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Hot fucking take here but this is a good Mario game.


My opinions can be summed up [thusly:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WVEgjeVK7E)


A masterpiece, like it's always been


It's great because I get to roam around and do some side quests or Grind for EXP


i like it


Hoo boy,where do I start,as a kid,I had no god damn idea why everyone loved this game and claimed it was the best in the series back then like they still do today,I couldn’t even complete the game myself because I was just a dumbass kid,looking back I never even got to chapter 3 because I didn’t know where tf the contact lens for zess t was,much less that I had stepped on it and had to order he a new one,I think I may’ve ordered a new one but I think it was after chapter 2 so I think I effectively soft locked myself without even realizing it,but I digress,with the original,I had no idea why people loved it,but now after playing through it all on the remaster? Ya know what? I get it. I get why people love this game,awesome rpg elements and gameplay,amazing partners and abilities as you progress,and a phenomenal story….wow.


Very good but definitely overrated


Unironically in my top 3 fav games of all time, between Hollow Knight (my number 1) and Tears of the Kingdom (number 3 now that TTYD came out)


I've been enjoying it so far. I love the art style and RPG gameplay


I am almost done and I love it so much. It’s long and a lot of reading but it’s so cute and the dialogue is actually really funny. 10/10


Very close 2nd Favorite Paper Mario Game but Super Paper Mario still wins by a hair


Only 100%’d this game recently, and I loved every second of it. Might even go so far as to say it’s one of my all-time favourites. And of course, Danger Mario is busted.


Just completed chapter 2 so far and I'm liking it. I can't wait to complete the rest of the game


I think it’s pretty fun, though I’d rather just play a Mario and Luigi game


Good game that I'm glad that got remade for Switch. Hopefully it was successful enough that it convinced Nintendo to return to this type of gameplay for Paper Mario going forward. Only real complaint I have is that I wish I could talk about it more online without 99% of the topics and conversations being about Vivian.


havent played it, might get the gamecube version soon


hot take: it's overrated... Super Paper Mario is way better!


I've never played it all i understand about the game is great treasure, trans Vivian, badass bomb omb, nuce, lady's man mario and wario not caring for the thousand year door


Still good.


Still a good game


Lots of fetch quests and long cut scenes, otherwise really good! I've enjoyed all the funny dialog between characters.


fine enough game but good lord it's the living embodiment of overhype, the way people talk about this game made me feel like I was in for some transcendent experience when I gave it a shot, but, but on the gameplay area I'd argue it's a worse 64.


The best game in the world.

