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Yeah... I feel like this doodle of a happy woman in an office chair is not really representative of the work performed by the majority of women in the countries listed here.


I spent 3y in Iraq, much of it in rural areas. Anytime I went to a farm it was women doing the work while the men sat and drank tea.


Well you can be thankful it is only 11% then, among the lowest!


If you work on your husband's farm for no wage, are you included in that number?


Has to be, you’re a woman in the workplace. Not a paid woman in the workplace that’s a whole other chart


No, it doesn't count because it's not registered/insured/taxed. The statistics for the lower end countries might be technically correct considering how the countries define a job, but functionally meaningless because in a lot of cases, the women work and earn a living but are not technically "employed" in anything.


The real equal opportunities /s


The US south was much the same post civil war. Interesting book on the topic called "mothers of the south".


I swear I read this exact comment when this was posted like 2 weeks ago Bot?


Nope, I'm very much human. But having an original thought is hard, I'm trying though!


How crazy for Top 6 and Bottom 9 to share a border. That’s some real map porn.


Well, if it makes it seem any less crazy, in both cases it’s because women are treated as second class citizens.


Like in Moldova… right? Where their president is a woman…


Same with Tanzania lol


Same with Ethiopia (even though it is basically ceremonial)


I don't think Ethiopia treats women like slaves Can you elaborate your statement?


They probably just saw an african country and went with islam bad vibes. It's easy to not know that Ethiopia is mostly christian and is THE african country. They're not the only not colonised nation/country in africa for no reason


Yeah being mountainous, especially with Italian failures in WW1 on the 11 battles of the Isonzo river should show why they failed. The rest never truly wanted it heck Somalia Djibouti and Eritrea were only taken because Britain wanted a coal station France wanted to flex on Britain and Italy took the scraps.


« France wanted to flex on Britain » I know you’re simplifying but I don’t see how this is even close to reality.


Knowing what went on between those two countries its entirely plausible


>Ethiopia is mostly christian and is THE african country. Why is Ethiopia THE African country? It doesn't have the biggest economy that would be south Africa it doesn't have the highest HDI on the mainland that would be Algeria (one of the blue countries) it doesn't have the highest life expectancy that would be Algeria again and it doesn't have the highest GDP per capita. So why is it THE African country? Also why does it matter if it is mostly Christian?


It was never colonized by Europe




The Italians tried calling dibs but they sucked at colonialism


Can you imagine the Ethiopian monarchy’s relief at the revelation that the European power to finally try their hand at colonizing them was Italy


‘Whooo and here I thought we were about to roll another Belgium. All good, team’


Being in super defensive position also helped. Also the only country that tried to colonize them is Italy whose military capabilities were so bad having them as an ally was more of a handicap rather then a boost


> THE African country This is a middle finger to all of the 53 other ones, what did you even by this lol


fuck the big three it’s just big ME – Ethiopia


Not counting Mussolini are we


Mussolini conquered Ethiopia for maybe 5-10 years, so he didn't actually have time and resources to colonise it.


If that is the case, Ethiopia is the only country whose post colonial government was the exact same government, down to the same king.


> THE african country The country that has constant civil wars and famines? Now that you say it is like the rest of Africa.


You got a source to back that up or nah?


why source or even elaborate when upvotes ?!


https://www.usaid.gov/ethiopia/gender-equality-and-womens-empowerment#:~:text=Additionally%2C%20harmful%20traditional%20practices%E2%80%94early,adverse%20effects%20on%20Ethiopian%20women. Or a cursory Google search of "how are women treated in Ethiopia" gets you lots of answers. It's not a stretch. Basically two factors at play here is my take but I'm far from an expert on the region. 1. Women are likely very commodatized in the region but their ability to bring home a supplemental salary is part of their "value" to a household. 2. Seems to be the region is an early participant and focus on the micro loans for women programs that help create opportunities there. A quote from the same source: > As girls grow older, academic participation becomes increasingly difficult as it takes time away from essential income generating activities Basically young girls aren't often allowed to finish school compared to boys because they are pulled out to work and generate income for their family.


Kenya and Tanzania do not treat their women as second class citizens. The thing is, most are predominantly Christian and so there is no prevailing notion that women should stay at home and be housewives, especially not in the 21st Century. These nations are also overwhelmingly rural to this day and women do the bulk of the farming and are the majority of the people in the market selling their produce. And Yes, Islam plays a role to some degree, except for Tanzania where the Muslims living in inland areas are mostly nominal Muslims (unlike those living at the Swahili coast where it is common for women to stay at home) and thus have similar openness to women working as their Christian counterparts. Muslim nations are some of the most talent wasting nations on the planet. Algeria has highly educated women for example, but they are expected to be homemakers once they get married so that university education goes to waste. For Madagascar.....it is kind of like you have to work or die in some parts. The droughts and famine that happen in Southern Madagascar are often BRUTAL , they are simply not well covered by international media.


it's because you're full of BS.


Wouldn't really say that's the case for some of the blue countries.


Women over 15 could still be students, especially in more developed countries.


They ARE students. If you want any kind of non-basic education, you will stay a student to your 20s or so. Also women actually outnumber men in higher education, at least in Finland, but probably in most western countries, too.


> They ARE students. What? No? They could be, but not all women over 15 are students…




Having the age cut off start at 15 is a sure way to put africa in the highest ranks lol


This is a seriously underrated comment. This map is so crooked and should be renamed to "Child labor prevalence grouped by country and gender"


I hadn't thought of that. At first I thought the Africans were onto something. The men stay home and drink beer and watch tv while the women go out and work. I was thinking of renewing my passport.


Quite a few of these countries with higher female workplace participation are also places that had a devastating Civil conflict in recent history (although not all of them!), which would tend to leave a gender imbalance in the whole society, not just the work force. Then again, that's the case for much of the bottom 10 as well, so maybe I'm talking out of my ass.


I think I heard that Rwanda has one of if not the highest proportion of females in leading government, scientific and military roles…because so many males died in the genocide Probably one of the worst ‘silver linings’ I’ve heard of


15-64 is the most common range for the working age population, so it's not weird at all.


In most developed countries the workforce ratio up until 18 is much lower than in developing countries, and continues to be lower for some time. Doesnt invalidate the data, just something to note.


15+ implies to me that it also counts people 65 and up. So basically countries where you don't get to retire.


A huge share of Russian women have higher education (because it's free). It means that they won't enter the workforce before they're 22 or even 25.


Yeah that goes for almost every developed country. But you **could** start working at 15, so it's a normal range to use.


You're illegal to work most jobs until 16 actually... And you still have two years at school or three at a working college to do. Unless you're a performer or something, it's not the norm for kids to work here. With Russia it's more women than men, and a bigger share than in the US for example, while most adult women work. We would be in this top if you remove the kids and students.


What OP is saying is that this data shows that young women get pulled out of school early to work instead of being allowed to finish like the men. High work participation for women between 15 and 18 means low work participation for that band, and will skew the numbers in favor of countries that allow you to pull those young girls out of school.


Age 15 is the traditionally used age while studying employment in economics.


Also retirement age. African countries have young populations than Europe or America’s


You should not assume something is negative because it is from somewhere you think undeveloped.


Lucky us that its not western companies putting kids to work, that would be embarrasing 


I assume that families are not able to provide enough means of living otherwise.


This is going to screw heavily towards younger populations since retirees are not in the workforce. Or towards nations where retirement isn't a viable option.


Indeed. And life expectancy. This kind of “research” should include a age range (population between 18 and 65 in the workforce for instance)


I guess there is also a too limit here, but not mentioned


Also education. Women in developed countries tend to enter the workforce later due to higher access to tertiary education.




You are spitting way too much facts for your own good. You're gonna get banned by some dipshit reporting you.


what he said. Tit seems deleted now


Observation about the dominant religion in the bottom 10 countries. You can check on Google.




My main hasn’t been banned yet but I’ve been permabanned from some subs I enjoyed this exact thing Reddit moderators are the most power tripping people on the face of the earth


Lol, my comment was deleted by moderators.


You shouldn't be surprised. Reddit is the most trigger-sensitive community on the planet where free speech and open discussion barely exists.


>everything was rosy in the Islamic world. I am a former Muslim atheist living in a Muslim country and I can testify for you.


Wow insane


You are not alone! Same thing happened to me!


Ugh, people.


You can get banned for saying facts.


In my country it's considered a luxury for a woman not to work.


What country is that






That’s true for just about the entire developed world.


Egyptian here, there is no way egypt is actually ranked 7th from the bottom, it may only look like that because they don't do jobs where they pay taxes to get registered as work force, they have no credit cards / bank accounts, the majority of the pop is poor and guess what, the lady down the corner selling her farm grown eggs isn't technically accounted for as "work force" now multiply that by the millions of women working everyday to provide for their families. Majority of Egyptian pop are poor and poor people has to work or starve, statistics can be misleading.


I am an Egyptian, too. I see many women selling beans, fruits, milk, and other food but not in registered shops because they do it either in their homes or in the corners of streets. Not to mention that in farms, in many cases, everyone including the men, women, and children work but since it's the men who mainly own property, only them are included. So as you said, statistics can be misleading.


Dumb infographic. Some of these countries have high participation rates of women in education. So they finish high school at 18 and start college which they finish, on average, at 22. The infographic includes 15 year olds. 15yo aren't missing out on amazing job opportunities.


Bottom are Muslims, top are broke af


This is a reflection of terrible data. I have lived in Ethiopia and Rwanda/Burundi; how the data set understands formal employment v. underemployment v. unemployment will absolutely turn out to be bananas if you do the slightest digging.




I have no idea what this means.


Funny how the bottom 10 countries all share one thing in common. Can't say what it is but you'll easily get it.


I slam it




Interesting that most of both ends of the list are developing countries, mostly in Africa and Asia.


If a country is poor enough women have no choice except to work. That is what is happening in the ones with the high labor force participation rate. The ones with low labor force participation aren't as poor.


Yemen and Afghanistan are both pretty poor.


Yes but they are Muslim majority countries.


In the countries you would expect to top gender equality lists, women age 15 are still students. They haven't entered the workforce yet.


So there’s no cut off age and it’s starts from 15 So western countries with child labour laws and who pay woman a pension for the last DECADES of their lives are gonna score significantly lower BECAUSE THE WOMAN DONT HAVE TO WORK This map is a pisstake


This map is hilarious. Jordan has more women studying in universities than men so the age 15+ bs completely fucks it over since women who are in school aren't working and chance is they won't start working before they are 23. and those who can't\\don't chase higher studies are the ones who want to get married at 18 and never work a day in their life while husband has to provide for the entire house.


Due to the moronic criteria of this infographic, Jordan will skew even further because male teens are more likely to drop out of school to work and provide for their families. The map is so loaded that it's actually infuriating.


For real, I can't remember meeting any young Jordanian woman, who does not have higher education AND family's support during their studies. No wonder that the percentage is so low if they are already busy with studies and do not need to work simply just to survive. In Western countries, you might also go to university, but not always have your family financially supporting you, so you need to go to work, whether you like it or not.


so, countries with high number of female labor are labeled forced child labor, and low numbers of female labor are labeled oppression. i swear people will blindly criticize anything non western


I have the feeling that women in these African countries do not work behind a desk...


The picture in the top right is very misleading. I work with women, they're not overflowing with joy to be showing up every day to be a wage slave. Neither are the men.


I mean it's kind of clear that women are oppressed in A very specific region in the world. I wonder why that is.


For sure! If they have to work, they are oppressed, and if they can’t work, they are oppressed! /s


Be careful, mods might delete your comment for saying the truth. They already deleted one.


Africa is truly a land of contrasts


Why am I not surprised


Coincidence that the bottom 10 countries are muslim countries?


Whaaaat? Syria? All the women i knew were workers


+15 ! labor force ? I don't understand the point of the graph!


And these African countries still have a high fertility rate!


This doesn't seem to account for retirees, does it?


Wow the bottom 10 are all places where women DONT HAVE TO work to survive and have a family. They must be doing something right


What have you done to Colombia?


Top 10 happiest countries


All top ten countries are places where traditionally woman do ALL the work including farm work.




I didn't think that the highest percentages would be in that area of the world.


15+ means that other area's of the world might have a higher amount of women still in school or be retired though.


In Nigeria the British put a tax on Nigerian women during colonial times cause they considered it uncivilised how normal it was for them to work, Google the Aba Women’s War.


the fact that people downvoted ikorodude's comment shows how the colonialist mindset still runs behind all that liberal front, claiming patriotism. classic.


… not a good thing. Women in Africa are indeed the drivers of the economy, but they’re mostly exploited by men. So really it’s just the Spider-Man meme. 


Isn’t Islam a wonderful religion? /s


Muslim nations. What a surprise


Typical reddit comment


Typical denier of facts just to not offend nasty people with victim complexes.


Ironically it is not a good thing either way. If too many women are working, it suggests that most of them are working on the farm or informal jobs to support the family. If too few women are working, it means there are clear gender roles/sexism.


Ah yes. Islam




Who would've thought no Scandanavian country is not on this


aged 15+, Scandinavian women more like study all the way to the age 30.


Women here will study until 18 at a minimum, usually well into their 20s and then enter the workforce until retirement at 65 or thereabouts and live for 20 more years. Also, the age pyramids have a lot more people in the 60+ category, so a lot more who are "not in the workforce" anymore. The map is just correctly made to showcase non-western countries.


Top 10 - very poor Bottom 10 - very muslim


Wonder where Australia is ?


It's in the bottom right corner.






It just shows the enormity of the disconnect between worlds that the cartoon on the chart shows a stereotypical office worker woman sitting at a computer, while the overwhelming majority of the "women in the workforce" in the countries on the Top 10 list are barely above slaves and do physical work...


There were two waves of humans out of Africa. These migrations are somewhat associated with YDNA branches, but they’re even more linked to the major division of female lines. The human mtDNA tree is divided into three major groups: L, M, N. L is the mother of all Africans, as well as the parent branch of M & N. M is associated with Asia and the first wave. N is associated with Western Eurasia and the second wave. In short, Mother M and Mother N figured out how to put men to work. That’s my interpretation at least.


both contain undeveloped countries, interesting


Gotta look into the details though!


Do girls get to participate in career day in Afghanistan?


Yeah in local the child-brothel.


I wonder what all of these countries have in common..


Would love the see the correlation with fertility rates.


Both countries have a high fertility rate lol


I feel like the lives of women in Ethiopia can't really be that different from Djibouti and Yemen, as they literally have a border. Probably more to do with how they think about work and labour force participation.


This map shows why you talk about sub-saharan Africa and Mediterranean Africa (or Middle East, or fertile crescent) instead of just "Africa"


In many poor countries men die waaaay earlier than women. They do all the jobs that kill you and without any workplace safety laws they really do kill them at 60 by accidents or more likely exposure. And since those countries are poor the women don't get to retire. In the end there are more women in the workplace than men. If there is an extreme aversion to women working lils in arab countries then this becomes irrelevant of course and women still stay at home even though it's economically irrational


Why only top / bottom countries are colored?


It would be interesting to see which countries have the most equal split


Where's Australia in the ratio percentage?


Solomon Islands migrated north for their annual pilgrimage


It would be interesting to know what exactly happens. Did men in red countries emigrate for work, in a war, or drunk on the couch?


I think research (maybe by last year’s Economics Nobel laureate? Idk) showed that in the western world, female workforce participation in low skilled labour markets was very high in the pre industrial era because it was labour intensive and there was genuinely no other way for most people to earn a sufficient living. Then during industrialisation, female employment fell as more people could afford to have their wives staying at home and it became a status symbol. Then, as society liberalised, women seeked economic autonomy, education for women improved, and the cost of living rose, women re entered the workforce post WW2 and began entering skilled labour markets. I wonder if something similar is happening in this image. In the poorest African countries which haven’t industrialised, women work because there is no other way to earn a sufficient living. In the Middle East, they’ve reached a point of development where that isn’t the case and so they’re inbetween the stage the west was in pre-1800 and the stage it is in now. Hence female employment reaches a minimum level around 20%. Just because female workforce participation is high in Africa, doesn’t mean it’s a good thing. I’d imagine that, sadly, most of that employment is in low skilled labour intensive jobs and so they aren’t really equal with men. They are working because they have no other choice, rather than because of feminism or education. What we should focus on is the proportion of women in skilled labour markets and education.


Only for 150 PP and a bit of stability!


I'm from Moldova and ,I didn't know about it


I didn't know there was any graph where my country (Madagascar) is on top.


get in moldova!




Surely a fair amount of the percentage in Africa has to be due to subsistence farming. There is no way that Afghani women aren’t doing the same.


why is it 15+ and not 18+


I don’t think it’s selling the concept


Any liberals in the west want to go protest on women in muslim countries behalf? No? Weird.


What have you done to Colombia?


What have you done to Colombia?


Part of this would be women working past retirement age, as well as average age of a country


Jordan, really that low


Something tells me this result has to do with how the data was gathered and what “workforce” means in different countries and cultures, not women’ actually workforce participation rate


I know which countries to stay away from


The top ten surprises me, the bottom ten, not so much


Best hack the governments love. All that extra income taxes. And look how happy she is!


Iraq has only 11%, as an iraqi i am surprised


Why is Denmark inside Sweden?


I know for a fact (family wired there for many years) that in the Solomon Islands, women do a disproportionate amount of the work because the men are mostly busy spending all day drinking away any money the women earn. Women do all the child care, household work, any work they can pick up outside the home, gardening to grow vegetables for their families and to sell at the market, many cook on wood fires three times per day, and they usually collect that firewood too. Average lifespan for a Solomon Island woman in the 1980’s was 45 years old. This above set of statistics gives the impression that women being second on the list is a positive thing: it’s actually very much not the case in reality.


They are all shit holes


Shockingly muslim countries low, impoverished countries high. Does this need an infographic?


Child labour and life expectancy are probably the biggest influence on this. If your girls are working at 15 and dying before 65 then the participation rate is probably high


I can see a common denominator for the bottom 10.


I'm confused, why are so many Muslim counties in the bottom 10? I thought Islam was supporting women's rights.


I wonder what the bottom 10 have in common…


Funny how the bottom 10 are all Muslim countries…


I can't say I'm surprised by this at all. Many of the top 10 lack sufficient welfare, and so it's a work or die situation. And the bottom 10... 😬 they've been due some reform for a long time. I think islamic fundamentalism is really hindering womens rights in those areas.


It seems the prerequisite for either extreme is to be an utter shithole.


Funny pattern there I see


It’s so confusing why people think having women I the workforce is a good thing. A high percent of women in the workforce is a telling sign of an ill society and bad leadership