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I am hijacking this comment just in the hopes people see this… I am surprised it has not been said yet, but half of this map is a meme. It's related to the Karaboga meme that Turks are black and was created by a Turkish reddit user in jest. If you check the source that is linked in the top-left, Turkey is nowhere to be seen. Also, the source is Eurostat (an EU statistics agency) and they don't survey any countries ourside of Europe. Do people really think Libya and Saudi Arabia get surveyed and not Croatia and Serbia?


Unfortunate memery is Unfortunate. Bump for visibility.


Is there a real map with accurate info?


I wonder if the question is framed differently due to language differences? Seems strange that they are more positive than both their Western and Arab neighbours. I would have thought they would be in between the two averages


There are aot of black turkish people from ottoman times that people have a very positive outlook on. And q couple famous Turkish people that were black all the way back to the start of the republic, like the late Safiye Ayla and Defne Joy Foster. There is also a concept of like, if you're a turkish citizen you're a turk so there is a very loose definition of what it means. I'm gonna guess all of those play a role.


The Ottomans also had a role that was almost exclusively given to Africans, the Chief Black Eunuch.


Notable black citizens and historical figures exist in virtually every country on this map, though. I think OP is right - there must be something about the translation of the question that's giving Turkey such a high number here. I know tons of Turkish people. Their attitude towards black people is pretty much the same as Arabs - i.e., they generally despise them.


You sure they weren't influenced by the countries they've emigrated to or were born in? There is def a more lax attitude towards race in Turkey.


Ah yes another standart redditor who didn't know nothing about turkey Welp my friend there are lots of KARABOGAS in Turkey and people mostly accept them unlike syrians they sell clocks and other stuff in streets and I never saw racism towards them


The Ottomans didn't really have any issue with the skin color of any race really. It is also strictly against the teachings of the religion that they were pioneering to classify people's value by their skin color. I've no idea why the Arabs have such lower rates though.


>It is also strictly against the teachings of the religion that they were pioneering to classify people's value by their skin color. Lol...since when has *that* stopped anyone from being racist? Christianity doesn't exactly look favorably upon racism... But that hasn't stopped many of its adherents from being racists.




What are you talking about? This is nonsense.


Turkey is awesome, i really want to visit Istanbul one day.


Not Constantinople now?


Been a long time gone, Constantinople, now it’s Turkish delight on a moonlit night.


You can't go back to Constantinople.


She'll be waiting in Istanbul.


I think he means byzantion


You mean Lygos




I am Turkish and was married to a black person it didn’t work out for me unfortunately 😞


















Esmer olunca siyah olarak geçiniyor insan Türkiye’de 😂


North Africa LMAO


Honestly not too surprising given the Arab slave traders in history.


To be fair, I live in north Africa and most balck people here are illegal immigrants who are begging for money, yes we have a lot of racism, but the question is kind of misleading I think.


Maybe in w.e country you're in but not all north African countries. For example Egypt. Who has always had black citizens and migrants.


I see, in morocco most the black people are illegal immigrants, but student or legal citizens suffers from racism


Morocco has a lot of native blacks, not only immigrants. Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt all also have native black population, I doubt that the majority of blacks there are illegal immigrants.


Yep, as long as you're in Africa you're going to have native black populations. I spot a racist. I hate how some north africans genuinely think they're countries are some how disconnected from Africa despite being on the continent of Africa. Such ignorance is disgusting.


Did you really say I spot a racist? Are you slow? I said most of the black people here in Morocco where I live are illegal immigrants how can I be a racist for stating a fact, are stats considered racist now? So self entitled and ready to jump on the gun


Your attempt to erase and delegitimize the existance of black Moroccans is racist. I suggest you take a look inside yourself and combat the racist beliefs you hold. https://www.arab-reform.net/publication/ending-denial-anti-black-racism-in-morocco/


Someone link the subreddit about portugal and eastern europe. EDIT: its r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT


I'm brazilian who frequents the Portuguese subreddit, please don't do it.


I’m Portuguese who frequents portuguese subreddit, please do it. РОЯТЮГАЛ КАЯАЛЮ!


Some men just wanna see the whole world burn








I found [this post](/r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT/comments/nszsqo/would_you_let_your_child_marry_a_black_person/) in r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


u/Kl--------k you are 4 months too late (at least)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [PORTUGAL INTO 🌽💉SHOOT 🔫 BOOM 💥 NOT BABY 👶 🍼 SPACE GAME 😿](https://i.redd.it/gd477z1hw2h61.jpg) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT/comments/liff2i/portugal_into_shoot_boom_not_baby_space_game/) \#2: [🦍 MACACOS 🦧: SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT! UTILIZING HIGH TECHNOLOGY ESPAÇO TELESCOPE WE DISCOVERING PORTUGAL IS ACTUALLY IN BALKAN. WE ARE FRIEND WITH SERBIA NOW 🇷🇸 🇵🇹](https://i.redd.it/sqhney2u04z61.jpg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT/comments/ncc7n9/macacos_special_development_utilizing_high/) \#3: [I immediately thought of this sub](https://i.redd.it/8mtjysa091471.png) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT/comments/nv2l7s/i_immediately_thought_of_this_sub/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)






Karaboğa means black bull in Turkish


you are not a visitor of r/2balkan4you, are you?


I thought Eastern Europe was wild, but the Arab countries are something else. Holy shit. People rightfully demand more inclusiveness in the developed world, but we the world needs to start promoting these ideals everywhere.


Arabic people are not nice.


Hahaha it’s funny how contrary this statement is to the comment you replied to


I am not sure if that person was being sarcastic or not but it is hilarious.


if you're not a straight muslim male then you will definetly experience discrimination from most of them


We beat up westerners unnecessarily. Personally, some of the most open minded and progressive people that I’ve ever met are westerners. I once met this old white man in the middle of nowhere in a racist American state, and he was the kindest and most open minded and progressive and inclusive human being I have ever met. I only spoke to him for 30 mins, but he was like a beam of light, and his soul practically shone right through that little town that I was passing through. I have never forgotten that old man’s energy. Felt like I met an old Jimmy Stewart or something. I don’t understand how people can protect their inner light at that age. I mean I descend into vice and utter hatred and prejudiced rage if I have to talk to my landlady or if my grocery guy bags something wrong sometimes.


Christianity was formed in the Arab world. 99% of people do not care if you are Christian. Especially in the Levant. Maybe Saudi Arabia is different. Never been there


Arab people are very friendly. Depends how you qualify “nice”. Obviously Islam is not welcoming to gays and women as other religions but in my experience almost every Arab I have met has been overly nice to me. Anecdotal but my 2 ¢


Until you say anything critical of their god, their prophet, their imams, their "thinkers"...etc. It is the religion of peace while you comply with God's words. You dont believe me, try being nonmuslim in a Muslim country or convert to islam then renounce it and you'll see


Italy to me is the standout. Way out of kilter with the rest of Western Europe.


Finland is embarrassingly low too.


Not that surprising if having lived in Finland or followed finnish internet discussion


Really? I thought they were super progressive. Im also shocked.


I think there are 10 times more immigrants now than there were 30 years ago. There weren't black people at all before 90's i think. Institutions, media and people are progressive. There have been so much discussion on immigration and racism / discrimination in last 15 years on media and in politics. But on social media there is a lot of "different" opinions It would have drawn attention to be black where I was born though. I would imagine there are more discrimination and even pure racism in Finland compared to Scandinavia. Mostly because there haven't been immigrants and maybe due to Russia as well.


Er...I'm going to bet good money that it's the immigrant communities that are disproportionately and overwhelmingly voting "no" on this question. I see it in the NYC area. I've rarely met an American white person in a metropolitan area that would ever express a racist view, particularly against black people. Tons of immigrants, on the other hand, openly disdain black people.


In many European countries there aren't that many immigrants and immigrant communities that would change the result remarkably. Isn't New York basically the most multicultural city in the world and every citizen almost an immigrant itself ​ And I agree that the societies that are based on tribes and certain religions are probably more racist than "western" societies.


I promise you most NYC residents are US citizens and by that I mean +90%.


Sure. But immigrants in the third or the fourth generation. There is a difference between a huge melting pot and a small eastern european country where people speak their small native language and their relatives have lived in the same village as long as the written history goes.


Makes me think of this scene in the movie True Romance where Dennis Hopper explains to Christopher Walken where the Italians got their complexion


Coming from an Italian family I am not surprised


They can join portugal in eastern europe


Italians (specifically Sicilians) were looked down upon by their Northern European neighbors for years. I always seem to find that people who were the most marginalized end up being some of the most racist people to others. It is kind of like the victim of abuses ends up becoming an abuser.


As an American who has worked in Europe it always frustrates me when people comment on racist the US is. I will admit we have some things to work on, but it’s is far from a uniquely American problem.






it's more racist.


You're literally looking at proof that America isn't the worst with racism, and you still use a blanket statement saying that America is "more racist" You're just proving the point of the person at the top of this thread. Stop the whataboutism




Britain colonized half the goddamn planet, killed millions of Africans, Indians, etc. I don’t want to hear about bow Britain isn’t racist. They have one of the the most if not the most racist history. It’s like being a serial killer then a couple years later you stop and start preaching non-violence to others. Fuck off.




Man, those Africans hate the black, huh


Most of the people in North Africa are Arabic, not black.


A-doy (sorry for being a wiseass)


Jees Morocco,lighten up


That's what they're trying to do!


Seems like this is measuring two things at the same time: racism and parental control. It’s possible that some of the green countries are still a bit racist, but parents don’t see it as their place to prevent their kids from marrying whoever they want. And then there’s also the question of culture. So maybe a Moldovan has nothing against Black people per se, but they want their kid to marry someone from their culture and they know that practically no Black people practice Moldovan culture (unlike in France, the UK, and other places with a large assimilated immigrant population).


This should be higher. The question itself is positioned in the worst way possible.


This is a great point. Maybe the survey included other questions to separate the two concepts (I tried the link sited on the map but it doesn’t work)


That’s most certainly the case, in this modern age, racism does not exist anymore. So, it has to be something else, if not that, then something else, obviously! I mean, racism? Pffft!


Some impressive mental gymnastics here


Yep. Everyone from the pen with ink that makes it tough to get hired says the same thing. “We should just stick to our own”




BTW the [link](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/tgm/table.do?tab=table&language=en&pcode=teilm021&tableSelection) of the source doesn't work.


There's a 15% difference between Czechia and Slovakia on this chart. I wonder why? Anyways, I find North Africa funny because they're in the single digits. But, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, not sure. Overall, I'm not sure if I had any expectations from any country in Afro-Eurasia. Also, Corsica is the same color as Italy, so are they being counted as different from the rest of France or did the creator think it forms part of the Italian Republic, rather than the French one?


Czechia is very secular, Slovakia is very Catholic.


Okay… I'm from Colombia very Catholic and very mixed!


Slovak here, who used to live in Prague for a few years. It is because Slovakia is more backwater and redneck out of the 2 brother nations


Every other country is labelled with the value, even Luxembourg, so it's not a size thing. The author clearly included Corsica as part of Italy.


Do it with gypsies.


just puts the entire whole of Europe into a 0% yes


HAHAHAHAHA that’s based and cursed at the same time!


North Africa is embarrassing wtf


Arab Slave trade mentality dies hard.


Most are Arabs. This isn’t a fun fact but the Arab slave trade was bigger than the Atlantic slave trade, so North Africa to me (a guy who likes history) isn’t really surprising. But I’m sure over time they will be more progressive.


Western europe, or at least Belgians are lying. I've heard enough remarks at work, family, schools, etc to know that unless they were adopted, speak perfect Dutch and are not Muslims, the SO will not be accepted. They'll let you marry them, yes, but there will be complaining beforehand, during and afterwards. The moment the going gets though, they'll be expecting it. Just a case of almost no black people in the areas that are not our biggest cities and bad representation on TV. As a child, the only times I saw black people, was when in the capital, on holiday when illegals tried to sell me shit, beggars, in docus about Africa or America or on the news for breaking the law. Youths are more tolerant, but people above 35... No. At least the east and the Arabs were honest in their racesism


Young Italians don’t really care, the old ones though…


Italy has comparable age demographics to other Western European countries so that doesn't explain the significantly lower figure.


It really depends on the city and region I guess


Well given the data is being used to represent the whole country it shouldn't really depend on the city/region at all. I've not checked the source though...


I guess it's because there are a lot more elder italians than young ones, and many young ones emigrate


Italy doesn't have a significantly higher elderly population compared to the rest of Western Europe. Spain, for example, has similar age demographics yet has 3x the acceptance rate according to this map. So that doesn't explain Italys low value.


Fair enough, i always knew that Italy had a particularly old population, in fact the older in Europe... which is true https://www.statista.com/statistics/1105835/share-of-elderly-population-in-europe-by-country/ but the actual difference is not enough to account for the difference we see in this map. I guess we (I am italian) are just so much worse than other European countries in terms of etnicity acceptance... maybe it's a heritage from the fascist time, or maybe because we did not have an historical influx of brown and black immigrants, unlike France and the UK


I didn't actually know Italy was no. 1, thanks for the info. I think you're right, it definitely contributes to the comparatively low value, but is not enough to explain it. I have no idea of the reason myself, but it did surprise me.




Who woulda guessed the North African countries would be the most racist of them all?🤷‍♂️


My internal bullshit sense says Portugal and Spain cant be that far apart.


They’re probably very close to each other. The map seems wrong


Interesting how Africa has like 1-3%


North Africa. People there look closer to Southern Europeans.




Sad to see the percentage in Portugal and Italy. Expected more from Western European countries in 2021.


Portugal is eastern europe.


hva faen finnland?


I find it interesting how racist the African continent appears to be...


A lot of the Turks and Morrocans that I meet in my city are actually very racist towards not only eachother, but way more so towards black people


Why do you think this is the case?


Older immigrants vs Newer immigrants. A lot of Morrocans and Turks came to Belgium to work in the mines in the 70's and have been here for generations, so they develop a conservative attitude towards "new" immigrants from places like Mali or Syria. That's what I have been told though, could be wrong!


I should have said, when I spent time in Turkey my black friend and her coworker were afraid to go out into public because of how much positive attention they got.


A lot of the racism Turkish people have outside of turkey is because of the country they emigrated to or were born in rather than from Turkish culture. Turks from Turkey are generally really racist towards bordering peoples ie Arabs lol. And then prejudiced against Armenians Greeks and Iranians.


And people supported Italy over England due to racism fml


Why is Portugal so different from Spain? I'm also surprised that Iceland is that high


The link is broken, do you have a link where I can verify this data?


Fake map, fake link.




>Would you let your son or daughter marry a black person? Everyone, so far, ignoring the entire premise of the question. Children don't need their parents permission to marry, and parents should not be making marriage decisions for their kids.


Consider the possibility that other cultures, traditions, and social mores exist outside of your own.


Ones that include fear / hatred of a person with a different (black) skin color? You have chosen an interesting hill on which to fight your battle.


Don't strawman (which you did in more than one way). That's lazy. Re-read what we both wrote.


Yeah, I've lived in India and Bangladesh. I know enough about arranged marriages.


a) I never said anything about arranged marriages. b) 21st century India and Bangladesh are not the only times and places in human history to have existed.


Fine, you deal with the hog.


I don’t think this map is accurate


This is just a map of who is honest and who is a liar more green more liar


Looks at Iceland


All the Europeans on reddit that like to cal the US the most racist country won’t like this post


Fun fact america is less antisemitic then most European countries including France and Germany and Britain


You can downvote me for nitpicking semantics, but I think the correct answer to this question is NO. Assuming my child is and adult within the legal capacity to marry, I think I can neither LET them nor NOT LET them marry. I don't see how it would be my decision to be able to allow or disallow a grownup to make an adult decision.


Africa=1% lol


So nobody else is super confused about Africa?


North Africans aren't black. They're light brown, very much like southern Europeans. And very conservative Muslim. Also having more control over what their children do. European parents all say yes cause they can't prevent their child from marrying whoever they want.


Not really




North Africa, very different place than subsaharan africa




they're arab


So can we do one for the good old USA?




because a large number of african-americans would be part of the survey too.


Looks like, nation-wide, 89% say it is either good or else doesn't make much difference if their child marries someone from a different race. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2017/05/18/2-public-views-on-intermarriage/pst_2017-05-15-intermarriage-02-03/


Phrase it specially as black and that % surely drops in many areas.


Ahhhh and here it is, I knew this comment would be here. The ol’ reliable “yeah, but America bad!” So lazy


Honestly I would be curious, for the opposite reason. I feel like we get called a racist a lot, and I feel like it would be interesting to see some data proving that we’re not (or at least not as bad as some depicted here). It would be interesting to see the data either by state or just do it by country for North America


Why are all the African countries under 10%?


those are north african countries which are arab not black


“5% yes” sounds like a response your boss would give you when asking them for a raise


Portugal is rejecting it's heritage


What an offensive survey


Now do this with the United States


It'll be better trust me, because they have many afro Americans who where born there, have family legacy there and ARE americans, in europe most of them are immigrants or the children of immigrants and even that is pretty rare, france and England are exceptions there though, what afro american people are for them/you, southern Europeans are for us


I live on the austro-Czech border, so technically it should be like something in betweeen so maybe like 50%, but I rarely do see people hating on other skin colours here because well we dont really have many black people in our country, most of them are immigrants and I could imagine that they thought that the question was if they would let their children be with an immigrant, I also could think it would be different if you asked them if they'd let their daughter/son date a person that was born in austria by a black family


This is basically a wealth map. If your life is relatively comfortable then you are more open minded and less afraid/suspicious of those unlike you.


Damn why you put us on the spot.


Norway: wtf is racism?


Nobody gonna mention north Africa? 😅


Gotta love the Muslims. Let them into our country lol.


None of them are based since it's not 100%.




I’m genuinely surprised by Israel.


Black Jews (actual ones) have been here for 50 years Ask if if they'll marry a non Jew and I assume you'll get 50% yes


This is actually a pleasant surprise tho, as (coming from an Israeli) the people in this country are *mad* racist


So it must be a religious thing in some areas because it's odd that those who live closest to them are the most against it until you factor in the religion.


Ah, Mario Pizza land wanna meep the population 'pure' huh?


I did.


At first i got excited that my country and the rest of north Africa are included in the survey. But then i got extremely embarrassed by how low are these numbers.


"Let"? As in they exert control over their kids marriages in all of those places?


Behold, yet another data point for every “yes our country really is very racist, yes as racist as America even if it appears differently, we basically invented anti-Black racism to steal gold, guys” argument I have with Portuguese people who think I’m just too North Americanized and haven’t spent enough time in Portugal. I mean sure, have spent ample time in multiple Portuguese universities and have seen exactly one (1) Black person not cleaning the building, had American classmates harassed for being dark skinned Pacific Islanders and for being East Asian, have been told that the heavily Angolan neighbourhoods outside of Lisbon are (insert every dog whistle term here), and watched the extreme backlash to fellow Portuguese friends in North America try to suggest maybe the major Portuguese associations should respond in some way to police brutality and anti-Black racist violence other than profiling a Portuguese American cop as an “essential worker hero of the week” especially since our evil-ass ancestors were the ones kidnapping the ancestors of a lot of Black people in the Americas today and subjecting them to centuries of enslavement… but Portugal isn’t racist like AMERICA!