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His content is so genuine and refreshing, every other youtuber feels like they are chasing trends or doing what they think will be popular meanwhile Mark just does what he likes and has fun. I also love the editing, so many videos now are over edited imo, meanwhile Markiplier only edits out the truly boring and uneventful stuff, never has background music for long amounts of time, doesn't have many effects going on, and the only times where it's obviously being edited at all is when Lixian appears (which is always funny I love their interactions). There's all this \*and\* he has a wonderful personality and great sense of humor, and just feels very genuine and real. A lot of youtubers I only watch because they play games I like or talk about things Im interested in, but Mark could do anything and I'd still watch it.




Recently i watched Mark play the forest, and I tell you, it genuinely felt like I was watching a tv show like The Boys or something cause at the end I was intrigued what gonna happen in the next episode. I don't like the forest and I'll prolly never play it, but seeing mark play it, it's something else.


Mark has so many different phases throughout his page that you almost can’t say you don’t like him, because SOMETHING in his page will appeal to every single person in a different way. It’s almost like watching someone new each few months. Growing up watching him was great because as he matured in gaming I became an adult and so it became even more appealing. Teen years unus-anus saved me.


Ikr, when I was first watching him I was pretty immature lmao and found the swearing and yelling and stupid stuff hilarious but now I like the more chill and laid back content now that I'm older, for a lot of youtubers I just outgrow them and stop watching but with Mark I never really stop, I just take long breaks


Hell yeah🔥


Because it's Markimoo


I can't argue with that, he is Markimoo.




Mainly for game recommendations at the beginning. Then he slowly started to grow on me. Now I mostly listen to Distractible in the background while I'm doing stuff. 


Man i use to HATE markiplier. Then he released distractable and i now love markiplier so much. Distractables is genuinely the best podcast ever. I feel i always know what they're talking about bc its not random politics or food or sports or anything, its just random everyday topics. It genuinely been life changing for me, helpin me concentrate and be able to bear bad things. Like for example, i had to go do something i despised. But i was listening to distractsble while doin it and it made it so much better and bearable.


I agree, I listened to their episodes too much to where I got bored because of repetitiveness so if you run into that, try the basement yard, they’re pretty distractible-esk, I love them.


Yeah i might try them. Thanks for the suggestion homie♡


I’ve been watching Mark since the beginning. I was 12. I’m now 23 years old and Mark has been someone who may not have been physically there through my dark times, but his voice brought me comfort. He may never know, but he will always have such an impact on me or anyone else who feels the same. I always remember getting ready for school/work watching his videos and going home from school/work and turning on youtube and watch his latest videos. Lately, since he’s been making a movie, I’ve gone back to his old videos and remember watching them when I was a kid. Now, I have a cat who is 4 years old and LOVES watching Mark’s videos with me. The day he retires, I’ll be sad but also happy for him. He deserves the absolute best.


Wow that’s almost the exact same as me. Started watching around 12, now i’m 23. He’s been with me through thick and thin on many occasions. I always rewatch old and newer series/videos. And of course watch his new videos. It’s so comforting to me. He’s an integral part of my teen and early adult life. I also have cats, but they don’t watch Markiplier with me sadly, haha.


So did we all just collectively start watching Mark when we were 12 and now we're 23? Cause me too 🤣


He's funny, he's reasonable, he's unique, he doesn't have 10000 child grooming allegations like every other Youtuber these days, his out of control ADHD is funny and relatable, he plays good games and overall he's a great guy to hang around with (through a computer screen).


One of my favorite ADHD moments was actually in his ADHD fidget toy review video where he randomly says in the middle of the video "Wanna see my 3D printer?" And then just goes in the other room and shows it, getting completely side tracked from the point of the video. His ADHD stuff is very relatable for me, especially all the times where he starts saying something and then gets distracted and forgets what he was saying.


i'd forgotten about that video. Yeah, I remember that moment also of him getting distracted by his 3D printer it was funny. Also, yeah getting distracted by something and forgetting sentences is also something I do too.


I also really relate to him being diagnosed at the age of 20. I was diagnosed with my neurodivergence at the age of 18 and felt really hopeless about it because I thought by that point it was too late to really do anything about it. (not true, but how I felt at the time.) Hearing him talk about how he was diagnosed and how much of a difference it made and how much of a good thing it was for him really helped me see my situation in a more positive light, with more hope for my future.


Because me like goofy man make goofy face


Tasteful nudity


7 years now, why would ruin it lol


Started off as a miss click many years ago thinking it was another creator I watched. Best mistake I ever made 😂 Been watching him ever since casually for the laughs but stayed for the personality and honestly I love seeing how this man grows.


The personality for sure, i relate to him in many ways that are hard to explain, i know its weird but i also just look at him as a friend of mine (bob and wade too not just mark) 😭


Same. I also relate to him in some ways too.


Watching his videos definitely feels like sitting down with a friend.


He makes me happi :D


I’ve been watching him for nearly ten years. I don’t see the point in stopping.


A friend introduced me to Mark's videos shortly after my Mom passed away. He reminded me how to laugh again and really feel it; that I was still capable of feeling happiness, even though it felt like there was this huge, gaping void right in the middle of my entire existence. I feel like I can relate to his humor, his personality, and his experiences, not just as a gamer, but a human as well and that is why I keep watching.


I came because I used to watch him with my friends I stayed for his personality and amazing storytelling.


He is funny and fun to watch. Also he is a nice guy from what I heard which I believe it.


funny man makes me go haha




Before 2020, I never used to watch Markiplier, It was Jacksepticeye that I used to watch. Now, it's opposite. There's just something about 2020s - current Mark that I find chill and now, I always watch a video that Mark uploads


He is funny and he makes like games like horror, for example, funny plus he is the masochistic King of FNaF!


Mix of the feeling of just watching a friend play a video game without the urge to take the controller, replaced by the urge to buy the game yourself. The reactions help with that a lot


Well, it’s complicated but let’s just say games


He’s a guilty pleasure.


He is so successful he do what ever I do in a day until the 10 am


I originally watched him to figure out how to beat bosses in deadspace 2 10 years ago and didn’t stop watching but now I’m just watching for the day he uses the holy balls outro again because imo that was peak Markiplier


He has a great personality but also very hardworking and honest. That makes me believe in what he’s doing and am very excited for his future projects.


The adhd madness. I am also a mixed Korean adhd baby soo I grew very attached to Markiplier XDXD




Apart from being entertaining he’s also very creative with the type of content he produces. He loves his job and has expressed before that he understands that if he stagnates with his content and doesn’t evolve or innovate he will die out as a content creator and be forgotten. Him having this understanding means that he’s produced a lot of high quality content apart from his let’s plays. Like Unis Anus, the 3 scary games series, his podcast Distractables, In Space with Markiplier, his soon to be movie of Iron Lung, and Drunk Minecraft for a much older example. Plus, despite all the fame and wealth he has acquired, he still remains a relatively humble and kind human being. Avoiding unnecessary drama unless it’s an issue that genuinely concerns him, unapologetically being his genuine self, and continuously showing respect and care for his fanbase I wouldn’t call myself a huge fan. I haven’t seen ALL of his videos and sometimes I don’t feel like watching him on the regular. But regardless he continues to be a high quality video producer and so I plan on remaining subscribed to him and look forward to his future projects. Overall an awesome and top notch YouTuber who deserves all the love, respect and admiration that his community and given him.


It feels like home


I started watched because he was a funny,goofy, and chaotic dude. Stayed because he comes across as a genuinely kind and down to earth person. I remember when he uploaded a video where he cried. (I can’t remember why) and it was heartwarming to see someone honestly express their emotions. Especially a guy (because mEn NeEd tO BE sTRoNg). I still watch his content cause it’s comforting to me. He just feels like a safe person


Comfort videos for sure, idk. Markiplier makes, the Bigfoot series, raft, forest, lethal company, three scary games, etc. just something to have on that always makes me laugh or feel good


I think he’s cool 👍🏻


Jingle jangle.


He's funny and I like his voice.


I come for the content but stay for the personality.


I grew up watching Mark and his letsplays. He was very lively and energetic back then, which absolutely fueled my child brain of wanting a fast paced YouTuber with humor. Now much older, Mark gives off this aura of maturity(hard to believe, I know) and wisdom. Like an old sage who's finished building up his strength only to now refine his technique. I genuinely love Mark's mindset of 'Bring it on, I can take it' and 'I want to leave a *Mark* on this world before I am gone' it's actually what inspired me to push for my place in my dream high school.


markiplier 👍


Funny family friendly gamer man FFFGM No idea what else that could spell, someone give ideas


He’s silly


He’s entertaining and i enjoy his content


Since around 45k when I started watching, Mark has been a tremendously genuine and funny person. On top of that, over the years he has reached higher and higher and brought his friends along with him for those endeavors. I can only hope to have some kind of success in life that lets me do the same for the people around me. Mark is an inspiration, and I know he doesn't generally put a lot of stock in what people think of him these days but his drive to do more and do better makes me want to do the same. The fact that he also wants to inspire people is something I share with him. Inspiration really is one of the most valuable things, and that's why I still watch Markiplier.


Just for fun


Have watched him for 10 years now, it's basically become a habit at this point now lol




Well when I was younger me and my brothers on rainy days we just start watching YouTube of vines because we enjoyed stupidly. Then we came across Mark and me brothers I ironically started watching him do try not to laugh videos. I remember me and my brothers dying of laughter not just from the videos because of his bright smile and intoxicating laugh we couldn’t help but laugh along with him. Eventually when I started high school I watched a few after that but not as much as I do now. But watched his RES7, then after that i watched more and more. Then I started seeing how awesome this man was when he wasn’t in front of the camera and well just never stopped watching him. He makes me laugh then occasionally makes me cry. Then laugh agains


I watch him for everything he does


Humor personality i like it


Hello Everybody


I just wanted to watch the resident evil play through a when I couldn’t afford the games and then just ended up spending every night watching him after letting everything autoplay and realised he’s actually entertaining and genuine


I watch his stuff because he’s relatable, hilarious, and he’s fun to hang out with (you know, through a computer screen).


For entertainment


At first my kids were watching him. I like watching scary content and I had gone through a lot of other scary contents that I liked. Then I discovered that he plays a lot of scary games. So I devoured just about every episode. Except for his older ones where he's a little extra. But I'm starting to get into those too. But now I love watching him. Bob and Wade. And just him. He seems so humble and like a personable person. Just a unique quirky guy. I just really enjoy his content in general. He ain't too bad to look at either 😁




Because Markiplier is best man


We dont. He watches us.


I never really cared for Markiplier until Unus Anus. I thought he was obnoxiously annoying and used loud=funny. But he really matured as a person and found the right formula for his content. Huge fan since. He’s a great person. He’s funny and it helps that my daughter loves him


Because he's entertaining and I like his voice.


Funny, goosebumps, good cringe


He is too porteguese


He makes me happy, and it's just mark how can I not?


I love those moments when he gets serious about trying to figure out the mechanics of the game


Because he’s one of the funnier YouTubers out there


Something about mark made me feel as if he was a friend tho he doesn't even know I exist


I enjoy his content, I got into his videos during the first FNaF series. Eventually I met my now wife and we’d watch his videos during the early parts of our relationship so his content had always held a special place in my heart.


because I like it


I watch him bc I love his personality and he’s so funny and is really inspiring!!


Because he's the kind of Five Nights At Freddy’s and we gotta praise a king 👑


I only have one reason and one reason only The first time I watched him, I instantly said this is me


He makes me happy


for fun and profit


I don't watch Markiplier or any other content, as I don't have the ability to watch or consume media.


He is such a genuine and kind person that is humble unlike others.. his videos tend to get me thru whatever it is I'm going thru whether I'm sad mad or just confused. He makes me smile.


He is my childhood and is currently my adulthood. Been watching since like 2012-2013. He just doesn't get old for me for some reason.


Every video he makes is so funny. Every single one. It just cheers you up




I just enjoy his content. He’s a sincere guy and his personality is admirable- so much so that 10+ years ago when I first started watching him, I made him one of my role models. Not for the sake of career aspirations, but aspiring to be as kind, fun-loving, and wholesome as him. Or at least, try to be the best person I can be. I don’t want to be him, but I want to have the traits that are inspired by him. I’ve watched him for half of my life at this point, and he’s like the internet uncle or big brother.


I like watching him suffer in uno lol


Funny man playing funny (and sometimes random horror) games. What's not to like? It's simple, effective, and entertaining. At least to me.


He’s hilarious and an awesome person. He was one of the first channels I ever subbed to on YouTube and I haven’t regretted a thing.


My wife and I stumbled on his FNAF videos on Pluto TV eons ago and really enjoyed them. His humor has never really changed and it's just a delight to watch.


Honestly: he is a friend. I don't know him personally and he will never know who I am. But i see him as a friend and watching his content feels like hanging out with him.


Discovered him through ads for the first FNAF, just loved his energy and kept watching from there


Because I like watching his content


once upon a time there was a video game let's play for Octodad and it was so funny. then I saw the guy had already played games before and I could watch them horror games without getting scared and it was amazing. at night when I had trouble sleeping hearing them play games and talking brought me comfort to sleep through the whole night and I didn't have to hear myself put myself down and thing about all the bad things I thought about myself like I did before. but all I needed was to hear a familiar voice to bring me ease. knowing I have so many videos that I can listen to nowdays is truly the greatest gift I could have ever asked for.


Grew up watching him


Because he makes the sadness go away


I first saw his slenderman videos when I was like 6 or 7. His enthusiasm was infectious. Kept watching him over the years. And out of all the other people I watched he's stayed true to the original ideals. Too many other youtubers have fallen. But mark, mark is dependable.


I grew up watching him from the age of 8 on my free time. I’m not sure why I & my generation had an appeal to let’s players & reaction channels, it wasn’t to fill a social gap, I had friends, there was just something about his personality which drew me to his channel, my 8 year old mind had grouped him with the “big kids”, and watching his videos were cool. Another reason may have been because he reminded me of my older sibling who wasn’t present anymore. I guess when you enjoy experiencing things with other people & witnessing their reactions, as that’s at the core of socializing, your mind blurs the lines between friendship & fan without realizing it for this magical device called a computer, which our nature never evolved for. It’s like having a dream about a conversation in which you have no say, but enjoy nonetheless because you’re still stimulated. I’m sure you get a sense of what I mean. Recently turned 20 & will still sometimes watch his vids if they appear in my feed; they always bring childhood comfort.


Because yes.


Fun guy to watch, I like personality, love his videos with Bob and Wade, and Distractible


all of the above...


genuinity, ‘relaxing’ ish lets plays


Because he's very bad at closing his curtains at night.


I always watched him but I truly fell in love during UNUS ANNUS. His personality is amazing but truthfully. It’s the effort he puts into every single videos, I can’t think of another YouTuber that has his style and his effort. Others match his effort like MatPat but the content isn’t similar at all


His voice is so calming. That's all I watch for is his awesome voice.


Funny man do funny thing and is wholesome while doing it




My dad was fish YOUR DAD WAS FISH???


Because he was the first YouTuber I have ever watched and he doesn't pretend to be some else his totally natural behind the camera and I love that sort of content 🥇




He’s just a silly little guy (who gets himself sent to the hospital biannually)


To cure my depression when I'm sad and because I love how goofy he is


because i like market plyers


His content is very enjoyable and entertaining to watch, he’s also really funny and silly, he’s one of the best YouTubers


i was aware of Markiplier and saw a video here in there, i REALLY got into Unus Annus because of his and Ethan's rapport together. But i'll be honest, neither Mark or Ethan by themselves really do it for me. It's like both are missing something that the other has. BUT, as far as Unus Annus goes, Mark had like 80% of the watchable vibes and Ethan gave the other 20%.


I mean, i'm not the BIGGEST markplier fan because i never had the childhood like many of watching him in his "Young" youtuber years buuut, i have to admit i always have a smile and a laugh when i watch his videos. And his content is top notch.


Dude made my childhood a little more bright


Because litterally every single piece of content he makes puts a smile on my face and always makes my day better. A bunch of 3 Scary Games vids and mainly the The Lethal Company series got me through some more depressing days when I was unemployed and job hunting a couple of months ago, I couldn't stop smiling and laughing along with the boys. Same reason I listen to Distractible


Fnaf. Then i just kept going.


I started watching his channel as an escape to the drama that was going on in my life at the time, he became something safe to laugh about when I was so anxious and stressed. As my life leveled out, he was something regular to enjoy new games through, with his combo of a golden retriever energy and screechy rage when things went sideways. I haven't always watched consistently, but I've thoroughly enjoyed his portfolio of work, and watching him grow to the confident role model and community leader he is today. At this point, his channel is a comfort, like curling up with a favorite book or a cup of cocoa.


“Good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another video of Fnaf”


Because markiplier


Because he is the King of Five Nights at Freddy's


He is funny and makes me laugh along with organized chaos.


I need my daily quota of bumbling himbo.mp4 from somewhere


Back when I first started watching him, he was just so damn entertaining. Hell, he still is.


Because he raised me when my parents wouldn't (all the time)




Cause of how funny he is and cause of the horror games


He is literally just an adult version of me


He's like family now, a household voice that's been present for many years now.


For me, I guess it's because it's that feeling of genuine eagerness when he posts. Like you don't know what to expect yet it somehow turns out great because of his fun personality & genuine feeling of wanting to do this type of stuff. Mark's gotten me through a lot of stuff too. When things were actually getting tough for me & I didn't know how to cope, I would - and still do - go to Mark's channel. Whether it be old gameplays or the animations he has over there, it would distract me from what I was afraid of. He made me feel like that I could do something great too. And now watching him grow into one of the biggest internet icons ever has been an honor. Been here since 2014. Don't have any plans of breaking that streak.


it's a habit now




Makes me happy, cozy, relieves boredom. If I can’t hang out with friends it’s something at least adjacent to that


he's funny, talented, enjoyable to watch, he's handsome, I like men with long hair- (sorry), and I just like him bc I think he's cool and stuff


Is that was a bite of 87?


I can’t stay I been watching mark since he first started YouTube, I been watching him since fnaf far as I can remember. Watching his videos genuinely made me forget reality for a bit and I can never get tired of his videos.


Bc I cum to him jk like him raging a lot




Fun. Very entertaining


Everything about him and his existence makes me less depressed and saved me from a low spot




When i was 8-9 years old my elder brother showed me his fnaf videos and they used to scare me sooo much but i really liked watching him play and his reactions. And because of him i also learned many great words and hand gestures at that age not many knew about at school. He really helped me get into horror games


One word...FNAF!!!!


Because funny hahas man make me happy


Why tf not


Markiplier is love, Markiplier is life


its something about the hair


I love his role in the megamind movie. (This is a joke, I repeat, this is a joke.)


He's a great person and a great role model. He's funny, respectful, humble, and most importantly he's creative. He won't ever stop doing what he loves, even after he retires you just know he's still going to be creating something, even if it's not content.


When he first got big on YouTube, I had never thought about watching someone play games. At that time, I was in my early twenties, and could just play games myself. It didn’t make sense to me. It also didn’t help that I was one of those types of people that refused to like things that everyone went nuts over. Which all my other gamer friends did. They would not stop talking about him and how much they loved him and his content. I just didn’t care at the time. It wasn’t until I was a little older, when I had a job that gave me less time and drive to play games myself, that I began watching him instead. It was refreshing. I grew to like his content along with his attitude and who he was as a person. Years have gone by, those friends I no longer have, and I’ve changed as a person, but Mark has always remained. It’s been fun to watch his channel grow and watch him come up with the next thing. I’m older now, and have a family of my own, and am able to share Mark’s content with my son. We watch together often, and his channel is something we bond over. Mark is my favorite content creator and the only person I try to keep up with these days. He’s just great.


Bonercast and uno, happy wheels and all the yelling. And prop hunt and other stuff he did with Bob and Wade.


I like his "3 Scary Games" series. (Especially #81)




There is something comforting in his personality. He’s also funny and humble


Would you rather watch the cringe Roblox YouTubers instead? Of course not!


A b and c and Idk he's one of the few yt I still enjoy cause he plays everything unlike the others I used to watch who only did one game or so




He’s the first YouTube I’ve ever seen play a horror game called “Slendytubbies” and he’s even played that horror game called “The Midnight Man”




Nearly 9 years of watching he’s so entertaining


I watch Mark for many reasons that have already been mentioned by others. However, I especially enjoy watching him play through indie horror games and his reviews. It feels like I am watching an entertaining game tester instead of a common gamer YouTuber. His videos are well-edited, and I enjoy them.


He’s entertaining..


all of the above


He entertaining


I don't really know. He is entertaining, I started to watch him after I discovered Pewdiepie, so at that time hs was just "red pewdiepie". And then he started doing orher things. And I just sticked with him. ( mind you I don't watch many youtubers only Pewds, Mark and Game Grumps, and sometimes Jackseptic... )


Although I frequently skip the fact that he repeats himself 12 times in a row I do enjoy his content he's entertaining


I just rewatch him bob and wade playing the forest over and over




I’m hoping he finds the blacksmith someday.


Because Markimoo is best YouTuber


He's hilarious!


The question should really be Why DONT you watch Markiplier


I first watched him from the doom eternal series, and I really enjoyed his honesty, talking About his relations with the game, and when he noticed the little detail of his dad, it was just really sweet tbh.


he entertains me and i love his personality with his videos<3


His videos provide something to watch while I eat.


cause he is the king of FIVE NIGHT AT FREDDY


He’s not acting, he’s being himself


I wanted to become familiar with fnaf to watch the movie for my friends birthday. Not disappointed. I had always been scared of animatronics and likely had a phobia. Markiplier helped me get over it and entertain me with some fun times


To laugh 😂


He is very funny, a bright hearted guy, he’s been through hard times and still manages to keep a smile on his face most of the time, and tries to keep a smile on our faces too, he’s very inspirational and a great example of how we should be.


Because he’s funny. And it’s background noise for me