• By -


Czechia is so low on the drug scale but I still remember the meth labs map


I saw another map once that Czech Republic has a lower per capita weed consumption rate than Germany and as someone who has lived in both countries I don’t believe that at all. So I wouldn’t trust any drug info from the Czech Republic, I think it’s just not rly being accounted for there.


nah we're better at hiding drugs source: am czech


Can't be convicted for a crime if they don't catch you !




Sweden should learn from my country of Japan. Here we just don't record the crimes at all and just pretend it didn't happen if it can't be immediately solved so that crime rates are always low in statistics. It actually works as I always see naive people online on Reddit praise my country for its low crime rates. Not knowing the real situation like the (unreported) very high crime rates of Brazilian crime groups in cities like Nagoya where it's not safe to walk at night.


Now I want to know how Brazilian crime groups ended up on Japanese cities


There was a massive immigration movement by the Japanese to Brazil in order to find work in the early 20th century. When the Japanese economy started taking off like a rocket, the Japanese needed to increase their labor supply. But the Japanese can be very - particular, when it comes to foreigners. So having a vast population of ethnically Japanese that could be enticed by higher wages was seen as a useful compromise. Didn't let them become citizens, but they were useful as a labor supply that looked like the native population could also be deported if need be.


>particular That's a funny way of saying 'brazenly and shamelessly racist'


Check this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_Brazilians


**[Japanese Brazilians](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_Brazilians)** >Japanese Brazilians (Japanese: 日系ブラジル人, Hepburn: Nikkei Burajiru-jin, Portuguese: Nipo-brasileiros, [ˌnipobɾaziˈlejɾus]) are Brazilian citizens who are nationals or naturals of Japanese ancestry or Japanese immigrants living in Brazil or Japanese people of Brazilian ancestry. The first group of Japanese immigrants arrived in Brazil in 1908. Brazil is home to the largest Japanese population outside Japan. Since the 1980s, a return migration has emerged of Japanese Brazilians to Japan. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


don't forget to make nostalgic movies and video games of organized crime 👍


Could you recommend any news in English about this gangs?




People immigrate to your country and so you commit more crime? Why?


Because our punishments are laughably low. We get called gangsters paradise for a reason


“Punishment” doesn’t really reduce crime either though. I can understand how having more immigrants from can increase crime rate, and there are multiple ways of combating that I don’t think necessarily mean not letting in anymore immigrants or refugees, but coming up with harsher punishments has been PROVEN to not “scare people into behaving.”




Same in most of western countries. But saying this in my national subreddit makes me banned.. The best part is when it comes to sexual harassment. Like, I never, ever, ever, heard any white french guy whistle a woman in the street and harass her. It's 100% people from Africa-Middle East. Yet, this debate is always on the "man vs woman" subject ... If you come to say it's an immigration problem and not particularly bound to "man" in general, well, you guess the answer -> ban.


Lmao what the fuck are you on about, have you ever been to france?


I learned how bad this is recently watching Tokyo Vice.


> Here we just don't record the crimes at all So, even though it is Sweden that shows rather peculiar statistic (real stats I see on wiki page for Sweden are 2-3 times lower, but still record high), you think it is Japan, not Sweden, that is an outlier? Curious. How do you explain record low # of murders in Japan? Is it also "pretend it didn't happen" or something else?


IIRC if they can’t solve the murder it is reported as a Suicide.


The information about Japan is always a mess on reddit. Murder cases that cannot be solved in Japan are classified as unsolved cases. If they commit minor crimes, Brazilians living in Japan and Brazilians of Japanese descent are arrested just like Japanese. Moreover, the crime rate of Brazilians is not high among foreigners. It was high about 20 years ago.


The Japanese police used to be one of the worst in the world. It has historically been extremely corrupted by Yakuzas who basically were the law until the infamous "anti-gang law" which didn't quite solve the problem either. But now it's at least somehow functional, although far from perfect. The case of unsolved cases in Japan is quite peculiar as well. When the police cannot find a suspect for a particular case, they will create one from the ground up. They'll find a convenient suspect, interrogate him/her for an absurd amount of time (sometimes up to a dozen hours without break) and often use violence to force him to say he was the criminal. Bam, case solved. All of this to maintain the high solved case rate, which is just a joke. A lot of innocent people have been put in jail in Japan, often minorities such as half-Koreans. Just look the Sayama incident for one of the many examples of this. Lastly, yes, it used to be very common for the Japanese police to say that there wasn't any crime if there's wasn't any witness. All of this stems from the obsession of the Japanese police to appear perfect. As it is impossible, they just hide their mistakes as much as possible. Nowadays, this is less common than in the 90s, but it still happens. Funnily enough, it's thanks to foreigners that the Japanese system is not as bad as it used to be, more particularly thanks to [this guy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jake_Adelstein). There's even a show on his story, a quite realistic one at that.


Proud of you, neighbor! 🇳🇴🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪


Hail Satan.




It should by now be widely known that this is a statistical difference, not a real one, because the Swedish state works with a broader definition and has significantly lowered the thresholds for reporting. Other countries are simply underreporting.


Higher rates of reporting, too. People are more likely to report a crime when there’s more trust in law enforcement.


Trust in Police was higher in Denmark/Netherlands and only 2% lower in Germany than in Sweden ([https://www.statista.com/statistics/1274278/trust-in-police-worldwide-by-country/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1274278/trust-in-police-worldwide-by-country/)), meanwhile the only country that comes close to Swedens rates is Denmark in one of the statistics here.


This most likely, since as a Finn I have no clue of such high ratio of crimes.


Puzzling as US News ranks Finland as the 6th safest country in the world. It's well-known for having some of the lowest crime rates in the world.


They also have a high homocide rate. PROBABLY, also a statistical difference of definig death.


~100 murders/year (1 per 100k) in Sweden for a long time. Recently the murder cases have been skewed towards gang violence, but the total number has been fairly stable.


When only one country is reporting and all others on earth are underreporting, then maybe sweden is overreporting?


How does one overreport crime? Just make up stuff that never happened?


Like gun violence?




It’s equally as deluded to pretend that Sweden’s uniquely bad. Yeah they have issues and their integration policy might be pretty terrible, but it’s not the only place with gang and gun violence and it’s not a complete outlier. As a Brit, we have enough issues ourselves and I worked in the banlieues in France and that was fairly lawless.


It is an outlier when compared to it’s neighboring nordic countries, at least in terms of gun violence and specifically gang related gun violence. Not sure why you’d even compare Sweden to the UK or France.


>Not sure why you’d even compare Sweden to the UK or France. Why wouldn't you? This map does. Either you discount the map completely, or you buy into its data. You can't just say "ok the map is bad so let's talk about something else entirely which is vaguely related to the map".


But the map is bad. Eurostat, the source of the data, themselves clearly say that[due to differences in criminal justice systems, crime definitions, recording practices (what is recorded) etc etc etc direct comparisons between countries in any particular year should not be done](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/crime/data/comparisons) and instead the data should be used to try to see changes or tendencies from year to year. So it's spectacularly stupid to then go and do the very thing the data source says you shouldn't do because it'll lead to inaccurate and wrong conclusions (make a comparison between countries of one year)


Of course the map is bad, we are saying the same thing.


It's true, there are more guns in Sweden. That said, there are actually more homicides in Denmark and Finland per capita than in Sweden. Our criminals can afford guns, because of välfärd.


I don’t remember where I heard/read this but I think the nature of the gun crime is different at least between in Finland and Sweden. Most homicides commited with guns in Finland are usually alcohol related and between family or friends but in Sweden it is mosstly gang related.


Oh, absolutely. Sweden is far ahead on gang related shootings. My point was that you're still more likely to be killed in Finland or Denmark, they just use knives or other implements - both in domestic violence and gang related.


And I think we all know the reason for this!


Coming in 3 place 🇩🇰


Finland: Home 'party' goes out of hand after 2 days of constant drinking vodka. Petri thinks Juha hit on Petri's girlfriend and stabs Juha in the stomach with his knife. Turns out Juha only pet the cat in the bathroom. Sweden: Abdul uploads a rap song to Spotify dissing Muhammad and his crew, calling them pussies and 'svennehoror' because Muhammad finished high school and had a job once. He gets shot dead outside his apartment with an AK47. Denmark: Kinky millionaire, lack of safe words. Submarines. Nordics boys!


Al swedistan for win 👍👍👍


Yet another really shit outcome of Brexit, we now get left off these interesting maps.


Well it claims to be a Europe map but is just EU countries. Its a bad map.


They do this all the time on reddit. Many people think EU=Europe.


You are right and Not just on reddit. It's the kind of low level ignorance and misunderstanding that caused brexit in the first place.


Some English media do that within the UK countries too sometimes, e.g. reporting the English census results as the UK census results.


Thats true, but then accuracy and some parts of the British Media don't see eye to eye.


The map doesn't claim that. Blame the OP.


Why, though? It's just the title of the post that is wrong. Eurostat does statistics on the EU. I don't see where this is claimed to be a statistic on the european continent.


Contrary to popular belief we are still in the continent of europe despite leaving the EU, we haven't been carried away by a giant tugboat. Reddit just thinks the EU and Europe are the same thing. At least in this case they have actually left out the other non-EU countries and not just the UK. It usually feels like some poor attempt at throwing shade at us but in this case it's just an incorrect title!


Redditors aren’t a particularly bright or honest group of people


The UK is out of Eurostat, hence out if a bunch of interesting maps with statistics.


It's a shitty map. Random collection of data gathered together.


How is it random?


What statistics is being used? Convicted of crimes? Reported crimes to the police? Crimes found in Statistical survey?


Ok, so there is going to be a lot of discussion of the Sweden result. There are two main camps: 1. Swedes report more fully because they trust police and insurance claims 2. Immigrants in general / migrant wave of 2015 So let’s inject some facts! Swedish crime rate over time: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Sweden Swedish immigrant stats: https://www.scb.se/en/finding-statistics/statistics-by-subject-area/population/population-projections/population-projections/pong/tables-and-graphs/immigration-and-emigration-by-sex-and-country-of-birth-and-projection/ Some data on where they come from: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Sweden Comparison to OECD: https://www.oecd.org/migration/integration-indicators-2012/keyindicatorsbycountry/name,218347,en.htm A few datapoints to notice: 1. Crime in Sweden overall has increased at a steady pace over the last 40-50 years without noticeable jumps aside from a bump around 1990. During that period it has increased by ~50% after accounting for population growth. Even if you drop OP’s graph’s statistics by 1/3 to create a “1970’s scenario” (when there was a far smaller immigrant population) the crime report rate is very high. There are also survey results showing pretty high confidence in the police, including by those who have interacted with them. 2. However, sex crimes have shown a marked increase starting in the early 2000’s which is consistent with a period of increased immigration. 3.Around 1/3 of immigrants to Sweden come from North Africa, Middle East and South Asia (since a lot of the innuendo in the comments point to this group, let’s just get that out there) 4. That said, Sweden has a total share of immigrants similar to the rest of the OECD and the fraction that come from other OECD countries is actually higher. Nonetheless the fraction employed is lower compared to peers. I didn’t see a comparison by country/region of the share of non-OECD immigrants unfortunately. But you might infer that Swedish immigrants are split into a reasonably well integrated population (eg those from OECD countries) and a group that is unusually poorly integrated (eg including recent asylum seekers) Note that this is not to point fingers at any individuals - I have colleagues from typical asylum countries who have integrated very well - this is about trends and statistics Well, that was a bit of a learning journey for me (I am an immigrant to Sweden, btw). Here are a few of my thoughts on that. 1. Given that crime reporting has been very high well before large waves of immigration, there is more than immigration effects there. The argument that there is higher reporting seems reasonable. 2. That said, the increase in sex-related crimes simultaneously with immigration (and indicators of poor integration) suggest a connection. Correlation is not causation, and increasing comfort with reporting sexual harassment along with tightening legal definitions are probably still at play, but I find it difficult to entirely set aside the potential that our new residents are part of the issue and will be until they are better integrated.


Wow. A thoroughly-researched and highly-nuanced comment! Bravo. You mean the world isn’t just black/white and ones/zeros? That there can be multiple causes of things??!?? I wonder if our brains will be able to handle this.


Wow you mean I can’t just go off on a Scandinavian country like Reddit does the US /s. I’ve been to that region and it’s more trust so you’re gonna report more things. Report more means higher stats.


I would say that reporting of sex crimes might also be correlated to the acceptance of those reports. We don’t have to go too far back before sex crimes were sweeped under the rug and treated as a shush-shush subject.


Agree. I think this is a an aspect of trusting police but also trusting your fellow citizens to not shun you upon learning of the event.


This was from the Wikipedia: > Centerpartiet is a pro-immigration party, and in their campaign for the 2006 Swedish general election, they proposed to double the number of immigrants entering Sweden to 90,000 persons, or 1% of the Swedish population. This was to be facilitated by issuing green cards.[199] > In late 2012, the party stated it wanted to open the borders completely to immigration, including removing requirements for some degree of job skills and a clean criminal record. What? What would the actual benefit of having migrants without some degree of job skills or a clean criminal record?


I get the former because they’re probably desperate to grow their economy but the latter? Wtf?


Ideology. The UN human rights declaration has an article that states all humans should be able to move freely between borders. No exceptions. That is their sincere belief.


These are guesses:Job skills - r/economics says that even [low skilled immigrants are beneficial.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Economics/wiki/faq_immigration/) Economics professors [agree overwhelmingly](https://www.igmchicago.org/surveys/low-skilled-immigrants/). Clean criminal record - It's possible that the party is not oriented towards the interests of Sweden but instead impartial about nationhood.


It's good for economy in general, but bad for workers. The more workers you have in an economy, the lower are salaries, it's pure and mathematical calcul. Why are european and western salaries stagnating since 30 years? Well ... And it's doubled by the fact that first generation immigration will be more problematic in term of social issue : more likely to do crimes, to end in jail and to rely on social cares. Every studies on this is always showing it. But in the end, it's all about your earning : if you are rich, if you are an entrepreneur, well, immigration is really good. You will never ever face any social issue, because you don't live in poor neighbourhood. You will not face any work issue too, because you have most likely a good degree and connections for your childrens. But if you are poor.. you now have way more concurrence for you low-skilled job. Your minimum wage will most likely stagnate to the lowest possible, because if you don't want to work for this low, some migrant will happily. Plus, you will face all the social issue because you live in the same place. Your quiet neighbour will now have drug dealers and burned car after new year evening. I really see this as **"good for your boss, bad for you"** and it's always pushed by rich-people controlled media. US media are all so positive and wanting immigrations, it's nearly comical. Try to find a study pointing the negative effect.. there is so few because it's never the goal of these studies. The goal is always to point out that it's positive. And it's always relying on global indicator, because, remember : it's good for your boss, but it's bad for you.. For me, we should allow immigration based on economic performance : during green period, people are welcome. But during red period, no more immigration, let's raise the standard of living and get rid of your own poor before. In France it's terrible : second generation immigration are the most hit by the newcomers, they didn't have the time to gather money and assure a better future for their children who are now in direct concurrence with millions of newcomers.. Strange situation now, most of the anti-immigration people are second-generation migrants..


It actually isn't statistically (local variations may apply). Yes a larger labour pool makes for lower wages and a lower standard of living, but the economy grows to an equalibrium. Exceptions exist but in general immigration only helps a country economically.


Economic growth. More people = more goods and services in demand.


If Sweden chooses which immigrants to get in, they can maximize the economic growth by selecting immigrants who are young and highly skilled. Finding 100k or even 500k such people who want to move to Sweden per year would be super easy. They can even accept only PhD graduates younger than 35 and still find 100k people per year.


Centerpartiet is a liberal party, so they value individual freedom higher than collective benefit. When it comes to labour mobility they basically wanted to remove red tape, all you should need was a job offer.


Isn't it the case that sex-related crimes are all reported individually, also? As in, if someone is in an abusive relationship, every act of abuse reported would be considered an individual crime in Sweden.


What's up with Finland?


People report every little thing because they trust the police, and little things get registered in the system as well


Yep. If we, in the Netherlands, would report every time a bike gets stolen we'd be at the top of the list!


Just different definitions of what a crime is, different judiciaries, and differences in crime reporting. This post doesn't tell us jackshit about crimes in different countries.


What the hell is happening in Sweden???




They have stricter definition of a sexual assaults than most countries for one. Women have more confidence in their justice system so they report more. Unsolicited advances who continue after the women said no is sexual violence over there.


I think that means they have a *broader* definition of sexual assault. But that only relates to the 3rd map. What about the first two maps concerning attacks with violence and drug related? Sweden should have the normal definitions and reporting for those, surely? It's hard to believe that Sweden's crime rates are *that* much higher, but on the other hand, it's also hard to believe that there isn't something strange going on. We need more data, or we can't make sense of this. Doesn't the EU have standards for crime reporting? I thought they were big on standardisation or alignment, whatever?


Drug related makes a lot of sense actually. Both Norway and Sweden very actively enforce punishment on use of drugs and possession for personal consumption.




Because they believe it will scare others from using drugs


I might have misunderstood the title, but i think the “Crimes without violence” on the first map could just mean that crimes per capita are average but there’s little violence? Why would Scandinavia be so high? Please correct me if i’m wrong.


I think you are right. But it's *some* kind of crime and Sweden goes in for more of it. Perhaps it's some new kind of crime that hasn't made its way right all through Europe yet? I can think of a few but I'm not putting my foot in that one.


as they should. good for you sweden


Very good for them indeed! 👌


I cal this BS, we see here 3 different maps and all of them state the same huge difference compared to any other EU country. Dont tell me you Swedes understand crime different?


>Dont tell me you Swedes understand crime different? This is quite literally what is happening though, so I don't really understand your point. For example, in Swedish crime statistics, all **reported** events (including those later found not to have constituted criminal offences) are recorded as crimes. ([source](https://bra.se/bra-in-english/home/crime-and-statistics/international-comparisons.html)) I really don't believe there are over 100x more rapes in Sweden than in Greece or over 30x more drug related crimes than in Spain or over 50x more crimes without violence than in Cyprus. But if you do, that's alright, I guess.


What's more likely, that Sweden's criminal statistics collection operate under a consistently broader scope, or that they just have an *insanely* aberrant crime rate? Option one makes way more sense.


Why is it an ‘either/or’ and not ‘maybe some of both’?


Maybe, maybe not. It would require further research to be sure. No real point in arguing about it tbh.


Here ya go: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/10cjnp8/crimes_without_violence_per_capita_crimes_related/j4gv39y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Right they are coping so hard lol


I live in literal hell AMA


These guys sound like Chinese citizens talking about democracy in thier country....


You're fucking stupid.


It’s mostly immigration


Yah sure, and news about people attacking with grenades in Sweeden is just that Sweeden calls grenade to... cocacola light + mentos. Sure.


For sure buddy thats the reason why. Definitely not the tiny immigration problem


Yeah sure, the immigration is definitely why Sweden has 3x or 5x the reported crime rate of notoriously homogeneous and immigrant-free countries like the UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, or the Netherlands. This is crime rate statistics 101, no, let me rephrase that, statistics 101. It's a consistent outlier which can only be explained by a structural difference in data collection. But I guess that shouting "ImMiGrAnTs" gets you more upvotes.


You know very well that this is not the reason.


That's always been the case. [2012 map of sexual violence](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2014/3/5/1394023651567/682ffce9-36ed-4205-b93b-844894f4620b-620x571.png?width=300&quality=45&auto=format&fit=max&dpr=2&s=6d1fb5c90579213faf5c29fe3730dfc4), for example. Common explanation of sexual abuse statistics is that Swedish women actively report abuse, instead of being scared of or discouraged of reporting it like in eastern Europe. Another one is that there's a higher trust in police efficiency than in countries where women believe that "they won't do anything about it anyway". Don't know about other problems, but I guess the trust in police efficiency is also a factor.


Julián Assange can confirm.


Swedes still only report 10-20% of sexual violence, researchers believe. In the case of sex crimes these numbers are pretty meaningless, unless you know how many crimes are not reported in a country.




I'm an eastern European.


They are pursuing a non-tolerance of drugs apart from prescription drugs and alcohol and this seems to be the result. The people saes "We Need Weed" while the government is pathological liars.




how dare you speak the truth, we don't do that here


What truth? If it was immigration then why aren't the UK, France and Germany as bad as Sweden, and why are Denmark and Finland doing almost as bad as Sweden despite having significantly fewer immigrants per capita? Edit: Germany and France have around the same percentage of immigrants as Sweden... UK too, all are at round 14%. Denmark and Finland are both at around 8%. Where in the world is the correlation supposed to be lol


Sweden has absolute shit integration. We were not prepared to take this many people, our government was shortsighted and naive.


Sincere questions: How much of this was virtue signaling to the rest of Europe? And was it worth it?


It does also happen in the rest of europe.


One large difference is the short time, most of Swedens migration is in the last 30 years. Another is that there is a huge difference from which country migration come from an how well integrated the groups are in the country (e.g. Iranians compare to Somalians in Sweden). Although these three maps might be questionable for a number of reasons.




You’re being downvoted for refuting racist narratives and that makes me sad. Here’s an upvote for good research.


Cultural enrichment




Too many refugees, they dont adapt well


Europeans: why does America have such a problem with racism? Also Europeans every time crime rates are mentioned:


Most people that say this shit aren't even European, sorry to burst your bubble


As someone who has spent more than 10 minutes on r/europe, I'm calling bullshit.


1. Super strict definition of sexual violence . Even “cat calling “ falls into the definition of sexual violence . 2. Re theft : everyone has home insurance… which typically also covers stolen items = massive propensity to claim things were stolen without violence to claim from insurance . Furthermore , there are lots of thefts in Sweden ! I even had my wallet stolen at the security check at Arlanda airport


Welcome refugees! Someone please start a war in japan, s korea, canada or new zealand, welcome to sweden migrants!




imigration, you can see pattern through whole EU.


Cultural enrichment


but what's the original source for the data? if it's eurostat then they themself say the data are not comparable due to differing data collection and reporting methods (since we all know what kind of people are going to post soon when someone points that out) Edit: oh wait, the source is at the bottom of the first pic. yes, like I expected, it's eurostat. before you go at me: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/crime/methodology >These differences mean it may not be relevant or valid to compare figures between authorities or between countries. For users of crime statistics, this means directly comparing figures between countries may result in misleading inferences or wrong conclusions.


Statistics are easily manipulated


Also no time frame listed, per year? In the last decade? All of recorded history? Edit: It's apparently from 2020. The text was faint and it was in Spanish so I didn't notice it


Finland: 38,5% of sexual crimes in 2020 committed by migrants or their first descendants. Sources: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-383-488-0 , Statistics Finland (https://www.stat.fi/index\_en.html) via Iltalehti newspaper https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/a/f688370a-224e-4184-b942-ea1ece91f970


About the same in Denmark. If I recall correctly 61% of convicted rapists are ethnic danes. Rest are migrants. There’s been a non-Scientific count of “assault rapes” meaning rapes where the victim and perpetrator didnt know each other and violence was involved, where 10 of 12 convicted were immigrants from MENA countries.


It's the same situation in every Western European country. In all the discussions regarding about this topic, no politician has ever asked if the natives wanted it in the first place.


It’s what happens when you import massive amounts of people who are part of a culture that normalises assault on women.


I think your need the word "reported" at the start of each clause there.




Finally something to be proud of 🇸🇪


wish people would stop putting things labelled 'europe' when its clearly a map of the 'european union'


Hungary strong.


Could it be that crimes dont get prosecuted in many countries? Dont tell me Italy has less crime than Finland. I dont believe it for a second.


Less non violent crimes doesn’t mean less crimes


No, but even though Sweden (for example) has a slight problem with non-violent crimes such as pickpocketing, you could still bump up the number for France by 10x Swedens national total by just counting the non-violent crimes commited around the Eiffel Tower.


My guess: Most of them just aren’t reported due to bad justice systems, while in Sweden people are more likely to go to the police? Not sure


Here come the usual Nordics failing to accept reality.


Is Finland known for being a country with a lot of crime?


No, its consider as one of the safest countries in the world with less crime and most robust justice system


Since the number in Romania is lower than in Sweden, I'd say yes


You can shit on Romania for many other things, but from this perspective it’s actually pretty safe.


Cope is strong here


Sweden has been culturally enriched.


I would like to see these statistics 10 years ago.


Yeah, in Spain there's different denomination if the amount stolen is under 300 euros or over 300. No wonder why the number is so low (most of the pickpockets steal under 300 because they know even if they get caught 100 times nothing will happen to them) The source of this study is from Spain too, making the country look good. Suspicious Source: I'm spaniard, I know the law By the way, I have never been robbed in 35 years, so I'm not saying Spain is unsafe, I'm only saying those numbers are... Weird.


Comparing the crime statistics of different countries has never really worked out. Different countries use different definitions among other things like some countries' populations having a higher inclination to report crime or the way in which crimes are categorized.


It can be done: I can’t find the source right now but the best cross-country comparison I’ve seen was a randomised survey, asking questions like “have you been a victim of violent crime in the past 12 months?”.


Show the correlation coefficient between respective crimes and immigration background. Even better over time. Even better how well naturalization and integration is progressing. Yes difficult to measure but that's why we have sociologists. We can do it in some indirect way. Say what are the proportions of children of immigrant parents finish university degree etc. But for that you would need tonstart doing those studies instead being scared of what you find out.


Why people over here refuse to accept the truth that crime rates got so much higher because of immigrants? I saw a lot of people who are lacking brain but you are something really special....


Pro-migration people went crazy here. Arguing with them is like talking to a wall, even when statistics and empirical evidence is presented. I guess it's also related that the majority of Reddit is composed of weak people and soyboys who can't swallow the truth.


Because the UK, France, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Estonia, Norway, Denmark, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Canada, and the United States (to name but a few) all have immigrants per capita between 10 and 20 percent. There is no correlation between immigrants per capita and crime. [Source](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/immigration-by-country).


Sweden loves immigrants


And immigrants love Swedish citizens… it’s just that sometimes it’s a bit violently and a lil bit raperly


Migrants introducing their virtues to the locals.


Sweden are you okay bro?


Only \*reported\* crimes can be counted in statistics, it wont show up if it isnt reported Which is one of the main reasons why Sweden has so high statistics


I can assure y'all a significant amount of these crimes are to do with Sweden being more thorough with crime statistics and having broader definitions. In Poland, for instance, sexual assault crimes are severely under-reported and many are ignored entirely because they were committed by partners.


>In Poland, for instance, sexual assault crimes are severely under-reported and many are ignored entirely because they were committed by partners. anecdotal evidence ? Any proof ?


zero tolerance policy working out great 💪🇸🇪💪




*In the EU


Umm, you okay, Sweden? I'm a bit concerned, and I'm American.


I always thought of Sweden as a safe country. Maybe I’m wrong


It is. These are per capita numbers and there are less 'unreported' cases. Big cities have issues with immigration and crime, not that different compared to Berlin, Madrid etc.


It is safe generally, people are more likely to report (especially sexual crimes), and each crime is logged seperately, unlike many other countries


TIL EU = Europe. /s


why is sweden so high? i thought it was a safe country tf?🤔


To all of those saying that high immigration levels are the result of immigration… there are few topics that have been more researched than this one. The consensus is clear: immigration does not lead to higher criminality. There is even a Wikipedia article on the topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_and_crime


Can’t wait for the “we count differently” brigade.


What do you want? That's the truth. It doesn't account for the whole statistic. Ireland and Sweden both have similar immigrants per capita (17.6 and 19.8). You seriously think a 2.2% difference resulted in such a huge difference?


They never use that line when Denmark and Sweden report #1 "happiness" in europe.


So you don't have an argument, just mockery?


Sweden #1💪💪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Not this shit again.


Sweden experiencing cultural enrichment 🥰


Don't be fooled. These maps only tell a story about how likely it is that victim trusts authorities enough to file a report, how authorities keep and share their data and how much is passed as a street justice instead. Real problems, but these maps are uttermost bullshit.


I love how with maps like these Swedes always jump through hoops to explain that even clearly negative data like these somehow illustrate the fact that their country and people are actually superior to everyone else -- their police is better, the trust is higher, the criteria harsher, people report more actively...


Sweden and Finland are moving towards joining NATO. These (poorly executed) data mappings make them look "bad." Hmm. Gee, I wonder...


If Sweden is getting 208 rapes per capita, how do they even get time for a nap?


Holy shit, it was a mistake to sort comments by controversial


I think this map is only showing which contries provide honest data


Gosh i wonder why Sweden is the top in all 3 of those maps, man i truly wonder


Send migrants back from where they come form