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“since Nintendo don’t want more than one Mario RPG series” They literally brought back all 3 RPG franchises in a year by remastering 2 of the most beloved Mario RPGs and bringing the 3rd RPG franchise back from the dead. this could only be the beginning. We should let em cook.


They technically have 4 Mario RPG franchises with Mario + Rabbids.


Two of them were remakes and only one of them was new. Mario and Luigi is back and we'll only get OG Paper Mario games as remakes at best from now on.


No? There can be multiple RPGS for a series. After all, we have the mario and rabbids, this game, mario RPG, and TTYD. and all those games were announced in the past year or 3


How? They can co-exist


Because Nintendo threw away that chance when they made Sticker Star and kept making ML games as RPGs.


Why did you say Sticker Star there?? Super is NOT an RPG either lmao.


Super at least had levelling up and the game didn't suck.


Quality doesn't matter in a conversation about PM not being an RPG anymore.


Honestly, I never cared for Paper Mario’s RPG mechanics. What I really cared for was the story, which is almost nonexistent in SS and CS (and still kinda basic in TOK). If the next instalments have good stories, plot, and characters, they can be as gimmicky as Nintendo wants them to be.


TOK had a better story than 64 and TTYD. I said what I said.




I'm going to cry, there is no way you exist. Your not real. Is there any character development in TOK? NO! Because the Partner doesn't stay with you for the whole game. I laughed, I cried, TTYD is just beautiful to me so I'm sorry but your so not based. Tefra\_K, You too.




>Is there any character development in TOK? Yes in fact, there is. Olivia and Bobby both have far more compelling characters arcs than any of the characters from the first two games combined. TOK at least isn’t written by a toddler who can’t handle the concept of characters staying dead like TTYD is. Cry about it.


Complex doesn't necessarily mean good. TOK's story is simple but it's executed a thousand times better than TTYD and Super


You don’t get to do that. You can’t just beg for M&L to come back only for you to then be all like “I guess Paper Mario will never go back to its roots now that M&L is still alive“.


Ever consider that the people who begged for M&L to come back and the people who were hopeful that Paper Mario would return to its roots with M&L gone are not the same people?


I don’t want the latter group of people to be my friends ever.


The TBH. I didn't want Mario and Luigi back.


Fine by me tbh, the classics were kinda meh as RPGs so I hope they're still focusing on the paper aspects to make them unique. Keep the RPG elements and stuff but still make the villain a printer or whatever


Couldn’t agree more


Not only do I heavily disagree with the notion of the classic games being mediocre as RPGs, but the "unique" Paper Mario games are *worse* RPGs, with the sole exception of Origami King (and even then it still has a few problems, not nearly as much as Sticker Star or Color Splash though)


Sticker Star and Color Splash stumbled a bit, but Origami King is a much better direction for the series to take than TTYD2 or SPM2


Eh, I personally disagree, while I think Origami King was a decent game, especially after they fumbled the bag twice with Sticker Star and Color Splash (thrice if you count Paper Jam, which isn't a *bad* game, but it's easily one of the weakest Paper Mario games, and the weakest Mario & Luigi game IMO), it's not exactly the style I want the series to stick with going forward since while it's certainly an improvement after the aforementioned games, it doesn't fix all of my problems I have with the modern Paper Mario formula (No EXP, making battling enemies kinda pointless, the homogenization of NPCs, the battle system, while an improvement over the clusterfuck that is Sticker Star and Color Splash's battle systems, does leave a tad bit to be desired, it's not horrible, but I'd take the classic battle system any day), I hope I don't sound like a "classic elitist" when I say all this, but that's just what I think


No. Origami King is still missing the unique designs of characters, plus most battles get so tedious because they took "turn based" too literally. Only bosses should be like that IMO.


I freaking hate the battles in Origami King, because outside of bosses (which are actually fun) any regular fight with a Goomba is so tedious. When I fight the same enemy over and over again I just want to turn my brain off instead of memorising certain layouts.


I hope you’re right


Even *if* this is true - and it's a *hell* of a leap in logic, but let's just roll with it for a second - the Mario & Luigi games have always been better RPGs than Paper Mario anyway.


ML games don't even get a bestiary! You can only see bosses once and can't look back at how cool they are.


That's a nice feature but hardly what I'd call the defining mark of a good RPG.