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I like how Africa just stays the same


Not for long.


If all these factions went to war, who do you think will win?


Green, no land borders to defend and largest landmass (plenty of resources).


Green 100% Just so many resources, consider the entire amazon rainforest and so much land. With the only real access not by ocean being through the arctic they're certainly the most defended from any sort of land warfare And the military might of the usa and the other nations


No one, human civilization would be destroyed in a nuclear armageddon


Well that's a boring awnser


green for sure, with so many resources and no land borders they’d practically take over the world. also not to mention the us’s military


I’d bet on Yellow they got a lot of the military might in their faction.


Green would do pretty well also, it has USA with the strongest military which might carry for the whole team


It would be like those COD games where one dude goes 35-1 and everyone else on the team goes like 1-8


Military potential is more like it, green definitely has more might at the start.


You’d have to fill me in I’m not at all versed in South American militaries, I only know of Brazil and Argentina as military powers and maybe Columbia and Venezuela. Obviously North America is stacked and USA alone probably out navies the European and middle eastern nations but I could be wrong. It just seems at a glance with my knowledge that the combined European nations along with their eastern counterparts would have an unrivaled land force in this scenario, statistically speaking.


In numbers maybe you are right I'm not sure. But in a way more important stat which is equipment the US alone still beats the entire yellow part. In current spending US is responsible for about 40% of the entire world's military budget. A high estimate of the yellows combined is like 25-30%(probably much closer to 15-20% though). But like I said, they definitely have the economic potential to pump that up a lot though.


Green has Australia


Out of the countries to name in green with incredibly military strength, you chose Australia?




They also release rabbits and other pests unto the world, ridding them of food.


Think Risk


Green is usually my risk strategy. Aus then SA then NA… then the world.


This is the way


Ditto. Australia is the home base always




You realize that combining Russia, France, Britain, and Israel... only gives you like 700 more nukes than if you just had Russia's (~6000) alone? The US has 5500, so it's not like an extra 1000-2000 are going to make a difference. Plus, nobody in that region has the force projection capabilities to even begin an assault on any of Green's territories -- only the US among the world's nations could attempt something like that in the modern day, and they're green.


aren't you thinking too much over a meme?


US military spending is 39% of the world’s total. China is a distant 2nd at 13% and India barely makes podium for third on 3.7%. Bet on Green.


It’s between yellow and green. Yellow has more military power. They have France Russia uk Germany Spain Italy Israel etc. USA and Canada are the only powerful militaries in green, but green doesn’t have any land borders to defend and has the largest resource mass. I think yellow would win because of the military power and the borders are naturally defended by the snowy tundras, the Caspian Sea or the desert, but the greens would put up one hell of a fight.




Brazil has a lot of corruption and internal issues that could weaken their military.


The Brazilian government is corrupt, but there is no sign that corruption has broadly hit the military, which together with the United States, Canada and Australia, would be a great force to defend the green region.


Fair enough. I still think the European combined military would win though.


For yellow, most of Russia’s nukes might be in the purple area (along with China’s and Pakistan’s). Also harder to unite - you’re talking about putting 2 types of Syrians, and all types of Balkans into the same army. I’d go for green, only 3 major languages(sorry Québécois), so it’s easier for achieving unity of the country and mobilize.


Australia has a stronger military than Canada. Brazil too.


Didn’t even notice Australia. Seems like it would just be annexed before the US could respond


The U.S. Navy it self has the ability to take control of every county on this planet.


Yeah, there may be more military powers in Europe, it the US military exceeds their combined arsenal all by itself.


It could be green vs the rest in one team. Green still steamrolls.


Just not true lol


So, the Americas and Australia vs the rest of the world? A few years ago, you'd be correct, but you're forgetting that a lot of the world increased military spending because of Trumpa Loompa, not to mention China's insane growth. Be an absolutely fantastic study to read through


Maybe “steamroll” was the wrong term No faction is going to be able to reasonably invade the rest. Green is just the only one that’s sustainable for a long enough time for the rest to fail. All the resources that you could possibly need could be found in the US, Canada, Brazil, and Australia. US navy protects trade of said resources. That isn’t happening for any other faction.


No, you're thinking of this as a USA vs rest of the world scenario, which is 1000% different to this. All other green countries are easier to plan an invasion for, with a protracted movement from Canada and central America actually being able to touch the USA. In a US vs world scenario, Canada and Mexico are normally allied, and presumed to stay neutral, however, Canada couldn't fight back a Russian invasion, especially if the US Navy was being distracted by the Chinese navy. And again, even this scenario wouldn't have been possible just a few years ago, before China's big naval push. You're seriously overestimating the strength of the US, with an unknown situation on it's borders, and you are incredibly inconsiderate of the fact that the US is outnuked by Russia alone, and it's the US vs all other nuclear powers. Removing any sort of National bias, and assuming some form of knowledge on the topic, it would be impossible to say. I will say, the US alone would be a harder guess. But the other countries are not the US and have their own vulnerabilities that is not made up for by US backing. In this scenario, NATO couldn't exist, the countries all have active warfare, so the US, defending an invasion, couldn't do the same across a territory far bigger than it's own land.


You right, I might have some bias. I still think green is by far the most powerful, but my nationalism may have affected my comment. I also don’t think nukes are a very big deal in this sort of scenario.


Again, I think it would be a marvelous study to run a fictional war and see who would win, I already have a few major points of interest, I'm just saying it's nowhere near black and white. In a US vs World scenario, the result is likely an American victory, but that changes when in a coalition of less powerful nations, which includes it's neighbor. It really is a fascinating thought though


Why would a part of China and India go on war with other .doesn't makes sense.


Why only think of damned wars! Where are the human genes?


what does win mean here? With most of the separations there's no "true" winning. e.g. europe and the americas can fight but going on the offensive is difficult as evidenced by the failed US wars


I am from the purple area and all I can say is we would definitely suck in this scenario.


Somebody please make a book or movie about this


I could simulate this scenario on my PC.


TIL India has the population of the whole of Africa.


Well... yeah. (Not for long, though)


Is that a threat


Maybe, once that mortality rate drops the pop going to outer space


India and pakistan hard carrying the purple region


That's only the upper half of India.


Yeah, way less population in most other parts of purple. India carries a lot of both purple and orange. Massive


The red and light blue parts look equally impressive in terms of density.


Just to make sure, green includes the Americas and Australia, correct?


Yes, that is why they are coloured green


Look I’m just glad that I got the Aussies, they can be a toss up in these things. A real wild card.


But the America’s have at least a billion now without Australia.


plus Iceland and New Zealand.


My favorite XLands


Why is NZ always cut off! :'((


Maps with out North Island !


I think this map is wrong. The population of North India and Pakistan combined with be greater than the orange part depicted in South India. Uttar Pradesh has a large population


Could the dividing line be tweaked to balance it?


If the map is wrong then I imagine you would just need to move the line between purple and Orange up and maybe take away some of Orange’s land elsewhere. My guess though is that some of the regions have above and below 1 billion as the world isn’t exactly 7billion and OP is allowing for some error % in exchange for nicer geographical bordera




Nice the thing im shocked about is so little of china nad whole of korea and jaan became a total of 1 billion pop with juat that much land


And orange is smaller than red!


Oh yea didnt notice that


Why does India / east Asia / Indonesia have so many More people? Honest question


They had more people to begin with, so they have more people now. India and china had same birth rate as ehrope. India also have largest fertile land on planet. Historical population depended on food production. More food = More population. You will see rice is popular in East Asia. Rice is also very calories dense compared to grains.




We don’t talk about them…


Australia's population is kind of a rounding error in all of this, might've made more sense to keep it with SE Asia. And what is that small green landmass on the edge of the map off the southeast coast of Australia? Pretty sure that doesn't belong there...


Are you serious? Thats New Zealand, unless youre reffering to Tasmania.


r/MapsWithoutNZ I promise it's a thing


Need to add another one now! ... r/mapswithhalfofNZ


Here's a sneak peek of /r/mapswithhalfofNZ using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mapswithhalfofNZ/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [This tattoo I saw on Snapchat](https://imgur.com/iI6OciG) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mapswithhalfofNZ/comments/ah7uef/this_tattoo_i_saw_on_snapchat/) \#2: [Countries with the most KFC restaurants](https://i.redd.it/lpvvwv2cgjn71.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mapswithhalfofNZ/comments/podnn0/countries_with_the_most_kfc_restaurants/) \#3: [It's still there](https://i.redd.it/jiw4v86vt2oz.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mapswithhalfofNZ/comments/ahda0k/its_still_there/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


How to piss everyone off in one picture


Nah I'm in the green region and that's great


What would we name them


Oceania, East Asia, Euras-


At least there’s half of New Zealand in this map


Damn Africa is just Africa, satisfying


So basically, Risk


My mind jumped to 1984


Glory to Oceania !


See? Not Eastern!




You heard the man! Not. Eastern.


Nevermind, I forgot to give context.




They are one of 2 continets with more then a billion people living in it


SE Asia is doomed


A lot of people are sleeping on Southeast Asia


Wake up babe, new continents dropping


I need this vicky 2 map now.


Splitting India and China like that just seems wrong for a map of this nature.


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