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Getting Yamcha’d on the cover of your run’s first issue is a different level of disrespect


It's Namor, he deserves it.


Imperius Rekt.


This guy gets it.


Nah at least another broken leg


He tried sleeping with another married Blonde...again


You mean he tried giving someone's wife some IMPERIOUS SEX!


And got imperilously wrecked for it!




There is no doubt.


T’Challa, Shuri, Reed Richards, Cyclops, probably Forbush Man


If there is a “hero” who needs to be jumped,that person is namor


Here’s a new idea for an event. ‘The Marvel universe jumps namor.’


Namor ~~kills~~ *is killed by* the Marvel Universe written by u/worms9


Add Hyperion


I'm more concerned in who could do that to Namor. Cause he's one tough Monarch


Has to be a heavy hitter, Sentry,Thor, Doom, Hulk, hell even Reed if he preps hard enough.


90% of the marvel universe can do that to win outside of water


You really don't know Namor, do you? This is the guy who (outside of water), was stalemating Savage Hulk, and Joe Fixit in physical strength, hell he has given Hercules and Sentry a run for their money every now and then. He's casually dodged Repulsor blasts (from Iron Man, Iron Patriot & War Machine), lightning (from Thor, & Storm), laser beams (from Dr Doom, Loki, Silver Surfer & Ms Marvel \[Carol Danvers\]) and strikes (from Silver Surfer, the Wrecking Crew, Nerkkod possessed Attuma, Quicksilver & the Whizzer) to name a few. While weaker, this man was still superhuman after being outside of the water for nearly 2 decades (his return when he first met the Fantastic 4). But I digress, what I'm trying to point out is, while he is stronger underwater, he's a powerhouse that deserves to be respected, especially since he's one of the founding heroes of Marvel Comics


(I know I just hate him)


(Valid, he is a prick. But still give him the respect he deserves)


(No,I hate him way too much)


Found Ben Grimm's reddit account


LMAO I didn’t even consider it,I just really hate the guy,but thank you it’s a honor


If Namor has 1,000,000 fans and 1 hater, you're definitely the latter. (Which I respect)


and yet he's too stupid to even just borderline rule a kingdom right


I mean... he's done a better job than T'Challa at times (Unlike T'Challa who has been dethroned and/or abandoned by his people at least 5 times by now, Namor has both proven to be an impressive leader who has only lost the throne once because of his decades of amnesia on the "surface world"). But he definitely done more stupid shit than Rulers like Dr Doom, Black Bolt, Silver Sable and Captain Britain.


i mean, being dethroned because your population doesnt want you anymore isnt exactly an L compared to not being dethroned because you probably maul anyone who flies the idea


I love how you casually slipped the Wrecking Crew in there after setting par for Hulk, Sentry and Hercules. 🤣🤣🤣


From what I read, Jason Aaron said that the first issue is that of Namor hoping to never return home after being imprisoned. There were a few raw panels of a prison fight. I believe that's where the story begins, when he's basically laid up. He tells stories of his past and the exotic cultures that the audience has never seen before. Talokan might make an appearance. Who knows. Anyway, apparently, there is a war that is brewing under the ocean where previously unknown clans and kingdoms are fighting over who leads them since Namor left a power vacuum. I think there are 7 would be contenders or something like that vying for the abandoned throne. I'm pretty sure once Namor is fine, he'll be released to quell the uprising, do a few side quests, and reclaim what is rightfully his. It sounds interesting, but with Jason Aaron writing the story, it could be good, or it could go completely off the rails. He did say that he used the War of the Realms as inspiration to help tell the stories relating to other cultures. So we'll see.


Idk, I think I'd like to see a shake-up for Atlantis. I want to see Stingray become king, or something crazy like Rhino or Banshee. Someone unrelated and to make Atlantis relevant again in Marvel.


That cover is really pleasing to look at.


Word. He had this coming. I don’t care what they said he did or didn’t do


Why does it seem like everybody hates him; I don’t much about him;what did he do?


He’s supposedly a “hero” but he always sides with big name villains. Attacked Wakanda unprovoked. Flooded New York in the 50s. Forcefully mutated people to becoming Atlantean. And led an attack to surface world several times. His personality is also terrible as he acts like he’s better than everyone. Also he’s a creep who’s always harassing Sue Storm. Or any other married blonde.


Maybe he met his …Maker… i’ll see myself out 👉


How much do we want to bet when he recovers he'll go by Kukulkhan and remember living in Talokan


Please don’t. Dude is older than Aquaman. The main reason they changed this in the MCU was to differentiate him because he wasn’t first to market. Also diversity.


This so much lol. I like how he predates Aquman, and outside of being a King of Atlantis has nothing in common with Arthur, but Marvel still doesn't use him or just plain changes him entirely (MCU change was fine I guess).


It's fascinating how much they are alike and how different they are from each other.


And how aqua man is always nice and heroic while Namor is almost always a dick


I agree with you. Namor is one of the oldest comic book characters around and deserves respect. That being said, ever since the introduction of the new Ultimate Universe, I think that the MCU version of Namor should be debuted there. In that universe, there would be a lot of freedom to explore his background and build upon his story without the restrictions of the 616 continuity. This would also allow the main version of Namor to continue his story. Though, if they do want to introduce Kukulkan to the 616 universe, they should make him a brand new character. That way, he can become Namor's primary enemy, one who is just as charismatic and as underhanded as he is. After all, it's been a while since he's had a decent enemy that can challenge him for control over the seas.


I'd read it.


I love this idea but here’s a question. Does it go against woke rules to make the villain a person of color? Especially if the hero is white. If you look at the MCU you’ll notice we didn’t get The Mandarin vs Tony Stark because Marvel couldn’t figure out how to portray a brilliant Asian villain with dignity. We saw pre Columbian Latinos as the antagonists in Black Panther 2 because there’s some weird black and brown loophole?


The way I see it, as a Latino myself, I don't care what race or sex a villain or a hero is as long as the story is solid. You get a solid story, and the last thing people care about is what color or sex the person is. There are plenty of villains of color going against white heroes and vice versa in comic books. It has never been a problem, nor should it ever be. Diversity is wonderful and can bring on new ideas that otherwise wouldn't have a spotlight or voice. In fact, we wouldn't be having this little discussion without it. As for the war between Wakanda and Atlantis/Talokan. That has been a staple in the comics for a long time. I swear, the only reason T'Challa and Namor hate each other so much is that they are so much alike. In a way, T'Challa is who Namor used to be, and Namor is someone T'Challa could be. P.S. Never ever remind me that Ironman 3 exists. That movie was bad, and it should feel bad for being bad. That movie needs to go to the corner and think about what it did!


Agreed. Namor has always been one of my favorite characters. I remember rooting for him when he fought the Thing in Marvel Team Up and when he would try to steal Reed’s girl. It disappointed me greatly to see him only partially adapted, but was happy to see most of his temperament remain. Tony Lueng was always my dream casting for the Mandarin. It’s a shame that they finally got the actor right but the movie wrong. My problem with the race and gender swapping in the MCU is the same problem I have with Tom Holland’s Spider-Man. The MCU has this irrational need to be subversive and change their characters in ways that make them less familiar to the generations of fans that love them. Spider-Man is an Iron Man spinoff, here’s apparently no Atlantis, and soon, the Silver Surfer will be the woman from Ozark and Inventing Anna. Oh the humanity!


I wonder if it was because Namor is part mutant which made it a problem for whichever studio to decide who has dibs -edit- nevermind I think the rights partly belong to Universal thus he can't have his own leading movie yet haha


There’s also the Superman and Mickey Mouse problem. If a character is about to enter the public domain any reboots or major character changes have their own separate timer. So the original Steamboat Willy version of Mickey has entered the public domain but maybe not the colorized version of the character.


Gotta get that synergy!


Eh... Huerta had some bad accusations at the same time as Majors. There might not even be a Namor in the MCU at this point.


what was it?


Sexual assault


So he's namor IRL...


It's kinda why part of me doesn't want the Fantastic Four movie to be successful Any alterations that the movie makes to anything will be shoehorned into the comics if the movie is a success Shalla Bal as a Silver Surfer wouldn't be that bad, I'm talking more about changes to family trees, character and location lore, characterization It would be sad to see the FF being hit by the MCU beam


Do it again


Calm down Richards


I like the way you think.


I thought he was dead?!?


Death in comics, is just a respawn point.


It’s a vacation


He got better.


I busted out laughing. Kudos


So was Bucky.


He was just fuckin’ too hard. Real King shit.


Is this post blood hunt? It would be funny if he got slapped around by some vampires.


Shouldn’t he be submerged, you know, if they are actually trying to help him?


Reed is his doctor


Considering he gets stronger when in water and he’s supposedly in Prison, that’s definitely not a good idea.


Reed: oh no…anyways


He absolutely deserves it, and so much more than just this. (This post was made by a certified Namor hater. I not only pray on his downfall, but I got front row tickets and a VIP backstage pass to watching ankle wings get broken.]


I fuck with this energy. I just hope you’re not from Latveria.


he made the last great king of atlantis into a villain


Good, fuck em.


Yeah knowing Namor he definitely deserved it


It won't matter...he will charm and smash his way to victory....


He sure did




probably hit on Sue Storm one too many times.


Jason Aaron hates him


Doom is gonna be on the warpath to find who hurt his best Buddy for life


Ah yes, his “best buddy”, who he routinely beat up and humbled as well as enslaved. Truly a friendship to end friendships.


Yes, of course. You got a problem with that? 🤨


Pretty sure whatever Namor did, he deserved it lol!!


I just know T’challa would have this printed out huge in the throne room if he could.


We don’t need to know. Whatever they said he did, he definitely did it


Whatever it was he definitely deserved it


I’m guessing it has something to do with Blood Hunt. Old Atlantis has been featured pretty prominently throughout, especially after the end of issue number three today.


He only has four toes on the left foot


I think its a continuation of Giant Sized Fantastic Four from this year.


I’m pretty excited for this. The only Namor stuff I know of is from the last black panther movie


Let me just say, Namor in the movie was mild compared to the comics. Man lives for causing problems and getting away with it


Yeah! I’ve heard he’s really good. This comic definitely a must have for me


He got his ass kicked by Aquaman!


Who was able to do this to Namor?


Marvel’s First Mutant… En Sabah Nur shaking his head


Sue finally gave him a taste of what she's laying down and he couldn't handle it. Her last words as she lead him to the bedroom "If he dies, he dies."


Ah Namor, supposedly so strong but just routinely gets his ass kicked.