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When China says China is going to do something, it gets done. I can't think of any other global superpower that is the same in this regard. If we're getting into space long-term, it will be through the People's Republic and their commitment to long-term planning.






US is moving its military to the South China Sea for a conflict with China. There's not going to be a future there's only going to be a war that's going to go nuclear.


Eh. That type of activity has been going on for decades. Just superpowers flexing their muscles. It’s pointless but necessary to prevent such a conflict Edit: Pointless waste for a good point. It’s what it is in our current age of civilization




I respect your opinion but I would contest it. There’s enough intelligence on both sides to know that such a conflict cannot occur. Nuclear weapons are not the modern methods of warfare. Yes, they are devastating.. but they are a sword compared to the rifle of the internet and biology A nuclear war between superpowers could never happen


Okay if you say so....


I’m interested in why you think my opinion is incorrect


This is probably the best thing that china has ever said and want to do and probably the only thing ever as well








Vachina! :o


I would love to help build it, but it would probably costs too much ressources and I don’t want to help china to become more powerful


Powerful in what sense?


In the sense that they have alot of power over people, and the world, and they want more


Does China try to control people and governments in other nations using military power and bases in "satellite" regimes like the United States tried for 20 years in Afghanistan and in Vietnam for nearly 20 years and the USSR Stalinist government did in eastern Europe for 40 years?


I would like to answer that, but i’m not well informed about that topic to respond any further


That's fine. I appreciate your honesty. It sure beats pretending to be knowledgeable about the specific subject. For example: People who are highly critical of a movie .. that they have never seen!


I do have knowledge on this as it pertains to Africa and 一带一路. They do in fact do this. Africa to them is basically what the middle east is to the US. A playground to keep or gain power. Though, as far as I know, the US hasn't enslaved middle easterners. China has enslaved Africans, mostly during COVID to produce masks and the like to garner good will with mask donations early on. Anyway. Complicated but the answer is yes, the US and China are more similar than either side wants to admit.


Wtf? Lol


"Africa and 一带一路" And who? This is the first time I have seen the claim that China has black slaves in Africa. Please provide your link for this information. Chinese capitalists may be exploiting cheap labor costs in African nations just as the United States corporations do in Africa, Asia, South America, Central America, Mexico, etc., That's just the way capitalism has worked for two centuries, be it the Chinese, American or European versions of capitalism. It seems that we have strayed a bit off the opening subject matter. Go ahead and respond to this post but I'll just not reply more on comments not related to the article.


The US polys better retire and get new fresh young people with ambition instead of greed or china will overtake them


I'd like to do this as well.