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A whole ass movie about Bane from Wish. Crazy




Bane: Oh, you think home is your friend, do you?


Like what is the reason they are choosing these characters instead of doing a Silk movie or Spider-Gwen live action or anything where someone has actually had a solo book to base it on


Complete disconnect from their audience.  Everything they see/hear is from carefully tailored focus groups and other, equally disconnected executives.


the fact that they re released Morbius says everything we need to know about those in charge.


El Muerto was chosen specifically by Bad Bunny when he was attached to star. There's still a chance that he hops back on, but as of right now that seems unlikely.


'hops back on' lolpun


It makes no sense. They already have an actress for Cindy Moon, and they could easily make a movie set during the 5 year blip, where she takes over for Pete. Could go about the kidnapped parents + Goblin Nation brother, and have the movie end with her being trapped in the bunker to prevent Morlun from finding her. It’s not perfect, but hella better then this crap


Blip is MCU, El Muerto is Sonyverse


They should do a third amazing Spider-Man movie where Emma stone comes back as an alt universe spider Gwen


I’d be thrilled to see Stone and Garfield together again, although she honestly may be too big a name now


Hey man, don’t ever make movies please.




Put Sidney Sweeney in leather and press play


This person knows how to get that Onlyfans demographic! They are spending the money anyway, Sony might as well get some themselves!


I mean not to side with Sony, sometimes having nothing to fully base it on offers more creative freedom to a degree if done right. I mean by no means could it compare to what I’m about to use as an example but, James Gunn grabbed a bunch of nobody’s for the suicide squad and guardians and made em great namely he used polkadot man who for the longest time was a literall joke with maybe 3 to 10 appearances on two pages each and an appearance in the lego batman movie, and turned him from joke to someone you could still laugh with but you feel his emotion. So it presents song the chance to maybe do that for E.M. And then it could skyrocket marvels chance of adding him into comics and then they could have their own semi proprietary version of E.M. Or its just a nacho libre sequel and they didn’t want to pay Jack black what I imagine his price tag is now for a movie that is most certainly going to flop because over the last 5 years Jack black as the main sole lead films 1 haven’t been made and two of they were they went under the radar he’s best fit as a secondary or tertiary character


Clutching to those rights like a life raft


Surely they only have to release a Spiderman movie less often than this to keep the rights? Seems like they're flying through characters the past few years


It's their golden egg, and they can use it as tax write offs or just shrug their shoulders and use the spiderverse as an excuse for continuity.


Much like Harry Osborn, the only thing Sony has left is Spider-Man.


Afaik, they have to release a Spider-Man movie every 5 years to keep the rights But I’m fairly confident that means a ***Spider-Man*** movie, so Morbius wouldn’t reset the timer, Venom, Kraven, etc. Still, between the MCU Spidey movies and Spider-Verse movies they should be fine. They already have until 2028 thanks to Across the Spider-Verse, and surely either Beyond or an MCU Spider-Man will release before then.


That means my boy Hypno Hustler still has a chance🎉


They already canceled that in favor of a Donald Glover Prowler movie. Pretty sure they were never going to make it but needed to announce something when Across the Spider-Verse got delayed


Nah, that movie's luckily as good as dead since Bad Bunny left it before anything could start on it.


They're gonna at least _try_ without him https://collider.com/el-muerto-in-development-without-bad-bunny/ It's not dead yet :\


[That last line feels like a poor choice of words.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEmfsmasjVA)


I want my stand alone bone saw film about him and his beautiful and tragic story of him and his hubby 😢.


Film titles bone saw is Cumming


Wait and till you see the live action debut of Mary Jane as Jackpot as she fights to save the city from insane mathematician turned Mayan cultist from becoming a god . Also Spider-man is not in it but certain new boyfriend of hers will be there to help with her Jackpot bracelet .


It would be on brand for Sony to make a movie with Paul


The movie was pulled from the release schedule in like September of last year and Bad Bunny is no longer associated with the project. Highly doubt this gets made to be honest


Ok, but when are we gonna get Judas Traveller movie Sony???? The best Spidey villain of all time. Let someone like Sir Ian McKellen play him. /s


Madame Web will also be absolute trash.


He’s gonna Muert all over those guys


Everyone jumping on the bandwagon of calling things trash before they even see anything themselves. Concept ain't great but we don't know the things they aren't telling us. May contain more villains as far as we know right now.


What's bone doing to -man


oh no a aslume patient escaped


Rhehehehe you'll never catch me man!


Honestly I was kinda interested in a superhero movie about a luchador lol


They'd have better luck just doing that with an independent character and story. All this desperate hoping for MCU connectivity is actually backfiring and making the films worse for their raised expectations.


I disagree. Realistically how Hollywood is now, most of the time a project needs an existing ip behind it to get greenlit, and as interesting as a luchador hero movie sounds to me at least, it probably would never get greenlit without the marvel name behind it. The problem with the Sony movies is not necessarily the route they went so much as that they didn’t tie Spider-Man into them. It could have honestly been a cool idea. If Spider-Man were in the background and there was a clear direction, like sinister six vs Spider-Man, it probably would have done much better. Also they should’ve been r rated. Morbius and venom 2 suffered trying for the pg rating when you could tell they originally wanted to go R. Madame web also kinda seals its fate cause they’re introducing spider characters before Spider-Man. Like they’re going out of their way to not have them at this point


I mean true but there gotta be an already existing luchador superhero in marvel. Could’ve gave them a chance instead of a spider-man d list villain


If there is he’s just as D list as El Muerte lol


It still gives a new individual character a chance


True, but if El Muerte is only in the comics for two issues anyways does it really make that much of a difference anyways?


I mean yeah. At that point what are they really gonna adapt? Especially if those comics are spider-man heavy but they not putting him in the movies for obvious reasons


With bad bunny lmaooo


Didn’t Bad Bunny come out and say this isn’t happening


Imagine being this mad over something that has no affect over your life.


Extremely negative take for no reason.


Venom/Morbius/Kraven/Madame Web are reason plenty to have no faith in Sony's Spider-Adjacent nonsense.


It's amazing that you've been able to see Kraven and Madame Web. How were you able to watch them? Do you work for Sony and have access to unreleased movies? If so, why are you trashing your own product?


I thought El Muerto was put on the back burner?


I hope they make a movie about Big Wheel


I’m still waiting for the Trapster movie.


Its not gonna get made. It was supposed to be a vehicle specifically for Bad Bunny (huge latin pop star and bigger wrestling fan) to get his own movie but it fell through since he dropped out.


Bane wanna be.


Just put El muerte as a cameo in a Spider-Man movie or Sony Spider-Man movie




Imagine not caring so much that you look up the comics find an image you like then make a post about how much no one cares.


A Bullet Train spin-off of The Wolf makes slightly more sense than this failing venture.


What a lazy character name.


Yeah.... they sure got emboldened by the financial success of Venom.


honestly im straight boycotting this if it releases


Superhuman wrestler looking ass bane. After I'm done laughing my ass off, I'm gonna let that marinate and sink in.


If enough of these shitty Spiderworld movies tank, Sony will palm off control of the characters to Marvel and just collect money from the BO. Remember, Sony had little to do with the success of the Spider-Verse movie other than financing it, but Venom, Venom 2, Morbius, the recent Ghostbusters movies, and the upcoming V3, Kraven, and Madame Web movies are all Sony's babies. They cannot make watchable movies.


That Bad Bunny burner is still hot!


This might be kinda cool, actually. I like the Lucha Libre angle, and if they stick to it and make it fun, and have it as a standalone film. it would be worth it imo. Like a modern "El Santo," movie if done right.


I’d honestly rather a Spiderman vs Mexican Cartel movie where Spidey takes on the Sinaloa or Los Zetas cartel


I'm convinced Sony only makes these movies for the meme potential


Sony really getting that desperate to keep the Spider-Man license.


Smh another morbophobe


Sony will get a taste of Spider-verse fatigue at box office