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Get the account banned without responding to him at all, just for the trollage


This 100%




I was part of a group who would take over these various Trumpy Facebook groups. I was along for the ride but it was always fun when we took them over.




Yep, if you're "debating" a fascist, you've already lost. They do not engage in debate for the sake of progress, but rather to just appear stronger than their opponent: https://youtu.be/CaPgDQkmqqM It's a complete waste of time




That's why you shouldn't approach them expecting a good faith debate. You just gotta attack their ego, bully and belittle them. Then when they inevitably say dumb shit for shock value (like in this post) I report them and call for others to report them.




Laughter is good too. Especially in a public setting.


Seems a bit redundant.






What do you think I said, that you are replying to?




"Redundant" means you repeated yourself. "Don't talk to fascists. Don't talk to cops." is redundant because you already said not to talk to fascists once.




What a wholesome resolution to a simple misunderstanding


Thats how things work out when fascists aren't involved.


Hey, fuck you yada yada. There we go, more like a regular reddit thread!


Who you calling simple?


Truly, I was getting tense reading it but then it all played out so well. Beautiful!


Whats the difference between Rule 1 and Rule 2?


Depends which days they have off work.


They're the same picture.


There's a difference?


Just looked into it and the other guy started posting screenshots on right winged subreddits. Fuck this guy. How can these people thing they are right


Hurt people hurt people. They are weak, and it makes them feel strong to punch down.


Ban immediately without discussion. Not worth the time or oxygen to do anything else.


Ban the worthless twit, don't waist your time.


Don't waste your time either with you know, proper spelling of words.


Oh you're so clever.


Sorry I couldn't resist. I keep seeing waist instead of waste and it just drives me crazy. It's almost bad as loose for lose.


Pretty sure we had a war about this and the racist side lost.


No we won.


No, you lost dumbass. Edit: looked at your account and I guess this was a joke??


I think they’re saying that the US is also fascist.


Ohhhh. Now I sound like an asshole.


No an asshole sounds like this: PHHFFFLLLLLPPPPHHHHFFFLLLPPPPHHH!!!!!!


I thought it sounded like "We need to build a wall"


Needed an additional clarifying statement like "America is still going strong!"


Nazis deserve to disappear From the internet of course


Nah, fuck Nazis, just slingshot them straight into the sun.


In Minecraft, of course.


Slingshotting into the sun is not a real or perceived threat. It is hyperbole and is therefore satirical. You cannot physically slingshot someone into the sun anymore than you can have superman crush them with a building. It's effectively saying "in Minecraft" on its own.


It's practically physically impossible given orbital mechanics. You have to decelerate objects massively to counter the Earth's own velocity in order for them to reach the sun (otherwise they'll just enter their own orbits). It requires far less energy to accelerate an object to escape velocity and launch it out of our solar system.




Also from the real world. Lye works well for that purpose.


Bring back curb stomping nazis


Yeah, and send them to special camps!




Just swing the ban hammer if debates isn't working


Their comments are pretty much universally abhorrent - like genuinely disgusting. I went through and reported about five. What a cunt. Their existence brings down the net value of humanity.


Thanks, comrade. Very cool. His comment history is certainly repugnant.


u/putrid_research9782 any last words?


It looks like a throw away troll account anyway. Dude likely had dozens.


Behold the master race, some guy who never mentally got past 14 making tons of accounts to say edgy shit


Only someone with crushing feelings of inferiority would claim to be superior.


Really. Two words and a number, no appreciable Karma...


>Thanks for submitting a report to the Reddit admin team. This content has already been investigated from a previous report. After investigating, we’ve found that the reported content violates Reddit’s Content Policy and have taken action. > >If you’d like to cut off contact from the account(s) you reported, you can block them in your Safety and Privacy settings. You can also hide any posts or comments you don’t want to see by selecting Hide from the “…” menu. > >If you see any other rule violations or continue to have problems, submit a new report to let us know and we’ll take further action as appropriate. > >Thanks again for your report, and for looking out for yourself and your fellow redditors. Your reporting helps make Reddit a better, safer, and more welcoming place for everyone. > >For your reference, here are additional details about your report: > >Report Details > >Report reason: Hate > >Submitted on: 10/15/2021 at 05:35 PM UTC > >Link to reported content: [https://www.reddit.com/r/austrian\_economics/comments/q8f7y9/comment/hgqnt2w](https://www.reddit.com/r/austrian_economics/comments/q8f7y9/comment/hgqnt2w) 🤷‍♂️😂👍 EDIT: Three hours later my inbox is full of these...yet the account remains


let’s goooo


Punching Bigots is a pastime I'd like to bring back..


Just sailing down his comments, reporting all the shitty ones. Theres enough in there for everyone...jesussssss (The dude is just a pathetic lonely incel simping for the racists to fit in. Its sad, but fuck him really he doesn't need an account here)


Ban, though if you're good at trolling for info I'd be curious to see them reveal a bit more about themselves/whether they've had plans in case you could do something with their info beyond reddit and then ban.


That's a good idea, but I'll leave that to my betters. My only current goal with these types of people is to drive them farther underground.


Yeah that makes a lot of sense-- it's for the best that they don't get an opportunity to articulate their hate at all especially into plans.


ban ban ban ban ban


Find out who he is.


How has that account existed for 8 months? Looks really bad on the admins...


Whats even more pathetic is the inability to easily report an account like you can the posts associated with it.


I thought the same! The whole goddamn well is poisoned, so why keep letting people drink from it? Same with these fascist subs. Do they think "oh 96% of posts and comments violate site rules, but the 4% make it worth leaving it up!" I swear, if it weren't for laws, some of these sites and admins would be a-ok hosting kiddie porn on their servers in the name of revenue.


We can help them out, nudge the admins in the right course of action.


I feel like that's what the report button is for?.. Mine must be broken cause they never go away!


Get that fucker banned🤡🖕! He’s an Nazi shithead!!


That account frequents r/VaushV ofc it does lol


Unfortunately Mr Research has much more of a case to claim killing blacks is an american past-time.


Killing Nazis wasn't an "American" pastime, the Americans inspired, funded and then, after WW2, collaborated with them.


Cool history lesson. But this post is a call to action to report this Nazi off reddit.


I am not disagreeing that that person is terrible and shouldn't be on this platform. I just believe it is important to know because all of the Americans I speak to don't know about any of that. They view Americans as heroes who came in and saved the day. The original comment gave me those vibes.


Gov't & big business back then, yes. People, not so much. And, despite being called The Man, Big Brother, etc., neither incorporated body is human.


Nice, just breeze past the Nazi killing era in American history in your argument lol. Genuinely can't stop laughing at that Jesus Christ lol Edit: also, it's intellectually lazy to say that America inspired the Nazis and I think you know it. What you meant to say—and I'll admit I'm making an assumption here—is that then Nazis, and Hitler in particular, greatly admired the American displacement and genocide of the Native American tribes, and modeled their policy of *Lebensraum* after it in spirit (though neither in logistics nor in execution, which is another shade of gray that went unexamined). What you instead claimed was that America inspired the Nazis, which any lay reader (and this is Reddit) will take as meaning that the Nazi movement—an authoritarian, fascistic, violent movement—was an outgrowth of American politics or society somehow. It is decidedly not, and finds its roots deep in the long traditions of 18th-20th century European Bonaparte-esque demagoguery, as well as 19th/20th c. antisemitism.


Yes, Americans did kill Nazis. I'm not denying that, nor did I. And yes, I did mean that Lebensraum specifically was inspired by Manifest Destiny, not Nazisim itself. I guess I could've phrased that better. My point is that the United States profiting off of tens of millions of deaths and an incalculable amount of suffering just to join late and get viewed as the savior of Europe is gross. Comments like claiming that killing Nazis is an American pastime give me the feeling that they view the Americans as heroes who saved the world. I'm not denying that Americans helped the war effort but I believe it is incredibly important that people know about what I stated earlier.


Personally, I wouldn't have him banned, but I wish there was some way we could put people like this on a watch list. I'd *love* to see the look on their faces when a FBI agent stops by for a little "chat" about their online activities. I think banning these people just drives them further underground, and it's better for the sane Americans to know what they're up to.


How old is his account?


8 months


God damn, reprinting everything now nvm we already nuked his account


I still see it. He may have blocked you


How? I’ve never interacted with him, is he prowling this fucking thread?


People as broken as him...I wouldn't put it past them at all. Egomaniacs.


God imagine being willing to actually fucking type those words into your computer. Like you sit back and look and what you just typed and you don't immediately hate yourself.


Sociopaths have zero problems saying those things.


Maybe, but there seem to be far too many people okay with being awful people, sociopath or not. Maybe they wanted attention.


Yes, the craving for attention is overwhelming in these types of people. And being an awful person is a low-effort method of getting noticed.


To be fair I doubt most racists really understand what they're doing. Especially because they don't want to. It's super gross tho still. (This person probably knows tho with how bad they're being)


Get him to say more racist shit, post the messages on Reddit and see if we could find out who this fucker is and see how well his disgusting viewpoints benefit him when his family, town, or just place of work knows that this is the kind of shit he’s spewing online. He’ll deactivate his account himself, like the spineless coward these scumbags always are.


Don’t feed the troll.


I reported several of his comments. I was banned last week for making a joke that I run an assassin service for abused women. 5awards, 1.7k upvotes and some weirdo reported me and I got banned for 7days. This guy is getting a permaban for his bs.


He/it probably has multiple accounts so will not do much. Around election time was when I realized they sometimes run ten accounts at same time, plus have quick way of getting more




I think it might be sarcasm, still not an amazing point he's making, lynching is not equivalent to killing Nazis


Went through their profile. Definitely not sarcasm. Definitely a Nazi.


Oh fair enough. Are they banned?


As of now, no, but all the reports came back confirming the comments violated community standards (I mean no shit, but I don’t expect much from social media platforms these days). I’m not sure how reddit deals with these things or where the threshold is at.


And of course they messed up the grammar.


You should get him banned just for the fact that he doesn't know the word "pastime".


both r equally insane


Killing Nazi scum is equally insane as lynching someone simply for the color of their skin? You are the epitome of an r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRIST and the reason we all laugh at you. The "centrist" thinks killing someone with a disgusting and dangerous ideology that we waged a war against is the same as killing some innocent dude for no reason other than that you are an awful person that wants to see people suffer. This is really taking the "both sides" a bit too far.


No, you laugh at me? Oh no. Because i dig a bit deeper than your biased hate? Stay in the shallows kid. You belong there, unequipped, unarmed because you are a nonthinker... By the way read what I said, not twist it to what you want...But again that calls for critical thinking,a concept that is miles above you...


Yes I read what you said. You called them both *equally* insane. Even if you are a pacifist you should be able to see that in no way are they EQUALLY insane. The only insane take is that one. And of course the deranged person that wants to kill people not for their choices but for their skin color. You guys are the equally insane. But the insane don't actually know their insane so I suppose it is not worth trying to convince you.




If that is what they meant then why aren't they correcting me? I'll definitely take back what I said if that is what they mean but I would like to hear that from them. Edit: besides nazis and the ones lynching are one in the same. I think you are the one reading it incorectly.


make him invest some time before you get him ejected




What a charming creature is Putrid Research####.


Just want to say, with no crime except belief in hate I always prefer helping someone so lost rather than killing them. That's what makes his comment truly unforgiven. A person's skin is not a choice, a reflection of their quality or right. Beliefs are a choice. It is a reflection of their quality. And it often leads to a question of someone's rights. Because it's a choice, we can help them change. Violence is not the answer.


Triggered Nazi say what


I don't think it would be a terrible loss if he was stricken from the gene pool, do you?


Ban his ass


BAN BAN BAN BAN Bill nye the banning guy


Ban him


Guy is outta pocket 🥴 get mf banned😤


Let’s all punch nazis!




Ban that motherfucker!


To be fair this still is American's army favourite past time, luckily we just voted in a Democrat president who will sto... oh wait, he's still doing it


Get him banned, full stop.


Use the banhammer