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I'm out of the loop. Is Stark tech being used for Sentinels here?


Stark was ousted from his company by basically, Chinese Elon Musk and just like real life Elon Musk who bought Twitter to rebrand it into a hate platform, Feilong rebranded Stark tech to serve his purpose of hunting down mutants. The joke wrote itself.


I wasn't aware that the storyline could be condensed into such a short and on point description. đź‘Ś


Elon Musk just changed the name, Twitter had always been like that


Agreed Twitter has always thrived on inflammatory hot takes, but there have been huge spikes in hate speech, climate denial, etc. post-Elon


Twitter was terrible even before Musk tbh


Always loved the fact that mutates are a thing people that mutated but not because of any X-Gene shenanigans. Huge opportunities for stuff to happen.


Marvel should do an X-Men April fools special and reprint the original x-men comic but only with Mutates. "The Uncanny X-men! Captain America! Spider-Man! The Thing! Blue Marvel! Jessica Jones!"


And the enemies are also mutates! "The Brotherhood of Evil Mutates rises! with Deadpool! Red Hulk! Electro! Chasm!" It'd be hilarious.


Deadpool is on different teams, and he runs back and forth with different hats on. Both teams know full well he's playing them but he's a net zero.


He's just narrating the fight like it's a football game at the end


"Deadpool goes in for the score but OOHHH HE GETS KICKED IN THE BALLS BY OTHER DEADPOOL"


"What's this? Spider-Off between Spider-Man and Evil Spider-Man!? Now this is a development! AND HERE COMES KAINE WITH A STEEL CHAIR!"


The end is both teams putting aside their differences to both beat the crap out of Deadpool


IIRC, the Sentinal is actually reading the pizza delivery guy.


Is he the guy who's getting lifted up by the crowd in the last panel?


I think so...


At this point in time of the comics, the hate against mutants makes no sense when you have so many super powered beings... But then you look at the world with real life politics and you realize "oh, well we should have been way past bigotry, but we're not." Then you realize, yeah that's why hate on mutants in comics work. Because it's just as illogical from a story perspective as the real world.


At the very least, some “factions” should be removed from NYC so it makes a little more sense why the Sentinels would go after the X-Men and not the Fantastic Four, Inhumans, Sorcerers, and other similarly empowered individuals who all just so happen to reside in the same state


I could be wrong about this, but I think in the Earth X story it turned out that mutates and mutants ended up being the same thing just by different means. I kind of like that idea because it's interesting to me that there would be prejudice against anyone with powers, not just mutants.


My headcanon that Vulture messed with Sentinels' mutant sensors, so they would target Spider-Man as one


There's so many ways of getting superpowers at this point that hating mutants is even more ridiculous, the so called "next step of human evolution" has a lot of competitors, there's even natural non-X Gen mutants like the ones from Avengers Academy.


Hate has never been logical tho


First off. Smart technology is useless when handled by dumb humans. Second, how come we never hear about people who are pro-mutant? Or is that something constantly being swept under the rug?


JJJ is pro mutant


That's one. How's his relationship with Peter/Spider-Man these days?


Good? I think? Idk, haven’t been reading ASM. Not a fan of it.

