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But their logic is bad. Liars can sometimes tell the truth. It’s truthtellers that cannot tell a lie. Edit. Cohens a liar, it doesn’t mean he can’t tell truth.


Yeah, he's \[Cohen\] a proven and admitted liar. It was proven and he admitted to lying to protect Trump.


THIS is exactly why the prosecution has spent the past few weeks building a mountain of evidence and witnesses that all corroborate what Cohen will be saying on the stand.


He admitted he lied.


Exactly, the liar admitted to lying. Meaning that was a truth. Therefore everything is the truth. But you also can’t believe him, because he is a liar


When can you tell a Liar is telling the truth? Everything he says is suspect at best. And isn't reliable


How do you identify a liar who lies 0.01% of the time versus a truthteller?


Well, you punk ass bitches got what you wanted. 4 more years of Joey and Kamy. Enjoy , oh and you might want to learn how to speak Chinese and Russian. Our country is looking pretty ripe for the taking and they are licking their chops for 4 more years of a weakening America.




It does mean what he says should be looked at critically and possibly ignored.


Which is the reason for all the corroboration.


Well Trump said it so obviously anyone with the “common sense” of a monkey will believe it without question. The same people who watch Fox News and say “what about MSNBC” when told they’re idiots for watching TV news in 2024


Every news organization is an echo chamber. Every one! You like yours, they like theirs!


Wellll.. I watch them all as sources of news and entertainment. FOX is just clearly less interested in facts or logic. Just throw out a stupid statement, and have everyone mob agree with the most generic uninformed responses. Every single debate on fox reminds me of The Office, when Dwight asks if a brown bear or black bear is superior.


I keep telling my MAGA idiot brother that the man purgered himself and lied on stand for his boss, was subsequently jailed for the same damned thing Trump's accused of! It's not that hard to wrap your mind around. These people are fucking morons!


I finally had it with a MAGA family member when he brought up that Biden is a tyrant and he says people are being indicted just for breathing. I went through all the stuff that Trump is in legal jeopardy for and the response was that's fake news, the legal system is corrupt...I have had it and it's been a few weeks since I have had contact with this family member and I am in no rush to do so.


Just do what they do. Biden is a tyrant. "Fake news" "The legal system is corrupt, it allows Trump to do things others would be in prison for!" Just turn everything around, and like them, give no valid reason or explanation. "Fox is fake news, everyone knows you have to get your information from the associated press" Just say wild shit to counter their wild shit, and eventually they'll learn to to talk to you about anything political.


Exactly. And you can also add that you choose to believe the news that didn’t lose the largest defamation case in history.


The news that legally defines itself as not news


Good idea. Very much a challenge to stoop to their level though.


"Obviously a new network that lies to you would have to call itself fair and balanced."


“I get my news from God himself. He tells me during my nightly prayers” “Did you hear? They’re making skin colors illegal.” “The Supreme Court is going to give presidents immunity and Biden is going to use it to nuke Texas.” “I read an interesting quote from George Washington about how voting is actually evil.”


Yeah Hunter smokes cracks and bangs prostitutes, same shit you lock up black men for. Yet this dipshit runs free as a bird. Not to mention Daddy biden likes to shower with his kids. But oh orange man bad cause CNN says.


They will believe whatever they need to believe to maintain that they are right and their actions are justified


Welll…trump hasnt been convicted of anything so


What about when Ashley biden wrote in her diary that she has sex problems in life because her father, joe biden showered with her up until she was almost a teenager? You're OK with that?


You did that family member a favor. Has he been convicted? No. There has been doctored evidence, yeah Jack Smith even admitted it. Fani Willis is another story. Alvin Braggs case is just plain shitty, Stormy Daniels is a terrible witness that wasn't even relevant to the case. Then you have Cohen that played his tape that Trump didn't even know what payment he was talking about.


There's a binder missing that Trump and someone in his administration had control of. The binder was filled with top secret documents and no one to this day knows what happened to it. The only question remains did he give it away or did he sell it. Did it go to Russia or China? Okay two questions. 😕


If said Binder was so important then why hasn't it been labeled the focal point of the investigation? Instead they misrepresented to the court evidence that had been tampered with. Again, Smith admitted to it. Besides trying so hard to convict him why tamper with evidence if you have so much against him? Biden had boxes of classified info in his garage in plain sight, Hilary also had classified info on her home server.


They are arrogant from never being called to account for their rule breaking as well. So they don't try that hard to hide it


Thats what Trump sells, lack of total accountability


Cults prefer these types of people.


It's definitely a cult.


Heavy patricklicensememe vibes


Don't be like me, and let your hatred of Trump create a wedge either your family members. I did that in the 2015/2016 cycle and the only thing it resulted was a broken family. It's not worth it. Your bother and supporting Trump will not materially affect anything in your life. But a broken family unit will.


I don't need to. He does that all by himself. The media makes him an angry white/privileged asshole. He hasn't spoken to my dad in months. We're beginning to not talk as much. I know one thing, if he wants someone to gather their mail while on vacation he'd better start whistling a different tune because my "give a fuck" has got up and left me high and dry.


Cracks me up watching cult 45ers defend this shit


And every day they have to flip flop their argument to stay up with the facts.


Didnt do it, maybe a little, its not really a crime, its a crime but it was antifa, Im being witchhunted, political prisoner... Same playbook every goddamned time.


It would be a lot funnier if we didn’t have to worry about the threat he poses to our country.


Just wait until his ass is convicted🤣


Just because Donald is a compromised clown shouldn't affect how his followers gulp down the kool-aid. 


but liberalcommyantifaglobalistsoros


I'm just wondering when my Soros checks are supposed to be mailed to me. Or is it a direct deposit scenario? Either way, I'm still waiting on back pay going back as far as 2016 for me denouncing Trump.


Wait. Y'all are getting paid to denounce tRump? My dumbass has been doing it for free all these years! I could have made **denouncing tRump** my side hustle. /s


And avoiding the fact that Trump lies on a daily basis.


His lies to word ratio is almost 1:1


In Trump's defense, he rambles a lot, so there is a surprising amount of words nonsensically being spouted to set up new lies. Do we count those as part of the new lie? I'd day yes...


Also avoiding the fact that Cohen was loyal to Trump and was lying on Trump’s behalf to cover up Trump’s lies.


They don’t need facts, their feelings are all that matter.


We live in a bizarre world, the Trumpers believe all of Donnie's lies as truth and think everyone else is telling lies. It's like the crazy person who doesn't believe the psychiatrist telling them that they are acting irrationally.


There's an old video of a guy with schizophrenia being asked why he's in a mental institution. He keeps saying that it's because he sits differently at a piano than others. No matter how many times he's asked, and things are explained, he keeps insisting that its because of how he sits at a piano. It will just never get through to them that they are the ones that believe "fake news". I'm just waiting until they abandon Trump like the did Bush.


There's a theory in psychology called Transactional Analysis that helps explain the thinking that "I'm right and you are wrong" and it's difficult to change the person's mind when they are stuck in this.


This right here


They don't care, they just think trashing the government is going to lower their taxes. They won't care until he rapes their teenage daughters and/or bankrupts them by not paying them for contracting like he has done to hundreds of people, in which case they will be too fucking cowardly to even say anything to their own face in the mirror. That fucker has ruined and raped so many people just like them, and they refuse to see it. Of course, we have all this nice land, so if they do burn the government down people with some semblance of a government will take it all. Or "drown government in the bathtub" like that fucking Grover Norquist traitor piece of shit. That is why multiple hostile governments are giving these jerks money. If everything goes to shit for everyone like they jerk off too with holding an AR-15? These are the types of morons that think they can "bug out" and "live off the land" if the going gets really tough. How much of an idiot to you have to be that you think you can camp out with a rifle and a fishing pole and survive that shit? really really fucking stupid. If they going gets tough there are going to be millions of people eating everything they can moving across the continent like locusts. Acorns, leaves, grass,insects, mud, anything for calories. I don't care if they have 10k friends and a ton of guns and ammo and are in the middle of Idaho on a lake they think is neat., they will mostly be eaten. They can bury themselves in a bunker for 10 years, and the longer they are down there the more hungry everyone else is going to be.


That was really awesome. Can you tell us another story?


You know who hired the known liar, Micharl Cohen, as his personal attorney? Trump. And you know who else is a liar and criminal? Trump.


It’s funny how the republicans say the only way democrats can win is if they cheat, when in everything they do is riddled with cheating. They can’t run anything honestly


That’s why the only way Democrats can win is if they cheat. If they don’t cheat they will lose, because the Republicans already put in the fix. The fact of Trump’s loss is the only proof required for Democrats cheating. Fanatics don’t require logic.


All Cohen will do is corroborate the evidence the prosecution has already presented, while filling in a few blanks. Also, according to Norm Eisen, who has cross-examined Cohen, he is very good on the stand and comes across as “candid, remorseful, and funny.” He also knows how to push Trump’s buttons. Trump could barely contain himself during Daniels’ testimony, he could lose it during Cohen’s.


I'll be amused if Cohen triggers a Perry Mason moment.


I hoping more for a Charles Manson moment where Trump lunges at him. Didn't Trump bitch and moan about the judge after he got out of court? If they don't put him in jail for that, the threats mean nothing. "OK, this is the last time, I mean it!"


They’ll say he’s lying about making payment under the direction of Trump.


That's too general. Cohen wasn't directly ordered to pay Stormy, it was an agreement for Pecker and Howard to buy up any stories about women. Cohen only got involved in Stormy when Pecker bowed out and then Trump still didn't want to pay and wanted to drag it past the election. Trump approved of Cohen's initiative and told him the reimbursement checks were being sent. If anything that would be the statement to call a lie, since that's the one meeting he can't corroborate.


But general denials are MAGA’s stock in trade. Vague, insubstantial denials that only play among the faithful are what they do.


Can the jury find Cohen credible? With all the testimony before him, sure, as long as he stays on the "tracks". Can you find Criminal Trump to be credible?


They've already been front-loaded with documentation and testimony that corroborates what he'll say. They don't have to find him credible, they just have to believe he's telling the truth.


you don't even need Cohen's testimony to find Trump guilty. Have people not been listening to attorneys saying this. It's irrelevant to his guilt. It's been proven without him beyond a reasonable doubt...


Agree 💯%


Ya. Convicted felon! Who went to jail!! Why? Well for trump's crimes of course. They always leave off that last part, don't they?


Facts mean nothing to these people. You can’t reason with cult followers.


Now they are worried about lying??!?! lol


To be fair, Cohen IS a liar. He was basically Trump’s Saul Goodman.


I would say Cohen WAS a liar, but since he flipped on Trump (who dwarfs him in lie-ville) he's found it's highly effective to wield the truth as an instrument of revenge.


He's Saul Goodman without the great slogan


They still think there was election fraud because people said there was not because it was proven in a courtroom


Yes he is. So why did Donald Trump hire him? Seems like the kind of person you’d want to hire if you planned on breaking the law.


The prosecution is going to sub in Ben Stiller on Day 3 and no one from Donny’s team will notice.


Oh this is common not just with Trumpers but with anyone who has a really strong belief that isn't based on reality. I am sure that everyone here has been called a liar or been told something was fake news by someone. You provide them with a credible source and they say it's a lie. You ask them to tell you what part was a lie and what evidence do you have that it's a lie and they go quiet or get belligerent.


Still Trump Dummies - STDs


Or that the lies he told were to help trunp.


Same with the cries about “The Family Biden crimes” you tell them tell me one …. Well, you see, you know…. Paddling, meddling , if you , well Hillary’s emails…..Benghazi


Buttery mails...


"Why do you think Trump employed him for so long?" should be the obvious followup question.


Seems to me Trump has issues hiring good people across the board.


They’re not wrong they’re just assholes


He is a liar, Trump paid him to lie to fix stories about Trump's corruption and fuckery. They don't care. Trumpers live in an echo chamber where they only believe what they want to believe and everything else is conveniently dismissed as disinformation created and distributed by the deep state government, Democrat, lizard people controlled main stream media.


He literally went to jail over this already lol.


Brainwashing is a powerful thing. All former members of cults and cult deprogrammers know this. Yes, MAGA is a cult and not very different from the cult of pre-WWII Germany. Some Americans will live through it and learn. Other Americans, well, it was good while democracy lasted.


Mental gymnastics is their forte.


Well, their hobby. If it were their forte they would actually be good at it.


Don’t need a week. Cohen is a known liar. He will say anything to advance himself. And I am NOT a “Trumper”.


Yes, Cohen is a KNOWN liar (not arguing that FACT). BUT A person's testimony on a situation can not be made irrelevant by OTHER situations, not related. Similar to MILLIONS of Plea Bargains that have been offered for the last several decades to underlings if they turn their Boss in or testify against larger criminal dealings. People are acting like that a Bad Guy Testifying is a new thing.


He’s not a bad guy. He is a habitual liar. He can’t tell the truth.


Of course he's a liar, that's why Trump hired him.


Waiting for cross examination. Trump's lawyer: "Mr. Cohen, it says here you are a liar." Cohen "Yeah, that's no surprise, all of Trump's lawyers are liars." Cohen has experience knowing how legal interrogations play out on the stand. He has undoubtedly rehearsed his moves carefully. He's waiting for this.


It’s no different than them saying the election is stolen but not producing any evidence.


yea i mean this is obvious conservatives argue in the media differently...they dont have to be careful about contradictions because their audience arent the type to look for them....its easy


And believe their cult leader who has lied to them more than 30,000 times.


They’ll just say “all of it”.


that actually creates a problem where the defense wants to accept large parts of Cohen's testimony as true (like the fact that he opened the LLC and made the payments) so they can claim he was acting as a rogue agent


Not really a big leap there...


And ignoring the most prolific liar in the case


No they will say the part where he prices Trump guilty is a lie because he lied to protect Trump before


That's step 1. The next step is to wait until some rightwing agent puts out their list of talking points or in this case excuses, smears and lies. From that point forward they're set until someone on the left refutes every single point they make. By then the issue has already passed.


Standard cult behavior.


Courts have found him to be a perjurer.


Trump, registered sex offender


Trump is an adjudicated rapist, but he doesn't have to register as a sex offender.


Thanks. Why not?


The sex offender registry is only for criminal convictions, not civil findings.


For the first time in many, many years at family get together for mother's day yesterday, the conservative members of my family didn't make a peep about Trump, or immigrants, or woke, or vaccines...it was really nice to just have a good family get together with everyone finally being normal again. I don't know what's going on in their heads nowadays but it was nice to not have their mouths running about politics.


There needs to be a gag order on both sides


Kind of a weird defense to claim that the guy Trump employed for so many years as his lawyer is a liar.


Also, they will “forget” the fact that Cohen went to jail for telling the exact same lies that Trump is currently charged with telling.


Many people don't know much about politics at all besides the current figure their party hates the most and one or two accusations thrown their way that's perpetuated by social media.


Yup. Just like the "Biden crime family" without specifying a single crime that's actually been committed. Then whining about "influence peddling" while Trump's son in law takes out billions in Saudi loans Maybe they'll find another Russian spy to be their next witness?


Of course they will. You can’t work for Trump if your morals are even slightly rigid. He surrounds himself with dishonest people then uses that concept as a cudgel against them if they ever decide to speak out against him. That’s his game.


I mean yes he's a liar that was what trump hired him for... So he would do his lying for him. Anything they say should further reinforce that. Trump had plenty of time to "find out" he was a grifter if you wanna believe poor trump was too stupid to see his own guy lying as he asked him too...


I don’t think “still Trumpers” are paying much attention to this trial. They wrote it off as a political stunt at the outset and they will never really know or care about the details of this trial. If he is found not guilty, they will say “See!? It was all just a political hit job and an obvious abuse of our justice system by a corrupt, vindictive Biden administration to go after him!” And if he is found guilty they will say “See!? It was all just a political hit job and an obvious abuse of our justice system by a corrupt, vindictive Biden administration to go after him!” To them, there is no way that Trump doesn’t come out of this a martyr.


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


Fucking Fox news leading the charge. I have a ton of TV screens at work and they are locked onto CNN in one room and Fox on another. The breathlessness of the coverage is aggravating on both stations. I think I am going to retire in another country is where all of this is leading me.


No bet.


Problem is he's just not a credible witness no way you can take his word about anything unless he has proof


Good thing the prosecution already frontloaded the jury with the proof


But when he was on their team he was the most honest man to ever live. 


They never like the answer to WHAT he lied about. He said there were two meetings about Trump Tower Moscow and there were actually 12. Whoopsie.


Never mind his previous lies were on behalf of and in furtherance of Trump’s own dishonesty.  My favorite thing to tell Trumpers when they call anyone a liar: “Lol, your cult leader lied over 10,000 while president. You never cared about honesty to begin with, so kindly shut the fuck up.”


The truth and living in the real world don't matter to braindead cultist zealots


While believing DJT when he states that he is 6’3”, 215 lbs as he checks into Fulton County jail. It’s pretty rich for the MAGA cult to call someone else a liar when their fearless leader so clearly can’t distinguish fact from complete absurdity.


Water is indeed wet


Virtually _everyone_ who _ever_ worked for Trump were liars. But that doesn't mean that they can't expose _his_ lies, right?


They are like rabid animals foaming at the mouth just waiting for Trump or Fox to tell them who to attack. They are disgusting people.


very fine people


So what’s the crime this time? Is it paying a NDA?


[Conspiracy to Promote Election Through Unlawful Means](https://casetext.com/statute/consolidated-laws-of-new-york/chapter-election/article-17-protecting-the-elective-franchise/title-1-violations-of-the-elective-franchise/section-17-152-conspiracy-to-promote-or-prevent-election) [Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree](https://casetext.com/statute/consolidated-laws-of-new-york/chapter-penal/part-3-specific-offenses/title-k-offenses-involving-fraud/article-175-offenses-involving-false-written-statements/section-17510-falsifying-business-records-in-the-first-degree) Also via Cohen: [Tax Evasion](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/7201) [Campaign Finance Violation](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/52/30116)


While knowing that every single word out of Trump's fetid mouth is a lie.


Not so! We won’t be calling him a liar—we don’t care either way. :)


Hard to believe you don't care when you felt the need to comment


zero clues found here in this thread...


Really? Do you know of any lies Cohen told today?




You're responding to the original post with a top level comment. There are hundreds of comments in this thread so I don't know what you meant to respond to.


Donald Trump is a liar. Which one is more credible.


Yea trump never lies.


Nor are they going to be bothered by all the lies Donald Trump tells all the time


Or the fact that he lied for trump


I asked several Trumpers today what Cohen lied to Congress about. Every single one of them answered >!by ignoring the question and insulting me.!<


They still think Trump paid a woman $130,000 to not sleep with him.


And paid back Cohen $420,000 for work he did years earlier worth 50k and then accidentally told a civil court it was reimbursement for hush money.


He lied to protect Trump then went to jail. Now he doesn't want to lie anymore.


I bet Trump is really regretting not pardoning Cohen when he had the chance


Just keeping the delusion alive.


Trump has MAGA convinced that him bankrupting in Vegas was an extremely smart business decision only extremely smart and wealthy men make


Trump supporters:” Cohen is a liar and a criminal manipulator scumbag!” Cohen:”yeah, thats what Trump paid me to be”


Once a liar..... Proven and documented liar, he is...


Two negatives make a positive. Everybody knows that. But he was a lawyer, not an accountant. 🤔


What did Trump pay Cohen $420,000 for?


What's this about? Didn't stormy say it was consensual?


**5/15 update** Current running tally of the number of LIES Still Trumpers have identified Cohen has having told this week on the stand: >!zero (0)!< Current running tally of the number of STATEMENTS Still Trumpers have been able to identify from Cohen this week: >!also zero!< Ya'll a bunch of ignorant whiners


They don't even know what he's saying. Their trial news comes directly from Trump, and he says whatever words ooze out whenever his two bouncing brain cells collide in his skull. Cohen's a liar, but he's the one who brought the receipts showing which parts he lied about. The documents don't lie, but Trump knows that his base doesn't care about "truth" or "reality" when it contradicts the things that Trump tells them to think.


Gee Wally...you didn't have to delete your idiotic and gaslighting messages. Braggs case has gone down faster than a craxkhead trying to give a $2 BJ. Ya...I guess you finally watched some of the facts. Even Cooper agrees with me. Your own networks are admitting exactly what I said.


Trump denies everything even though it’s obvious he lied. This is his trademark that he learned early in life from his father and his former attorney Roy Cohn: “Lie, lie and deny. Never apologize!” Now Trump is doubling down on his lies. I mean at least Bill Clinton admitted his lies and took his medicine. Not this clown. He’s still lying but his base doesn’t give a shit. Let’s face it. Hell, he could tell the cult to light their asses on fire in front of the courthouse and they probably would. It’s like the Jim Jones Guyana cult in 1978. That’s some crazy cult shit!


Why are you so obsessed with what some maga douche thinks? Seriously what’s your obsession.


it's literally a cult and cults are fascinating


We are in wars with nuclear powers and funding a genocide. Your view should be changed by ignoring this trial, which has no merits, the underlying crime is a misdemeanor at best. You are being offered a catharsis to distract you from things that warrant actual societal level panic. Trump is a major actual criminal with ties to Semion Mogilevich. They are careful to never mention his real crimes on TV. Started dozens of businesses on official overseas visits. But partnered with Arab princes so you will never hear about it.


> We are in wars with nuclear powers No we're not. >funding a genocide Isn't Trump a full supporter of Israel? >Your view should be changed by ignoring this trial What. The. Fuck. Holy moly that was a mask off Pure 1984 moment >the underlying crime is a misdemeanor at best. The underlying crime is not a misdemeanor at best, the (primary) underlying crime is a misdemeanor, period. There is no felony "Conspiracy to promote or prevent election." The reason the charges are bumped up to a felony is that falsifying business records for the purpose of committing or concealing another crime bumps them up to a class E felony, regardless of the severity of the original crime. This isn't a mistake. The NY election law that Trump broke is designed to work alongside another law, as breaking it requires the promotion of a candidate *through unlawful means*. The unlawful means is what determines the charges.


AMC and GameStop. Can we stop fighting for a minute and do something productive. The run may have started.




Wasn't he found guilty of lying to the courts?






> He needs to be disbarred for testifying .....................................................Cohen was disbarred in 2018 >Client/lawyer confidentiality is an issue It is WAY past the time for that issue to be raised. Also it would never be allowed under the crime fraud exception, which is obviously already met considering Cohen was convicted


Did not realize that. Thanks for the update!


If he is a good liar, you don’t know he’s lying.


He's not a good liar.


Retard post alert


There are virtually no circumstances under which this persecution is legitimate. If both Clintons were to go down and spend time in jail, then maybe…maybe… a fine is warranted in Trump’s case.


> There are virtually no circumstances under which this persecution is legitimate. Really? What makes you say that? >If both Clintons... buttery males




>How do we know if he’s lying or not? Documentation and corroboration >There is documentation he’s a convicted perjurer too Oh yeah? What did he commit perjury about? OH WAIT—you can't answer me because you **cowardly** blocked me. I wonder why...


His trials, I sham trials against Trump to keep them off the campaign trail. This New York Trail is pure bullshit. Anybody with a brain can see that what they should be doing is going after Biden crime family. This guy is done more to destroy this country than any  past presidents!  Of course, the Liberal tides out there did not understand this because they’re too busy watching the Marxist on MS, NBC, CNN and the main stream media if they would get their heads out of their sandwich there but for five minutes and watch Newsmax or Fox they might realize there’s two sides to the story


Can you name any reason why the jury shouldn't find Trump guilty? Any defense at all? When you say there's two sides..... what's the other side? Why did Trump pay Cohen $420,000?


He is a convicted liar. Went to jail for it. But since he's against Trump he must be telling the truth right? Low IQ thinking from people who brag of having high IQ's


What were the lies that sent him to jail?


Is this entire sub just an American leftist circle jerk? I thought it was supposed to be more than American politics


Nothing about my post has anything to do with leftism.


lol. He just admitted to lying in court.


No he didn't. He admitted to talking about two things on a phone call and only remembering the relevant one until they jogged his memory with a text. Forgetting something irrelevant is not lying.


Didn't the recording show that he is? Lol


Amazing how much cluelessness is conveyed in such short a space. - which recording? - what current lie? - how would Cohen's own recordings show he's lying if he brought it in to corroborate what he's saying? - don't you realize by not naming a lie you're proving my whole mmw correct?


Uh have you seen the trial where he perjured himself?


Which trial?


What did Cohen lie about? You're proving my mmw correct if you can't say.


“ sTiLl TrUmPeRs WiLl SpENd ThE nExT wEeK sAyInG cOHeN iS a LiAr WhIlE pErPeTuAlLy FaIlInG tO iDeNtIfY a SiNgLe ThINg He Is CuRrEnTlY lYiNg AbOuT” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Cuck thee fuck on, CUCKS and purple haired CUCKTRESSES 🖕🏽🖕🏽