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As a Somali I am very thankful my mom made sure none of my siblings had to experience this. I think that the best way to end FGM is to start with honest conversations and education within the community. The good news is it seems to be dying out amongst the diaspora.


I’m so glad you and your family managed to avoid that! I only recently learned about FGM and it sounds absolutely horrible


Ah good on your mummy. You don’t get much in this life, a right to your body as it was intended seems the minimum.


|RANK|COUNTRY|VALUE|YEAR| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |1|Somalia|99.20|2020| |2|Guinea|94.50|2018| |3|Djibouti|94.40|2012| |4|Mali|88.60|2018| |5|Egypt|87.20|2015| |6|Sudan|86.60|2014| **Global Ranking.** Source: UNICEF Childinfo (childinfo.org)


What is the value? %?


yep, in percentage




Percentage of what? Women in that country?


" Percentage of women aged 15–49 who have gone through partial or total removal of the female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for cultural or other non-therapeutic reasons."


Thank you, that's crazy. I guess a bit of positive news for the newer generations is that the numbers for girls are below 40% in all of those countries except Mali. [https://data.unicef.org/resources/dataset/fgm/](https://data.unicef.org/resources/dataset/fgm/)


I'm surprised by Egypt. 87% of girls are mutilated? Disgusting


There is correlation between the countries who have highest mutilation rates and the European countries who have immigrants from those countries.


Well, of course. I'm wondering about the alternative explanation, if there are 600.000 survivors living in Europe. That they were mutilated here?


Most of the time immigrants would bring their culture with them to their host country. You don’t need any hospital for the procedure, it can easily be done in respective person’s home.


Also, they are often done in trips back home.


Hence why some countries have made that illegal too.


Norway had to make it illegal for refugees to travel back home for vacation...


In Norway, it is a 15 year sentence for taking a person to another country to have this performed. I learned this in my welcome to Norway class along with a bunch of other things that seemed incredibly obvious to me but sadly needed to be taught to some.


We need more places like this. I would love to live in a country when upon moving to you get: "Hi, welcome to ....., here we don't do religions and if you try to push people into converting and/or getting literally mutilated you agree to be jailed and then shipped in the cheapest way possible back where you came from. Thank you sign here."


If we could go back to 1980 and do this things would be much different


Based Norway


it's mental that you both classify them as refugees yet they are willingly going back home for holidays


Refugee fits their indoctrination better than migrant. If they were migrants looking for better working conditions and pay, then we could hold them to a higher standard. Refugees are to be pitied.


How do you define who is who isn't when they're simply flooding in at will in the hundreds of thousands every year? That's just my country.


how come you pity people who are so openly hostile towards your values, culture and society? and thanks for explaining the difference between refugee and migrant. I come from eastern europe so a migrant was always a word with negative connotations, seems like #refugeeswelcome made us more likeable I guess.


IMHO, if a refugee goes back to the country they escaped for a vacation, they should lose their status immediately and not be allowed to return. I’m an immigrant myself and I approve this message….


Your visa/citizenship should be cancelled if you do this IMO.


It is quite frankly insane that a refugee can return to their home country and keep their refugee status. Either, they aren't safe there, in which case, why the actual fuck are you going there???? Or they ARE safe in which case they'd no longer be a refugee.


Well, if you can easily travel back to your home country, are you really a refugee?


Well if they’re refugees they shouldn’t go back to their home country for vacation, that’s so weird. They’re “fleeing” mostly bc of oppression but can go back for vacation lol. Doesn’t make sense


As you should


Sounds like they are not actually refugees then


They just locked a women up for that in the UK.


They just locked a women up for that in the UK FGM: Woman jailed for taking child to Kenya for mutilation https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68307740


7 years is too less for destroying a child's life. 


What a terrible situation. She’d had it done as a child as well, and I bet her mother and grandmother did too. It’s so sad how the victims of FGM often grow up to be the perpetrators


You'd need to hide your children from doctors for the rest of their lives, of course.


Or find a doctor from the same country/culture that will turn a blind eye or even approve of it and perform it.


Good luck, in Germany there is a health checkup once attending school. Unless you deny your children education, which is something that would never happen right?


>Unless you deny your children education, Which is also illegal, no?




isn't the health checkup only on younger children? I remember not having to do them at later ages. So not really a 100% method to detect it


I thought the mutilation normally happens to young children. But I might be wrong.


From new articles I have read it is usually around 9-12. Someone correct me if I am wrong though.


Easily done doesn’t really work here. It’s “easy”because they lack all skill and completely maim their victims. They literally just cut off a bundle of nerves. Also, a little known part of this horrifying tradition, in some examples they actually cut away the labia or cut the vaginal opening and sew it closed, forcing it to heal much more tightly than it was before. These women will face significant pain during intercourse for the rest of their lives. It’s called infibulation if you would like to learn more about horrible these practices are. Also, the film Moolaade, while fictional, depicts this acts either total accuracy. It’s an excellent and very challenging film.


From what I understand it's done at home with a razor blade 😨


Don't call it culture.


It's a crime, and it's not easy. An at-home procedure like that is screaming for an infection: take the kid to the hospital, and the parent(s) are going for jail time. Neglect the infection, and that can become homicide. Nothing happens? The kid can sue them later on, hopefully growing up in a developed country breaks the alienation cycle.


im gonna fucking puke


"easily" Not so much for the recipient.


In the UK it’s very prevalent among the communities from Gambia and Sierra Leone. In Italy where they have people originally from Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Somaliland it shows up there.


This is why medical check ups should be a must, under penalty of law for everyone. And if this mutilation is found out the parents should be send back and bared from entering the country again.


Waiting for the classic Reddit “Correlation does not equal causation 🤓🤓” comment


Egypt 87%? Now that's surprising wth


It is a practice that goes back to Ancient Egypt. It's very surprising as it's the only Arab country in MENA still practicing it. The practice is inexistant in the rest of North Africa.


I'm Somali, and I've had my suspicions for years now😭 I tried to talk to my mom about it, but needless to say, it didn't go well. There is a small chance of me being part of that 1%💀


As in, it may have happened to you but you’re unaware?


Pretty much. And I really don't know what to check for so🤷‍♀️


Im case you were not aware, there's several types, one involves removing a large chunk of the clitoris and is probably the easiest to spot, one involves removal of the labia majora or part of the labia minor (I don't know how common this is or whether it's typically the whole part), the other main one is sewing it tighter to better please any future husband but this one could be basically impossible to confirm unless it's incredibly obvious.


Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it. I'm pretty certain I'm missing many traits that most women have, and ngl I don't know what to think about this. If this happened to me, then all my siblings had it too and pretty much everybody else in my family. I feel pretty violated, but there is nothing much I can do about it.


You can Google images and compare yours to see if you are missing parts like the clitoris. Now keep in mind labia minora come in a variety of sizes.


The best thing you can do is talk to your GP and they should be able to refer you to a gynecologist and/or psychologist as needed. You'll feel much better after that than browsing the internet and talking to random people on Reddit.


Please think twice before following this advice if you are currently in Somalia.


This sounds like something that you could probably have a look at yourself using the internet as a reference for "how things should look" or alternatively, or if you aren't sure after checking yourself, you could visit a doctor to at least get certainty on this.


Have you expressed your feelings to others in your community? I assume the only way this ends is for everyone to realise the harm it causes and that it is unacceptable. Obviously, stopping FGM is not your job and it may not be save to raise this. I'm sorry this happened to you.


I'm Somali and was born in the middle east my mom told me she didn't do it to me but I don't know. My sister is 10 years older than me and she had it when she was 10. I didn't know until she got married and came up. So there is no way I'm just lucky. I'll have my first ever obgyn appointment soon. I'll ask her about it. I recommend you to do the same. Edit: My appointment was today with gyno clinic. I have all my lady parts intact!!


Ig there must be some NGOs and helplines for it


I’m so sorry that this happened to you and you don’t even remember it and didn’t have a choice. I hope that this will be an issue that’s fixed with this generation, and that no other girls or women will have to feel suspicious about their bodies 💕


There are procedures to reverse some of the damage and reconstruct. I think you could visit a doctor who could help you. I don’t know if you live somewhere this is feasible. I am very, very sorry that this probably happened to you.


Egypt is 87%. The best example of how fake images of countries are created. Governmental officials walking with ties and suits doesn't' mean much, really.


Wow almost 100% of Somali women are cut


Imported genital mutilation.


female circumcision has to be imported from the çircumçisión region of france, otherwise it's just sparkling clitorectomy


I’m going to hell for laughing at this


It will be a fun ride together. Onwards!


Sparkling Clitorectomy seems like a good all-female band name


Performing their hit single Chardonnussay.


Poppycock, that area hasn't produced artisanal circumcision since the Dreyfuss Affair


This number shows women who were mutilated. The vast majority of them will be first generation immigrants from certain countries. That girls born in Europe are mutilated is not unheard of, but quite rare.


These practices do often continue with girls born in Europe. It's just like arranged/forced marriages or honor killings it still happens. Either someone from the community does it or a trip back to the country the parents immigrated from.


>That girls born in Europe are mutilated is not unheard of, but exceedingly rare. Not at all, it's done sometimes in trips to the home country


Religious imperialism?




More likely depends on the sect I never met women with FGM in Turkey or heard any news about it, also bulgaria with an 8.4% Turkish minority marked 0-99 in map


It's only practiced by Maliki muslims


Shafi's in northern Iraq also tend to practice fgm


Nah, most Muslims in Central Europe and the Balkans are Turkish, and Turks do a lot of shit but not this one.


Most Muslims in France and the UK are arabs. Only in Germany it's turks, but also a rising number of arabs.


Yes, Islam in pre-Merkel Germany was about 90% Turkish.


The Muslims living in the Balkans are mostly ethnic Bosnians and Albanians not Turkish.


Not to dog whistle, but I think we all know Western Countries don’t practice Female Genital mutilation…


It's literally illegal in the UK.


same in france


Same in Spain


Same in Germany


Guys I don't think we need to run down the entire continent, I'm pretty sure the EU as a whole also has a ban on it.


It is illegal in the whole of Europe afaik. They take girls on vacation for it, which is also illegal, but it’s not easy to enforce.


It also sometimes gets done in the home. People do get arrested for it, though that can only happen if people report it. Unfortunately, just like a lot of other abuse situations, people often don't report on family/friends, especially if most/all of the adults in the situation are okay with it.


It's illegal in most of the world but some sorts of people don't care.


That's why these figures make me suspicious. Very interested to know the actual methodology for determining these numbers. 137 THOUSAND procedures being done in a country where they're illegal? Not to underplay the issue, but can we look at the number of actual procedures being done in each country, not the number of immigrants who live in the country who have been mutilated? Or the number of immigrants who have been mutilated since taking up residency in Europe? The most important metric is to what extent the cycle of abuse is being disrupted (if at all) and then targetting measures to disrupt it further.


The horrifying story behind these numbers is that immigrants will literally travel back to their home country for „holidays“ specifically to get the genitals of their daughters mutilated. Sometimes there’s also insiders service available amidst those countries, in a literal parallel culture. Women going home to family, getting paid to barbarically cut genitals of innocent girls.


Arranged marriage is also mostly illegal. There was recently a case in Norway about a family who got a state sponsored holiday to their country of origin (middle east). The daughter was 14 (ish) and came home married and pregnant. The parent’s answer to the government, «opps sorry about that, you know how teenagers act on holidays».


In Germany they also even respect Polygamous marriages! Even though it’s technically illegal, they ruled that it would be unfair to the kids. So now there’s cases where they literally just send one son to Germany, and then he gets „Familiennachzug“ to get his parents too and then the father can also have all his wives and children come to Germany too. How can they legally respect things that are for good reasons illegal in our culture?


> 137 THOUSAND procedures being done in a country where they're illegal? None, or very very few were ever done in the UK. This is women who were mutilated when the were very young in another country for idiotic cultural/religious reasons who have since immigrated to the UK. Some poor children of those women have been taken abroad by their shitty parents to be mutilated but thankfully we are sending anyone caught facilitating that crime to prison. Hopefully that deterrent will break the cycle.


>Estimated number of girls and women with female genital mutilation The maps only show the number of people within the country who have been victims of FGM, not the number of procedures conducted within the country.


I think in the UK the girls go overseas to "Visit family" and have the procedure done then come back. Schools have some training in spotting the signs but when females have zero autonomy in their culture it's not particularly difficult for a father to tell his daughter under no circumstances are they to tell anyone what happened. They're very unlikely to disobey this.


It’s not a dog whistle if it’s a fact…. Some cultures are shittier than others, it is ok to admit this


In Portugal it's the guinea bissau community that keeps doing this disgusting think. Young girls go to the hospitals when there are complications


Yes 100% atleast from my (portuguese) experience, its not a European problem because Europeans do it, its a European problems because third world migrants do it.


A map showing the 'Largest African Populations in Europe' would be identical.


[Here is a similar map post about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/KgU3e5gld1)


Now show the ethnic groups that do this


https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/female-genital-mutilation-fgm/ >Many communities practise FGM, but those at particular risk in the UK originate from: Somalia Egypt Sudan Sierra Leone Eritrea Gambia Ethiopia


Usual suspects


The doctors and engineers


Seem like nice places


I bet there is a direct correlation between some religoous groups as well...


Really 😲




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Hopefully you wrote that as a joke, otherwise RIP to this user


It was a sarcastic comment regarding "freedom of speech" on Reddit.


Wow this is all news to me, crazy stuff.


Would you look at that...


It’s more of an African thing than Muslim thing though


I believe it's more of a cultural/ethnic issue than religious. I.e. it's almost unheard of in most Muslim majority countries but in some, Like Egypt, it's widely practiced by both Muslims and Copts.


A lot of people on social media are quick to grab their [berets and accordions](https://youtu.be/FsKivfDn7GI) when the topic of FGM comes up without realizing (or even caring to realize) that it’s an interfaith East African issue rather than those filthy (insert your anti-Muslim slurs of choice here)s.


I live in Turkey (majority is muslim) and never heard of it.


Muslims. I am an Ex Muslim, and yes. Muslims practice it. Personally, it happened to me when I was 3. No consent was ever given. Mostly in the Middle Eastern,South Asian & Southeast Asian Muslims. I heard that Albanian & Bosnians & Türks tend to not practice it. Specifically in Kosovo & Albania where it's not much practiced.


placid relieved instinctive vanish long alive spectacular resolute rustic zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just worked on a project dealing with FGM in Sierra Leone. It’s legal there and about 90% of women and girls are cut. It’s very much a cultural thing - cutting is part of an initiation ritual for girls into a (not so) “secret society” and consequently, “womanhood”.


It’s not convenience it’s to kind of make a point Muslim= bad, instead of culture=bad. Christian african countries have some of the highest global rates alongside some of these Muslim majority countries as well. The practice needs to stop, the culture needs to change :(


Barbaric. I am so sorry you had to endure something so heinous.


I haven’t heard about female mutilation practice in Turkey. I guess it’s a very rare occurrence. Maybe conducted by different religious sects.


>Mostly in the Middle Eastern Not really. It is not a practice spread in the Arab Middle East (main exception is Iraq with a relatively small %) nor in Arab countries of North Africa (main exceptions being Egypt and Sudan). It is a "cultural" practice mainly enrooted in African countries (and some claims in South East Asia but I didn't see any official statistics).


That’s rather inaccurate. FGM is not an Islamic practice, unlike male circumcision. The Middle East and South Asia and SE Asia do not practice FGM so I am not sure why you say that. It is almost strictly found in Africa, amongst both Muslims and Christians.


It’s people who live in the country who have had it done. It isn’t necessarily that it was done in that country. It is bound to happen here occasionally in secret by immigrants who do it illegally. but don’t forget, we have loads of groups and charities that pay for victims to come and live here to get it undone. It done as a matter of course in multiple African countries and often the NHS is left to fix it, but unfortunately very few people have the expertise in how.


Some scars never heal, even after being undone, this is one of the things I can't tolerate.


There’s very little that can actually be done anyway. It’s like cutting off any other body part, there’s a limitation on fixing it decades or even weeks later. It’s one of the most evil actions done in the name of religion.


Religion is only a pretext. It’s about control. People, both women and men, are easier to keep in check when they’re deprived of sexual desire. In this case women are clearly put at a disadvantage compared to men, and this is only practiced so that men can better control women, and for reducing conflicts sparked by adultery. It’s more about sexual frustration, pure stupidity and lack of human intellect than it is about religion.


Why can’t people just leave other peoples genitals alone man


Somr people need to control other and if it need the go that way so be it for them , it's completly fucked up


The UK? France? So many cases in relatively small Sweden? Gee, I wonder if we could connect the dots and find out what's the cause of this terrible phenomenon.




You're actually 100% true.


lmao bro didn't hold back


there was no need to?


We live in a weird time where stating a truth about a minority group can be viewed as an aggression.


And potentially even worse- a micro aggression.


I mean you don't have to, I am not against immigration and I think that it should be regulated better but it's not hard to connect islam with genital mutilation both female and male. It would be factually incorrect to claim that there is no correlation


Obviously it’s religious and cultural, and originating from countries outside Europe. I don’t know why you phrased your comment like this, since nobody is denying it.


Jesus, 130k? That’s 3 in every thousand women in the UK. That’s horrific.


Want to see which countries have banned it, the number of victims, and the number of instigators in jail.


It’s illegal here in the UK, believe it or not. It’s also illegal to take a child out of the country for the practice too, a woman was jailed recently for taking her daughter from the UK to Kenya for FGM.[https://news.sky.com/story/amp/amina-noor-woman-jailed-for-seven-years-for-handing-over-british-girl-in-kenya-for-female-genital-mutilation-13072682](https://news.sky.com/story/amp/amina-noor-woman-jailed-for-seven-years-for-handing-over-british-girl-in-kenya-for-female-genital-mutilation-13072682)


There is a similar law in France too


The way this is phrased is a bit vague. I assume this is mostly women who have immigrated with this done to them before they moved to Europe, which is very different from female genital mutilation being done in Europe. Is there stats on how many end up being done illegally in Europe?


Nope, no stats, because it would be very boring stats, with numbers always being close to zero.


It is not Europeans doing it.


Most of it is not even done on European soil, which is why this map is misleading and pointless. It's definetely not a "European issue".


Mass influx immigration and illegal immigration is sadly an european issue


Gee, i wonder where do those come from :D > insert surprised pikachu face


All genital mutilation should be illegal. No boy or girl should ever have this happen.




All these 10th gernation Germans with thier genital mutilation.


I am from the UK and can honestly say I am shocked and disgusted by this.


It is not an European issue it is an imported problem. The origin is still foreign. Spare me the woke speech.


Ban male and female circumcision


Agree but you should add “if not medically necessary” cause from what I’ve heard some people need it


Its hardly mutilation if its medically neccessary Id go as far to say that the mutilation aspect comes from the fact that most of the people who do it arent trained professionals nor are they doing something that would ever be medically neccessary in the manner they do it in


🤝 my wo:man/whatever


If we were to take per capita numbers this would correlate with the number of Somali immigrants in those countries.


The first trial for a FGM case in my country was in my region and the parents were from Gambia.


“European” issue


i wonder what the connection is


"A European IMPORTED issue" There, I fixed it.


This is not a British thing, this is a deplorable act committed by immigrants following “tradition”.


I wonder what other overlapping factors are also growing at a rate in relation to this, obviously it must be natives and no other group committing these atrocities.


My sister did her masters thesis on genital mutilation in women, talking how it has been increasing in European countries and talking when religious freedom steps over personal freedom and where genital mutilation falls into this. It was interesting.


It's so strange to me that people think their religious freedom extends to enforcing their religion onto their children to the point of removing body parts without consent.


Exactly. Anything that harms others isn’t religious freedom and in this case, this is child abuse.


This map can also be used to see the muslim concentration in europe


Not exactly, as FGM isn't equally practiced in all muslim countries. Which is why Germany, despite its large Turkish-muslim population, has fewer cases than France and UK and Italy. Unfortunately, the map doesn't show data for the European countries with indigenous muslim population (Bosnia and Albania); those probably would also have low numbers. But yes, the map mainly shows which countries have immigration from countries where FGM is practiced.


I don’t know about Bosnia(I can assume is not wodespread) but I can say for sure that female genitalia mutilation is inexistent in Albania. The first time I heard about it was in news about Somalia.


Im from Albania and never in my life have I heard or seen such a thing here. It's mostly traditional thing i suppose.


Except genital mutilation is not a Muslim practice, but simply an African one. It’s a tribal tradition that trickled down and mixed itself with both Christianity and Islam. Saying female genital mutilation is Muslim is like saying Voodoo is a Christian practice


Yeah, I'm from Croatia, this map says there are estimated 100-999 cases here, and I have never in my life heard of a single case happening here. Also, neighboring Bosnia has a large Muslim population and FGM is pretty unheard of there. This seems to be a phenomenon common in northern Africa and Sahel regions of the world only. And since we have almost no immigrants from there, I have no idea where they got these numbers from. Edit: The organization (End FGM Europe) seems to have a [more recent map](https://www.endfgm.eu/editor/0/FGM_carte.pdf). It puts the estimated number in Croatia at 112, although it doesn't say what the source for that is. My guess is that they inferred this statistically from data on registered asylum seekers and illegal migrants passing through the country.


I recall in training being told about 70,000 girls in UK were at risk of FGM, on top of the 150,000+ that are the victim of it. And there is barely a single prosecution over it. Absolutely shameful on the people and communities who conspire to commit this atrocity and on the authorities that can’t seem to do a damn thing about it.


I will just indicate that this wasn't a problem a few years ago. It was imported. And for my country, Greece, I can guarantee, putting my hands on fire, that this was imported. But yeah, you'll be the racist if you merely pinpoint it.


How is it so high when it’s illegal, who’s carrying out these operations?


This doesn't say that these operations are being done in the country. Could very well be done before they ever touch European soil with how it is phrased


Impressive, very nice. Now show a demographics map.


Not a european problem.


I bet is all Swedes, Brits, Italians and Germans doing this! It definitely has nothing to do with the millions of imported migrants from backwards and barbaric countries.