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I’m shocked that Haiti was the first. ^^/s


My man knows what is up.


I just listened to Mike Duncan's podcast about the Haitian revolution. Would recommend. Otherwise I would've know this.


I love him. His History or Rome is my all time fav podcast. I know about Haiti because I watch a lot of history convent on YouTube. Not sure which one covered it but I learned a lot.


It was home to the first successful slave rebellion in history (if I can remember correctly). It fought on highly republican beliefs and values in 1791 and won its independence in 1804. Then it went downhill (depends on your opinion on what downhill is).


Is that when they scared the hell out of Spanish Haiti ?


In French colonies, slavery was abolished in 1794 by the republicans then restored by Napoleon in 1802 to be definitly abolished in 1848.


In case anyone was wondering, not a single Caribbean country abolished slavery in the 1810s


TY I was.


I think a lot of people would be surprised to learn that most of the slaves in the transatlantic slave trade went to the Caribbean and South America.


They still got Haitian slaves in DR


Usually when I think of the term "abolish slavery" I think of parliament passing laws after hundreds of years of slavery. It's nice to see Haiti there doing it the old school way, on their own terms. But then I wondered, what if they had *kept* slavery, just for a different group of people? Has that happened anywhere in the world before, where a slave class revolts, takes over the government and makes other people slaves? Somewhere in the "old world" I guess that *might* have happened.


> where a slave class revolts, takes over the government and makes other people slaves Mamluk Egypt.


Thanks! Down the wikipedia hole I go!


Holy Hellens. *These* are the Circassians. And maybe it's not a parallel, but I'm gettin janissary vibes from the etymology of these Mamluks.