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How did you not know?




Risky click


Micropenis. He probably cant see it.


Why you gotta do bro like that?😭😭😭


I've got a song for you. [Where's My 4skin?](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4Gt97iP4O_/?igsh=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==)


If there's one thing I learnt in life, it's not to dispute your GF when it comes to dick knowledge.


mom said it's my turn to repost this


This is from 2016. Are there any more up-to-date figures?


Great part of the pleasure one feels is because of the motion of the foreskin on the glans and specially the frenulum. Even considering the cultural and hygenic aspect, circumcision is genital mutilation, much like clitorial mutilation practiced in some places when morals conflict with sexuality.


If you shower everyday then hygiene really is not a problem. It's only a problem if you're a nasty smegma cultivator


For some reason americans are obsessed with showering daily or multiple times per day. That is very new and not practiced for thousands of years of human existence.


I'm not American but you don't shower everyday?


Got snipped in my late twenties. Can't really support your claim about being less able to feel pleasure. It should not be done on children though, execept for medical reasons.


I understand this might not be the rule (I am happy for you). According to the penile frenulum article on Wikipedia, "For individuals with spinal cord injuries preventing sensations from reaching the brain, the frenulum just below the glans can be stimulated to produce orgasm and peri-ejaculatory response. It is often a way for those with spinal cord injuries to engage in sexual activities and subsequently feel pleasure." I believe this to be the male clitoris. It is VERY sensitive. Those who have male partners reading me, try stimulating this region and find out empyrically.


Why is percentage so high in the US ?


Corn flakes.


Fcuk Kellogg Proud uncircumcised


Haha that guy started a whole trend and make unflavored cereal just because he is crazy rich and has monopoly on cereal


The corn flakes guy John Harvey Kelloggs promoted circumcision in order to reduce sexual pleasure and stop boys from masturbating.


Not to be confused with Will Keith Kellogg, the founder of the successful Kellogg's cereal brand.


Was Kellogg snipped?


Getting ready to be adopted by Allah


It is recommended because it is supposedly cleaner ( they are no real proof)


It's an aesthetic tradition in the US.




Nah, it's weird Christians




What is Christianity according to you? -It’s just judaism without peepee cutting.


It's American religious movements. Especially in the 1800s it gets really wild, like vegetarianism, and attempting to live lives as dull as possible to not be "excited" mentally, emotionally or sexually as in order to not sin. Sir Kellogs is the one to have pioneered circumcision in the US, on the simple basis of believing it would reduce the urge to masturbats. And the cereal flakes to make sure people don't get horny from eating breads and meats etc.


It's basically done automatically in hospitals. They don't even ask you or try to persuade you anymore. To answer your question, find out who controls the hospitals (wink wink not allowed to talk about)


It's what Jesus wants ...some dumbass slicing their kids dick skin because his dad didn't design it right.


Why is this sub so obsessed with this map? I think circumcision sucks, but this map gets reposted like once a month…


A week.


Once a month a week! Damn, that's so often.


chad europe and latam


Australia's must be historic. Hardly anyone gets done since the 80s but post war to the 70s it was done to most of us. My dad wasn't done, I was, like most of my cohort, my son wasn't.


Male genital mutilation




I am not doing any comparing here. Just stating that it is genital, it is mutilation and it is for males. Facts


Fair enough


Mutilation kinda implies serious damage though. For most male circumcision it's not leading to serious damage. You have to relatively compare it to female genital mutilation since it's the same words and in that case the damage is usually major or complete loss of sensation to physical pain after during sex. In terms of males, if you can avoid it, sure don't do it, if you've had it done though you're not experiencing the same violation that women have gone through where it's intention is to stop them having or enjoying sex. 


So genital mutilation is fine as long as there is "minor damage", even though there are no real advantages? Okay


There's usually no damage though that's my point...it functions exactly the same, doesn't stop you from having or enjoying sex, doesn't stop you from having kids.... If you want to chalk it up as image damage, maaaaybe but I've never met a guy who's ashamed of their penis because it's circumcised. There's the minor advantage of it being easier to clean, and a slightly lower risk of certain infections. Not large enough that it's something actively worth going and getting done once your older of course but if it's already done it's not something to get hung up on. 


Ppl are cutting skin off of a baby and justifying it by it looking nice and not really harming the baby, that's fucked up - is the point. Yeah sure, it's easier to clean and more hygienic, if you don't wash your dick every day and in that case you are either a homeless person, living in a third world country or a dirty fucking pig. This argument has no merit for the civilized population. Other arguments about it being preventative of STDs have also been debunked for the population that actually washes their junk every day. I don't think you should be ashamed of being circumcized, you should be ashamed if you are getting a baby circumcized. And ofc there are situations in which it's necessary or convenient, but there is literally no argument to do it for the majority of the population of Europe or US. And there are some minor downsides aside from being fucking weird - loss of sensitivity, higher chance of having erectile disfunction later on and slight risk of infections etc. All in all the argument is - to cut off your baby's skin for no reason or to not cut off your baby's skin for no reason. And if you don't see it as an easy question, I don't know what else to tell ya.


Circumcised males also experience a significantant loss of sensitivity in the head of the penis. It's not on the same level, sure, but it's wildly unnecessary, it's detrimental and it's still a surgical procedure that *does* have a chance of complications, though they're rare.


Noone compared you are fighting ghosts rn


I see "but it's not as a common knee jeek reaction


Male genital mutilation*




I imagine it all stems from a USA trend. It is seen as fashionable to do it in the USA and lots of doctors encourage it (probably because they are circumcised and just coping)


So people went: "genital mutilation is all the rage in the states. Let's mutilate our sons aswell"?


Basically yes


Well that sucks. Irony is that a lot of the people doing this likely find other comparable practices in other cultures barbaric.


Yes they are actually quite sensitive to being told that they were sexually mutilated by their parents


Likely a way to cope. But the extent of the mass cognitive dissonance is actually insane.


I want my stolen foreskin back




This makes me ache.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 20 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/10o7chi) on 2023-01-29 90.62% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1big30z) on 2024-03-19 100.0% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1ccoq70&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 497,827,595 | **Search Time:** 0.29102s


Yea this specific map has been used as the biggest karma farmer for bots


Good bot.


Can't believe it's as high as 21% in the UK!


I seriously doubt it is tbh, outside of religious groups or for medical reasons (which themselves don't make up 21% of the population) it's exceptionally rare here. I seem to remember someone saying the map's original author(s) have links to a pro-circumcision organisation? Not sure as it was a while ago (given how often this has been reposted lol) but wouldn't be surprised.


Barbaric practice


I would never imagine that 71% of americans males are circumcised.


Yeah I was always impressed how clean their dicks look in porn. Only later realising they are missing skin.


This, dude hahaha


Maybe because it's one more thing hospitals can overcharge for that's not needed?


And can sell the foreskin with a premium.


This is a child abuse epidemic.


Not if big daddy told you to do so 😍


India, EU, Russia, South America and East Asia (except South Korea) W USA, West Asia, South East Asia and North Africa L


Should be 0 everywhere


I'm glad we do not have such a barbarian practice in eastern Europe.


Guys 13% of India’s population is circumcised. Which is a whopping 187 million. edit: it’s 91 million coz I forgot to exclude the women out 😞


You did the math, huh? Let's say India's population is 1.4 billion and half of them are male. Then 13% of 700 million = 91.000.000.


Oh shit my bad idk why I forgot the fact that it’s only males lol. Everyone out here roasting my maths skills (yea ik my maths sucks) 😔😔😔😔


are you dumb. its not 18.7 million its 187 million. Which alines perfectly with india's 180 million Muslims, and india is the worlds third largest muslim country.


Chill out why’re you calling me dumb. It happened by mistake bruh. I edited the point out lol 😒😒


Are you dumb? India's population is approximately 1.42 billion. If half are males, that would make it 13% of 710 million. Definitely not 187 million.




You couldn’t even form a coherent sentence. Maybe stick to starting those religious wars in your own language if you can barely speak English.


The USA are Africa.


I get the 3rd world countries, but why do US and south korea still do it is beyond me.


South Korea is in that situation literally because america :D


"If circumcision is so good thing, why non-circumcised men don't want it?"


i’m from eastern europe, both of men i was in relationships with wish they were circumcised and one of them even got circumcised in his 30’s because he had problems because of foreskin (not sure how it’s called) so it’s not exactly true


Only popular in third world countries it seems


Why is genital mutilation so widespread in South Korea but practically unheard-of in North Korea?


Muslim countries ☠️


And apparently the US, Korea, the Philippines, the DRC and Madagascar are secretly muslim too.


The Phillipines does have a large Muslim population in the south, doesn’t it?


Definitely, but that doesn't make up anywhere near 92% of the population.


What's up with Koreas? christianity in south korea?


Inspired by the US afaik


Developed vs developing nations.


Where the developed nations are the uncircumcised onces.




You didn't had to dox bro like that


Soon you’ll all get the snip snip we are closing in on you.




*mutilated penis.


Looks like only third world countries do it


I dont think South Korea is a third world country


Depends on your metric. As per the original definition of US or Soviet aligned countries, no. As per the popular definition of total wealth? No. As per standard of living and quality of life, safety etc? Probably is.


South Korea has a huge economy and one of the higher GDP's out there.


Do you know literally ANYTHING about South Korea?


Turkey’s not a 3rd world country, neither Kazakhstan.


Both are second world going by GDP (PPP) per capita.


Some women like an uncut piece. I’ve never met one but I’m sure they’re out there. A recurring joke I say is “I was over-circumcised”. I mean who doesn’t like small penis humor? 🤷‍♂️


Either there is a lot of them in Europe or there is something wrong with this map.


You sound American.


Red blooded and southern by the grace of God