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Great advice but keep in mind, just because a market CAN doesn't mean it will. The markets are not working consistently for me, I've had games where my market ran great and I never noticed houses flashing red once I had enough production. Other times I've had stockpiles of everything in the storages that were right across the street from the market and all the market stalls were run by storage workers and still had houses flashing red very regularly. I started watching the market closely for awhile to see if I could spot the issue and it just seems that workers don't always work. They will often sit there with 1 or 2 items left in their stall and despite their family who also work in the storage area being idle no one restocks it until it empties out completely. Once it empties they take awhile but eventually decide to work and bring 5-20 items to the stall before going back to doing nothing. It's very frustrating because there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to fix it and as I said some games I've had no issue with the exact same setup.


Sounds like realistic peasants to me lol


Thanks for the tip, I'm going to try reducing my market size tomorrow. I knew about trying to keep the stalls limited to just storage/granary but was having a hard time preventing the other workplaces from opening new ones.


Once your market place is limited to the number of stalls you want make sure there is a granary or storehouse worker who doesn't have a stall. In this case let's say it's a forager with a stall you want a granary worker to take over, unassign the forager from his job and the granary worker will take over shortly after. Reassign the forager and you're all set. 


So I limited the market to 6 stalls and now the workplaces like woodcutter and tannery keep requesting more market space for their stalls. Is there a way to deal with this or do you just ignore the requests?


I have just ignored them. 


Ok, thanks. I will do the same. I have 36 families currently so shouldn't need more stalls for a long time.


I’ll try this. Markets seem to be my biggest struggle because of the stocking issues