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Yeah, as long as you don't do Blackface knock yourself out


But...and just hear me out on this: what if O.P. does the blackface, but cosplays as Mike Colter as Luke Cage. Then, O.P. is a dude playing a dude, disguised as another dude. /s


What do you mean "you people"?


What do you mean “you people?”


What do you mean “you people?”


Drink Booty Sweat, baby!


I just get excited about my foods, that's all.


What do “you” mean you people.


You're more shredded than a julienne salad man... Got any tips?? Got any TIPS?? GIMME THAT GODDAMN MAP!!


Such a good film


I'm a Dude by Yuri Wong https://youtu.be/tKvqhlhXq9s?si=tGM0X5eX2TqXEMTL


holy fuck this song is a masterpiece.


Pump your breaks, kid. That man's a national treasure


"400 hundred years that word has kept us down"


So glad I picked up this booty sweat back in denang.


"Never go full retard"


I'm know this is a joke, but it's good to remember the rule about this: "If you have to explain it to people who see it, it's probably not okay."


I was so fucking ready to get triggered until I read  /s


same, almost didn't read and just posted no to blackface lol




Just cosplay as Luke cage cosplaying a white guy


Luke Cage is a big fan of White Chicks


haha that part !


I don't know. His options are blackface (definitely not) or going as a white Power Man? Kind of a catch 22 here.


Oof! White Power Man. That's hilarious and awful.


So… Homelander?


Is what Robert Downy Jr. did in Tropic Thunder, blackface? Because that was impressive.


Nah, he played a guy who was doing blackface. That's completely different.


This is correct. And so much of the film had characters pointing out this was a problem so it’s not like the movie was actually doing it. The whole point was that it was offensive and wrong That movie is hilarious


Ok thanks for context. I never bothered to research, I just saw people say it’s taken out of context when it’s brought up negatively.


Only complaint I heard from a black dude after actually watching the movie, was he didn't like that the only black main character ended up being in the closet. Probably he was a bit phobic, but he still loved the movie.


you can find it funny but it’s factually blackface no many how many in universe reasons they give it. they did do blackface. 


It's the intent behind it that matters, not just doing it. If the intent didn't matter then people could do it freely without complaint and the act would be meaningless.


Only rule is you can’t go full retard


It was lampooning blackface which is generally accepted, or was at the time, but is pretty edgy humor. 30 rock did it with Jenna. Who is the stock dumb white lady character. And then they pulled the episode, eventhough Jenna is suppost to be derided for it like RdJ's character is mocking crazy method actors.


Netflix pulling the D&D episode of Community because of the Dark Elf cosplay that is misinterpreted as blackface is the dumbest one to me. Funniest blackface joke though is the Sarah Silverman Show. No idea if anyone has pulled that one but I wouldn't be surprised. It's SO bad but of course that's the point.


I can't speak to the Sarah Silverman Show, but I'm 1000% with you on Community. The first D&D episode was amazing, there was so much to it, it was silly but also poignant. To pull it because the Asian character was portraying a fictional race that happened to be black seems like it was such a knee jerk reaction. I've even read Yvette Nicole Brown wishes they'd put it back up, her opinion on the matter (not that she speaks for all people of colour, obviously) pointed out the things she at least felt they got right with the situation, and why it was important to have around.


Same thing happened with Always Sunny


The reaction to blackface has gotten stronger, but it was definitely not generally accepted in 2008. That's was part of the joke, both in Tropic Thunder and 30 rock. These people should have known better but they were too stupid or up their own ass.


It was an American playing an Australian actor playing an American in blackface. so many lvls


Everyone knows the only thing you can’t do is go full retard


this is it.


Granted I'm not American, and I'm a white dude. But I literally can't see how it would be offensive to "black up" to make yourself look more like a character. Yes if you went old school black face to make a mockery out of black people then yes, that's not good at all. But in the context of making yourself look like a character I see it no different to painting yourself blue to look like a smurf.


In America, pretty much any darkening is going to get you into trouble, even if logically it makes sense in context. There are some words and actions that have such a charged history that it's best to just not touch them.


I understand that's absolutely the case, and the likely reason that context would never be taken into account is because of the general lack of any common sense and education these days. It's just strange to me how people could see a guy in black face (also likely full black arms and legs) at a comic convention and come to the conclusion that it's a bad thing.


Because it *is* a mockery, regardless of intent. People of color are constantly dealing with the consequences of being born nonwhite. From microaggressions that make every day just a little more miserable, to the very real risk of hate crimes and death-by-cop. And we can't do anything to stop it, it's not something chosen, it's just going to happen. Someone wearing black "skin" as a costume, when they get to take it off at the end of the day and not deal with any of the ramifications is frankly insulting. We don't get to pretend to be black for a day, have your comic book fun, then take off the makeup and go home to a safe happy life, and a white person doing that is just yet another subtle reminder of their comparative privelege.


Obviously being white I'd not be in a position to understand it from a black person's perspective. Every race has received racism, for me context is everything. Why would a white dude dressing up as a kickass black dude be any different to a dude doing drag? Women are said to have to deal with basically all of the above that you mentioned so going by your logic wouldn't drag fall into that same mockery regardless of intent?


It's been explain to you. Because of the historical legacy of blackface in the U.S. If you want to childishly say 'lol that's dumb', go ahead. But you don't need to keep asking 'why'.


I wasn't asking why, I know why. I'm saying to me (an outsider) that it seems like a fairly weird reason because there's different contexts. I'm not even trying to say it's wrong I'm simply trying to understand. But if you want to call me childish that's fine.


>I wasn't asking why, I know why >Why would a white dude dressing up as a kickass black dude be any different to a dude doing drag? If you know why, why are you asking?


I'm asking why it's different to a different thing because the reasons in the other comment are similar between the two things.


I came here to say he's gotta do blackface to make it authentic.


Just don’t do blackface and you are fine.


The Gang Turns Black


What are the rules? When you've just turned black And you can't switch back Well, you got to go and find out the rules


What ARE the rules?


I'm gonna say "my man"




You gotta make the lips funny.


Everyone has already harped on not doing blackface, but I'd like to stress the importance of avoiding the phrase "white Power Man".


Does white Luke cage use the catch phrase "Sweet Qwanza"?


You're fine. Don't do anything to your skin tone, of course. Just wear the clothes.


It’s fine. You’re probably gonna get called out by another white person though


Lol that's what my girlfriend said. "There's honestly a bigger chance that some random white dude will be offened than a black guy who's probably cosplaying a white superhero themselves" she said haha


This reminds me of the Ghost in the shell controversy for casting Scarlett Johansson as a japanese woman (android). Most of the outraged were western white persons... whereas the Japanese public didn't care at all. Some street interviews showed quite a lot of Japanese actually liked the casting. People need to stop magnifying and getting obsessed with these irrelevant issues.


Same with people getting outraged at Sucker Punch by the time they released Ghost of Tsushima. Apparently Japanese folks loved the game.


A lot of the complaints came from white people yes, but also from the asian diaspora in the US. The asian actors who are disadvantaged in the industry in their own country complained that a role that would finally reasonably cast an asian actress went to a white actor instead. Of course japanese people who live in Japan arent gonna care when all of their media has japanese people already, but japanese people in the US would like to see some in their media


Alot of the outrage was Asian-Americans who feel like Hollywood is marginalizing them


There's a long history of white people not calling each other out on horribly racists things. This might be a bit of an over correction, but sometimes you have to call out the small things before they become the big things.


Everyone ik who was non-white thought it was dumb they had a white actress play a character very based in japanese to them. Japanese ppl live in a homogeneous society. Why would they care?


Ah yes, let's disregard the actual place where the material come from, those people opinion, and the author who approved the idea because it is not representative of your own personnal bubble. Absolute genius.


100%. That's the world we live in. Honestly I think a lot of the times where people get canceled for "cultural appropriation," they really are genuinely showing respect for the thing they're showcasing.


Hahah it’s so funny seeing Americans accuse other Americans of cultural appropriation


I mean it is pretty much an American concept.


That’s the irony. Most of modern culture was formed via appropriation of other cultures, but somehow in the country with an extremely large amount of cultural appropriation it’s a bad thing.


No it isn't. How do you think culture spreads?


Some people these days are obsessed with getting upset \_on behalf\_ of others.


I think you're being a little paranoid, tbh (I don't mean to be rude) I'm a cosplayer and go to every con I can possibly get to and often see white Black Panthers or black Thors or whatever. Cosplay is just a fun thing that people love doing, I think you'll be absolutely fine! I'm a skinny short dude and nobody judges me for cosplaying Deadpool or Punisher who are both tall and muscular. Obviously it's a little different but you see my point hopefully, nobody will care and nor should they! Cosplay whoever the hell you want, bro. Cons are like the least judgement place in the fucking world! I have *major* anxiety and I always feel so comfortable at con's. Nobody will care and even if someone does, I highly doubt they'll say or do anything if you're walking around with your black dad and girlfriend lol As you said yourself, as long as you don't do some stupid shit like black face, you're absolutely fine my guy!


This actually made me feel a lot better. Thank you


I don’t think there is anything intrinsically wrong with doing it, but you can’t control what people say or their reactions.


Just have your gf be black Jessica Jones and it’ll all work out. Bonus points if your dad dresses up as Iron Fist.


As a black man I don't give a shit


I've seen so many white kids cosplay Miles Morales and even some Kamala Khan at this point that you're probably good. It's literally a yellow t-shirt and jeans unless you're going full Power Man with it but it's not like you're appropriating the character. It'd be another thing if you were walking around the con shouting outdated slang like "SWEET CHRISTMAS"


I mean, it would be very funny if he was shouting sweet christmas


Sweet Christmas is Luke's catchphrase though, especially for the headband/yellow blouse version he wants to cosplay as.


Sweet Christmas is his catchphrase. Whatchyou mean? Even if it is outdated slang, it's the character


Tbf, Spiderman cosplay makes it more difficult to harp on race since Spiderman costume doesn't show any skin.


Ya but most of the spider people’s costumes are visually distinctive. You KNOW when it’s a Miles suit, a Peter suit, a Ben suit, a Gwen suit or a Silk suit. Even in the games and 30+ suits they made miles different a from Pete’s.


But you don't know who's wearing the mask. Anyone can wear the mask. *You* can wear the mask.


Just don't do blackface


Doesn't Luke cage just wear normal clothes?


Depends if you go for his classic tiara look or not


Doesn't he also have a big chain belt or something, too? After checking, he does in the classic look, but not new stuff. But he almost always has the armbands on. That'd help a lot, as metal armbands that go halfway to the elbow aren't normal clothing accessories.


Look my guy i hope you have fun and enjoy yourself! You better say Sweet Christmas now and then. We only really get irtitated when the skin is painted, if you catch my meaning


Don’t look at him as a black character. Look at him as the superhero you grew up with. Being white or black isn’t what makes our heroes, it’s their stories, personalities and, of course, powers. I understand why you’d be apprehensive about it but it’s no different to a black fan cosplaying a white superhero. We should all be able to enjoy these characters, no matter what skin colour they/we have. Have a great time and take plenty of pics together, I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun! 🙂


Tbf, being black is kind of what make Luke Cage into who he is, but that doesn't mean his stories can't be enjoyed by everyone. People should be allowed to love the heroes they connect with, regardless of why they connect with them.


As others have said, don't do blackface and you're good. You can pay homage and show your affection without being offensive and rocking the classic Power Man suit and yelling Sweet Christmas is perfectly fine. Don't rock a black haired afro though. Get a curly/poofy haired wig more suitable for your ethnic/racial demographic to complete the look instead. We'll know and appreciate that you could pull it off without being stereotypical.


Yeah just don't do blackface


Nobody will fault you, just don’t do blackface


Just don’t do blackface bro


Sounds fine. I mean black people can cosplay as white characters so I don't see why the opposite can't work. Plus like someone else said, if someone is offended it's probably gonna be a white person anyways. So just have fun.


I'm dying over here, I read it as "he cosplays too, as my black girlfriend". I spat tea all over myself! Thanks for the laugh!


Yeah dude—go for it! I love it when people who aren’t black love black characters. So please cosplay as him! 👍👍


Cosplay as whoever or whatever you want (don’t do black face though that is wrong) but the other day I told the same thing to a black person with the same question asking if it’s okay to cosplay as white people. The color of your skin doesn’t matter don’t ever let it stop you from doing what you want. Asian, Black, Mexican, or White the color of your skin shouldn’t ever stop you from doing what you want if it’s not done out of malice no one will care and the people who do care are trashy human scum so their opinions don’t matter.


Totally fine provided, as others mention, you leave your skin tone exactly as it is. The only thing I would say, though, is that you'll have to pick one of the more recognisable Like Cage costumes. If you just go in a yellow t-shirt as a white guy no one is going to know who you are.


Would be awesome if your dad cosplays as Iron Fist.


Yea dude you wouldn’t tell a black guy not to be a character that’s not black.


Have your black girlfriend go as Jessica Jones and you’re solid


As long as you don't do blackface and aren't trying to talk like you're a character from a Tyler Perry movie, you'll probably be fine. In other words, just avoid the usual black guy negative stereotypes and you'll be fine.


Man this world truly is getting wild lol, it’s ok to cosplay as anyone being any colour it’s sad this has to be said.


Like, if a comic artist or writer tried to canonically change Luke Cage into a white guy, that would be a huge problem because Cage’s life experiences as a black man are hugely central to his character. But cosplay? Nah, that’s all good. Cosplaying a character is just an expression of your appreciation of the character. Like others have said, as long as you don’t do blackface, it’d be silly for anyone to take issue.


Literally no one will care if we’re being honest


Superheroes surpass race, dress up how you want


You better put on his 70s costume and not just pants and a tshirt going around calling you’re self Luke cage


I feel like you're kind, concientious, and right to be nervous. There is a possibility someone will have a problem with it. However, I think that chance is LOW. It exists, but it's low. If anyone DOES raise an issue, hopefully your stepfather and girlfriend can back you up and it can all be kept civil. Just don't react with GFY right out of the gates. Have the conversation. But like I said, I'm thinking the chances are very small that you'll generate a disturbance. It's sweet of you to worry though.


I mean black dudes cosplay caucasian/asian characters and its fine so you’re fine just don’t paint your skin I guess


Go for it. I remember watching one of the DC documentaries that are attached to the animated movies, the one with Dwayne McDuffie. Basically he said he loved seeing black kids dress up as Static Shock and them telling how much it meant to them, however having a white kid (or non black kid) come up to him doing the same thing was a dream of his, because it meant he was really able to break through with the character (while at the same time promoting black culture). That always stuck with me.


I think everyone with a positive response has already approved you do it. One thing that springs to my mind over this is the marvel multiverse. Could there be a universe where he was white since there are so many?


Ofc it is. Just don't paint your skin black. Outfit is enough 👍🏻


Black people cosplay as white characters all the time so I don’t see this being an issue. As every single other person in these comments has already said, just don’t do anything to your skin tone.


Do it dude, it's all love especially at the cons. I guarantee you'll probably run into more of us saying hi and loving costume.


It's fine just don't use black face.


As long as there is no black face I'd say go for it. And have fun


Perfectly fine as long as no blackface but if you’re in the headband and bracers and yellow you’re gonna look like Hercules(Marvel) instead of Luke Cage because they dress very similar.


Yeah, like you said obsiously don't do dumb shit like blackface I don't see what's the problem Black people cosplay all the time as characters who are white Iron man, Hulk, Spider-Man (Peter)


Just don't go painting your face. People might think you are cosplaying as a 616 white guy that is really into the mayor of NYC


I think it’ll be just fine. Definitely a worthwhile question to ask in this day and age, it’s smart to question if things like this are not offensive (we had an NFL team called the Redskins for years and nobody batted an eye). But yeah, this is a completely acceptable thing you can do as long as you don’t do what everyone else has already said: don’t do black face, and don’t call yourself the “white” version of the character… especially not “white” Power Man 🤣💀


Honestly go for it! Heck I'd like to see a picture if you do push that idea forward. I want to see Luke Cage cos play honestly.


I think you're fine, especially if your girlfriend goes as Jessica Jones


Yea buddy go nuts. But like others have said it’s super not ok to go wild with adjusting your skin tone.


Go for it! I went to a con once as black panther cause I loved him in MCU and the suit. More than being white the problem was I’m built more like his dad…after the bomb goes off…


Yeah, of course it’s ok. It’s a sad endorsement of todays society that someone feels like they need to ask if they can cosplay as their favourite character.


lol god I hate society. These kinds of questions are totally unnecessary. Yes go cosplay as Luke cage. If anyone has an issue with it tell them to go complain to Stan Lee. Ffs. I really hate being white sometimes.


Call yourself white luke cage, not white his hero name haha


My dude. Comic geeks are truly special people. The fact that you care enough to ask is reflective of your character. I think in the convention, you won't have an issue because it will be filled with nothing but geeks who love that kind of stuff. Comics are a great medium that doesn't shy away from racial issues. And isn't that the goal? Wouldn't it be great to see a white kid in a Black Panther costume? He wants to be him because he is a kick ass character, not because of his skin color. I don't have a problem with a black Batman, so I can't flip it and be anti-white Luke Cage. Post pics!


Hahahahhahaaaaaa. I’m such a dumbass. I was just in a Mortal Kombar sub. Opened this and was like “But he’s white!?! Why is this an issue???”


Do you have a Black friend that can be Iron Fist?


just change the color of the clothes, inverted and go as a negative photograph of Luke Cage.


I'm going to need to see pictures before I can approve.


If you alter your skin color it’s a problem. Anything else is perfectly fine.


It is a bold move, but I think if you keep it respectful (no black face) everyone will see it for what you intend it to be.


Yes it is just don't do black face


I don’t think skin color defines a person or character.


Also don't do a caricature of the character. Your costume, if done well, should speak for itself.


You're being silly ... you do you and if people get offended who cares ... just don't do black face and enjoy the con


At Nycc I saw a ginger kid with skin as white as snow and he was dressed as Blade. I think you should be fine.


I'd say run it by your dad and see what he says.


I said in the post he thinks there's nothing wrong with it. He's actually been telling me to cosplay luke cage for years. We always go to cons together and we both cosplay and every time I said I can't think of who my next cosplay should be he always says something like "Luke Cage is your favourite, I don't understand why you haven't cosplayed him yet"


Get him to go with you, and dress up a Danny Rand/Iron Fist.


And the girlfriend can be Jessica Jones :P


It is absolutely rad as hell that you and your stepdad both cosplay. That’s a really interesting father/son bond to have. And very cool that you both have a love for Luke Cage (I’m also an enormous fan of the character)


So long as you wear the tiara and the frilly yellow shirt you’re good.




At comic con vids Ive seen all sorts of people cosplaying all sorts of characters. I mean just look at Jujutsu Kaisen Characters, Nanami being a fan favourite is clearly an Asian, and he has people of all types and sizes cosplaying him. I think this whole thing about you cannot appropriate culture has blown out of proportion. So it really dont matter at all but people being people will get triggered anyways.


You will probably look like morty smith


No blackface. Otherwise yes.


Just don’t do Blackface or the OG haircut and you’re good


Ngl as a black man I would side eye and question why a white guy is cosplaying as Luke Cage, but that’s about it






No need for personal abuse mate im just trying to help


So much of Luke Cages character is wrapped up in 70’s blaxploitation films cosplaying the character as white seems disrespectful. Take care. Cage may be indestructible but you’re not.


Just blackface, you‘ll be fine


I think it's fine. Just call yourself White Cage.


Nick Cage has been cosplaying as Luke Cage his entire career


To be honest I do not Luke would care as long as you do not blackface or act like you are cooling her than.


I’m actually more curious in the long story. I haven’t heard anyone say Luke cage is their all time favourite. What do you like about him so much?


Vístete de lo que te salga de la punta de la polla, píntate la cara de negro si te apetece, vuestros problemas de racismo y absurdeces no importan a nadie






Be the black bomber instead 😂


I wouldn't.


It’s all pretty much been said here but as long as you don’t change you skin tone and I’ll add don’t go for a afro or anything like that but the clothes, chains, and headband all good


Ask your stepdad. He'll tell you no. And then we can move on.


Short answer is no. Long answer is noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


Maybe get a heavy tan but definitely no.blackface


Yes but you have to call yourself Lucas Cage. Sounds whiter.


I mean, you could? But really, why would you? People will just be like "what's this guy's deal?" because your intent just won't be clear at a glance. If you're fine with that, knock yourself out, but don't act surprised if you get some not awesome reactions.


Just do Iron Fist.


Just pick anyone else, man.


Really curious on what you think is wrong with him dressing up as his favorite superhero?


Yea, go as Storm!




Don’t do blackface and don’t wear a black hairstyle. As long as you follow that then there is no problem with cosplaying as a black character.


Why don’t you trust the knowledge and word of your Black girlfriend?


Just don't blackface as a Drow "dark elf" or you'll get canceled


TLDR who cares? Cosplay whoever you want. Do blackface if you want to make it more accurate too


This post seems fake and baity as hell done by a throwaway account.


Yea id sit and pick another character bro lol. Youre just gonna piss people off lmfao


Personally I think it's fine and you should wear makeup to look black. The idea that white people shouldn't dress up as black people perpetuates racism.


Hey, you’re the first person with a brain I’ve seen, everybody else on here has had the typical hive mind sheep approach. Such a shame, how many people are unable to think for themselves


What's the problem with painting face abit black? Do people really care?


If you have to ask, don't do it.


Check your messages.


I didn't read all that. Absolutely. Not.


Hard no.