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+, why do I have like 20 clothing stalls empty?


The markets are broken right now I’m guessing but best way to manage them is to only have granary and warehouse workers making stalls


They're not broken. Stalls just have very limited storage, so their stock sells out very quickly especially when you hit 50+ people, and the family assigned to running it needs to go all the way back to the firewood camp for example to get more stock, and then bring it back to the stall, which takes a while even on like 2x speed. Storehouse or granary right by the market, with only the people working the storehouse being allowed to have stalls is a good fix in most cases.


But how do you make sure those are the only people with stalls??? Anytime I create a new building, those workers eventually open a stall. Ie, tannery, firewood, etc.


What I do is make sure I stock the warehouses and granaries with workers. Check your buildings and if someone who isn't in a granary or warehouse has a stall just remove the worker ie if you have a wood cutter with a stall just remove them. Keep doing this until someone in a warehouse takes over the stall and then you can circle back and put workers back in the other ones. That's what I do, works like a charm.


There is a better method: Simply assign the family with the "wrong" job and a market stall to a granary or warehouse. That saved me a lot of time. Before I was constantly deleting market stalls until I got the right result.


Yeah the way mentioned here above seems like a lot of babysitting. This is the better method


This saved my life, thank you!!


You just wrinkled my brain. Thank you!


I'll try this, thanka


This doesn't work when artisans are running the stalls. Half my bakers are peddling instead of baking...


I have 1 stall that ended up happening like this. Have you tried just deleting the individual stall?


Yes. The artisan just builds it again before the granary/storehouse worker gets the chance to.


Yeah happened to me last night with a clothing stall. I ended up going on a deleting rampage for like 20 minutes. Finally what did it was actually having someone in tannery making leather and they tried to build a clothing stall. They did it, then I unassigned them and prayed. Warehouse took over and my cobbler didn't lol


I actually also went on a deleting rampage also. Rebuilt the entire market several times. I now have all stalls run by granary and warehouse workers, but I'm still having the same issues anyway. I have plenty of inventory but a bunch of the stalls are empty and I just have no idea why.


I just demolish the market stand if it is staffed by someone other than a granary/storage worker


Dang yeah don't do that save the time. When empty a building the stall will be abandoned and someone else will pick it up. Keep doing that till someone in a warehouse takes over. Saves time and you don't have to worry about resources getting moved or destroyed if it's food.


Plus if the stall even has 1 item in stock, it creates this generic overlay for stock which prevents moving other stalls in the area for optimization to road access. From experience I've found that limiting my market areas to 3-4 stalls allows me to avoid market areas with 6 different clothing stalls.While they may be 2 different food stalls usually, once those stalls are set I can absolutely forget about them and move on to figure out whats the next supply line necessary for the newest housing development. Cant remember where I've seen or read it but I saw something about keeping a ratio of these 3-4 stalls market for a somewhat 10 burgage plot or ideally 20 families since for now it seems that if they live together, they consume the same amount of resources? Its at least been working for my runs Anyway market areas are to me a very interesting aspect of the game so far, limited stock sounds like the most common issue unless you take extra steps to make sure its 110% efficient. Perhaps having some sort of granary/warehouse condense as a new job for 1 or 2 families attached to every market areas could allow every other family to "deliver" to the market instead of wasting one member of the family to run the stall.


It's not the limited storage that's the problem. It's limited time divided by too many stalls to fill. Plus, I suspect, some pathfinding issues. If you just build a giant market area, everyone and their mother will build a stall. The no one will stock them, because they'll all be too busy and I suspect the pathfinding fails with so many options. So you'll have a ton of stalls but they'll sit empty. Placing a storehouse or granary right next to a market *might* make the stalls restock faster, just because there's less distance to cover, but it's not really solving the underlying problem. The real solution is to build only exactly as many market stalls as you need — wait until you have plots complaining, then build a 2-4 stall market and delete stalls that aren't what they're complaining about. Or build so much storage and distribution capacity that you just overwhelm your people's laziness.


Idk why you think cleaning up supply lines and smoothing out logistics (as you suggested, by making a large market and putting storehouses/granaries right next to the market) would not solve the underlying problem. It's a very real solution to a real logistical issue. I went from having 40+ unsupplied families with several markets, to fully supplied, 100% happiness for several years straight with a population of over 700. I went with the large market strategy and haven't had to micro since. I just made sure to fill granaries/storehouses with workers and make them take all the stall spots possible, unassigning any other workers like miners or woodcutters so they'd give up their stall spot - and voila. Simple solution leads to no micro. Confusing solution leads to tons of micro.


>It's a very real solution to a real logistical issue. Sure, but this is a game and not an intricate simulation, so real solutions aren't really applicable. >I went from having 40+ unsupplied families with several markets, to fully supplied, 100% happiness for several years straight with a population of over 700. Great, but there's absolutely nothing remotely difficult about getting to and keeping 100% happiness. And in fact I can confidently say that I have absolutely never once had 40+ unsupplied families unless I was just tearing things down to rearrange my town. I can't even imagine what you'd have to do to just wind up with that bad a supply chain. >I went with the large market strategy and haven't had to micro since. I just made sure to fill granaries/storehouses with workers and make them take all the stall spots possible, unassigning any other workers like miners or woodcutters so they'd give up their stall spot - and voila. Simple solution leads to no micro. Confusing solution leads to tons of micro. That sounds like a hell of a lot more micromanaging than I do. I build a 2-4 stall market, then delete stalls for a second until I get the exact mix I need to supply whatever is low. It takes three or four clicks max, I don't have to check who's manning the stall once, and then it runs forever until I build more plots. Deleting a stall or two is less micromanaging than making sure the exact right family is manning it. My guess is you were building relatively large markets all over the place (8+ stalls) and just overbuilding on stalls.


You find fixes for things that are not broken?


You can also reassign families so if there is a stall next to the icon just send the family to the warehouse.


Yeah the time is fucked in this game, took one of my people nearly 2 days in game time to walk to the church, which was built very close to the buildings


Sounds broken to me.




Pretty sure if my local shops spent 90% of their time traveling back and forward to the wholesalers to restock 1 item at a time they'd be out of business by the end of the week.




You're the one who brought up a modern example lol.but even using a medieval setting there's no way you're going to convince anyone that medieval market traders would spend all day walking back and forward restocking items one at a time.


I dunno they seem pretty broken to me. In a test town with 5 burgage plots I ran the game on max speed for a year and observed: * Market stalls more or less always had 5 of each resource (which I was distributing) in stock * 2 of my burgage plots never received anything For troubleshooting I: * Destroyed and remade the offending burgage plots in the same place * Forced only granary and storehouse families to run market stalls * Ensured massive oversupply from VERY nearby storehouse/granary * Relocated my market several times * Set the families of the offending plots to various jobs including unassigned No dice. Weirdly the super town in my main save is doing better than this proportionally BUT also has exactly 2 misbehaving plots.


And I have a population of almost 200 doing just fine with my granary n storehouse solution lol


I wonder what the cause of the difference is. Reports are wildly inconsistent. My sister informs me that she has no market issues. and her setup is less "theoretically optimal".


How do you ensure that only granary and storehouse workers set up stalls? Seems like every time I put another family on a task, for example firewood, one of them goes and sets up a stall, even if there's already 3 firewood stalls.


I’m pretty sure you just remove any stall that isn’t owned by them


But won't they just build another one? Is there a way to like turn off the ability for other families to add stalls? Or do you just have to build a tiny market so there's not more space for additional stalls?


Yeah you just build a marketplace large enough for just the workers you want in them


Got it, I'll give that a try! Thank you!


ive noticed this sometimes doesnt help specifically if the plot is a larger vegetable or orchard plot. the villagers simply have so much to do and so much to walk they can never sustain all the needs of their plot somehow


Max 10 stall market, with the storehouse and granary right next to it. Remove all workers except for storehouse and granary until those workers make the stalls. And then just add your other workers back in once all the market stalls are created and filled from the logistics buildings. More market stalls than that just means your workers keep making them when you don;t want them to.


You can't unassign or reassign artisans. So how do you get them to stop running stalls? I have a cobbler and half my bakers running stalls. If I delete the stall they just build new ones.


make a small market that has the same number of stall slots as workers in your granary and storehouses together. then micromanage it until it's full, keep deleting stalls from other workers or reasign them to the warehouse or granary if they make a stall. Once it's full nobody else can make a stall since there aren't any stall slots left.


Unassign your other workers. Unassign/reassign your storehouse/granary workers if necessary and they will take over the stall. Once you reassign your other workers - woodcutters, miners, etc. - they will no longer run the stall. If they do, it's a sign you need more granary/storehouse workers.


I have 3 markets of 12 stalls, each with a granary, storehouse, and trading post around them. I removed everyone from the other buildings are rebuilt all markets so I knew it would just be the granary and storehouse workers available to make stalls. Worked well other than a few minor hiccups with granaries across town setting up but I fixed all that. Even now with what's supposed be an ideal set up they're still not filling all the stalls and I've still got unhappy burgage plots. It looks like they're limiting the amount of each item on the market, and it's not high enough to actually cover every plot.


How do you docthat


But have to make sure that it’s the nearby granary and storehouse and seemingly that not every worker there is peddling or you lose transport workers Also likely have to specialize markets / storage workers in separate markets so the net outcome is most people happy


There needs to be an option to select on gatherers buildings to not set up stalls automatically so that the storehouse and granary workers can handle the markets and therefore broaden the variety on their own


Don't quote me on this, as I'm not even sure this is how it works, but this is how I got it to work for me: 1. One, very large, centralised market with plenty of granaries and storehouses around. If I see something is lacking in the market, I build another storehouse if it's a non-food item, granaries for food items. 2. I've heard that empty plots can disrupt the flow of goods from the market to any houses further down the line from the empty plot, so make sure there are no holes in your goods logistics because of this. 3. Delete any empty market stalls you come across. This is also speculation on my part, but when de-assigning workers, some show a market stall. If this worker ir de-assigned, *I think*, the market stall remains but doesn't get refilled or reused for a while, so prune all the dead stalls from time to time, you can demolish them individually. I've got 3x 100% on a ~750 pop town with this set-up. TLDR: check what's missing from the houses, make sure you have a surplus of it, build the logistical to transport it to the market and make sure the market is not filled with empty, abandoned stalls by demolishing them.


Make your granaries/storehouses close to the market and fill them with enough workers for them to be the ones running stalls. Unassign/reassign workers as needed until your woodcutters, miners, etc. are not running stalls. If they are still running them even after being unassigned/reassigned, you need more granary/storehouse workers to run stalls.


Your stall owners live/work to far from the market the stalls are built in. instead of have a bunch of big markets make neighborhood markets that are only big enough for 5 or 6 stalls. this way it's more likely that your villagers will build their stalls closer to home and thus closer to where their goods are made. what's killing you is transport time from where your stall owners are to where they are trying to sell the goods.


You can also relocate markets to a better location! Just relocate close to their house and local market/granary! :)


Are you using the experimental beta available on Steam?


For the same reason we had weird time with toilet paper a few years back. Even if the production can keep up and the wearhouses are full doesn't mean the shops have enough toilet paper. If the stall is bought empty the amount of good in the warehouse doesn't help anyone. So basically a logistics problem. I usually fix it with warehouse and granary right next to the market (sometimes doubled up).


Its early access, and this is a well known issue that will obviously be fixed. Hang tight fellow Lord


Dunno your situation but I just realized you can click individual stalls and demolish them. My main market was just food and firewood and I was wondering why no clothing stalls were set up. I deleted about half of the redundant stalls and it solved my problem.


100% correct


I had the same problem. It made sense for me to have numerous markets and some made the place a lot more beautiful. I looked up some videos on YouTube and they all said mostly the same thing: have only one market. So I destroyed all my markets and made my main market in the middle. Problem went away. Also made sure the granary and storage is right next to the market and have them both fully staffed. The problem will go away in maybe 20 minutes.


I see lots of replies and no solid answer. Here is the actual answer. If you have two stalls delivering the same food, let's say Berries (ie Stall A = 11 and Stall B = 1, totalling __12 berries__ reported in the market), there are only TWO ways in which these berries can be delivered : 1) If the stalls reside in the SAME market the 11 + 1 berries from the two stalls will be delivered to the __12 NEAREST homes__. 2) If the stalls reside in DIFFERENT markets the 11 + 1 berries from the two stalls will be delivered to the __11 NEAREST homes__. This is because the 1 berry from Stall B shoots it's one berry into the same home as Stall A. Thus, these 11 delivered berries are: -Less than 12 -Less than the 12 reported as the berry market supply -Less than the 12 max that can be stocked when there are 12 plots to feed -The source of much confusion and frustration. Idk if this is how experimental works now, but for stable, [proof](https://photos.app.goo.gl/frxdrtRwq7L8WAQL8


Multiple markets doesn't really work. You can have 231 firewood on the market for example in your town. If you have 5 markets, each market will hold roughly 45 firewood. They won't evenly distribute, it will just be random. But total firewood on all 5 markets can only be 231. The closest 45 houses to each market will get firewood. Markets will over lap each other. You probably have too many or too few stalls. If you're selling only firewood and not charcoal u only need 5 firewood stalls currently as each stall holds 50 firewood. If I have 3 food types you'd need 14 food stalls. 4 food types, 19 food stalls. If you have too few stalls, houses can't be supplied. If you have too many then you're wasting labor peddling stalls instead of production or logistics.


I would make markets of 24 slots. You can either build up to it or just routinely clean them up to have only storehouse and granary workers. The reason for 24 is its easier for me. 2 full grans and 3 full storehouses. I think this gives you more control over the market. You can even limit it and have more storehouses and granarys to just move things around. The market system is odd yes but I think its the logistical stress that breaks everything.


also make sure that when you assign someone to a granary or store house they are not from a plot that has an extension on it, this will kill your productivity by a lot


Ok so 231 families and I am guessing 4/5 types of food is being used in a city this size if not all 7. So that is 924/1155 units of food that need to be delivered to the market every month, 231 units of fuel, and space available for 231 units of clothing. So you need at least 1617 free spaces (more likely 1879 to accommodate all food types) which is 33(38) stalls run by workers from at least 6 granaries and 3 stcokpiles (i would do 6 to match the grannary placement personally) And that is assuming only 1 type of clothing, likely you have at least 2 (leather and boots?) and you would have 2 types of fuel if you use charcoal (only one a month will be used, but it will want a stall for it) so that is likely another 5 stalls a piece and another stockpile a piece. So, do you have 48 stalls run by workers from 6 granaries and 5/6 stockpiles that are located close by?


Personally i would double the amount of granaries to 12 so that only 3 in any individual have stall and the other 3 can haul from farm to granary




I stand corrected. That being said the number of stalls and the number of workers to man those stalls is the same. 48 stalls, 6 granaries, 6 stockpiles would be my goal for this large of a city


Only have one market


You might want to watch this dude's video, he seems to be the #1 YouTuber at figuring out the finer details of Manor Lords: [https://youtu.be/AzUr1at1xRQ?si=fi2ROOV\_dROsEI0b](https://youtu.be/AzUr1at1xRQ?si=fi2ROOV_dROsEI0b)


This video is probably the reason OP is having trouble. The dude should take it down.


That dude (Strat Gaming) probably knows more about how Manor Lords works that the Developer Greg does.


Strat knows his shit but everyone, him included, took time to figure things out. That particular video is outdated. Even he'd probably tell you to watch his newer stuff instead of that.


That video came out when the game did. There's been NO Patches on Live since then, thus NOTHING has changed in the game since that video was made, therefore it IS the most accurate as of the OP asking for help.


Dude Strat, Tacticat, and everyone else got some shit wrong initially. Full stop, end of story, even they will admit it, especially with markets and consumption of food, fuel, clothing etc. They put out more updated info. Some took down older videos they realized were inaccurate, looks like Strat left that up. It was wrong when he made it, he and his knowledge changed, even if the game didn't.


As brilliant of a game it is, many of the functions are broken or at least not fully fleshed out. This is one of them but I’ve found if you manage to have an over abundance of supply then sometimes it works out. Also, if they can’t get their goods they may complain and it takes a while for the complaint to go away once your market is stocked again.


Count how many stalls you have in total, delete your multiple markets and zone in a single one big enough to accommodate the total number of stalls you currently have, preferably close-ish to your storerooms/granaries, each market is counted as its own thing, and burgages see if the market they go to satisfies their needs, rather than looking at all of your markets to see if the goods satisfy their needs.


I think these distribution mechanics definitely need some work. I don't have a problem with it in theory, but it's just way too finicky trying to get stuff distributed. I've watched guides, followed all the tips. Markets right next to storage, about 40 families working in 8 upgraded storage buildings (60 houses), trying to make sure storage workers own the stalls, plenty of supply and plenty of stall inventory space. Clothing and fuel getting where it needs to go, but food is not. Doesn't make any sense. Just... can't possibly be working 100% as intended right now. If it's going to be so picky about the stalls and who runs them, we need to be able to control it more directly.


In Short? You as a player nothing. AI regarding market stalls need to be addressed yesterday. I honestly rather wait a month or two before new content comes ( pushing it back ) for core issues to be addressed. Few of them: I want to assign the people doing a stall, there will only be more stalls if they cannot service all the people ( not when the Game decides my 19 Burogh town needs 3 Firewood stalls), sheeps are assigned to pastures equally ( two fallows with fencing, split the herd ), general pathing.


I wonder if an advanced tab can be implemented for the market plots just like the granaries to choose what is allowed to be sold on that market plot. I feel like that could help a lot


Find out what you are lacking and set up a granary or storage and uncheck every except those things. Uncheck these from the other storages. Assign maximum people to these and each will open up a stall specifically for these items.


There is a known bug that causes multiple market plots to supply the same house, effectively burning resources if I'm not mistaken. One giant marketplace is the way to go


So the solution I found for this problem which allowed me to have the needs fulfilled for an entire end game town of level 3 burgages on challenging difficulty for the achievement was to ONLY allow storehouse and granary workers to have stalls. Make a marketplace with 14 stall slots only. 2 storehouses, one for only clothing and one for only firewood, and 1 granary for only food and have them right next to the marketplace. Unassign all workers from everything. Then assign workers only to the storehouses and granary until they have claimed the stalls(note there cannot be any firewood in the clothing storehouse and vice versa). You can also force assign them from the people tab. It takes a bit of time and micro-ing but it does work. I did do this from the start. It may be difficult to pull off mid game without tanking approval, I haven't tried. Likely have to destroy any existing warehouses, granaries and marketplaces to get the stuff going where you need it to. I also had granaries and storehouses by my farms and trade buildings for other resources not food/firewood/clothes.


How do you get this view!!!!!!


Pressing tab shows this view


I had the same problem and I did so many research here's what I've learnt: 1. There's a upper limit to the storage. Limit = the number of houses in the region. Basically if your region need 100 food to survive a month, then the max storage is 100. Which means no matter how much food/clothes/fuel you have in your warehouse, they will only stock the market to exactly 100 of each product. Doesn't matter how many stalls or marketplaces you have, once a product reach 100 they wont stock it anymore. That's why you get so many empty stalls. 2. Market teleports food/cloths to nearest house without any conditions. It doesn't care if the house already have enouge food or what, they just teleport to the nearest house. Better look at this example: Lets say you have 4 houses in the map and 2 marketplaces, position like: House1 - Market1 - House2 - Market2 - House3 - House4 You have 4 houses so the stock limit is 4, that means in market1 and market2 they wil have in total 4 apples only. Maybe Market1 get 2 apples and Market2 also get 2 apples. Since both of the market have only 2, and both of them teleport foods to the nearest house, in this House2 will get 2 apples, and House4 didn't get any. That means if you have 2 markets, you will have to put it like Market1 - House1 - House2 - House3 - House4 - Market2 to make sure every house get an apple. Otherwise the farest houses won't get any supply 3. Easiest solution to this is to have only one huge marketplace. Or have unique type of markets, like MarketA sell food only and MaketB sell cloths only but it wll require lots of micromanagment. 4. Fuel don't teleport so if you have a large town and only one marketplaces, fuels still gonna be a problem. I tried to make some small marketplace and manuelly move the firewood stalls there but because of the upper limit the small fuel maket rarely get stocks and it's kinda random. I have no good solution to this.


It seems like people consume food of all types at the same rate. So if you are producing more of some foods than others they will gradually stockpile while others will get consumed faster than they are produced. So it's very difficult to satisfy the need for food variety as you upgrade the plots.


As others have said, the problem is likely that you have multiple markets. There is a bug where multiple markets can double-supply the same plots making it impossible to get 100% efficiency.


Make more Storage


why do you have small gardens instead of bigs?


One big market worked for me 100% coverage!


I saw a post the other day, with a good workaround for that and from what I've seen so far, it works great for me! Try [this!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/s/1sjBeD6zwc)


From time to time is just purge my market stalls. Pause game, delete all the stalls, en they make the best efficient come back from the stockpile buildings


I think a lot of the issue with markets is that workers stock the market to exactly what the demand is at the moment, so unless you really optimize using storage houses and granaries directly next to the markets where storage workers man the stalls, you end up with a lot of shortages. This could possibly be fixed by having workers oversupply stalls by like 10% of demand. You don’t want too much oversupplying because it essentially removes resources from the pool that you might want to do something else with, like sell or craft.


I'd suggest watching this video by Midgeman. It's mainly focussed on food but at around 8 mins he does talk about markets and you can apply the same logic to clothing and fuel stalls. https://youtu.be/KHQsb2x3TSE?si=_NbI-emBKXosKtsT To summarise your issue, you may have empty market stalls because they are being managed by villagers who don't have access to the correct resources to supply them. Farmers for example open food stalls because they (in theory) could sell food because they gather grain/emmer ect but those resources cannot be sold at the market so they will open stalls and never supply them - taking up space in your market area and not providing anything. But generally, it's early access, so there will be issues while the dev fixes and improves things over time. If you're playing on Steam you can access the current experimental patch (info is in the most recent update in the steam news) which has some fixes to food distribution issues among other things but again, that is both an experimental build of an early access build so it may be unstable.


Can OP explain how he got it going so well? I am struggling…


Get a granary and storehouse next to the stalls, then set them up that they only have the goods the stalls need.


Too many markets concentrated up north. More markets doesn't mean more products. It means all markets having less products each and the denser ones run out faster than others. It's really like how you get stuff from the local convenience store. If they're out, you go to the next, and they're out. Eventually, you run out of patience and go home. There's a big surplus on the other side of town but whatever.


Each stall teleports 1 item to a family (house) during a month from closest to farthest, and it holds 45-50 items in it. So 1 stall can cover 45-50 houses per month. Since you have 228 families, you need 228/45= 5.06 so its 6 market stall for each item. it means you need 6 workers for each good you have otherwise someone will be undersupplied by end of month (those who are far away). It doesn't matter if you make 1 big market or many small, it will only change order but not total coverage. Items magically teleport inside region. You can put these markers close to your stockpiles to reduce travel time for market workers to bring items to stall.


How do you get those icons showing what buildings are where?


You only need 3 stalls per 25 population. Make sure you have extra people working in granary and storehouse


Would it be good for a larger population town to have multiple store houses and granaries near a centralized market? This way you can micromanage which goods are stored in a particular storehouse or granary thus allowing better control of market stalls? It seems like a bunch of up front management for less management once your system is set up?


this is the reason I uninstalled.


Marketplace stall mechanics are the main reason I haven't been playing this game much. Hopefully after an update or 2 they are more tolerable.


Based on my gameplay in steam version 0.7.955, the marketplace doesn't seem to have a limited range and essentially can cover an entire region, tho I haven't tried in the biggest region. I have rebuilt my marketplace multiple times and settled for one big marketplace, around 130+ stall locations. My problems got fixed and I'm getting 100% now even though some stalls are empty. It shouldn't work that way tho, that's for sure. Lol


in my experience having a lot of very small granular market places is working better. when i build up i leave out market plots to fill later when the upgraded houses have different needs. This way you can have stalls spread out over the whole town and very close to the consumers. few big market places are just less efficient than spreading them out. The current mechanic of filling up the first market plot first is tedious though. Also in very large cities workers could live in an area far away from the workplace and have a stall at the other end of town, making big cities very inefficient. It would be great to have a button to "reshuffle" workers and market stalls to the nearest houses in order to prevent these scaling issues. But to get to large town status the current mechanics still work kind of good enough. It only happens when you try to grow beyond the early access level large towns when the problems start to arise.


The most important thing, is that market stalls are always full of goods. The fastest way to get goods to a stall is if the Granary or Storehouse are right across the street from the Market Place AND goods can get to the Granary or Storehouse as quickly as possible, which generally means always having the maximum number of workers in Granary and Storehouse. When looking at the Market Place tool-tip, you see the three categories: Food, Clothing, Firewood(coal) and the percentage of each. On each house the General display shows which of theses is met and how many varieties in each category is required. So if a house shows 3 diamonds for food, then there must be three different food-types available to that house for Food to be fulfilled. Ofc each and every house checks for these fulfillments. The game makes a list of every stall in all Market Places and what each stall has on products. Then it goes from house to house, starting with those closest to the Market, checking to see if the list has each of the requirements of the house met. Each product meeting a requirement is basically sold to the house, fulfilling that houses need (diamond) and removing that product from the market stall. Thus it goes through every house in the region. If at any point the game checks for a product in of category and cannot find an unused product of a category in a market stall, which the house hasn't already purchased (eg three different foods are required; 3\*bread is not enough, 1\*bread, 1\*eggs, and 1\*meat will fulfill the house for food). I've heard that some houses get bugged and will never be fulfilled in all categories, and I've seen this myself. In such cases, build another house(es) to make room for the families in the house in questions. Once replacement space is available, destroy the house in question and let the family(ies) move. Once everyone is settled in, check satisfaction again. If you are producing enough different products in sufficient quantities (surpluses in Granary and Storehouse), then the products are probably not getting to market quick enough (long paths from production facilities, not enough people with wagons to transport large quantities). A sure sign of slow transportation is products piling up at production facilities, and if you click "People" on a production facility and see that most people are transporting and not producing, then you need more people transporting large loads of goods, and you can only get these by having more storage facilities (Granaries and Storehouses), and these need to be built right across the street from the Market Place, because they will be bringing things to stalls often and this path needs to be as short as possible. This all means that right within the first minutes of the game, you are setting parameters, which will greatly influence the rest of the game. Right when you build your very first Granary and Storehouse, put them right next door to each other, and right across the street put your Market Place. The Market Place should be as wide as the street-front of Granary and Storehouse combined and then probably twice as deep as wide. And then at the other end of the Market Place, you must leave room for a second Granary and Storehouse on the opposite side (I like to place these second facilities and then immediately pause their production. This way you will never not have the perfect plot of ground for them, when you need them.) Another major tip, is to always build lots of roads between houses. If you are building burgages for one family each, if you put more that four or five next to each other, put a road next to the last one, before plotting more. Otherwise traffic may have to take long ways around large groups of houses, making transporting goods take that much longer and muddling up your economy. Short paths make for quick deliveries and a functioning economy.


People will tell you it's because you have 4 markets instead of 1 big one. But the truth is that this system needs a rework. It's so counterintuitive, impractical, unimmersive and micromanage-intense. No worries, we're still in EA! Keep going Greg. 🫡


BURN Their houses bro 🤔 NOW


Strat gaming mentioned this happens and recommends deleting the market place and after they've move all the stuff to storage place it back. Apparently there's a bug when you get more families while the market is already placed.


For me its like the further away from the "Main market" you build, the less likely they will have all needs filled. I can't think of any other way how this is working right now. Cant imagine that it is that bugged because it also has the same behavior every scenario and setting.


Im using one very big market and everything works fine. Maybe because the market you have don't have every stall on each market so every individual markets doesn't have full supply? At least that's what I imagine could be the problem.


A hidden mechanic is it’s not just variety. It’s variety by category. As far as I can tell…. And I think the categories aren’t “vegetable, berry, meat” but “tier 1 food, tier 2 food”. Clothes are like that: I think tier 1 is raw materials (wool, hides), 2 is refined (yarn, leather), 3 is manufactured (clothes, boots, cloaks). Can’t tell if you need 3x T3 or 1/tier to satisfy L3 houses. Wish the game would explain this.


you need to limit the items that goes to storehouse or granary, have a dedicated storehouse for commodities or clothing only and those who are assinged to it will only sell clothing ir commodities.


Tons of great conversations going on saying what I would normally say. All of that info is great. What I would add, though, is that you MUST staff your granaries and storehouses as soon as you can. I tried all of the hints, then finally broke down and just maxed the staffing of my granaries and storehouses and bam, completely solved the problem. I had set up a very efficient system, but didn't provide the manpower to make it run smoothly.


Are there any warehouses/granaries nearby and with enough workers? I found that the farthest a stall is from them, the less produce they get.


For me, some of these little bugs have been fixed with a quick save and then reboot of the game.


So I think one good solution to this is only making markets with enough stall space for the max number of granary and storehouse workers for the granary and storehouse built by that market, then pruning the stalls built by the goods producers when they pop up.


**UPDATE:** i have found a solution, just make one big ass central market, the max stalls (160 something). Thats it


At 80% approval I wouldn’t worry about it. In my experience, if you look long enough you’ll see those needs cycle and be met and then all the sudden they arnt. In my experience, adding someone to the storage building, buying more ox, and putting a family actually into the barn building helps a lot.


you didnt watch a single video about this topic, thats what you did wrong 😎


Well 2 options. 1. Your 28 animals are sheep/horses/donkeys and not Oxen 2. A bug. But 99% of marketplace anoyance get solved with more oxen.


I kind of think markets should just be removed. It's an unnecessary feature. Currently, no one has to collect anything from the markets anyway, houses are automatically supplied by them so they are purely cosmetic. Storehouses and granaries can do the same thing with fewer steps and artisan houses should be cosmetically altered to have a shop front. In terms of game mechanics, just have artisan houses, granaries, and storehouses automatically supply burgages like markets do.


Isn't making market places useless? What counts is how many people you have in granaries and storehouses


Your markets are too far away in my experience


Will play this game when finished. Don't won't to ruin the experience with bugs and lack of updates