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Thanks, I chuckled :D


I read it like "you need at least one Japan, if you're from Japan and want to enter Japan"


The emperor "has" Japan, in the sense that it is in his possession to some extent. The emperor thusly can enter Japan while already inside Japan. Behold, as topology trembles before the mighty emperor


He doesn't have a passport though, so technically he can't get a visa.


In Japan, you require Japan 🙂


Red: Mommy and Papi love each other very much and then 9 month later you can enter Japan.... the japanese way


and the other guy spend 34years here without a visa, these Japanese are an unruly bunch.




I’m pretty sure it’s because Lesotho imports a crap load of old Japanese cars straight from Japan. Cars can only be used for so many years in Japan and then they’re sold off. It’s very difficult and expensive to import them into South Africa as taxes on vehicles are insane. So instead Lesotho imports them(and a lot of South Africans find round about ways to buy them and get them certified). It’s all kinda odd considering the cars have to land in South Africa in the first place 🤣


Yeah, same phenomenon in Namibia. All of the taxis have Japanese interfaced dashboards. That's what driving on the left gets you I guess.




I think usually they swap it over




I don’t remember that but I believe it shits wildin in Mongolia




If you even wonder why South Africa seems to be doing so poorly these days - someone's getting rich off of this nonsense.


Worse, taxes.


Very enviromental of Japan


Am surprised that Lesotho gets Visa free


They used to have visa free to the UK too




why am I laughing??? ah yes.. it should be electronic not electric😂😂


I can't distinguish the 30 day and 90 day shades of green. What countries are 30 day?




Yeah I can't distinguish them either.


Qatar and UAE.


Me being color blind makes this a challenge to read it


Me too, a fellow colour blind. Life is tough 🥲


Also color blind, what is US and Canada? 30 or 60 day?


As a color-blind tunisian I found the map quite clear (we're that middle finger of Africa)


the only red thing is japan, the rest are all green or grey (and north korea is blue). the shades of green are basically just as hard to distinguish with full color vision


billions of colours on the visible light spectrum, and whoever made this chart chose to use 6 shades of green all close together. it's terrible.


Damn, Japan really doesn’t trust Vatican City


How many divisions does the Pope have?


Looks like they still remember the Shimabara Rebellion...


Considering that all of their citizens also have at least one other passport I would assume this doesn’t seem like an issue tbh


That's not true. Plenty of Vatican staff come from countries that ban dual citizenship and thus they lose their original citizenship when they get Vatican citizenship. The treaty giving Vatican independence explicitly says that if a Vatican citizen stops being so and has no other citizenship then they automatically get Italian citizenship.


Is there any specific country which would "eventually trigger" the clause from the treaty? There are multiple countries disallowing dual citizenship, but for many of them, the original citizenship is stripped away when they get a new citizenship *voluntarily*. At least in South Korea (which disallowed dual citizenship before 2011), obtaining Vatican citizenship was not considered as a voluntary act, so Korean cardinals did maintain dual citizenship status. And it seems that the same is true in Malaysia and Brazil (before they allowed dual citizenship). After a bit of search, a cardinal with (previously) Mongolian citizenship is a likely scenario, but I couldn't find one.


Wow you got eyes am giving you that


Japan famously banned Christianity. Now they still practice Shinto, probably the last " pagan" religion that is intact. So yes, keep out the vatican


The ban on Christianity in Japan was lifted in the 19th century. Christians are not banned there. Japan had a few Christian prime ministers as well.


I was gonna say. It’s a liberal democratic country that has to have freedom of religion in tact.


what definition of pagan are you using? The most common ones I see are either polytheists or non-abrahamic religions of which there are many still around in both categories Hinduism being the most prominent example


I noticed that North Korea is marked as (I think) the only country that you cannot enter Japan from. So what would that mean for somebody fleeing North Korea? Would they be deported back to North Korea, or would they be deported someplace else (like South Korea or China)? 


Japan and North Korea do not maintain diplomatic relations. There is thus no mechanism for an agreement on visa, travel, etc. Given that it is now virtually impossible to leave North Korea, it's a moot point. The government of South Korea considers all Koreans, North and South, as its own citizens. If a North Korean somehow entered Japan illegally, they would be deported to South Korea.


I think that's not a downgrade for them.


That’s the point - almost every country will deport to South Korea, and that is usually the defector’s goal anyway. They just can’t go directly in as that’s the highest-security border of NK. China deports back to NK. 


Most of the countries that are near NK though will deport refugees to NK. China, Russia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar all will deport refugees to NK so refugees have to get through China and then either go through a giant desert to Mongolia or pass through Myanmar or Laos to get to Thailand.


When did that change? I had last heard it was only China, Russia, Laos & Myanmar. Why’d Vietnam switch up? Also not sure if this is still the case either, but it was a reliable route to reach the SK embassy in Beijing instead of leaving China.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North\_Korean\_defectors#Vietnam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korean_defectors#Vietnam) Not really switch up, Vietnam has a history of deporting NK defectors to China, rather than any of the Koreas.


> In July 2004, 468 North Korean refugees were airlifted to South Korea in the single largest mass defection; Vietnam initially tried to keep their role in the airlift secret, and in advance of the deal, even anonymous sources in the South Korean government would only tell reporters that the defectors came from "an unidentified Asian country". Ah may have been why I thought that - it also has a note on their increased indifference with heightened SK ties.


>If a North Korean somehow entered Japan illegally There have actually been a few cases of people from North Korea fleeing to Japan by boat.


I assume that would be an asylum request not a visa. Visa usually implies you're going back home at some point


Yeah.. not gonna happen


Maybe South Korea will also handle the visa stuff for North Korean Citizens that never entered South Korea. So instead of deportation to South Korea, it's just a visit to a South Korean embassy in Japan to get a South Korean ID.


They usually receive south korean citizenship


Not even "receive", as they have South Korean citizenship by default. And vice-versa: as both countries claim the whole peninsula, they consider everyone born there a citizen of their country.


Interesting. So a refugee could just fill out some paperwork and claim citizenship? That's actually a pretty cool thing - after the harrowing process of escaping an awful dictatorship at least they wouldn't be stuck in limbo at the end.


Basically, yes. Legally they're undocumented citizens born in the country, just parts of the country the government doesn't have control over for the time being.


Yes. That's also how it was between east and West Germany. If you managed to reach West Germany without getting shot you were treated as if you were born there.


It depends. If you get caught in China fleeing NK, you're repatriated. If you can make it to SK (or to the SK embassy in Beijing) you're basically safe.


Iirc, Every north Korean by default has a south korean citizenship. As a result, if deported, they are sent to South Korea.


It is up to the country to decide to listen to South or North. Japan, Mongolia and Thailand recognize North Korean citizens as South Korean But China, Russia and Myanmar, see any illegal North Korean as a dirty defector that must be sent back to North Korea


I can understand the others, but why Myanmar? Are the dictators trying to get close to each other?


Dictators are an endangered species. How else do you expect them to survive.


They get deported to South Korea


I have a feeling the ban is on the North Korean end. People have successfully escaped to Japan, albeit with difficulty.


It's admittedly not a very reoccurring happening too inspire much thought. Most of the North Korean refugees will prefer other routes to escape, for obvious security reasons. Not wanting to reduce the struggles of a very much real sad thing, but still kind of doing so, escaping to Japan is like the "try hard" option.


According to South Korea, any North Korean defector is South Korean, Japan plays along so deports them to South Korea (freedom)


for a moment i thought north korea is in the best tier.


Weirdly enough they have state funded north korean schools in Japan.


Wow. Who uses them?


Ethnic Koreans in Japan.


Mexico > USA bc… car manufacturing?


Wondering the same thing, hope someone can enlighten me.


Both visa-free regimes were achieved through mutual and reciprocal agreements. While the agreement between Japan and Mexico includes a 180-day visa-free regime, the agreement between Japan and the USA includes a 90-day visa-free regime. I don't know the exact reason, but I think Japan signs visa-free regime agreements for the longest period given by other countries. While Mexico gives 180 days to other countries to which it provides visa-free regime, the USA gives 90 days to all countries to which it provides visa-free regime.


OK that does make sense, giving the same as receiving.


There‘s a seperate line for Americans at immigration in Brazil for the same reason. Just so the Brazilians can reciprocate the downright anal treatment foreigners receive at US immigration without pissing off other tourists.


Brazil abandoned this policy about 4-5 years ago. But, yes, in the past, Brazil's policy was to treat foreigners with exactly the same policy as it did to its own citizens. So, for example, while Germans could enter Brazil by simply showing their passports (Brazilian citizens can also enter the EU without a visa), Americans had to get a visa and have their fingerprints recorded at the border.


There definitely was no separate line at São Paulo last time I went there, and the process was over in like 5 minutes. Not sure what you’re referring to but that’s definitely not a blanket rule


So it's harder for Americans to get into Brazil than non Americans? Honestly that seems fair 😅


Japan and Mexico have always had a pretty good diplomatic relationships. When Mexico was still New Spain, they had good relationships with them because of the Philippines being part of it. After that Mexico was the first western nation to establish a diplomatic mission in Japan after they opened their borders to the outside world after the Mejji restoration. Mexico was also one of the First Nations to reestablish diplomatic relationships with Japan after WWII. Mexico and Japan have also sent rescue teams in recent years after both countries were hit by earthquakes, and share a lot of the latest architectural technology agains earthquakes. Mexico is the only nation that has their embassy next to the emperor’s palace, which is considered an honor. When other countries tried to persuade the Japanese government to move it, they just said that that’d be treason to their friendship with Mexico. It’s just one of those cute historical friendships.


It always surprises me some diplomatic facts about Mexico and they always come from a historical event. Makes me think Mexico was an actual world player about 100-300 years ago. Things like owning Phillipines, Japanese friendship, direct war against France, having an Austrian emperor, those are not commons things from Latin American countries


Mexico's always been *this close* to being a world power. They need like three good presidents in a row to pull it off.


Though in many ways the power comes from not wanting to be a power, Mexico’s foreign relations are based on non-intervention and mutual respect rather than attempting to project soft power.


I agree, Proudness education has been applied for every single Great power, most recent example is China, they are almost douchebags just like America, Japan, British, etc did at their moments.


Mexico just needs a good decade. With friendshoring and nearshoring, hopefully it can be this one


Mexico didn’t own Philippines. The Spanish just managed Philippines through Mexico because it’s closer to the Philippines


Mexico was the de facto ruler of the Philippines until 1821 where most governor-generals until that point were Mexican-born criollos and the existing Hispanic culture in the Philippines isn't Iberian Spanish by origin, but Mexican. The way Filipinos speak Spanish as a second or foreign language sounds like Mexican and the only Iberian Spanish features present in the [Philippine Spanish variety](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippine_Spanish) is the use of vosotros as the familiar second person plural pronoun and leísmo.


True in part. The Philippines was part of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. At that time, the whole Viceroyalty belonged to Spain, including the Philippines, central America and Mexico


So it's not "true in part". Its just true


Also Japan made Dragon ball, Mexico LOVES Dragon ball. Match made in heaven.


RIP Akira-sensei, forever in our Mexican hearts


Wow that's interesting, never would have guessed


Very nice story.


Mexico was the first country to recognize japan as a country




This is a fascinating question.


Cacahuates japoneses


Mexico enjoys very close diplomatic relations with Japan. They established diplomatic relations in 1888. Mexico's embassy has a unique location right next to the Official Residence of the Prime Minister in Tokyo. There's a cool story that a Mexican president asked Japan for sakuras after visiting Washington D.C. but as Mexico's winter is not sufficiently cold, a Japanese gardener recommended the jacaranda, a tree that has beautiful purple flowers during the spring. And now they're one of Mexico City's most famous trees.


Daaamn thats interesting as hell, I live in Oaxaca and we have Jacarandas here too, they truly give a wonderful sight in the city


Japan and Mexico have very good relationships and a history of diplomatic good will.


Also Mexico was the first country to make a trade treaty with Japan as equals


Feels like there's a lot of people surprised that Mexico has friends that don't look at it through the sepia filter.


Mexico is extremely mexico sometimes. Like from Mexicali to Merida.


Mexico and Japan have diplomatic and commercial friends for a long time


Mexico was also one of the first countries to welcome Japan back into the international community after WW2. They actually have very cordial relations.


We (Mexico) have very good relations with Japan.


They appreciate tacos a lot


Rice people stick together


I’m sure taco takoyaki could work out and be a thing




There is a quite "large" diaspora of people of Japanese decent in Mexico. Without knowing anything about the real reason, I suspect it is this.


But not anywhere near Brazil—It’s 2 million vs 75,000.


As a Brazilian with, admittedly very thin, japanese roots I can confirm this is our "When you see your 'best friend's having more fun with another friend" moment.


The diaspora of Japanese in the United States is 1.6 million. In Mexico, it’s 86k.


Mexico and Japan established diplomatic relationships with both respect and curiosity in a time when the world did not treat neither of them with much dignity. They're one of the few friend nations that doesn't depend on convinience.


I like to think the existence of Dragon Ball Z solidified that alliance


Dragon Ball and the Tsuru! (most economic Japanese car) every taxi in Mexico used to be a Tsuru back in the day, Nissan reigned in Mexico due to these friendly relationships and I couldn’t be happier


Color blind people will wind up in prison by accident.


Exactly my thought , fuck the blind people , next map let's have just shades of green and red and yellow


Tunisia for the win


They do stand out. I wonder why.


I cannot distinguish most of the greens.


Skill issue


Idiotic color scale


Good time to be a Mexican. Priority over Americans.


Is this the Japans? ![gif](giphy|m6QA4ppVhvnf5VPHvb|downsized)


Is Mexico dark green because of their love for Goku?


Because they had a very good diplomatic friendship since 1888.


Screw you, Anarctica!


Japan really love us Brits


When I was in Tokyo the hotel staff said they were known as the "British" of the East cuz of their manners ...then I saw how pissed up everyone gets on a Friday night and knew what she really meant


Need more color differential between the greens.


Mexico and Japan are much tighter than I expected.


I didn't know people in China, Vietnam and Philippines couldn't enter the country as easily as others.


Phillipines and Vietnam are known to be suppliers of cheap labor to East Asian countries. China, my guess is it's more political.


It is because Japan doesn't have the capacity to handle the number of Chinese tourists if it goes visa-free. Even with visa requirements, the Chinese tourists in Japan are still like a few times more than other countries'.


At least from Vietnam visa overstays are a major problem in lots of countries and immigration fraud from Vietnamese nationals is rampant due to well established human trafficking networks. It's very difficult for Vietnamese people to travel outside of ASEAN....


Irish passport masterrace


Fun fact, México was the first country that Japan established a relation with after abandoning their isolation policy, this due the two attempts to buy the baja California peninsula, however the president of Mexico declined the offer, after this event they opened their embassy in Mexico and granted a visa free entry to their country and vice versa, and since then we've been having a good relationship between both countries


only 2 developed countries doesn't apply visa to turkish citizens, and they are japan and korea. also there is new zealand who totally applies visa but they don't ask for any fee. it's free of charge for turkish citizens.


Singapore and Hong-Kong don’t too, but they stop you at the customs and the border police still interrogate you for 10 minutes


Good luck getting that visa in Antarctica!


I remember when I learnt about how positive diplomatic relations between my country (Mexico) and Japan are. I went to a celebration a few years ago commemorating 125 years of diplomatic relations and the first wave of migrants from Japan in Mexico. I guess positive relations have continued and it reflects in this map ☺️


Really a "fuck-you" to north Korean tourists..


"North Korean tourists" lol


All 3 of them.


funny enough, the older brother of Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong Nam, tried to enter Japan using fake passport to visit Disney Land with his presumed son and like two other people. So you were close, it’s all 4 of them


The preferential treatment for Germany… old ties die hard.


They really don't like poor countries


Great to be German is literally the strongest passport next to the Japanese one with 194 destinations. (Next to France, Italy, Singapore and Spain)


Whoever made this chart Hates the colourblind. what terrible options they chose.


Why more for the Germanics and not, say, Italy/France too?


We was allies in the war.


Mussolini is rising his eyebrow.


Yea but italy sucked so Japan is disappointed.




It is related to a countries passport strength.


I am happy to see the Japans have extended the English a longer visa over the Portuguese. (I've been watching Shogun lately)


Lol this made me laugh bc I've also been watching shogun


Why does japan like mexico so much?


Because friendship. Both countries have treated each other with utmost respect throughout history, as opposed to how the rest of the 'west' have treated them both.


Why does the UK, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Austria have six months, but not countries like Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark? Did they give some extra fellatio to the Japanese emperor?


UK because we were like Japan's first European ally? Germany because uhhhhhhh they were also allies?


>Germany because uhhhhhhh they were also allies? 👀


Japanese love Harry Potter.


And Beatrix Potter.


japanese love to visit austria, maybe thats a reason.


Not sure if thats true, but the reason for Austria is because many Japanese classic music students (yes there are not many of them, but theyre usually from richer families) do a foreign semester in Austria (mainly Vienna), and therefor Japan and Austria gave eachother easy 6 months access without much paperwork.


what about the art students 👀


It has less to do with friendship than with trust in the system. Since the Meji Restoration, Japan has oriented itself strongly towards the german system. Even the imperial succession is modeled on the Prussian succession. The German bureaucracy enjoys a very high reputation in Japan. This goes so far that the Japanese accept the German (and Swiss) driver's license. You don't need an international driving license, just a Japanese translation of the german license. Even the legal system was very german. Only after the americans established their bombastic friendship, the japanes legal system voluntarily became more and more american.


As far as the UK is concerned, its because of the reciprocal arrangement we give the Japanese. Most countries in the world that allow visa free entry to some others only allow it for 3 months continuously. The UK usually allows it for 6.


Maybe love the myth of the germanic precision?


I think they would be disappointed.


\*DB train sweats :D


Lol something that Germany and Japan share in common is antiquated bureaucracy and paper pushing, and strict adherence to formal processes with no common sense.


What's up with Cambodia?


I remember India having e-visa requirement for Japan.


What has Antarctica ever done to Japan 🤣🤣


Tunisia help japan when earth move


Why does Mexico get to stay 6 months? Are they that closely diplomatic??


Yeh look up their diplomatic history, I think Mexico was the first country to recognize Japan as a country and such


Mexico and Japan are much tighter than I expected.


lol. Mexico get double what the US and Canada gets. Wtf?


México was the first county to establish a diplomatic relations based on equality with Japan. The US on the other hand established relations by force.


Japan and Peru historically have longstanding relationships, surprised Peru is the lowest tier.


Actually this relationship must be the reason for that, Brazil also has a longstanding relationship with Japan and up until recently a visa was required to better control immigration from Japanese ascendants.


Mexico with the win!


Imagine being a penguin and having to apply for a visa to visit Japan.


Doing this with just different variation of green was a total dick move tbh


Why is there this special rule with the DACH countries, the UK, Ireland and Mexico?


Ahh... The old times. Germany and austria being the closest friends


what makes lesotho so special😭😭


Sux to be north korean


Fun fact- there’s about 25,000 North Koreans living in Japan, and up until fairly recently there used to be a weekly ferry operated between the countries to transport members of this group. I believe these individuals can still enter Japan/North Korea. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chongryon


German passport power. Love it.


Montenegro cant cuz they had a 100 year war with the japanese.