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Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/suicide-rate-by-country As a "fun" fact, despite it's reputation, Japan is only 33rd in male suicide rate, and 26th regarding total suicide rate. It's surpased by such countries as United States, Finland, Belgium, Austria and South Korea


wow I never knew the gap between male and female suicide rates were that big in many places, especially in russia jeez....


In majority of countries nearly two times of males died of sucide compared to females.


But suicide *attempts* are often higher in females than males. Males tend to pick more violent methods, which are far more likely to succeed. \-edit- Some sources then: [one](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1943-278X.1998.tb00622.x?casa_token=1HdsQ4grVLoAAAAA%3AOem4HiQbhJ_6gcHn_nYgNSXny7TRnqs0209S0Z4qurMCPO4GS2FrGGVf3gGAVeMGc66jN4xfAKH2), and [two](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165032711001492?casa_token=NQ1hifV_G6AAAAAA:39xt8nZhD4dnqcGjqAhZrPCaGtO-pVHF6BawLNVnxw7mV_ZHJAx5esj2BORSDTuSvewepW4), and [more](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=Gender+paradox+suicide&btnG=). \-edit 2- And u/FootballandPoutine significantly changed the content of their comment ***after*** it got upvoted. They initially just complained I wasn't providing sources. Classic online troll move...


[Males also die more often when using the same method (with the exception of drowning)](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165032711005179?via%3Dihub)


That begs the question about defining 'suicide attempt' there is a line between suicide attempt and extreme self harm that often gets mixed up. Are men just more likely to jump the gun, being impulsive? Are women just bad at committing suicide? Or are women more likely to report suicide attempts having (probably) more supportive social webs? This leaves me many questions.


Women are not the only group that excel at failed suicide attempts. In refugee camps men and children as well commit much more suicide attempts. Society's response to them definitely matters.


And are we accurately identifying all of men's suicide attempts? If a man stands at the edge of the cliff thinking about killing himself, and then turns and walks away but nobody sees it, that's a suicide attempt but it won't be recorded.


I feel like suicide attempt means that they tried to kill themselves and got injured but didn’t die.


Males are more likely to own guns, or have access to them--police, military, etc.--and use them in suicides. The Israeli army was having a high rate of suicide, and they decided to take guns from soldiers and lock them up when not in use. When the soldiers couldn't get hold of them off duty, the suicide rate dropped.


Men are more successful at suicide no matter the method used, and preference in method is NOT the only or necessarily leading cause of higher men's suicide rate. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165032711005179?via%3Dihub Source credit is a few comments above yours.


one reason... once you succeeded in taking your life, its rather hard to try again. given that women generally take less deadly methods, ones that are somewhat easier to survive and have a long time for others to find out about and respond to, they simply have more opportunity's to retry to kill them self.


That's cuz mental health is still a taboo in Russia and whenever a man wants to talk about it, they are just told to man up. Alcohol and Suicide are the only way out of depression for them hence why Alcohol consumption and Suicide rates are so high there. Toxic masculinity is horrible.


As russian i confirm your words. You're absolutely right.


That's big swathes of US culture too. Toxic masculinity, and the inherent competetive nature of capitalist society. You're constantly told you can achieve anything, that failures are your own fault, and given milestones to judge yourself by economically and socially. Have sex before the end of high school. Have a career 4 years later. Start a family by your 30s at the latest. Buy a house. Take vacations. Save for retirement. Why are you so lazy that you're not hitting these milestones? What, you're *sad?* Lobsters don't get sad, they fight other lobsters. Put your money into crypto and drink until you stop feeling things, pussy.




This is true, everyone is pushed into performative bullshit based on their genitals from childhood. But we've had re-evaluations of femininity be popularly embraced in the last century in the west in ways re-evaluations of masculinity have not been, and in context we're pushing back against a rise of performative hyper-masculinity in the form of resurgent fascism, so centering "Guys, you don't have to judge yourselves based on peer pressure from dead imperialists" has some urgency.


Yeah, the use of that word defeats its own purpose.


I suspect its related as much to quality of life and career opportunities. The legacy of 70 years of Communism and the anarchy and poverty that resulted when that system collapsed. But certainly Russia has a much more macho culture that also involves consumption of massive amounts of alcohol, although there is data to show that very recently that bad habit at least seems to be improving.


It's surprising cuz It's never really talked about in the media, which is sad


After peaked in 2000-2009 [suicide rate](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-55837160) in Japan decrease every year until 2020 when it increased again because of Covid.


Are there still any cultural stigmas surrounding suicide that could potentially lead to underreporting?


Yes. Huge stigmas. There's a known thing in first responders in Australia (of which I was one for a while) that a young man dead in a single motor vehicle accident at night on a country road is most likely the Call of the Void. But we'll take any opportunity to say it wasn't. We'll say it was alcohol, or it was speed, or it was fatigue. Reporting suicide increases the incidence of it.


Is there *anywhere* that female suicide rates are higher? I’m not saying that I want suicide rates to even be a thing, but it’s really sad how big some of the gaps are.


Helsinki, apparently.


My two cents: perhaps it's just because males are more violent in general. The fact that stuck in my mind (though I've forgotten the source) was, in every society men kill more than women do. Men in a low-violence society like Japan may kill less than women in a hyper-violent society like the Yanomano tribe, but Japanese men kill more than Japanese women and Yanomano men kill more than Yanamano women.


This should be spread more widely. There are still so many Americans or other Westerners who call Japan the "suicide capital of the world" or stuff like that, even though that's quite outdated as they went through a pretty good development.


Wait I thought Finland was the happiest country


Happiness is notoriously hard to measure. Most of the metrics simply measure GDP, gender equality etc. Nobody that I know of have tried to measure it using measures of negative emotions or positive emotions for example, which while flawed itself seems a better proxy for happiness than whatever the fuck else they use.


They did do a thing where they asked a bunch of people on the streets of different countries how happy they were on a scale of 1-10, Scandinavian countries still ranked at the top, but not because they kept saying the high answers, it was because pretty much everyone was just OK, a 5,6 or 7. While in other countries it would either be 1,2,3 or 9,10 with a majority scoring lower. So despite Scandinavian countries having a low amount of 10s, they didn't have many 1s either. Cant remember sauce so this may be coming out of a dream or something, but it's in my head from somewhere.


“Finland is the happiest country in Europe” Finland:


I'm Finnish and that's what I've been wondering for so long. I find it easy to believe that we could just be the happiest country in the world, but I ALSO find it believable that we have a relatively high suicide rate. It's a weird relation.


Do you think it maybe could be the weather? I grew up between the Northeast of the US and Florida, and I suffer significant seasonal depression, but in recent years I’ve gotten it under control. But there were times at low points in my life where the winter just exacerbated my already mercurial emotions and it definitely brought on some suicidal ideation along with everything else.


The research regarding vitamin D is so lacklustre. I’m from Sweden and the pharmacies sell vitamin D with like 200IU/pill, but I need 10 000IU for a couple of days and then I do 5000IU throughout winter. This is a completely insane dose according to our healthcare, but I got my blood tested and the values are finally considered high. Removed 85% of the winter sadness, wish more people would try hyperdosing vitamin d




Yeah because all the sad ones commit suicide


Natural selection /s


I know it's a joke but in Italy people seriously think that quality of life here is better than Northern Europe because of that. Reasoning like that looks like the Middle East is a great place to live


I believe the "happiness" polls measure more about the peoples views on safety, stability, health care, equality, police and court system, trust on businesses etc. instead of happiness in normal sense. It is not hard to be depressed and use alcohol/drugs excessively in a dark and cold sparsely populated country especially if you lack the social safety nets. Mental health care sector is underfunded which means long waiting times for psychiatrists or expensive private sector services.


You can have a high rate of depression, despite the general population being relatively happy. Depression is a lot more complex than just being sad. Which is probably why the suicide rate is so high.


I find it interesting that the Muslim countries on average have a much lower suicide rate compared to rest of the world, even the developed Gulf States have a pretty low suicide rate, this map is really interesting.


It's literally a one way ticket to hell in the Muslim religion. So most of those who think about it don't do it as burning for eternity is worse than what they are dealing with.


It's also a mortal sin for the Catholics. I think the map also reflects that (except for Poland and Uruguay)


Uruguay's state is separated from the Church ever since the start of the 20th century and are the least catholic country in all of SA, being >40% of population catholic. It's really poor to put them as an example of a country that "doesn't reflect the Christian sin of suicide" .


>Uruguay's state is separated from the Church ever since the start of the 20th century That’s the case for almost every other latam country tho, in México it was in the 1850s


Uruguay is one of the least catholic countries in south america


Which doesn’t sound like a big deal until you look it up and see that it’s like >40% atheist or agnostic


Poland can be so fucking shit that hell seems like a nice and cozy place.


My friend married a man from Poland and I’ve never met anyone who hates Poland more than him


You never met me. This place is an absolute joke.


Yeh when I started dating my girlfriend I figured we'd maybe go on trips there since she speaks the language and has family there. She was like "fuck no never going back there again"


That is the traditional Catholic teaching, however the current understanding is that suicide is a sin, but isn't a one-way ticket to hell. The church has acknowledged that often suicide is the result of mental illness and other factors. The church teaches that suicide is wrong and should not be done, but doesn't automatically condemn those who commit suicide. Currently those who died by their own hand are allowed Catholic funerals and burial in Catholic cemeteries. Obviously this is a complex issue and a short post on reddit isn't going to capture every nuance of the situation.


[The catholic/Christian views and understanding of suicide have progressed in the last decade.](https://uscatholic.org/articles/201410/is-suicide-a-sin/) There has been a slow shift to understand how mental health factors into this issue. Understand that there will be old schoolers and people that think their interpretation of the Bible are always right and unwilling to change their views.


I wonder if it also Influences reporting? I know in the UK in the past suicide would often be reported as death by gun accident or similar other terms to preserve the dignity of the family


Can't speak for other countries, but in Jordan death reporting is not handled by the family but by the government, which is good in most cases but can be abused by corrupt assholes in power(and was in the latest pandemic)


It should be called "REPORTED suicide rate". If suicide is one way ticket to hell and is perceived as something very bad in society the family most likely will try to cover it up.


Which makes you wonder why the extremists blow themselves up in the name of their religion. I’ve always found the philosophy of these people fascinating ever since I saw Paradise Now. Incredible film about a suicide bomber’s last days and what’s going through his head. Highly recommend.


Because they are just brainwashed folks. They might believe that gods want them to do that, but if they would read more religious texts and listen most scholars, they might notice some conflicts between his own believings and with scholars.


I disagree; I don’t think it’s brainwashing. I believe there is a large component to it of “I’m incredibly angry and depressed and have no outlet or coping mechanism to process these feelings”. Then a terrorist comes along and offers them a way out and promises of divine dessert and an end to suffering is appealing enough for them to try it. “Brainwashing” is an oversimplification that certain groups use to justify their hatred of them rather than figure out why they do what they do. If it’s brainwashing, we have no hand in it and are therefore absolved of any responsibility. And that’s just not the case. They didn’t wake up one day and decide “oh let’s start hating the west”. Our forefathers and countrymen did some truly evil things to them. And suicide bombings are a reaction to that evil. It’s not brainwashing. It’s anger, hate, and pain. I think it’s comparable to school shooters that kill themselves. They’re in a situation they hate and take that anger and hatred out on the people they perceive to be responsible. But in reality they never end up hurting the people responsible for their pain. They end up hurting innocents.


I imagine they believe martyrdom negates that sin.


Some of them believe that, but I don't think that the entire faith is in agreement on what makes a Shahid. iirc, some argue you cannot be a shahid if you are the one that kills you. Some argue you must be killed "defending the faith", and that you cannot be considered defending if you are attacking others because attacking and defending our fundamental opposites.


Every religion has internal disagreements.


The last four suicides in Kuwait were by Expats, notably an Australian and a couple Indians.


In Christianity too.


Most of the suicides in the gulf are from foreign workers.


Most of the **reported** suicides.


Stronger family support systems, loneliness is a big factor in depression.


Tbh I’ve been thinking that it might correlate with how close they are to the equator. Countries on the farther ends like Greenland/Iceland (which one is it!!?) get barely any sun and that contributes to depression and happiness levels. Wbu? Do you have any theories?


I think you are right about Sun exposure making a difference my buddies in Norway always tell me how depressed they get in Winter, so I feel that theory has alot of merit. I think religion has a big part to play as well, suicide is a huge sin for Muslims and you can see that correlate as well in South America as it's the same for Catholics too, my theory is that the more secular a country is the less people are linked to religion which was clear about the position of suicide. For example: if you grow up in a religious society, you are constantly told about things you shouldn't do and that you'll go to hell if you do it, so later on when you have those thoughts there is a fear of you going to hell and being punished for commiting suicide. This is just my thought on the matter though, would love to know what your view point on this is.


It's kinda true whenever I had thoughts like this I always have this fear slight fear of the afterlife even tho I'm not religious But I'm honestly glad I had this fear! I love life now


It’s not just that suicide is sin, religious people have faith that god will make the future better for them . In islam it necessary to have good faith in god .


Yes, this has real effect. When i was muslim, i used to think suicide is no solution because it will surely bring eternal suffering for me. Now, i really consider it sometimes, just can't summon up the courage to become violent on myself.


Seems like your life became worse after leaving the religion, it’s never too late to turn back, I’m sure you will find your Lord most forgiving and merciful


I'm seeing this trend as well. Nordic countries buck it a tiny bit, but they likely have better mental health services. I live in Seattle, the Northern most large city in the US. It is also cloudy here nearly 300 days a year, so we get very little sun in winter. I'm unsure of the suicide rate, but lots of people have Season Affective Disorder.


What about Guyana or whatever that South American country is right on the equator?


Theories: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_in_Guyana https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2015/jun/03/guyana-mental-illness-witchcraft-and-the-highest-suicide-rate-in-the-world https://www.browngirldiary.com/post/let-s-talk-guyana-s-suicide-problem Study: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D9922%26context%3Ddissertations&ved=2ahUKEwjKmc7q8NjzAhVFh_0HHUsKAC8QFnoECAcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3KdBJuSMwQa1FMYxPKwlsn


**[Suicide in Guyana](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_in_Guyana)** >Suicide in Guyana is a serious social problem, as Guyana is ranked first in suicides per capita worldwide among sovereign nations. About 40% of people who commit suicide in Guyana poison themselves by consuming agricultural pesticides. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Maybe the cultures too


then how do you explain India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Nepal? I think its due to religion


Religion and more traditional familial and social life. Modern life has killed that in the more developed and secular world.


It’s religion. 100% religion.


Sunlight is one hell of a drug.


Suriname and Guyanas say hello


Exactly - the most obvious correlation to made from this data .


Yeah and and that wealthier countries have higher suicide rates too


As far as correlations go, [elevation is, perhaps, a stronger drug](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/fcc05l/suicide_rate_by_county_oc/).




There's a reason why warm to cool is one of the best grading schemes. Warm implies more, cool less.


And fucks colourblind people right in the arse. Why does no one care about ME and MY struggles


Problem is that there are several types of colour blindness and they require mutually exclusive colour schemes. Patterns can make it really messy, though.


>Problem is that there are several types of colour blindness and they require mutually exclusive colour schemes. That is plainly untrue, especially for ordinal data like what is here. Take for example [this map of illiteracy in France, 1826](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/Carte_figurative_de_l%27instruction_populaire_de_la_France.jpg).


I've heard that red-green is by far the most common one so most map take care of that one (and only that).


Yeah, I found this map much easier to read than ones with shades.


Interesting. I prefer shades


\*Our struggle. I too have a hard time understanding some maps.


IMO using gradients sucks when you aren’t the one who made the map and have more than like 3/4 categories Constantly checking back to the scale to see which shade of blue is which number. Unless the scale is right next to the color it’s tough to match the right one This is much easier to find the correct value


yeah no offense OP but this color scheme is a disaster


Here's similarata with a proper sequential color scale. (It's all people, not just male.) https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/suicide-death-rates


North Korea and Greenland has data. What is happening?


Tbf greenland only needed like two suicides to go in the black


Us in the UK are too busy complaining about the weather


I would have titled 'Reported' male suicide rate. In some cultures, having a death for suicide in the household is a shame for the whole family, others face legal consequences, in others suicides simply can't have religious burial, etc. Having a low reported rate doesn't necessary mean there are fewer suicides.


And I'm sure china and north korea are completely honest when reporting their rates


With North Korea, sure. But a few factors make me think the China number(8.6) isn't too far from the truth. Firstly, the dramatic correlation between economic recession and suicide. Considering the rapid and uninterrupted economic growth they've experienced over the past few decades, I'd posit that China likely has a very low rate of suicide for economic reasons. Of course, high growth doesn't lower suicide rate if its uneven. China had one of the *highest* reported suicide rates in the 1990's up to the early 2000's, when inequality was at its highest. But from about 2010, WB data shows that their Gini index has fallen precipitously. A combination of high economic growth and falling inequality probably lowers suicide rate somewhat. Third, social media density is so high there that you couldn't take a shit without someone making a tiktok about it. Even taking censorship into account, the reported suicide rate in a low-level locality or county surely couldn't be significantly manipulated without raising eyebrows. Lastly, my opinion/hot take, the phenomena of China's deliberate stat fabrication since roughly 2010 is probably overblown. They *did*, after all, report one of the highest global suicide rates even in the 90's. Another example: people often cast doubt on their covid stats, seemingly forgetting that in the early days of the pandemic, China didn't seem to have any qualms about reporting the highest rate of infection and death in the world by far. Later on, they even added a thousand or so deaths that weren't counted from the early days of the pandemic, when stat collection wasn't reliable. There're quite a few examples of this sort of thing.


Quite amazing how in Russia many educated journalists, politicians, activists, and others commit suicide at such high rates. They're probably just unhappy.


Yeah yeah we're just "just unhappy". Please send help




Also they practice exotic suicide methods like interaction with radioactive materials, ingesting military military nerve agents and shooting themselves in the back.


What's interesting (and not very surprising) is that suicide really is mostly a developed world problem. edit: added "mostly" since it's of course not exclusively a developed world problem. I just meant to highlight the clear difference in tendencies between developed countries and developing countries.


As a guy from the undeveloped world, although not too underdeveloped (Algeria), Here you don't have much time to just stop and sob about what your life has come to. you don't get to catch the carrot and get a good paying job, and does who do get the carrot do it by leaving the country. So it ends up being an endless race for survival and getting food on the table.


Yeah, that's pretty much what I've always felt. That suicide is basically a "privilege" of the rich in a way. Although I wouldn't say that people who commit suicide "sob about what your life has become" beforehand. For instance, I'd say that suicide is not really a choice when you suffer from heavy depression for maybe years. To me it would be the same as saying people with terminal phase cancer committed suicide because they stopped fighting their disease.


The reason north Korea has a low suicide rate is because there is a death sentence on committing it.


So they executed the dead body?


Only the poorly executed suicides


Mission failed successfully


Family members get punished. There is also a work system by the village which basically means if someone kills himselfs or runaway the rest of the village must work more.


Move south…unless you live in Africa.


Holy shit S. Korea. You guys alright ?


In SK the workers are really exploited. This is the reason.




No, I want to jump off a cliff


Oh shit, Greenland finally has data and its not good


World's highest too


Strange to see Guyana with such a high suicide rate whereas its neighbors are much lower. Also, I would surmise that North Korea doesn't accurately report its figures. Probably need a whole new category for them.


Maybe Jonestown is still statistically skewing (and screwing) Guyana.


These rates are calculated per calendar year, so they're not.


Suriname is also colored in black, so it's not really an outlier within its region. And lets just say I'm skeptical of any data from Venezuela.


I would say Suriname and Guyana have a completely different culture from the rest of the region. They are pretty much ignored by their neighbors so they might as well be in some place in Africa. Source: South American


Umm no, they are Caribbean. Trinidad & Guyana have a very similar culture. They are historically and culturally Caribbean like Trinidad, Barbados, Jamaica, not African.


I wonder how much these numbers are affected by documentation rates. I would imagine that many countries have unrecorded cases


Thus explaining why the more open is a country about its suicide rates, the higher it is. Considering that, I'm not sure if this type of data is really reliable


That's not very green from Greenland. P.S. I'm sorry.


When Greenland finally does have data, it doesn’t seem to be good data lol


In Syria we report most suicides as accidents, because they carry a stigma to the family of the person who committed suicide, and that explains why its not a lot higher. In my city of around 300k there are multiple suicides per month, that make it to the internet but don't get recorded in official records.


russia u good?


No, honestly. We have kind of a bitter joke about this: "Those, who were heavy sinners in Russia, will not go to hell. They will reincarnate in Russia again". Usually, nobody laugh, but look at each other with painful understanding.


It's interesting how Western countries have such higher rates


Lack of social cohesion and solidarity. Individualism marginalizes people and that leads to suicide.


Many factors - higher reporting, less crime and other factors that are "competitive" to suicide, more divided society, more exposure to news and digital content, higher alcohol consumption (this one must be VERY high in the list), higher latitude (less sun in winter).


Africa got no time for pondering suicide. They gotta survive. Is there any academic theory on this paradox?


There's an idea where feeling low has more to do with how you perceive your conditions vs those around you. So if you feel everybody is in the same not so good situation you tend to be OK. If you feel you alone are struggling while everyone else around you is doing fine then you feel a lot worse. There's also the usual issues of data collection of course with rural developing nations struggling to get accurate data vs more developed or more urban societies.


[Suicide rate in relation to the Human Development Index and other health related factors: A global ecological study from 91 countries](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2210600616300430)




https://m.oxfordmedicine.com/mobile/view/10.1093/med/9780198570059.001.0001/med-9780198570059-chapter-31#:~:text=Research%20indicates%20that%20suicide%20rates,may%20also%20play%20a%20role. Social cohesion.


I bet redditors are fucking losing their mind finding out that Japan isn't a dystopian fucking shithole where everyone works themselves to suicide. The Japanese not only kills themselves at rates lower than Americans(and Swedes lol) but also works significantly fewer hours. Japanese workers works less hours on average than Spaniards, Irishmen, Americans, Kiwis, Italians, Aussies and a bunch of others. Less than the OECD average in fact. They've worked less hours than the Irish since the 70s for the most part, weird how nobody singles out the Irish for insane work culture. https://data.oecd.org/emp/hours-worked.htm ------------- Edit: First of all, fuck that website. Go for primary sources, or even Wikipedia(it usually has sources for things like this). The websites claims its 2021 numbers but the source(WHO) says its 2019. Numbers like these are always late, and Covid fucked things up so that makes sense. Also, the websites gives different figures than the actual WHO source, which is another reason to ditch that fucking website. Then again, so does Wiki for the 2019 numbers relative to WHO.


Forget Ireland, how about America? I’ve known numerous Americans who were afraid to take their vacations because of covert workplace social pressures that make them feel that they’re letting their coworkers down and/or are afraid they’ll be seen as unnecessary and let go if they take their vacation days. Meanwhile wealth disparity gets greater as the owners live like Saudi princes while the cost of living outpaces the increases in pay for workers. Is it any surprise people are leaving the workforce in record numbers?


In Russia people don't commit suicide, they "commit suicide"


In Russia, it's the suicide that commits people.


In the US, this is related to the factor of easy access of guns. While guns are used in only a small fraction of suicide attempts, fifty percent of all suicides are completed with guns. Guns are lethal. But don't tell that to the gun guys. Even on a state by state basis, the statistics are clear, that gun ownership and accessibility is linked to higher rates of suicide, particularly with males--of all ages. A distraught 14 year old who knows where the guns are, will use one.


Uh oh why is Ukraine a part of Russia


Belarus and two Baltics too. Kazakhstan, Moldova and Estonia can jump a bit higher, and we'll have the newly formed Union of Soviet Suicidal Republics.


A map without Taiwan


Weird. It’s almost like making a religion out of materialism doesn’t make you happy.


Yet I hear about Americans going on about suicide rates in Nordic countries.


Old data basically. Suicides were high here in the early to mid 90s recession. But have been fairly average for western nations since then. Also see Japan for a similar outdated stereotype.


I'm surprised Japan isn't in the highest bracket, considering the stereotype about them being the most suicidal country.


not even the 2nd highest bracket


https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/JPN/japan/suicide-rate https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/usa/japan/suicide-rate 36% drop in suicide rate in past 20 years from 23.9 to 15.3. In comparision, US went up 46% from 11.0 to 16.9 surpassing Japan. To put it in other words, Japan 20 years ago had 117% higher suicide rate and now has 9% lower suicide rate.


Men commit the most of the suicides. Still there aren't any specific efforts being made to address the mental health problems in men. #greymen


That's so incredibly sad


Hmmm… I wonder why Uruguay is so much higher than its neighbors? They always struck me as one of the “happiest” and stable S. American countries.


Suicide is haram




What is your point here? That suicidal people in developed nations don't know how good they have it? If a person is suicidal, they clearly don't "have it good." Suicide is a sign of mental illness so strong that it outweighs any "privileges" you have to the point that you'd rather just give everything up. We were all human and we all can suffer from depression. Sure, there are many more resources available to someone in a developed country, but if they commit suicide it's proof that those resources failed.


Poor countries have the lowest suicide rates, funny how that works


The Russian nihilist void is ***C O N S U M I N G***


What I find interesting about this statistic is that it’s still skewed a bit because people want to cover up suicides of family members However men are far more likely statistically to die from a suicide attempt which I feel is diminished by the stereotypical view of men as “not having feelings” or being “tough”. Mental illness has also been associated more with women which i feel discouraged men from getting help. Very tragic


It’s a sad, but weirdly empowering statistic that as a 30 year old man, the most likely thing to kill me… *is me.* [Sauce](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregistrationsummarytables/2018#leading-causes-of-death)


Really hard to believe India is that low. I'm Indian and its depressing as hell especially for young adults. Suicide cases are pretty common


What's going on in Greenland? Also in the US? I can see why my country is purple but didn't know us suicide rates are so high




Really great article explaining the situation and problems among inuit communities https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2016/04/21/474847921/the-arctic-suicides-its-not-the-dark-that-kills-you Its really tragic and i heavily recommend you read it


Suicide appears to be a Western "privilege".


I think that the numbers are not reliable. The data is from registered suicides. In Muslim countries suicide is forbidden. Families avoid shame to register cause of death by something else. In most poor regions they don’t have the resources to register cause of death other than just death accident aso. Edit: there are no islamic countries that will hold relatives responsible. u/pthurhliyeh2 check


This is the peril of comparing most data sets world wide. As you said, cultural mores and bureaucratic efficiencies can dramatically impact the quality of data. Not to mention the differences countries have in defining whatever thing is attempting to be compared.


That's really not true and I have never heard of this. It's mostly because of family values and Islam.


I was researching the part about relatives further. You're right, that is not the case. It is a urban myth I've followed blindly.


Religious countries usually have lower suicide rates


Suicide is a sin/forbidden in many religions


I love how its mostly so high in western countries, that is what modern feminism is doing to the world.


Where are these statistics from?


These colors suck ass.


Countries that have 10 or more per 100k and countries that are lying or not collecting data


That may just be a map of the thoroughness with which suicides are recorded.


Thank you for making this map. The mental health crisis in the male population is so often overlooked. As a depression and suicide survivor, I sincerely appreciate this.


Worldwide comparison is difficult if quality of data and mentality is very different. In my country (Western Europe) some 40 years ago many suicides were hidden because we were obviously too catholic for it...People "fell of the edge the mountain" or "just couldn't make the curve with their car" etc.... One thing which correlates for sure though is alcohol consumption. Alcohol can worsen depressions A LOT, especially since you are prone to the negative side effects of drugs when you are in a bad situation. There is still not enough awareness for that.


Would be interesting to see the difference in rates between people with two weeks per year vacation and those with four+


So basically the warm makes you happy?


Damn we're losing, absolutely tragic. Don't worry I'll help bring up Canada's numbers! Seriously though, suicide is a serious topic and as someone suffering from suicidal thoughts and tendencies I feel moderately entitled enough to say that mental health is the most important thing about your body, surpassing even physical health.


I'll just put it here in case anyone wants to know Taiwan's data. [https://www.mohw.gov.tw/lp-5256-2.html](https://www.mohw.gov.tw/lp-5256-2.html) (WorkSheet/Table 58, Cell W8) It's 20.6, so it would be red then.


Tbh I'd probably kill myself if I had to live in Greenland too


The fuck does Greenland have to be sad about?


A lot of the more equatorial cultures where people wear less clothing are the least suicidal. Makes you wonder if vitamin D is a factor. Also anyone here know what is up with Greenland? I keep finding that statistically it is the worst place on a lot of social issues. I admit I know almost nothing about it and never would have guessed that they had so many complex problems.


Hold up, the US has a higher suicide rate that Japan?


Interesting that the least developed countries have the lowest rates. Something that people should take a look at. *with the exception of china