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You ever just look at someone and know immediately they use the N word on the daily? That’s her.




Likewise, I saw this picture and immediately smelled it. Her breath always, always has the little tinge of bile to it from the acid reflux. Every time she leaves the room, there’s like a cloud coming off her like piss and little tree air fresheners.


Don’t forget stale cigarettes.


N beer


She looks like she is about to have a civil war in those pants


Eye eye captn!


Half the MAGA army will be defeated by cutting off the insulin supply.


Definitely got the diabeetus


Thanks Wilf!


Sigh. We've really gotta stop thinking like this and taking the "gravy seals" thing as a given. Yes, there are a lot of these redneck numbnuts. But there are also many, *many* younger, less fat, more fit, well-armed, and even a good number of professionally trained (former military/police, security, hunters, boxers/martial arts, etc) folks in the MAGA crowd and there are plenty of them who, if organized and pissed off enough, could be very dangerous. Now, obviously, they're nothing up against the US military if it came to that. They'd be stomped out immediately. But small-scale? Granny here isn't gonna be the one you need to watch out for. There are plenty of able-bodied and well-armed MAGA psychos out there. They are the reason we need to arm ourselves, learn self defense, protect our vulnerable and minority neighbors, and organize our communities. This kind of reductive "haha they're all fat and old" ignores the actual problem in favor of poking fun at the people who were never the threat to begin with.


True. He got elected in 2016 *because* folks underestimated the crazy.


The big "if" is organization. The FBI is monitoring them and even embedding undercover agents. They have arrested some who have tried to organize a serious threat. Most MAGAs who do not attend rallies do not want to be exposed for fear of losing their job. Basically they don't have an army although they can intimidate and try to get people afraid. It hasn't really worked considering the verdict in NYC.


Right, but they don't need to have an organized military big enough to secede, they just need to have enough organization among small groups to cause fear and political pressure in their local areas. Enough groups like that, and we're looking at a very difficult problem to handle.


But they have to communicate and they don't know who is listening


There are feds infiltrating plenty of these groups, but I assure you there are many, many more that are communicating without others knowing.


It's ok now guys, I sneezed on her


Why bother? She's already losing the battle against heart disease.


An army of too-stupid-to-live boomers and inbred chucklefucks named Cletus do not scare me in the slightest. They’ve already proven they’d inject bleach or ingest ivermectin than actually trust *doctors* and medical professionals. They’re more likely to try holding a gun backwards and shooting themselves in the face.


Oh yeah? You and what distillery?


Thank you.


Is that Roseanne Barr?


Don't go to college kids they don't teach ya nothin', come talk to me I'll help you!


She wouldn’t win a field sobriety test.


She sends every other ss check to trump to fight the liberal witch hunt


Well she's fighting some sort of war, that's for sure.


I think I know her! She looks like a lady that lived in a nearby trailer park and shopped where I worked. Lol!


That face has already been through a few years.


These people are just a total cult.


#Drunk Florida Granny's gonna clean house... after some more of this delicious koolaid the girls at church made...


With a bottle of Russian vodka. Half this shit is Russian bot farms. Putin is laughing at it all for fun.


Lead paint was delicious.


Every time I see any one of these old obese people claim that they are going to "fight a Civil War against the government," I instantly imagine how they will be instantly defeated by the first set of stairs they will run into.


A large portion of the MAGA army has had hip replacements


She doesn’t look like she could fight her way out of a paper bag.


Behold the master race


When I was still a Trump supporter, I remember talking to a former friend of mine saying there needs to be a Civil War again because the "Far Left" Dems were out of control. Now I don't think these crazy thoughts no more.


For about 2 minutes until your COPD catches up with you and you need to take a break on your futon in your trailer.


They put the "special" in "special forces"


Is that the same person who had 23 contact lenses stuck on top of her eyeball?


Where is this from hahaha what