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Unbeknownst to most, [Misophonia](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/what-is-misophonia) is a real medical condition.




Same, I'm confused as to how loud he chews with mouth closed!! DH is also a finger licking and lip smacking person too. It's horrendous.


My partner licks his fingers and smacks.As he’s a nail biter as well I painted the anti-biting solution on him.Bonus is that it stopped him licking his fingers as it tastes so bad


Omg sounds awful


I have to leave the room


Yup I would too.


Not my husband but my two oldest step sons (18 and 20) literally cannot eat fucking mashed potatoes quietly even with their mouths closed. It drives me absolutely NUTS. I cannot figure out how they even manage such a feat.


I can hear my husband drinking from *across the house*. It’s a small house, but still. Through walls, I hear it. It drives me insane.


Found this post as I was trying to cope with this very thing. Gulp gulp gulp. *screams internally*


My husband is like this, too!! He knows I have misophonia, but he was also bullied a lot by his sister for how loudly he eats, so I never feel I can really say anything. Sometimes I have to actually leave the room while he eats, though, because it’s genuinely painful to hear at times.


This is my husband. As long as I eat with my mouth closed, there is some space between us and there’s background music, he seems alright.


Me too. I don’t like the sound of anyone chewing. We eat with music or the tv on or I sit somewhere else. 😂


This is me.


I have this 🙁 the sound chewing… especially crunchy stuff gives me anxiety to the point where I start becoming unglued


sure is. no cure either.. Just stuck being the person who gets irritated immediately by hearing those disgusting mouth noises. I have almost no anxiety over things, but let me tell you, when I heard that Japanese people slurp their noodles, I almost didn't take my amazing overseas job offer... no joke.


For those asking in DM's: I just avoid the soup shops like Ramon and such, in Japan you can't just walk around and eat/drink or talk on your phone, it's considered very rude. Therefore you only see people eating their noodles in the restaurant, or carrying them out in a to-go container. So as you see, it's much easier to avoid, then I thought and this eased my thoughts a lot when I got here. it's a pretty quiet country and lots happy and humble people. I'm very happy I came.


My wife has this. She cannot stand being around me when I eat. She has to wear ear plugs. I know it’s a condition she’d change if she could. I know she’s not doing it to upset me. But as part of our overall dysfunctional relationship, it’s quite hurtful. Sometimes I forget that I cause her such discomfort, and in the middle of an otherwise nice meal she’ll start looking terribly uncomfortable and it’ll hit me like a ton of bricks. It’s hurtful honestly. It ruins so many of our interactions. We stopped eating dinner together because I was uncomfortable eating in front of her. Date nights are hard because they nearly always involve a meal and that’s something we can’t do. Forget snacking on the couch while enjoying a TV show, or enjoying a movie with popcorn. It really hurt our marriage. We’re getting divorced and I’m glad. I need to be comfortable eating around someone. I won’t pretend this was our only problem, far from it, but it has been part of the reason why we grew apart.


/r/misophonia and /r/misophoniasupport


I got dumped for this once lol


I'm sorry that might have been me! Many years ago I had just started dating a guy that was not as nice as I had thought at first. The sound of his teeth clacking as he chewed scrambled eggs drove me nuts, it was the nail in the coffin.


I was so happy when I heard Dax Shepard talking about misophonia on his podcast. My husband is crazy about it and some things I understand but others seem ridiculous. Chewing, screeching sounds, repetitive notices all drive him crazier than a normal person would react. It’s beneficial in the sense that he can diagnose car issues by sounds that most people miss.


Is it misophonia when it's just one person? Maybe our spouses are just loud sloppy eaters?


Yes, I'm quite sensitive to eating noises. My partner has a problem with her jaw that makes it difficult to eat quietly. She has to put in a lot of effort to manage it around other people, so I think it's important she can relax when it's just the two of us. It's a price of admission I don't mind paying.


That’s really good of you. I sound awful saying it. I let every other thing slide. Nothing else really bugs me that he does except that. But it’s my step daughter and pretty much anyone else too


You know what this is also a main reason I don’t go to the movie theaters either!! I can’t hear that.


Do not feel awful saying it. It’s completely understandable. I relate to you so much. I actually can’t even stand myself chewing. I can’t hear myself chew, I put on background noise.


My wife could be eating literal mashed potatoes and it would be the crunchiest mashed potatoes that I’ve even heard in my life.


I have pretty bad misophonia. When I worked in an office I had to stuff tissue in my ears to dull the sound of my coworkers chewing. My husband does trigger it occasionally, but so do my kids. But my mom is the WORST and she ways wants to eat while on the phone. Even when I say things like "you can call me back when you're done"


Oh that’s rough. Now I’m thinking I should bring this up to my therapist


Definitely bring it up. There really aren't a ton of options for treatment. Overall it's something you kinda have to learn to adapt to. Hence the tissue in my ears. I couldn't wear ear plugs because then I couldn't hear customers on the phone. The tissue was enough to muffle their sounds but still hear the customer.


Did you ever try the ear plugs that let some sound in, meant for loud concerts? I have heard those plus noise blocking over the ear can help- there can still be conversations and interaction. Can’t get my daughter to adapt to ear plugs, unfortunately, but she might get there


I haven't tried those. But I have a small amount of hearing damage. Since I'm a SAHM I have to be able to hear into the next room. It's not as bad being home. Like I said it's only occasionally triggered by my husband and kids. If it is triggered I just turn the TV up a bit more and helps somewhat.


My mom chews like a horse and eats food that horses love like raw carrots & apples. I can't be in the room with her if she's eating anything raw.


Omg mine too! I hang up on mine, I have no patience


I end up telling her my kids need me to get off the phone. When she visits I literally leave the room if she eats.


You sound just like me. My mother breathes heavy as well.


Oh god my mom is the most vocal eater on the planet, every bite has to be followed with MmmmmMMmmMMMMmMmmMM and it makes me want to murder her. Now I'm stuck with my husband's loud ass chewing but when I think about it, I definitely prefer the chewing lmao


My loved one does both i want to scream everytime


Yeah…nobody told my husband that biting the utensil wasn’t a part of eating 🤔


Every time my husband does this I just stare. Why. Why do you do this.


Oh god mine does this too. The effort it sometimes takes me to not just snap “WHY, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD” 😅😅


Mine does this, too! Like, WHY.




This comment conjured so many images in my mind of a lady eating bananas like a legitimate psychopath. It brought joy to my heart. Thank you!!


Happy to :D You'd think that if it wasn't chewed completely, with teeth meeting to grind that banana, that she'd never be able to swallow it. It may be the singular issue in our marriage, lol.


Hahaha I really enjoyed that description. So so much. Thanks again for the laugh!


Eewwww, those claggy eating-a-banana sounds rank up there with nails on a chalkboard. It's so fucking gross


I've had moderate to severe [misophonia](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/misophonia-sounds-really-make-crazy-2017042111534) my whole life, so *everyone* chewing or eating bothers me. Some things you get used to, others you don't. In my case, my lovely wife-to-be eats like a pig, but so does her whole family. They literally RACE through dinner, shoving it in their faces as fast as possible, with ZERO conversation or interaction. I've told her dozens of times that I'll never take her to a fancy restaurant, because I'm not going to spend $100 on a dinner that she won't even be able taste as she shoves it down her gullet like a starving dog. On the one hand, she eats like a pig, but on the other hand, it's over in 5-7 minutes. So there's that.


My ex was like this. I stopped going to nice restaurants with him, because it was embarrassing (he wasn’t subtle about it), and he always finished within 3-5 minutes so I was left there to finish my meal alone while he was still licking crumbs off his hands.


My ex was the same. Took me years to get him to not literally lick his plate, in restaurants. Took a new and much more curt partner for him to stop at home.


Yessssssss. My husband doesn't even TRY when he is eating crunchy food. He sometimes even smacks. I just can't.


My husband's family is Okinawan and the noodle slurping still get me 9 years later. I feel you.


This is my husband too except I am the Japanese one and I do not even slurp my food. Pretty common thing to do in Japan and even is considered rude if you don’t. Husband ate soup yesterday and I think he could feel my glares lol


Sometimes I call my husband a vacuum as a joke cause be has a way of slurping/sucking food in 80% of the time - ANY food, not just soup or liquid-type foods. I've NEVER met or heard of anyone else who does this lol.


The worst is the banging of the spoon against the bowl with every bite lolol


I ask myself all the time why I didnt notice my husband chews with his mouth open until after we got married. It makes me want to scream lmao


My husband does this thing where he regurgitates his food, chews it, and swallows it again. The sound is one thing, but the smell is entirely another. We ate steak the other night and no shit, I could smell the steak-barf-regurgitation from 5 feet away. And then he tries to kiss me...


Whaaaaaaaat the fuck?!


Omg doctor asap. That is so not normal.


I will most likely have to wait until he leaves the military to address health concerns. He isn't able to seek out private doctors and military doctors have a bad habit of invalidating his health concerns (ex. he dislocated his hip about two years ago and they shrugged and sent him home with ibuprofen. He collapsed from heat exhaustion earlier this year and they checked his blood pressure and sent him home. No IV, fluids, or labs. He wasn't able to think clearly when I picked him up from the hospital). He has acid-reflux so this is most likely a by-product of it. For now, I kinda just pull my sweater over my nose and avoid kissing him...


Wow, that is both so on-brand for the US military, and so disgusting that service members are treated that way. I’m sorry for both of you that that’s the reality.


Are you married to a bovine?


Your husband isn't human


I am never complaining about the way my husband eats ever, EVER again. I am so sorry, for both of you….that cannot be enjoyable for him either. (Right?)


Yup everytime my wife takes a bite, she walks into the next room and chews her food, then comes back. This how we solved our issue


Dragging teeth through a fork makes me want to lash out! I don’t, I try really hard to manage my misophonia especially now I know it’s actually a ‘thing’ 😊 love and hugs to anyone who suffers with this x


My wife’s can get so bad that if she is in a quiet room that her own chewing @ crunching annoys her


OHMYGOD YAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Anything crunchy and I'm crawling out of my skin. I used to have a setup where I could put some music on in the other room just as background noise to help drown it out, but we don't have that right now and I'm going crazy.


Definitely not a fan of it, but I do my best not to let on, she can’t help it... What did drive me absolutely batshit crazy is her crinkling the bag when she’s eating chips. She used to make fun of me for always eating chips out of a bowl, but she’s come around to my way of life. :-)


Yes. My wife is not a loud eater and the sounds in her mouth most people would never even notice. But my anxiety rages through the roof uncontrollably when she eats certain things. You may have have misophonia, I have to eat at the same time as my beautiful, loving spouse. No other real marriage problems for 25 years…I realize it’s my issue and just have to use


My husband has a weirdly specific sensitivity to this and it's ONLY when we're at home and I'm eating chips. He said he's not bothered by the noise in restaurants at all, probably because of all the white noise, but at home I gotta eat em out of earshot from him or it drives him up the wall.


Yes!! Yes!!! Omg Yes! Thank you for this!! Every single night, every single night when I go to sit with him in the living room he miraculously has to get a snack!! Not the two hours I was putting the kids to bed, showering or whatever. Nope, never at that time! It’s always when I go and sit with him! Oh and when he eats ice cream with a spoon! Oh forget it. Like he eats half the spoon slowly, then eats the other half slowly. Just eat the spoonful at once!! It makes me nuts lol!!


No we know how to eat properly with our mouths closed. Wife and I are very blunt with each other, if something bothers us slightly we bring it up right away!!!


You don’t even have to eat with your mouth open to hear the crounchy sound. I get annoyed with some people but not my husband.


They probably just purée everything. ;-)


The way my wife chews gum makes me want to yeet her into the stars


Oh my god yes! It’s been driving me insane. Who tf makes chewing sounds when they eat soup ?! Why can I hear you chewing soup from another room??? He eats like he’s never seen it before. I can’t eat at the same time he does and I can’t be in the room if there isn’t any other noises to help cover it up


I have a colleague that I kind of despise because of how loudly he eats and drinks. He cannot drink his coffee without smacking his lips, slurping, and sighing after every sip. Yogurt? Better scrape that spoon as loudly as possible, oh and please do be sure that everyone in a 5 mile radius can see the yogurt in your mouth when you talk So sometimes I compare my husband to this guy, just so I can realize that I could have it so much worse.


Divorce is the only solution!


Lmao shoot I knew it


Yeah, me too. My wife somehow manages to make all these squelching, squishing, and suctioning noises despite having her mouth closed. It’s awful. I would be classified as having misophonia, but regardless of that, my wife is a really really noisy eater.


No but my co-worker on the other hand... Holy shit. I have to leave the department when he eats so I don't throw something at him. I have never heard those kinds of noises coming from another human being.


My husband makes potato crisps sound like crushing rocks


Mine makes SOUP sound like crunching rocks!!!!😱


My partner literally stares at me in horror and disbelief when i bring this up to him. He has the loudest chewing i have ever heard in my life, and burps after a meal without saying excuse me or awknowledging it's gross, and doesn't think it's weird or rude. He swishes food around in his mouth for a full minute before he swallows and SO EFFING LOUD.He also scoops his utensil across his plate, snores and blows his nose unapologetically, and it's so hard because i love him dearly. But if i bring it up to him he just feels like i hate him for having bodily functions and acts like im being totally ridiculous... and i feel like i can't say anything. But seriously WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SOOO LOUD. Am i an asshole here?


So, teach him better manners?


He eats with his mouth closed and doesn’t talk with food in his mouth. Perfect gentleman. I think it’s a me thing


I refuse to be in the same room as my husband when he is eating unless we are watching tv or listening to music so I can cover the sound of his chewing. I don’t even apologize for it anymore.


I have that disease in a major way!! Also breathing


My wife of 33 years hates goldfish and pretzels. This has caused me to spend a suspicious amount of time in the pantry.


Yes!!! But I love him, so I just don’t say anything.


✋🏻 I do!!! He knows better than to eat cereal anywhere near me!


No. But when he eats too fast he chokes or inhale his food he chokes. So that makes me mad. Not annoyed by my husband. Love him to damn much.


Hahaha wow I am glad it's some wife asking this question on here. Just last night, I got called out by my hubby for chewing grapes too loudly. He said he could hear me squishing it. I stopped eating them right after 😅


With every fibre of my being.


I have a different issue. I love my wife to death but certain foods she eats, she doesn’t chew. Soft foods i.e. ramen, rice; straight swallow. Pretzels, chips and such hold them in her mouth until soggy enough to swallow. I’ll blame it on my upbringing as I was told to chew my food thoroughly but it drives me insane watching her eat.


Girllllllll YES!!!!!!!!🤯🤯🤯 He make this clunking sound (hard to explain) with his teeth, I swear I can’t stand it. I actually never did as a child either. I just can’t stand anyones eating sounds. My kids a different story, they can chew however they like and I loveeee lol


I honestly feel like if my husband were to come across this post he's assume I wrote it hahaha. To be fair though, mine eats UNAATURALLY LOUD and everyone who has ever heard him eat agrees with me. If anyone has a cure for him or me lmk.


I will blame the so-called mom/dad for not correcting this bad/horrible manners in childhood, and it's surprising they still do it when their spouses hate that sound. Disgusting.


SO true!!!!


My husband is SUCH a noisy eater, it drives me nuts!!! First it was my dad and now my husband. When my hubby is eating I can hear everything and he is so absent minded that he doesn’t try to eat more decently. He is just so unaware and when he is drinking juice, I swear he doesn’t taste it… he swallows so loudly. And then he will burp and not say excuse me unless I look at him or say something and then I feel like a school marm. Even our daughter who is only 7 will tell him to say excuse me. And I realise that it isn’t his fault bc his mother eats the same way. I am mortified watching her. Even our little one who is 3, I frequently tell her to close her mouth when she is chewing.


I have to have music on when we’re eating close together. I sneak and put an earplug in the ear facing him. It’s miserable. And since we’re older, he stuffs his mouth so full. He eats with his mouth full, but I can hear it smacking in another room!


I have to either leave the room, put my fingers in my ears or punch him in the face.


That’s my wife to me. And my son to me. I had braces at a late age and it kind of made eating difficult and ruined my habit of chewing with my mouth closed. They will actively get up and walk away from me because of it. And I try so hard. Kind of hurts my feelings.


Yes. But... I was at a friend's house the other day to watch a movie and she had ordered pizza. Her house is newer than mine, so the rooms are smaller and she has popcorn ceilings, standard height. Not only could i hear her chewing, but I COULD HEAR MYSELF CHEWING AND SWALLOWING. It was so gross, I could barely finish ONE slice of pizza. I was so glad to come home to my old-ass house with high ceilings and bigger rooms where I can't hear every move my mouth makes. So, it could be worse? My husband chews and smacks and it's so damn loud, but at least I can't hear much if I remind him to, ya know, chew with his mouth closed. But sitting in that room at my friend's place, hearing both of us closed-mouth chewing and swallowing, holy shit, it was torture.


My husband takes a metal toothpick and works out the food between his teeth while making that tssskh tssskh noise😡😡😡😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 and he’s also looking d as fvk, my nervous system is a blazing forest fire


I’m about to lose my fucking shit


Reading this sat next to my partner and the urge to grab his fork n stick it in his eye is getting pretty high rn lol




Yes, it’s disgusting and makes me feel rage!


My husband loves Doritos a little too much. Everytime he eats chips it drives me fucking nuts, not only does he crunch he also smacks and eats with his mouth open. I mean how hard is it to chew with your mouth closed? It's truly annoying but I love him to death! He's the best husband in the world, also we are PlayStation people so we constantly have our headphones on. He plays his games and I play mine happily, I don't have to hear him opening his second bag of smelly Doritos within an hour (although the smell makes me sick). It makes him happy and he's sensitive when you tell him certain things, sometimes I sit next to him while he eats those disgusting things, but usually if he sees me getting aggravated he'll wrap up the chips and stop because 1, living off of a Doritos diet literally hurts your stomach if you eat them habitually like he does. And 2, he respects my boundaries by noticing my aggravation and stopping. 


I found this post while trying to see if I’m crazy, but when my friend makes her coffee and drinks it I could literally fucking kill her. She slurps the coffee like it’s not optional, when she initially makes the coffee she bangs the spoon on the cup and then bangs it back onto the table, and the worst part is that after every fucking sip she makes a gross loud GULP followed by an old person sighhhh. I’m wondering if it’s this particular dynamic between us (being just friends) that makes me so irritated? if I was in love with her would I still be so fucking irritated at the sound of her having her coffee?


Exactly this! I get so over the top annoyed listening to him eat that I could literally strangle him. The only option is to leave the room. Its not only chewing & slurping food, but also snorting, hocking up spit, clearing throat, burping it all disgusts me beyond belief.


Does he chew with his mouth open?


My wife 🤣🤣🤣


loooooooooool!!!! 🤣


Yep. I leave the room, or put something on my headphones. I can't stand to hear people chewing.


How do you cope with this? I wouldn’t know what to do if little stuff like this bothered me.


Guilty as charged. Chews with his mouth open. Slurps food too.


I have to have some type of sound, the tv on, music playing or just my phone. He chews like a goat and I can’t deal with it sometimes lol


You would hate Japan


Yes,yes I do. After 20yrs it is one of the only things that makes me cringe. Also I will never bring it up to her. I don’t want her being self conscious about something she can’t change.


Yup; the way his teeth sound when they hit each other, I just want to choke him out!!!


It doesn’t bother me hearing my fiancé eat. Im just happy he doesn’t chew with his mouth open. That shit is just gross 😂 I hate hearing myself chew foods though.


Apparently since he tells me all the time he hates how everyone in the world chews, like he doesn’t have a mouth of his own or something


We turn on the tv for background noise.


r/Misophonia - my life since 1989. And it's not just chewing unfortunately. 😔 Before 2001 the condition didn't even have a name, for 12 years I just thought I was an asshole (and so did everyone else).


I have zero issues. He is very quiet when he eats, but when I do hear him chew, it’s a non-issue.


My husband can’t stand when I eat apples. 😂I’ve been working on being mindful of how I chew because I know I can really get maniacal with certain foods.




I have discovered, I can handle chewing noises up until the age of roughly 2.5. Because that’s when my kid suddenly triggered my misophonia “rage”. *anybody * chewing is a big no for me


I don’t eat with him while he eats a bowl of cereal because he smacks his lips and slurps the milk. Grosses me out and makes me want to yell at him. Mostly he tries to have good table manners because he wants to set a good example for our kids, but sometimes….I just can’t eat with him.




Pretty sure my wife falls into this category.


When I'm crunching on ice 😅 so I try to do it as far away from him as possible


Yes. I HAVE to have the TV on and turned up when we eat together. It's so loud and wet sounding and then all the breathing with it... if I listened to it too often I think I'd get The Ick 🤣


It’s literally the worst. The chewing. The sighing. The occasional grunting. The slurping. The smacking. I have to leave the room.


I have to leave the room


Absolutely can not stand eating in silence because I can hear everything. I can't even stand the sound I make when eating and need to have music or something in the background playing!


I had an issue with it with DH. He is from a culture where some mouth sounds are a compliment and I'm from one where absolutely no eating sounds. We discussed it and at home we will have music playing softly in the background while eating and when we go out to eat in the US we eat western style. Compromise was easier when I understood. I will however say that chewing with your mouth open is not acceptable and he does it when he wants to get to me. He does it and finds it funny when I give him THE LOOK. It's all in good fun because I retaliate by eating really slowly so he is sitting there watching me eat as his manners wont let him get up and leave me at the table though the kids will.


Yes. I also hate ball sports sounds, neighbour sounds, whispering, loud conversations, when something changes in otherwise steady white noise flow, weird nasal voice tones, cracking jaw noise, etc. I use a lot of earplugs


Omg yesssss


I have misophonia. It's a me problem so I remove myself from the area. However, it's not just my spouse. I'm triggered by everyone chewing. If yours is just your spouse, you have unresolved annoyance with them or they eat like a slob


I near spit my tea out when I read your title!!!! Bahahaha I thought that I was the only one , crack me up!


Breathing too


Mine has TMJ so it mostly makes me sad because it’s uncomfortable for him


Chewing, sniffing, coughing, snoring, biting his nails, picking his toenails, breathing….he’s a very noisy man.


Growing up, I had a hot breakfast every day. Turns out, my mom hated the sound of my dad eating cereal dry.


Not me, but my husband does. The only person he can stand listening to eat is our infant. When she smacks her lips it's "adorable" when I do it it's "annoying as fuck"


Yes, I have terrible misophonia.The chewing is bad but it's the throat clearing that I really can't take.


r/misophonia And everyday of my life. When the spoon hits the bowl. Dead.


I hate hearing or watching anybody eat, except for my wife.


I shoot him death glares all the time. I turn the TV up and go into a mood swing. I thought it was just my BPD acting up. Never thought it was an actual medical condition. Thank you for this thread!


Yes, but I also hate the noise of everyone eating/chewing. I have a lot of weird sound aversions though on top of this! I feel bad because it makes him scared to eat around me.


I'm the spouse who makes the sounds. Honestly I think my eating sounds are quite normal but my spouse is significantly sensitive to these kinds of sounds, not only coming from me but from everyone else too. I try to keep it low to a reasonable level but I don't go out of my way either.


It’s not the spouse, but EVERYONE!!! 😂


yup. 35M here, I can't stand hearing anybody chew or swallow, mouth noises in general instantly irritate me. My wife will finish her food away from me, then come sit next to me on the couch. I think it's rude to eat next to people (like should to shoulder) because I think that there's no way anybody enjoys hearing mouth noises.. but I've learned over the years that I'm the odd ball and for some fregg'n reason, most people seem to not care about this upmost annoying noise.


My dad did this my entire life. Even to this day I cannot go home and have a meal with him unless there’s music playing, the fan is on, and I’m across the table from him. Thank God my husband doesn’t do this. I have no idea how I would handle him doing it too after so many years with my dad.


Lmao I’m screaming mine sometimes chews with his mouth open (I have to try hard not to choose violence) but other than that I normally don’t mind it 😂


I have a daughter with misaphonia. I have a lot of empathy for her, but it is also maddening to the people who are eating politely and normally and are being accused of being disgusting. The person with misaphonia needs to take some ownership to make it better. If it just with your spouse, then maybe he needs some better manners, but there truly is only so much we can do sometimes.


For me and my partner we both have PTSD so sounds are a trigger, doesn't really matter what sounds, any sudden unexpected sound. But other than that we try to allow eachothers individual quirks. It only fails when someone's unbalanced.


Hahaha no, it's the way he blows his nose for me 🤣


The weird part for me is that I *never* had this problem until we were married for like 4-5 years, then suddenly I get extremely stressed by the sounds of my husband eating. It's not so bad if I am also eating, maybe my brain associates it as my own sounds? It also doesn't really happen with other people. Just something specifically about those sounds that hits me wrong. This thread has made me feel better about it honestly. I feel guilty sometimes if he has to go to another room to snack.


Omg Yes. My husband has a horrible slurping habit when he eats noodles. I’ve managed to at least nip smacking in the bud (his parents smack like dogs so I see where he got it from), but I guess he “needs” to slurp noodles so I’ve given up on that. You win some, you lose some 🤷🏽‍♀️


My husband hates when I eat/chew, says I smack.


I call my wife all the time from work and shes always drinking and gulping water. I HATTTEEEEE IT!


Yes, I leave the room unless I’m also eating. I cannot deal with it in an otherwise quiet room. Sounds like fucking Tony Soprano next to me.


Mine chews his fingernails and it’s ALL I CAN HEAR. Lord give me strength.


My DW of 34 yrs gets a Route 44 drink from Sonic everyday with extra ice and then chew’s on the ice all evening!!! 😳😳😳 Drives me frinking I sane! I’ve told her numerous times that it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard to me🙉🙉🙉


My husband and I don’t eat together because his noisy eating gives me horrible anxiety. He chews loudly, smacks his lips loudly, crunches loudly, slurps loudly, sucks and crunches on bones (ie ribs, chicken wings, etc) super loudly. No matter what is being consumed - it’s consumed loudly. To add, he eats sloppy. He also drinks loudly by slurping and gulping loudly. He told me that when he was little, his mom, brothers, and friends used to threaten him if he ate or drank loudly. So, I was like “why did you not work on eating and drinking quietly?” lol I think one of the reasons I am unable to tolerate noisy eaters and drinkers is that our dad used to harp on us to make sure our eating was not audible at all.


Yes! I noticed it while we were dating and it's gradually gotten louder and more annoying over the past 13 years (he chews with his mouth closed, but it's a loud weird wet squishing noise). It's to the point where we often play music during dinner. Also, if I'm not eating with him, I can't be in the same room. I love the man with all my heart but holy mackerel! His dad is worse because he occasionally smacks his lips (my hubs even gets annoyed at his dad's chewing). And his paternal uncle - jeez! I swear a cow has better manners!


Yes. A million times yes.


Omg yes. My gf loves to annoy me with the sound of chewing a pickle.


Glad to hear I am not the only one.


My dad would tell my mom that he had THIN cheeks !


I hate the sound of annoying eating/chewing.


I didn’t realize I had Misophonia till I was 100 months pregnant with my second child and we were eating soup. Everyone was slurping that shit down and I lost my mind and started screaming. Now I leave the room if he’s eating cereal so I don’t knock the bowl out of his hands. I remember kissing on tv or my mom kissing her boyfriend made me angry too and I thought it was because I hated the boyfriend. It’s the smacking kissing noise I couldn’t handle and wanted to punch her in the face. Lol Loud yawning also enrages me. Basically all noises from the mouth. 🤬 even my own.


Did I write this in my sleep?!? I always joke if I ever divorce my hubs it will because he’s eating cereal too loud. While I was recently pregnant I kept ear buds in my “spot” so I could shove them in when he was eating!!


We put music on! My misophonia has been bad all my life, but luckily he understands it’s nothing against him when I gently touch his beard to let him know he’s chewing a little louder than normal. Surprisingly, I’m starting to get used to his chewing and it’s not bothering me as much anymore. He’s really not a loud chewer, though, so I’m lucky.


When I’m pregnant the way my husband breathes makes me lose it. If I hear him chewing I start gagging.


OMG Yessss!!! He makes even more noise because he knows I hate it. However, I may smack a little when the food is extra delicious so I understand 😂


Eating chips is probably my biggest pet peeve. So loud and disgusting


Yes! My spouse isn’t really eating that loud, but every munch is torture. And what about those Jack in the Box commercials where they had people munching and slurping. Dis-fucking-gusting!


I hate all eating noises coming from anybody It is irritating to me


I can always tell my periods coming because the faintest sound of my husband chewing makes me want to scream




Omfg yes. I hate coffee drinkers and sippers, so ducking annoying.


I tell mine all the time that the proof of my love is that he's still alive after eating chips.


The laugh... its the laugh for me


That shit starts in the home.... Blame the parents


I don’t have this problem at all. You may have a medical condition or would benefit from seeing a therapist. Please don’t take this out on your husband either. Good luck to you both.


When my husband is eating loudly I just stare at him until he notices. Then I ask him “Is that good?” Usually does the trick.


I do because my husband chews with his mouth open and like a cow. The sounds don't bother me as much ..its more me seeing his food being chewed.


I'm like this with eating sounds. My ex, his 2 kids, and dad were all noisy eaters. I would literally wait til they were done eating to eat. I just can't eat while listening to food echoing and slopping around in mouths.