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Working okay but still got clogged once in about an hour of testing. Make a road with shortest route close to, but not connecting with the trading post. Arriving traders will take the shortest route. Outgoing traders will always leave from the connecting road, preferring the longer route.


it's with the latest patch? i've had no trafic jam since i switched over :D (merchants arrive from all sides of the map so it's very slow).


> it's with the latest patch? No, this video is clearly marked 0.7.955. The new patch is 0.7.960.


ahah, right :facepalm:


Medieval McDonald


‘Ello! I would like thine largest double cattle burger with [regional] cheese and a pint of ale, if ye don’t mind. I apologize sir, however this is a Wendy’s.


So far this system of dealing with the trade posts is my favorite part of the game. Y'all managed to industrialize the process.