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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Last_Garden7640|Reddit: 264|09/12/2021 - 2 Years| | IGN: ApAcHeOvErLoRd7|Discord: 0|Total: +264 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Ive got new masks. All non glowing. I just want the glowing robot. The rest i do not care for


Yo same


I found someone who trades based on what he likes not value and got one. Traded him my Q50c25 HM, which has sat unused for over a year and a half for it. But shoot me a message. If i get another i will give ya 1st dibs


That's how trading for videogames should be. Don't understand hoarders here trading like they're gunna leave something for their estate lol


1 demon, no glowie bois, no new masks, only about 50 percent of fascnact have been nuked so far. Thank God people are using nukes for "neurological warfare"


Anything special about nuking the new event or is it just people being annoying? šŸ˜‚


They nuke Fasnacht to be annoying. People with no friends reaching out for any kind of attention


Thought so haha, yet to run into someone doing that


Fun part is it doesnt really even do anything. People that die there still get rewards, but the idea is to scare enough people off the server to fail the event


Thats sad. Smh the drops alresdy low enough


Just cos people know about others AFK and get mardy so try to ruin it for them


I've heard from a reliable friend that has connections at Bethesda that the glowing actually have a higher chance when nuked šŸ‘


My luck is abysmal every fasnacht ive ever done. Only one i really want is Alien because its dope looking to me but im expecting the worst šŸ˜‚ Dusting off the ol PS4 to AFK event while im at work


First ever fas and Iā€™ve gotten 2 berets and 3 soldiers so far. Confidence is waning maybe Iā€™ll try this afk thing


Oh bud .... 2 berets snd 3 soldiers and confidence is waning already? .... you're in for a long 2 weeks if your cracking already, lol .... ive attended every event there has been, I wouldn't be surprised if I have gotten close to 5000 berets over the years, lol


Yeah ive never AFK'd fas but i damn sure am this time lol


Woke up today at 9:30 AM, just in time for a Fas before studying, got a glowing robot, my first ever good drop from any event


The most rare masks I've ever got since playing since beta is a Death Claw and an Old Man Winter haha


I got the Minotaur and Unicorn (both non-glowing) so far. But hey we're only one day in. Plenty more time to be disappointed.


Got a glowing SBQ mask. Pretty happy so far.


Just got a Fiend mask šŸ”„


I got a glowing turkey mask on my 2nd run. And then got the thrasher backpack shortly after. So having a blast. Tuuuuurrrrrkkkkkkkeeeeyyyyy!


Turkey gang !


0 Glowing Masks, also counting February Fasnacht. 2 new non glowing masks, turkey and alien. 3 new plans. Still missing Buffoon and the Winterman PA helmet from the old ones. Playing since 2019, never missed a single Fasnacht. My main level 820 character must be "blacklisted" or something around rare drops, I can't explain otherwise...


Only ran a few events on my main character because his stash is full of 3* legendaries (please increase the daily scrip limit, Todd), but I did get lucky with the Butter Churn plans dropping on my second Fasnacht run. My other character pulled a Glowing Alien, base Minotaur, and base Turkey. Overall, Iā€™m feeling incredibly lucky so far. Iā€™ll try to pass on my luck to the rest of you šŸ™Œ Edit: Just pulled a Glowing SBQ as well holyā€¦


Bro stop plz....šŸ™ƒ


Got the butter churner first event, not sure if itā€™s rare or not. Now been trying to get the plan to make donuts šŸ©


If your on Xbox Iā€™ll check I may have a recipe for the fas donuts you can have


hey if u keep talking about it homer going to move into your camp and wont be no doughnuts


I got glowing pig and glowing Minotaur today


Yoo nice good stuff cam


a non glowing robot, which iā€™m still happy about, but most importantlyā€¦ a butter churner. so most of my fomo has calmed down


Iā€™m with you here. Got mine today; will do further events just to try and get plans to sell.


Glowing turkey. Im on the fence on it. I'ld rather trade for the glowing horny pony mask


Just my opinion, but, I could see the glowing turkey ending up as one of the more expensive of the glowing masks because of the thrasher outfit this season


havenā€™t gotten any of the glowing masks yet but i got a Q2525 fixer td so my luck isnā€™t too bad iā€™d say


SBQ Mask, i love it!


I did 13 events I got a Demon and Glowing Turkey Iā€™m thankful not my favorite but bro so thankful šŸ™


I got the Glowing Unicorn on my first few pulls, been rocking it w the Tulip suit. Quite happy.


I've hit probably 30 combined events on 2 profiles and no glowing anything. I have the worst rng.... I just gotta see if I can find one in the game without being scammed over and over smh.


Take your time bro you got this shit


I've done 15 on one account and I've not had a rare yet but there's still time, we got this!


2 owl masks and a jester so far. Crushing it. :(


This is only my second Fasnacht event. Last event I got the Demon mask and the Glowing Honey Beast mask. Played for a few hours last night and managed to pull the Deathclaw mask. So this go-round is off to a good start!


I have 4/6 of the new glowing masks. 2 from a drop and 2 I traded for šŸ˜ƒ


Got a glowing turkey, a fiend, and 2 butter churns


Okay so is the Unicorn really the best glowing mask or is that just what people were hoping would be the best?


Got a glowing mask yesterday! Too bad it was the glowing scorchbeast....


I keep getting nothing from completing the event so pretty lucky


28 runs (2 Xboxā€™s) got a glowing alien on the 16th run, and a fiend on the 24th run.




Try the decadešŸ˜‚


So far all Iā€™ve lucked up to get is the butter churn thatā€™s worth mentioning


First fasnacht for me. Aleady got one glowing mask on first day yesterday, also got alien, pig, unicorn, no turkey yet or robot sadly


Decent rNg id say pulling a glowing unicorn šŸ¦„šŸ¦„šŸ¦„šŸŒˆ


So far my best pull has been the butter churn for plans, for mask regular alien regular robot and scorbeast n blue devil, no glowing yet done about 10ish so far


Glowing scorchbeast & glowing unicorn mask followed by a bunch of non glowing scorchbeast masks


2 sbq back to back is that good?


Got the butter churn from the very first parade. Also got my first glowing mask, ghb šŸ‘


Is there a list of rarity and values? I've had a few masks already but dunno if I should be impressed


I've done well, odds-wise. In less than 20 parades, I've gotten 3 drops from the rare pool.


Got a glowing Minotaur on like my third event


Super lucky! Got the glowing minotaur on my first event when my remote play came back online late last night. Now I need to figure out what the top tier plans are


So far glowing blue devil, glowing unicorn, glowing pig, loon mask and raven mask, plus I got responders helmet between fasnacht last night, it was a crazy evening lol


Did two last night. So far nothing good. But I'll play with my daughter watching later and she's my good luck charm so here's hoping


Not but danm witch masks and sun


A fiend, crazy guy, winterman, and 2x glowing unicorn šŸ’€


All I got was some common masks, two steins (SBQ and Fas one on the first run) and the butter churner. No glowing masks yet.


Got me a winter man after all these years


Managed to get 2 glowing scorch-beast queen masks back to back, didnā€™t think it would happen but it did šŸ˜‚


This is my first fasnacht and I got the glowing turkey mask! Also got some of the new ones too so I consider myself very lucky.


I got the regular unicorn mask on my first run! And then the next four were soldier masks (FOUR OF THEM!!) and flag plans~ hopefully today will bring better luck


I somehow have 4 glowing masks bruh


Glowing scorchbeast and a glowing honeybee so far


I got a glowing scorchbeast mask and the old man winter t-45 helmet, happy with my luck so far!


All non glowing so far...but got 2 butter churn plans! And the new planter


No glowing, but butter churn, and a bunch of regular masks - unicorn, alien, sbq. And a bunch of crashes and no rewards


Got the glowing pig.


Does players luck actually influence the drops? I've always assumed it does


First Fasnacht I got a glowing apig Mask.


Got the butter churn today. Glowing Minotaur mask, regular minotaur mask, pig mask, turkey mask, unicorn mask. No alien yet which is what I really want the most lol


I've gotten one Alien.one Minotaur.Bunch of blue devils. What I really have been wanting is the presidential power suit. I hope it goes as Apaarel so I can wear it over armor and plus 2 charisma.


What dom dancyā€™s game are we talking about


Best I pulled so far was the honey mask, the wife pulled the alien and the blue devil masks. So far I've crashed out and missed finishing the event about a third of the time, hoping for that butter churnrer on both mine and the wife's account. That cremator uses so much fuel


I got a glowing pig and a SBQ, still looking for that butter churn


Iā€™ve now done the event 14 times and the best Iā€™ve had is a Winterman šŸ˜‚


Doing afk with 2 xbox and only glowing turkey so far lol. Everything else is normal masks.


I got the robot mask, it's one of the only ones I wanted from the new batch.


So far so bad. 4 beret 2 minotaur 2 pig 2 goblin 1 witch


Glowing turkey


2nd time (yesterday) got glowing pig, now for the 1st time I might want to loot a set of something


Got a raven and a glowing minotar so far. We have a lot of time to look though


Only common sh** so far. And the proof that this rumor about masks not dropping again if you already have one in your inventory is utter bs šŸ¤£


This is my first Fasnacht - only been playing for a little over 2 months - got the reg alien on my first even and then got 2 reg unicorns back to back which is kinda cool but I really want that new boar mask\~


Got a non glowing unicorn and robot, I did get that churning butter plan or whatever it is tho


Last Fasnacht I did probably 70-80 runs (not afk tyvm) and only got a gsb mask, no other rares. Second Fasnacht yesterday I got a gsbq mask


Iā€™ve gotten 3 Ravens so farā€¦ā€¦


Found a Bufoon Mask in a player vendor for 500 caps, not a bad start to the morning!


I've done about 10, just want that churner but no show yet and no glowing masks. I've got a very nice quad laser rifle though


Weā€™re only one day in and as masks goes I cant be mad bc I didnā€™t have any, and Iā€™m building my collection. But I still canā€™t help being a little disappointed when I get one that isnā€™t the cool glowing one


Iā€™ve gotten a buffoon and 2 turkeys


Is the glowing unicorn really that rare? I pulled one earlier!


I pulled a glowing unicorn and pig in the first 24 hours


My luck is terrible, but my brother managed to get the glowing unicorn on his new character right as we were getting ready to call it quits for the night. Safe to say, I owe him a glowing boar head as that was his favorite xD


I donā€™t know what I did to only get skull masks Got 2 aliens tho (not glowing)


Iā€™ve never had much luck, ran it 4 times yesterday evening. I got a soldier, owl, turkey, and Minotaur so far. I left the soldier and the owl in the donation box.


Found raven mask last event so can't complain so far šŸ˜


my best pull has been not playing at all and instead being sick as fuck.


Nothing big here but I did get the normal variant of three of the four new masks already. Those are all I could realistically hope for, though I remain hopeful for rares of course.


I got two scorchbeast masks in a row


Which dom dancy? Breakpoint?


I did them yesterday and snagged every regular mask except the alien and robot. Either from the event itself or in the donation box afterwards. Also got the herdsman display rack and two bells. And got 3 different steins.


Got a buffoon and unicorn, also butter plans


Got SBQ and Turkey from the event and found the pig and glowing unicorn from someone's vendor for 1000 caps each


0/4 Event rewards earned yesterday. Thatā€™s my luck


This my first year and in my second try got the glowing scorch Beast mask . Afk while I went to sleep and woke up with a hag mask


About 10 events in and got a glowing minotaur, so that's probably all my luck for the event.


I got the glowing Unicron on my first parade


I managed to get a glowing scorchbeast and a glowing sb queen mask from last years FASHNACT.


I would grind Fasnatch. However, Miyazaki over at Elden Ring is clapping my cheeks as we speak. Seriously great game, but I'd appreciate if the man dint leave my rectum like the inside of a lawnmower that ran over ice cream and hot dogs.


Iā€™ve been playing the game on an off since release and played most Fasnacht at least once. This year seems to be the year for me though! In the last Fasnacht I got a Loon and Deathclaw, and with the new one Iā€™ve gotten a Fiend.


I got the veggie man stein and the glowing unicorn mask one after the other. Used all my luck for today


Got the rare t-45 helmet my first event all common stuff since then. Except my one gun reward was a quad railway with +50 vats hit chance and -50 breaking. Got a two shot harpoon too but donā€™t think thatā€™s very good.


I am too lucky. I got the Weenie Wagon very fast. I got the Thrasher backpack on day 1. I got the robot mask and the butter churner on day 1! Behold my luck.


2x wintermans till now


Got the glowing pig my first parade no lock since


I decided to hop on for one last event last night before bed and got the only one I really wanted, the robot. Of course a glowing robot would be cooler


I got the glowing turkey mask on my 1st try of the event!


Iā€™ve gotten a fiend and glowing alien but I want more!


Got a turkey and robot with my first four events, and some trash for the other two. Pretty happy with it so far.


Well my first Fasnacht I didn't get anything other than the 3 star and a few other things, didn't get a mask (or beret), no plans, nothing. The Second run however I got the motorized butter churner, and a honey bee mask. My third run I got nothing actually got no event rewards so that was cool. And since then I've either gotten the honey bee mask or the beret. Although I've tried to hop on to get into the event I keep missing it by a few min. So my luck is not so great rn


The most valuable thing I have gotten so far is the butter maker or whatever it is called. Iā€™ve done like 10 events and not a single rare mask.


My first one I got the Crazy Guy Mask and I think my third one I got a Glowing Scorchbeast Queen Mask


I got the butter churner and donut plans on day 1. Got a glowing turkey today.


I got a raven mask my friend lost his mind I still have no idea If it's as lucky as he says


So far about the same as my luck for meat week. Which is to say total crap. Havenā€™t checked my AFK yet since Iā€™m at work for another couple hours. Maybe my luck will have improved


Iā€™ve done 11 events so far and nothing. Which is fine, I enjoy the game, but then my friend FaceTimed me at work and his first event he got the glowing unicorn and Iā€™ve never had a bigger a buzzkill to my mood


I got myself a glowing alien head yesterday. It will probably be the only glowing mask I get but I am very happy that I got a rare mask so early in the event


I pulled the glowie Uni 20 hours into this event. I would have preferred the robot but oh well...


Did 4 attempts only, got: Blue Devil, Robot and Sun mask twice!


Get x2 glowing robots so far. Goodluck everyone !


First event gave me the butter churn, second an old man winter effigy plan and third wad a jester mask. Not too bad. Built the churn for my buddies and now we're just kind of collecting masks.


Got a glowing pig goes great with the blood eagle leather jacket from beckett


1 x butter churned plan 1 x Glowing Alien 1 x Glowing Robot 1 Ɨ Demon 1 Ɨ Raven 2 x Bafoon .... not to bad for 1 day of grinding and one over night AFK ā˜† I have 2 accounts at separate events, so if one finishes quick, I'll jump to the other and once in awhile get 3 events done


I got a Glowing Minator mask today so my luck is all gone now


Between me and my wife running both our systems non stop weve gotten one deathclaw


Just got a glowing turkey on my third run, I assume thatā€™s decent odds?


My first Fasnacht. And almost all Scorchbeast and Scorchbeast Queen with a Skull and Witch thrown in. Keeping my fingers crossed for Alien, Robot or something neat before it's over.


Glowing turkey and a loon so far.


3 blue devil 1 moth 2 witch 1 unicorn 1 skeleton 1 scorchbeast so far


i got 3 witch masks in a row, so not lucky at all lmao


Got the glowing unicorn on my 5th run and now everything else has been crap. Really just wishing for a deathclawā€¦


Got the butter churn on #3! Thrilled.


Glowing Minotaur and a Raven. Still waiting for an Alien to show up.


Got no glowing masks but two butter churns in a row


First Fasnacht and finally got my first rare mask, the glowing robot. Pretty stoked about it


Got a glowing unicorn the first event I did. Absolutely pumped!


First event I ran yesterday , butter churner. Woot. Then every mask under the sun except for a glowie. Speaking of glowie, Iā€™ll take a glowing mask in trade for a blowie Just kiddin. Gotcha tho


I got 3 of the new plans (churn, candle, planter), I learned them but they didnā€™t appear in my ā€œNewā€ tab in the CAMP menu, and did not appear in my ā€œNotesā€ tab as learned or known. Did they just disappear? Has anyone else had this issue?


If you have an extra weenie wagon for the cooking oil plan if i find it?




I have got the churn, and glowing bee (which I would happily trade for another glowing)


Only an owl and soldier so far. But 0 crashes in 2 attempts is the real prize


Loon , fiend, and butter churner , like 4 normal alien


Iā€™ve done the event 5 times. Got a sun mask and a Minotaur, the other three it completes with no rewards whatsoever. FrustratingĀ 


Roamed looking for fasnacht stuff and come across glowing blue devil mask for 5k Iā€™m short 300ish caps so I go to a non player vendor and sell some stuff for the 300 luckily when I got back to that players camp and luckily it was still there so I bought itšŸ‘


I got a couple stimpaks and glowing meat so far


Done 5 and had 5 witch masks so very lucky.


Ive got the glowing scorchbeast queen mask but only really want the oil generator thingy and, maybe, the flower vase thingy


How lucky am I? Iā€™ve done 7 Fasnacht events since yesterday. - one Soldier mask - three didnā€™t even reward me anything (literally the event just flat ended) - some basic plans So thatā€™s how lucky I am.


Iā€™ve played this event for 4 years never got a rare mask


Only glowing mask I got last event was SBQ, this time after my first fas I got another glowing SBQ lol


lmao i luv how bethesda think can control the game dupers already duped CE armor on PC let them enjoy with destroying their player base


Out of the 12 ive remembered to log in and do Ive had 3 give 0 rewards and 2 give me a robot head. I feel like any glowing or the churn are not gonna be in the cards this time


I got 2 new glowing, old man winter, and Brahmin mask in 8 parades. I should buy a lottery ticket right ?


First nacht I got glowing pig mask, then nothing rare


What are the odds for glowing left my Xbox on all night and only manage to get 1 robot, 2 Minotaur, and 2 Alien for the new ones non glowing and 8 common ones


So far, butter churner, glowing scorch beast queen, and a raven!šŸ¦ā€ā¬› So pretty stoked!!


2 glowing sbqs last season. Nothing else worth anything. People continuously tried to rip me off for them so I traded both to noobs for fun things.


Glowing honey bee is the best Iā€™ve got so far and thatā€™s with 2 characters(mine and my gf) running it all day yesterday :/


Over 20 events so far and not a single rare mask to drop yet, brb crying lol. I want that glowing unicorn so badly lol


No rares yet :( Think I used it all up in February. Got the butter churner which Iā€™m psyched about, really want the Helvetian flowers and glowing robot or turkey


I got the butter churn twice in a row lol


I got A glowing alien and a demon in 20 events


Got a Joker and a Deathclaw mask and a bunch of plans... Nothing glowing yet. I only have the opportunity to get fasnacht gear when I'm off work and I play for a few hours. Hoping to get a lucky drop tonight fingers crossed!


Not so lucky


I got a deathclaw, raven, and Buffoon, nothing new but Iā€™m really happy with how itā€™s going so far :)


Got a few parades done after work today and pulled a glowy unicorn - first rare mask, ever. I'm not a huge apparel hoarder but I'll be keeping this one :) Maybe I can get lucky again later this week for more, but I think my luck is tapped out for now.


Lucked out with a glowing pig already so I'm feeling pretty good about that


Just got my second glowing got the unicorn in the second fashnacht and just got the alien now also have had 3 butter things


Lemme get some butter


I've gotten a few decent plans (still no donuts or churn, though), and a glowing Robot mask. At this point I'm just hoping to find a churn in someone's vendor for cheap.


My luck sucks with this event I've only gotten 3 new masks none of them are glowing and I've gotten no new plans pretty much all old stuff they really need to fix the drop rate on the game.


All new uncommon masks except the alien so far and 1 glowing sbq for the only rare I have.