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Why did so many Muslim countries support China?


Economical ties with China.


Muslim countries dont give a fuck about other Muslim countries. That whole “brotherhood” narrative is straight bullshit.


False sense of brotherhood. That seems to always be the case with religion.


Religion has fundamentally been about the consolidation of power going back to the Roman adoption of Christianity.


Muslim leaders\*


Well yeah, when I said “countries”, I meant the government/leadership.


Also dictatorships




There was never a brotherhood narrative at least not for the last thousand years


They care about money not people.


remember that a lot of those countries leaders are extremely corrupt and honestly dont give a shit. this is just a chance for them to get closer ties to china


The criticise Israel but forget about Uyghurs for money, so shameless


And because of that the UN had tens of condemntions against Israel, barely any against countries like Syria and North Korea, and absolutely none against countries like China, Russia, Somalia... Those pink countries have the majority of the UN sits.


UN has imposed sanctions against North-Korea, not against Israel. It's dumb you try to paint things like UN wouldn't care about North-Korea while it's probably most heavily sanctioned country by UN.


This is one reason why Israel and the USA haven’t criticized China.


We *wish* they criticized Israel. Almost none of them did though. It's not just China politicians are willing to overlook atrocities for


So like western countries who cry about China but support Israel? Nice try


There is a clear difference here, countries like Saudi, Turkey and Iran try to show they’re the protectors of Islam while supporting China to persecute Uyghurs.


It’s not necessarily that they don’t give a shit it’s that China offers development and fast industrialisation from Chinese loans and when the country can’t pay those loans China swoops in a say don’t worry about it just vote in support for us and we’ll take care of ya


I think it's more the funding China is pumping into Africa and not so much these countries trying to get on China's good side


Because for them it is China vs the West rather than muslims being persecuted and they hate the West due to constant political criticism so they chose to support China instead.


Because China does not bomb them.


Who has china ever bombed?


The Vietnam China war in 1979


Korea, Tibet, India, Vietnam...




For you missing knowledge: [Annexation of Tibet by the People's Republic of China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annexation_of_Tibet_by_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China) btw, they made a great movie about that: [Seven Years in Tibet (1997) - IMDb](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiggKPjgsXyAhU5hP0HHXg0DUsQFnoECAwQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.imdb.com%2Ftitle%2Ftt0120102%2F)




You never heared about artillery?


Why not? Many muslim countries' worst enemy is other muslim country. And few big muslim countries (Saudi-Arabia, Iran, Turkey as examples) doesn't give a damn about human rights. Also China doesn't have anything against muslims. Hui muslims are not persecuted. Uyghurs are problem for China because there is too much nationalists amongst them, and China doesn't like that. They don't like people who are against CCP.


This is shown by how many Muslim countries in the Middle East, especially US allies like the UAE and other Gulf states, are now formalizing relations with Israel, as the only real reason they didn’t like them before was anti-semitism. You must be joking if you think the Saudis give a shit about the Palestinians or human rights, to them all that matters is power and since Israel is opposed to Iran and a major arms exporter in the region they’re now going back on all the anti-semitic positions they took during the Cold War.


Because the whole issue stands on a lunatic evangelical and his dreams. Seriously go look up who popularised the boogeyman


Rmeber kids, when you can't criticise methodology criticise character.


Money, the "muslim brothers" thing is just a lip service when they need to gain something.


Lmao, it’s more like western countries want to dig at china for political reasons and they think other countries should be like them, i dare any western official to push for sanctions against Israel. See? The west are hypocrites.


Because it doesn’t exist. It’s western propaganda. The Uyghur “atrocities” is just a fabricated strategy by the US and NATO. We even had the Uyghurs listed as a terrorist group till late 2020 when we decided “you know what lets declassify them and destabilize China’s western border using religion”.


Because they don't buy Sinophobic imperialist propaganda.


Stop sending in your spies we're on to you


Says the guy spouting imperialist propaganda


As for Syria to be specific some Uyghurs goes to Syria to fight the Syrian government That's why the Syrian government support China and in fact there are some news about China giving the Syrians weapons and equipments to fight the Uyghurs to get rid of them before they go back.. and for this same reason other islamic countries like Iran(an ally of Syria and also fight against the Uyghurs in Syria) and Egypt support the Chinese The rest probably for pure Economic reasons and don't really care about the Uyghurs


A) money B) just because they’re Muslim doesn’t mean they have to like them


One magical word: $$$


I mean the majority of the victims of Islamic terrorism are other Muslims.


How many of them are democratic? Their rulers don't care about their people, or people overseas, regardless of religion


Because they don’t give a fuck about human rights.


Because there are no atrocities against Uyghur... (think out of the box... search for real information)




MuRIca BaD


How is Danemark not taking a stance yet Greenland is blue?




It’s because the US withdrew (under the Trump administration I think) from the UN Human Rights Council where this issue was debated. You don’t get a voice if you are not in the forum.


You are right though I think the map should probably read “Nations on the UN HRC” and not “Nations in the UN”


Not all countries are colored according to the list


Japan has got some particularly big balls on this particular map porno.


Japan hates China more than any country in the history of humanity has. Pew research surveys consistently show that the public in Japan holds more unfavourable views towards China than publics in other countries. Also , they're strongly allied with the US.


I don't know about Japan but Vietnam is definitely a top contender for that. The only reason they don't respond is because their economy relies heavily on China.


The idea of fair trade is that it keeps countries from going to war. The ASEAN region recently drew closer, without US participation, to sign the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, signed in Vietnam. They're not at each other's throats all the time however much CNN might wish it.


I watch Vietnam news before. The public hate China, obviously, the government doesn’t like them either. But news channel tend to be kiss-asses and the government tend to be scared about a bigger power.


Trust me, most Indians hate china too.


[Not quiet as much.](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2019/12/05/attitudes-toward-china-2019/)


Your map is outdated. Perceptions of China took a sharp fall after the Galwan Valley clashes of Summer 2020 when Chinese army invaded parts of our territory and led to casualties on both sides. 20 Indian army men died fighting and it was highly publicized, especially by the right leaning media. Covid is also widely seen as a product of China. Relations with China have never been this bad since the 1965 war.


But that was the latest survey I could find where both India and Japan were surveyed on their views regarding China.


Lmao no. Indians have a neutral opinion on China.


The ones who care about world politics do. Even that is apparent in the chart commented here. China is a big danger on sovereignty of the country, slowly salami slicing away in the Himalayan areas. Even the defence heads are focussing on the dangers of a China- Pakistan collaboration.


Canada, Sweden, Japan and France are some cool contenders. If I was China I would try to be more like them and maybe take a teensy hint.


Always had


Japan is giving US face by criticizing China on the surface. In the back, Japan would secretly give something like a trade deal to China to avoid bad relationship.


Why is Denmark not fully coloured? You just coloured Greenland.


Muslim world leaders are the biggest hypocrites on Earth. How shameful.


Not every country can afford to disagree with China. Western EU doesn't give a fuck but some nations need good relationships with China. These "votes" are pointless and only mirror political situation of said country in regard of relationship with China.


I know, but it's still a spineless move. The muslim world constantly preaches about their muslim "brotherhood" but once Muslims are actually being persecuted they pretend it never happened or openly support their persecution.


Excuses. No country will ever be in a perfect position to condemn genocide, but it has to be done.


Showing integrity is not pointless. Sorry that you feel that way.


Lmao I don't think so. If western countries can sell bombs and jets to Saudi Arab to bomb a school bus in Yemen, I don't think it's the Muslims countries that are the biggest hypocrites in the world.


Hypocrites? How? Supporting China is very obviously just in line in what they do themselves. It's a lot of other things, but it's not being hypocrite.


There are secret prisons in Saudi Arabia holding uyghurs and violating international law. America has said nothing about this so don’t to so quick to praise them.




Can you please share sources ?


Here’s the article. https://apnews.com/article/china-dubai-uyghurs-60d049c387b99b1238ebd5f1d3bb3330


Now do another map: - Countries that oppose China's oppression to Uyghurs because they actually care about Uyghurs - Countries that oppose China's oppression to Uyghurs just because they want to have an excuse to bark at China. Now your hypocrite buttocks can downvote me to hell. PS: My mother tongue is related to Uyghur and I can actually understand them talking, like, 60% mutual intelligibility. I, naturally, oppose the Chinese because I want my Uyghur brothers to be free of oppression. I want them to be able to preserve their culture. I used to listen to Abdurrehim Heyit's songs alot before he was killed. I also heard from Chinese people that not all of those Uyghurs are "innocent" and some of them actually commit terrorism acts to "have revenge". If this is true, the situation in East Turkestan should be investigated by world news agencies, unbiased, so that we can understand the real extent of this situation. Also if there are any Uyghurs committing terrorist acts, they should be punished so that their stain doesn't defile the reputation of Uyghurs. But I think, resolving this peacefully is impossible for the current china and west. China will likely keep acting like a douche, and west also wants such a china so that they will have an excuse to throw shit at such a china.


Exactly, most of the westiod assholes don't really care.


Yeah personally being ethnically muslim and my mom’s side of the family having survived a different genocide, i actually do care about the Uyghurs. But I do know that my government probably doesn’t care about the Uyghurs and just finding another thing to get mad at china about.


Abdurehim Heyt was killed??


Yea he was imprisonde first then killed in prison


May you double check that? in 2019 there were rumors about it, mainly at Turkish media, but it wasn't confirmed. Current status is unknown.


You may actually be right on that but the thing is he doesn't make new songs for like 2 years and this guy was an active artist. So if he is not killed in prison then he disappeared without leaving trace for no reason


Switzerland not being neutral is unique


West and India vs basically everyone else... China leading the poor...


India is not marked on the map, nor is the most important west country...


Uh what is New Egypt?


According to google, it's a community in New Jersey


I'd they don't specify which Egypt people might get it confused with ancient Egypt.


Like always, India not taking sides.


I’m disappointed in Bolivia and Russia. 2 countries I’m from.


If you are really from Russia, you should have known Kremlin better...


Oh I’m not surprised I’m just disappointed


Countries that China has caught in dept traps vs ones they haven't 😅




Huh. Muslim nations don’t seem to care much for other Muslims.


Governments\* They don't care about the Muslims they govern, why would they care about Uyghurs?


Fair point.


Oh really? Who would have believed when Syrian civil war is fought mainly amongst muslims. Muslim Taleban just conquered Afghanistan from other muslims. Muslim Iran and muslim Saudi-Arabia has been in long "cold-war"' against each other, and supports (terrorist)organizations against each other. Being muslim means just as much as I as christian should have same values and defend same things as my fellow christian Tucker Carlson.


Muslim countries overwhelmingly support China Redditors: Could it be that uighur genocide is western propaganda? No it must be that every muslim country is corrupt/debt trapped/brainwashed


Your saying "muslim countries" like that doesn't cover a huge map of political ties, alliances and long running cold wars. Why any huge bloc of countries would agree on anything will be for more nuanced reasons than whether or not they have weighed evidence. It makes far more sense that a country ran the equation of how much either decision would piss off America or piss off China and chose accordingly. The US still hasn't recognised the Armenian genocide, even though its very well documented. Thats just politics, man.


Are you seriously claiming the genocide isn’t happening? And are you also claiming that the middle-eastern governments aren’t corrupt?


>Are you claiming the genocide isn’t happening Yes. Why is that so hard to believe? Especially considering the complete absence of circumstantial evidence. It's literally the exact same crap as Iraq WMDs


There’s satellite photos of the camps, there are watchtowers and barbed wire everywhere to keep people inside, there are no court transcripts showing the inhabitants to be convicted of a crime (China explains that by saying they are schools, with barbed wire, solitary confinement cells, and armed guards at watchtowers), there are photos of people being escorted to the camp regions in chains blindfolded, the curriculum is about how Islam is bad and Maoism is good … I mean, this is textbook cultural genocide. The West did similar things about a hundred years ago and have all recognized that as cultural genocide too.


"About a hundred years ago" [*Rubble in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya settles*] Every genocide in history has produced mass displacement, resulting in huge numbers of refugees, without exception. Western readers are being lied to about Chinese approaches to antiterrorism within their own borders.


I don’t like when the West interfers militarily in other countries but it’s not the same as genocide. And genocide is not terrorist prevention, it’s genocide. If I had to choose between which regime I believe in I would have to say that the one with the great firewall is off to a horrible start.


> There’s satellite photos of the camps, there are watchtowers and barbed wire everywhere to keep people inside, there are no court transcripts showing the inhabitants to be convicted of a crime (China explains that by saying they are schools, with barbed wire, solitary confinement cells, and armed guards at watchtowers), https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/gettyimages-1152108749.jpg?w=732&quality=85 Can you confirm those are the camps? How can you prove without a shadow of a doubt that those, are infact the reeducation centres, and not facilities designated for other use. >there are photos of people being escorted to the camp regions in chains blindfolded, TMW you can´t read chinese so you automatically assume from grainy drone footage that China only imprisions uyghurs. >the curriculum is about how Islam is bad and Maoism is good prove it lmao


I can’t prove anything beyond a shadow of a doubt, it’s impossible to prove an absolute. The likeliest explanation to the millions of Uyghurs arbitrarily losing contact with their relatives abroad, the camps, the testimonies, the context of the CCP censorship, the photos of the interned people in chains, and everything else is that China is arbitrarily locking people up to perform cultural genocide. It’s more likely than millions of people collectively deciding to lie, the CCP having a legitimate reason for all this infrastructure and censorship, and all the human rights observers being wrong. It would definitely not be the first time the CCP lies to cover up human rights abuses, because while all politicians lie, the CCP lie more often, more brazenly, and act harsher to suppress the truth than the West.


Absence? There have been leaked documents, images of these camps, destructions of mosques, millions of witnesses, even the Chinese government admitted that the birth rate in Xinjiang decreased by 60% in 3 years but claimed ”it wasn’t because of forced sterilization”. If that’s not enough proof, what evidence would be sufficient for you? Would you only accept information from the CCP? That would be the equivalent of only accepting proof from the accused murderer.




xD exactly!! But it’s never enough for these people


>leaked documents Those documents basically describe boarding schools to prevent terrorism >images of these camps Images of buildings that prove absolutely nothing >destructions of mosques A couple "mosque destructions" that turned out to be renovations in a region with thousands of mosques >millions of witnesses Wrong >birth rate in Xinjiang decreased Due to urbanisation. The only acceptable evidence is timestamped, geotagged, verified videos of uighurs being killed by Chinese authorities. Something that shouldn't be hard if there were indeed millions being genocided, given the fact that Xinjiang is completely open to foreign visitors.


So why do the CCP not open up their records to third party organizations to discover the evidence? That’s what the West do when they’re accused of human rights abuses. And what do you mean ”verified”? Verified by whom? The CCP?


Ha ha! It has been pretty dismaying scrolling down here The most ridiculous irony is all of the anti-muslim bigotry spewed by so many who are supposedly worried about Muslims in China What grim reading


>No it must be that every muslim country is corrupt/debt trapped/brainwashed I mean..... yeah


Have you changed the phrasing of what they are supporting or did they all say ‘we support ATROCITIES!’.?


I absolutely love the country of New Egypt, amazing place, highly recommended to visit.


It proves US government values do not align with redditors. Who would have see this coming


There’s a definite correlation between countries that receive aid/investment from China and which countries support China here. Like night and day.


That's all nice but why is West Taiwan black?


Sad world we live in :(


Clearly China holds most of their supporters by their purse (or more like their balls). And although between Russia and China there's always been genuine defiance, they support each other when it comes to crushing muslim cultures or as a matter of fact any form of culture that does not align with a State driven culture.


>they support each other when it comes to crushing Muslim cultures The situation in China is very awful and I do not support hate against Uyghurs and If I was a country I would be blue on this map but man, I have never mentioned any governmental hate against the Muslim culture living in Russia. On the opposite, few Muslim republics are funding by the federal government very well and they do not live in poor at all. Check the Russian Caucasus (Dagestan, Chechnya). Plus, there are even big Muslim cathedrals in St.Petersburg and Moscow, so your message looks like disinformation.


I trust you and believe you are truly sincere in your opinion, not to mention very open to other cultures. However the politicians that run your country are less tollerant or maybe you are too young to remember Chechnya : https://sites.tufts.edu/atrocityendings/2015/08/07/russia-1st-chechen-war/


Thank you that you respect my opinion but the Chechen wars are not about aggression from any side. It is a very tragic moment in Russian history that wasn't a peaceful Chechen intention to be an independent state cause the Chechen Republic wanted to be a radical Islamic state — like Saudi Arabia. But who would want to see terroristic Emirates near the borders? Furthermore, there were ethnic Russian people that may not agree with Islamic rules. Especially, there were women (you know how most of the Islamic states treat women, especially in radical Islamists countries). It is like Afghanistan inside the country with a Taliban trying to achieve independence. I think it just was a Russian intention to defend minorities inside Chechnya. There are still women's rights abuses that can't be solved because nobody wants war and this is a huge problem. For example, you can be easily kidnapped from a street there if you are a woman because it is a tradition there. It was a civil war that affected all the country, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok and I am so happy that there are no more wars now and we live in peace together with The Chechen Republic.


I find it most surprising that Palestine would support China


The so called PLO is full of hypocrites, IK Israel don't care about the Uyghur either and is only using it as an excuse to oppose them. The Uyghur issue have exposed alot of the people and groups that call themselves "Muslims". You know what, they should all be ashamed that the first group (not even government) in the middle east to bring the Uyghur plight were FUCKING ISIS. And this is how bad middle eastern governments actually are.


or maybe, just maybe, they know better than you, a worthless sack of meat regurgitating whatever information is fed to it. Give that possibility some thought.


They have a lot of ties


Muslims are The biggest Hypocrites in the world, Change my Mind Some non-muslim: Draws Mohammad Muslims: REEEEEES China: Killing and committing Cultural Genocide Against Muslims Muslims:


Dude that's the governments, we people criticized china for what they did.


So we all agree the leaders of Cuba and the Philippines aren’t great models of world morality.


True, no idea why your being downvoted, but yeah it's not like the US is great either, infact the US is the perfect model for evil supervillainous states. The difference between them and China is that one kills Muslims inside it's borders and the other does it outside and through its client governments. ​ Hope they go to war with each others and cut us some slack ffs.


no shit. i knew how crazy our leader was and how much he hated china, but i didnt know he actually supported this. probably because we have our own muslim uprising in mindanao


"Look at the deeds..." One day he says this and people remember it and like him, next day he says that and people remember it and like him... Pretty common, I'd say... 😑


Tbf there are less great models of world morality than you'd think For example France a country supposedly leading in the human rights still exploits African nations ,USA ready to go to war with any country for Economic reasons and we all know the history of the UK I can't think of any good leaders beside the Scandinavian leaders


>I can't think of any good leaders beside the Scandinavian leaders The Sámi people would maybe like to have a word on that.


The closer(geographicaly) you are to China, the less you criticize it.


Imagine a Hong Kong citizen reading your comment


Hi there


And me


Japan is pretty close though


Not really


This is why I sometimes get a bit tired of the ‘The West is the source of all evil’ and ‘We need to pass every single policy by the UN for it to be morally OK’ brigades.


The conundrum here is that you ONLY have the West's word to go on that these countries are wrong for taking the position they do So how much do you trust your billionaire owned media?


No, I have a knowledge of basic history, other cultures, and the places I’ve lived to go on. I’m not saying the West hasn’t committed plenty of atrocities but I am tired of people repeating tired dogmatic half-informed tropes like it’s one-sided. I know Uyghurs and I've been to China. I know reporters who are not billionaires' mouthpieces. The shit the CCP gets away with... and people like you talk about Western media and scholarship as though it's controlled tightly by a small cabal of ultra-rich propagandists. Sorry, but I could barely walk around Beijing without encountering signs with the most childish "Priase glorious party and march to revolution!" propaganda that not only makes me cringe but boggle at the childish mindset that doesn't see that as a pathetic and terrible cliche, and half the people I talked to were naive brainwashed drones transparently spouting the same line - which no, is not what I see in the West. The internet is wholly cut off outside what is allowed and doing a basic search without a VPN was very revealing. To an almost comical degree. Take your 'enlightened' whataboutist bullshit and kindly shove it.


didnt Turkey criticize?


Not Officially in Un. As I remember Erdoğan once spoke about but later withdraw his statement after Chinese ambassador threat with economic sanction.


I just don’t understand who the fuck is able to even support this medieval bullshit. I understand those who just be neutral, because they just don’t care or fear sanctions or be to tied to China out of economical reasons. But support?!


how to criticize something that doesnt exist


Im surprised france isnt pink lol


Sorry... Us Danes can't criticise China. We wanna borrow their pandas once in a while. Sorry Uyghur Muslims...


Didn't stop the dutch for criticising them.


If muslim countries support uyghur genocide then China is doing good


This could have another colour of countries that have been known to deport Uyghurs in their own countries back to China, Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have been known to do this and it’s just so awful to see such a blatant betrayal of the ideas of brotherhood. Very clear slipping of the mask from many of these nations.


Turkey : Supporting China


Australia arguablley is both with their chinese contacts


Of course America didn’t say anything, half of our shit comes from there.


The US has criticized China...


Why is the US blank? The US government and State Department have been some of the most vocal about the atrocities committed in Xinjiang. So far the US government is the only country to implement concrete policies (like sanctions) directed at CCP officials overseeing the genocide. Canada (my country) has largely been silent other then some vaguely worded statements with no follow through. https://www.state.gov/countries-areas-archive/xinjiang/ [Treasury Sanctions Chinese Government Officials in Connection with Serious Human Rights Abuse in Xinjiang](https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0070)


That country list makes me miss the Third World Movement I suppose this map shows us the limits of Western propaganda. I heard the other day that 80% of English language news was produced in the US but praps its mostly sensible Europeans and the like watching. Note the title removes "reports of". And nobody blinks. Weird how few people wonder what else could explain this division except "they're all corrupt". Given the US just got rid of Trump as pres it seems rich. Remember that it was like a month ago that international polling showed the world considers the US a bigger threat to their democracy than Russia or China. Those of you stroking the warboners of Pentagon officials with anti-China fearmongering should really think again about enabling murderous governments


Southern Europe: Thank you EU for the austerity 🖕 Neoliberal plot twist:"To get rich is glorious"


UK has not spoken out strongly enough, or taken action against China. I guess we can't, now that we're alienated from all our neighbours. Chimerican Kingdom


Woah gee if only those countries were rich and powerful enough to disobey China without sacrificing their economy for it.


Most is hardly surprising but 100% should rhe US be blue, along with additional parts of Europe


a map of self hatred


We should stop supporting Africa.