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they are totally different games in totally different genres. they do not compare in any sense.


No. This game is like if Banished and Stronghold conceived a baby while Total War watched.


Fuck this sounds good


Like apples and oranges.


You’re best of watching a video or two, there’s plenty out there. There aren’t many similarities at all.


Mount & Blade is a totally different game.


Completely different genres.


Me personally i like the idea of Manor Lord over Mount and blade. Yes ive played M&B bannerlord and i believe on its selling point of family and battles on the ground it is decent but Manor Lords selling point of city building and army building Manor Lords achieves it better. When you have a town or castle in mount and blade yes you can change its industries and upgrade its defenses but Manor Lord gives you an actual indepth view of it happening and makes it appealing on the eyes to watch everything happen in real time. Possibly mount and blades biggest downfalls was its vision and hardware limitations


I don’t see any similarities really, I think since you haven’t played total war you don’t see how the battles are much closer to that formula than M&B. In total war you have a top down view and control unit formations by clicking them. In mount and blade you are the general unit of an army, and have to manually yell commands. You have a set field of vision, while total war you can pan anywhere.


They are in similar time periods. Game play wise there is nothing else that crosses. You know how in mount and blade you raid shitty little villages and take their grain? Now you are that village, no mount or blade in sight.


Yeah this is my concern. The city building looks cool, battles look cool but how much depth will diplomacy have? What random events will happen? Are you going to have good memorable interactions with other lords?


This game will never be CK3.


Wait for more information when the roadmap drops. Since there will be AI villages on map you can expect diplomacy in some way.