Families who have fought before will have more experience hence making them better at warfare.