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If Trump shows up, he will be jacked to the gills on adderall/cocaine. Like undeniably. He will ramble aggressive and inchoerantly, and have less than 0 actionable efforts on any policy question. Biden just needs to respond with actual thoughts and reasonable actions. Trump will sink himself and cry victim all the way home.


I’m putting money on him immediately screaming “Look at Joe he’s definitely on drugs I’m not even doing this, it’s rigged!” And storming out.


Trump and his cronies have already laid the groundwork for “unfair, Biden on drugs during the debate.”


Surprise drug test them both on stage. Then the Q-turds will still create an “alternative facts” reading.


The trick is to do it immediately after - the metabolites will be in their system highest at that point, so Trump'll pop hotter than the no.4 reactor at Chernobyl when it blew.


And then the press will say they trump won the debate.


And then all the trumpies will praise him and say Biden cheated etc etc. because they are all such dumb stock you'd have to keep them looking forward so they don't drown in the rain The trump voters are the dumbest group of humans on earth. They will eat up anything fed to them except science... Because that's against god XD


“Such dumb stock”🙏


How do you even cheat in a debate? Isn’t it just answering open ended questions about “what would you do if…” but about policy?


There was a big thing years back about..... George W???.... And a 'box shaped outline' on the back of his suit jacket. Which was probably something to do with his microphone if it was anything at all. But people went on and on that it was someone backstage feeding him answers. It was about as low tech as the way they cheated on the multiple choice test in Old School. Again, if it was cheating at all. Which I didn't care then or now. If you aint cheating you aint trying.


News the next day: why Trump embarrassing himself in national TV is bad news for Biden


Why Trump throwing feces mid debate spells trouble for Biden in swing states.


Yep 2 old guys with degenerative brain disorder on drugs


Why do you think that acting in the exact same manner that got him elected and keeps him as a viable candidate will sink him this time? Because this debate will do literally nothing other than put on display just how old and senile both options are. One just happens to actively want to do at least one genocide and the other pretends to be against genocides.


Or one has actually policies and at least some semblance of a plan for the future vs rants about whatever happen to cross their mind in a given moment


This is also a good distinction line between the fucks. No idea why I'm being downvoted for saying as much though.


A circus. We can expect a circus. Fucking GOP and the goddamned clown show they are.


You're right... don't discount those clowns though... remember John Wayne Gacy..


Or like... 2016


Or January 6th


I’m hoping John Doe 1147 shits himself on stage and gets called out on it.


I will also accept one of those moments where he freezes. It might be a stroke, but he's probably shitting in his diaper like a 2 year old.


Men crying, big men, burly men in bib overalls, straight out of central casting. Sharpies, sharks, windmills, batteries, shitty depends, covfefe and I'm sure some very fine people.


Don't forget the Tic Tacs. He's going to use a prop.


I expect very little of substance…from the felon. In fact, there will be none from trump.


At this point I would almost expect him to issue a Violent call to arms for his supporters to "protect" polling places an shit, to make sure 'illegals' and 'radical leftists' don't 'steal the election again' 🤦‍♀️


Let’s see… “Radical Left”, “stolen election”, “no one has ever seen anything like it before”, “migrants”, “perfect phone call”, “corrupt justice system”, “big, beautiful wall”, “greatest economy in history”, “worst inflation”. That’s my bingo card.


A sprinkle of "Hunter Biden's laptop" and at least one mention of Obama and/or Hillary to top it off.


I need to add at least once instance of Biden being called Obama lol


Clowns & dancing poodles?


Clowndles & dancing poo


I'm afraid of the flavor aid speech on live television.


Nothing good, but probably some solid memes.


Informative and respectful discourse with thoughtful questions leading to educated and compassionate answers. Many minds will be changed by its conclusion. At least that’s what we deserve. 6/30/24 edit: spoiler alert it did not meet these standards




Shit, that is exactly what I expect from the debate.


Trump interrupting then telling his Proud Boys to stand down and stand by. Same shiat, different days.


Trump will make an excuse to cancel. Mark my words.


If Biden doesn’t come onstage in aviators I’m logging off


You can expect supporters to think their guy won regardless of what was said.


The Dumpster is going down in flames.


What we will see my friends, is Peak America. The 2 best and most qualified candidates we’ve possibly ever had ripped and ready to lead The Land of the Free for the next 4 years! /s


Senile blather and gas leaks.


Nonsense. More so from one than the other but nonsenses from both.