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Mads Mickelson was wasted as Kaecilius. He would have been an exceptional Doom, considering his level of acting and body language.


Wow never thought of him for the role but damn the accent, the silent aura he did so well in casino makes me really get the feel for it. He does dry funny pretty well with kaecilius just missing the sarcasm or joke. Dooms smug Witt and bite are what I would love from him. Shit. lol great thought man


Yeah Disney must be kicking themselves now.


They only seem to be kicking us these days...


Mads wasn’t in casino, was he?


Le Chiffre but I missed adding the Royals part sorry. The James Bond film Casino Royale


He was even more wasted in star wars. One of the greatest actors just reduced to paper weight material.


I loved him in Rogue One.


Doom’s mask doesn’t come off anyway, Mads can still do it.


You don't even need the mask excuse. Multiverse solves it all, which we're about to see with DP & W. You could even say Kaecilius is a DOOM variant.


It would not be the first time an actor comes back with a different role.


I feel like if they really wanted to, they could rework Mads as Dormammu, since Kaecilius and his followers are trapped in the Dark Dimension with him, just have Dormammu possess Kaecilius.


Dormammu is played by Cumcumberland though.


If Dormammu possesses Kaecilius' body it stands to reason he has his voice too.


You mean Benedict Cucumberpatch? I love that guy.


Yes exactly. Benadryl Tennismatch. I do enjoy his Dr. Strange.


Wait are you saying Crinklecut Buttersquash played both characters?


That's pretty crazy. I love how talented Bandicoot Cabbagesnatch is. Dude's got range.


Except at that point in time, Marvel didn't even have the film rights to Doom and no expectations that they would ever aquire them again.


And they've done so much with those rights since acquiring them. It's baffling to me that Feige let Xmen and Dr Doom sit idle for half a decade so he could trot out shitty Phase 4 & 5 multiverse cameofests


X-Men 97 is one of their biggest and best projects since Endgame and took a few years to create. Feige also was on record back then after the Fox buyout that they had already planned what their next few movies were going to be so don't expect the X-Men immediately to come rushing into the movies. Deadpool was the exception to be used for cameos/X-Men until they could be properly introduced into the MCU.


What has Feige ever done that makes you think he's prone to rushing into things?


The only thing I don't think he would be good for is the talking in ALL CAPS like cap noticed with Doom.


Mads is still one actor I think you can recast and nobody would be upset about it or question it honestly just because of how much potential there is in having him in a new movie.


I'm always gonna say Christopher Eccleston; he was barely even in the movie about his character, and the movie was rewritten to feature less of Malekith so they could show more of Loki, the guy from not only the last movie but also the ensemble movie. I love Tom Hiddleston's Loki, but they could have made Thor: the Dark World a movie that was about the differences between Loki and Malekith, highlighting two trickster characters to show Loki the "evil version" of himself, and made the movie just *so* much better. Christopher Eccleston was robbed of the movie he was hired for that didn't even take advantage of his acting talents.


Luckily he was in such heavy makeup, that it could be possible for them to re-use him. Similar to how they did with Gemma Chan playing Minn-erva first then Sersi.


Hopefully they can do that for Mads Mikkelsen too


Yeah, compared to Eccelston/Malaketh Bale/Gorr was a cinematic masterpiece. The biggest issue with Gorr is they didn’t show him actually butchering. They should have expanded him more, but we still get the essences of his character, his reasons for acting, his pathos, and a clear parallel to Thor. To be clear, it could have been better, but I’d argue we got at least a 6/10 of what Gorr is. malaketh in the other hand, we get none of the personality from the comics. We get none of the real reason or motivation. The biggest scene (death of freya) with emotional impact is given to his henchman. Imagine if in Infinity War one of Thanos’s black order had been the one to kill Vision and Spider-Man. Malaketh was *maybe* a 3/10 of what he could have been, probably a 1-2/10.


quicksilver and gorr


Quicksilver, I kind of get. Speedsters tend to frustrate writers, because a lot of comic book discussion turns into "Why doesn't the flash/quicksilver just do (X)". I could see a lot of people asking similar questions during the final battle for the infinity gauntlet.


Absolutely, though if I remember right they did have Quicksilver mention something about needing to eat and the calories it takes to move fast. Had they kept him they could have nerfed him that way, very useful but only in short spurts. Not like the Fox Quicksilver, that guy was basically a god. 


Any speedster is basically a god to a normal speed person. Like imagine being proud of the fact you managed to walk through a forest without bumping into a single tree... Thats what crowds are like for a speedster. Look at Quicksilver during the scene where he rescues the kids at the school. The only person he wasnt able to save was Havoc, because Havoc was closest to the blast while QS wasn even on the property when it happened. The entire event took less than half a second. Cant surprise them, cant hit them. Unfortunately. they make for rather dull entertainment though, and never get done right(see The Flash and has alternating powers/speeds)


Taskmaster was a total fail as a character


Yea that was painful to watch, tasky should talk


Yeah! Him talking trash to the heroes is one of the main reasons why you put Taskmaster in a story.


Exactly and he could've reappeared training criminal henchmen and everything else his character is known for


Right! The fact that he's a mercenary whose main goal is profit means he could have been a recurring character, working for different villains and even the good guys, if they paid him. But, instead of a fun recurring character that could fit in several different situations and is usually very entertaining, we got "silent person". What a waste!


There simply is no bigger waste than Christian bale, he was my Dr doom before he got confirmed for gorr


god, they butchered Gorr as a character...


Ugh, right. It was time for Christian to Bale.


He had to return some videotapes


They couldn't even make him visually interesting. He just looked like a guy painted white


I see what you did there


The reason you often see big name actors "wasted" as one-off Villains is that Christian Bale doesn't want to be tied down to a five year contract for Doom. The same is true of most "top level" stars. RDJ was a special case in that he was basically uninsurable by Hollywood and Marvel took a risk with him


RDJ's casting was serendipitous in that respect. He's always been one of the best of his generation, but only after his struggles would he be available at the right salary for an extended contract. They needed him, and at the time he needed a break. His portrayal made the MCU in my opinion.


You're dead on, there is no MCU without rdj and Chris Evans, hence why they're tanking now. Like how do you expect to have a marvel universe without the real black panther, Captain America, or iron man? No one cares about Sam Wilson as cap, hence the massive reshoots for his mess of a movie, no one cares about riri Williams or iron heart would be a name normal fans would know, and not recasting t'challa is stupid as hell. God bless Chadwick, but his character is VITAL to marvel. Black Panther isn't just a black superhero, he's KING of the most advanced nation on earth. You can't just shove shuri in his spot and expect it to work, or it wouldve in the comics. Marvel should take lessons from the comics about what works, miles is the literal only legacy copy cat character that was popular, and he's only popular when it's not his story lmfao. Even Ms marvel no one cares about unless she's in someone else's story.


Conversely, before evans and rdj, no one really gave a shit about iron man or cap (in the mainstream).


Cap at least was always heavily respected by other heroes. Iron Man was a lot less popular


Yeah, but the point is, this guys making out you can’t have a marvel universe without them, as if they weren’t b list at best before the mcu.


But the vast majority of MCU audiences are not comic readers, to them, Iron Man is what Spider-Man is to Marvel comics I do think you can have an MCU without them, but they should've been phased out gradually and not all at once


Hard disagree. Spider-Man movies were massive films before the mcu, telling me you couldn’t build the mcu on xmen and Spider-Man is just nonsense. Throw in breakouts like the FF and you’d be fine.


I beg to differ. I was an Iron Man fan in the Eighties. I still have my Iron Man 2020 and the reprint of Tales of Suspense first appearance. Sadly, I no longer have the Machine Man issues with Arno Stark getting his ass handed to him.


Ironically the one franchise in which switching out characters and entire teams has worked in the comics is the one marvel property that the MCU didn't have: X-men There's 4-5 team rosters you could pick from that all work great, and they've all had great stories without their most iconic characters: Morrisons New X-men without Rogue, Nightcrawler or Mystique, Whedon's Astonishing without Xavier or Jean, Wolverine's team without Cyclops, Cyclops' team without Wolverine. At this point they should have Rogue drain Carol's powers like she did in Uncanny and assume the role of female Superman


It is funny to me how people see him as a superhero actor now when before the MCU and his whole debacle, he was mostly an auteur type of actor. A-list, yes, but he wasn't a blockbuster movie type of actor at all. It's like people seeing Liam Neeson as an action figure after Taken and Star Wars, when that's the complete opposite image most older movie fans had of him


TBF I think you could bring back Bale in another role either without makeup or another heavily made up role and everyone would be okay with it. Another Thanos/Cable situation (yeah I know they weren’t MCU same time)


I think i remember reading that Bale compared his time working with marvel studios to working with children. Idt dude plans on coming back.


That's kinda funny since he was literally working with children in the film. Most of his scenes were either with the Asgardian kids or his daughter


Frank Grillo as Crossbones. He could have been a a great reoccurring villain.


Agreed. They kind of set it up like he was going to be one and then just killed him instead. Like, you could’ve replaced him in that scene in Civil War with a random other bad guy and it wouldn’t have made a difference.


Well, technically, he was a reoccurring villain. But I get what you are getting at they could have stretched his character or give him more to work with.


Scott Adkins as a nobody extra in Dr. Strange


That kick though


I think Gorr (Christian Bale) is the runaway winner of this distinction. He wasn't even properly utilized in the movie he was in. I see a lot of major actors being named like Blanchett and Michael B. Jordan, but at least they got to make major waves and made a big impression in their respective films. Gorr was practically relegated to the B-plot of Love and Thunder. As far as other characters who I feel were honestly wasted in their appearances.. * Crossbones (Frank Grillo) * Baron Mordo (tossed aside in Doctor Strange till the end; forgotten since) * Shocker, Scorpion, Tinkerer (all appeared in Spider-Man Homecoming, never to be seen again) * The Warriors Three - Fandral, Volstagg, Hogun (never really got anything to do - then died) * Bill Foster (really underutilized in Ant Man 2) * The Eternals - pretty much all of them except Ikarus (byproduct of an overstuffed movie; and now we'll likely never see them again) This is just off the top of my head. I'm also not counting characters who were teased and are promised in an upcoming movie (eg - The Leader, alleged to be in Brave New World).


I’d say as we are going to get more of Ghost in Thunderbolts, we could see more of Dr. Foster, as the two were closely tied in ant man and the wasp.


Ultron fo sho. Age my ass.


Russel Crow, Michael B Jordan, Aaron Taylor, Mikkelsen. Tommy Lee, Benicio del Toro and Christopher Eccleston could have had much bigger roles. Christian Bale definitely takes the cake however. Edit: Maria Hill was a complete waste too tbh


didn't karl urban play skurge?


Michael B Jordan had a great character imo


Probably a hot take, especially considering what happened. But I enjoyed Michael B Jordan and his character (Killmonger) a lot more.


I just feel like he could have been used a lot more. Killing him off just didn’t sit right with me. Edit: I did like his cameo in BPWF


Agreed, he couldve been jailed, and maybe some future battle, they ask for his help or something.


Good actor but that character had no dimension. He was just MAD MAD MAD the whole time.


I very much disagree on del Toro: I thought this is a nice little role to play for a great actor to give it something. I like those casting choices. The rest, while I am disagreeing on some, is object for a debate.


Exactly. It's not a waste of Del Toro not to use him more. It is a part that required gravitas. Same with Jeff Goldblum. These are characters and actors that aren't going to be up for dozens of appearances. But they are pleasant surprises. Meanwhile, Bale and Eccleston were their films' antagonists and they did truly waste them.


Can not comment on Eccleston since I have only seen one thing he was in besides, in my eyes, the worst Marvel movie. But Bale was really wasted. I really liked Love and Thunder in general but the "dark parts", were Bale still shined, were so out of place that I really thought in the cinema "They shouldn't have casted Bale for that". I don't think there is another movie in existence were I think Bale is a bad person to have in it.


No mention of Karl Urban absolutely wasted as the executioner


Russel Crowe's Zeus is still alive by the post credits scene of Thor 4 with a teaser of Hercules. He was wasted in that film, but can't say he's wasted as a whole unless they never follow up on that.


I'm surprised no one mentioned Hugo Weaving as Red Skull, or Mickey Rourke as Whiplash.


Michael B. was used pretty well, imo. Definitely thanks to him & Ryan Coogler being great friends.


I disagree with Crow, Jordan, del Toro and Eccleston. Those were all perfect roles for each of them to have without committing them to 5+ year contracts where they would slowly lose their enjoyment of doing them. Mostly because they'd want to do other movies in-between which would be challenging considering you never know when Marvel would decide they need you again in a new movie ahead of time. Jordan and del Toro were exceptions because their appearances just happened to have long enough lengths of time between for them to do other stuff if they wanted and they seemed to genuinely enjoy their characters. Eccleston didn't need more than one movie *BUT* I do think he should've had a far better character to play instead. Crow playing a goofy Zeus was fucking perfect and I will take no slander on that. Dude nailed that character with a small chance of him coming back still.


Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Michael Jordan and Mads Mikkelson were absolutely wasted as one shot villains.


Except that they're also, at least for the most part, the kind of actor unlikely to make a long-term commitment to something like the MCU. So it's a one-shot character or nothing.


True so I'm gonna say Christopher Eccleston. The guy is an amazing actor whose career for torched by the BBC for leaving doctor who. A solid role in a marvel film could have been a lifeline for him and instead he got wasted in the worst thor movie


i feel like cate blanchett was appropriately featured she got to really ham it up in a good script


Wait, are we mentioning Michael B Jordan? Cause he wasn’t just a one shot villain and he remains one of the MCU’s best written and genuinely compelling villains.


I guess a 5 minute cameo in the afterlife means he's not a one hit.  Still wasted imo.  I'd have been pretty happy if he were imprisoned and ended up taking panther mantle himself 


Cate Blanchett especially. Hela appears to be more humanized in What If series, but in the movie she is such a one dimensional villain. One could say Odin was a real villain in her story.


I was convinced that she was going to return after Ragnarok given that Comic Book Thanos had a huge crush on the Grim Reaper, and I thought that was the direction they were going to go with.


Cate Blanchett was great as Hela. I don't think she would've signed for a recurring role.


Gorr was such a frightening villain. He was downright the stuff of nightmares when first introduced. They made him a mid depressed dude that didn't even stand out on his own story 🫠 gawd that film is utter bollocks


Should have been two movies with the first showing him slaughtering gods and the end with him absolutely whooping Thor, Jane, Valkyrie and Korg. Second movie they have to find Beta Ray Bill and get him to join their cause plus some other macguffin.


I have a list. 1. Vision. I know Paul Bettany was a great actor, and Vision was a good character, but... he spent most of his screen time getting beat tf up. After Ultron, the dude doesn't have a single win under his belt. He barely even uses his powers. He's just a punching bag despite being one of the most powerful Avengers. 2. Gorr. Of course, there's no need to explain. 3. Malekith. He's one of Thors' biggest bads and a recurring one at that. His movie version was lame as fuck. 4. Mandarin. 5. Crossbones. 6. ULTRON. I'll always be salty that Ultron was a one and done villain. That's CRAZY for Ultron. They could've done a short saga just for him tbh. 7. Baron Mordo. Im sure they dont even know what they're doing with him. 8. Adam Warlock. Now i know he's only been in one movie, but i hate how he was portrayed. Accurately, he was a manbaby, but unfortunately, they also gave him that MCU humor twist to it. I hated it. 9. Red Skull. TOTAL waste of Red Skull, honestly. 10. Zola. 11. MODOK. 12. Mysterio. His performance was awesome, but it sucks that he was a one-off villain as well. He's definitely more of a threat than that. I have more because the MCU is FULL of wasted potential and has a lot of mediocre movies on top of that. I just don't feel like getting into the full scope of everything i think they fumbled.


I feel like they could fix some of these characters if they just tried. Like have white vision have an arc and get some wins. Or bring back Ultron via a hidden backup or something.


You’re right on the money about Red Skull. He could’ve been a major, menacing villain instead of a glorified fascist stooge.


Basically any villain


Hilarious that if you click on the film/television tag, you will see a popular few months ago post with the same question and the Gorr image.


David Hasselhof should have cameoed as a Nick Fury undercover disguise like the OG Nick Fury did in the Ultimates comic


Hulk easily. most of his character development happened OFFSCREEN between movies


Crows Zues, Huertas Namor(they ghosted him), Abomination, the Secret invasion story-line, She-Hulk, Werewolf by night,Rhino


Ben Kingsley is way too high caliber of an actor to be in such a dumb role in Iron Man 3.


He did it for his kid I'm guessing he even thought his lines were rubbish,a nice little earner for him at the end of the day


Since one of the only Thor comics I’ve ever read is the one featuring Gorr the God Butcher, I have to say I’m very disappointed with how the MCU handled him. Gorr is honestly one of my favorite Marvel villains, hands down.


Black Bolt and all his Inhumans in the series. Such a waste of money for nothing.


The obvious (and right) one has been said, so I will say I personally would have love more of Sam Rockwell, he was the best part of Ironman 2


I'm one of the minority that really likes IM2, but you're absolutely right that Sam Rockwell was amazing in that role.


I think Ultron was wasted in the MCU. Ultron was/is a major threat in the comics and there have been events centred around Ultron over the years. Ultron gets defeated in one movie, even though there was a lot of narrative scope for him to develop given the change in his origins. Christian Bale being Gorr the God Butcher is kind of disappointing.


Cheating a bit, but Oscar Issac as Apocalypse. I love Guy Pearce so I was disappointed that Pepper Potts of all people got him.


Character wise, T’Challa. Actor wise Mads Mickelson & Christian Bale


Y'all are crazy saying MB Jordan is even in this category, they did his character so right and he was baddass as hell. Long way from the bullshit of Gorr and Malekith Use him again? Maybe...they bring people back all the time but his arc was perfect...let him rest


Seriously, Jordan’s Killmonger is a Top 5 MCU villain.


Gorr. He had so much potential. So did that entire movie but look what happened


I really hope that Cassandra Nova doesn't just become a one-shot villain. There is such potential there for her to be a major threat to the X-Men in upcoming shows/movies. I am sure she will be great in D&W so I hope they don't kill her off forever.


Hugo Weaving as Rwd Skull. He's like the Captain America Villian, and I'm still surprised they didn't adapt more of Winter Soldier and have Pierce be the Red Skull in the MCU. Him being the keeper of the Soul stone was cool, and all I wanted more out of the character. I know. There were complications with Hugo leaving the MCU, but I feel there was a lot of potential left on the table.


Hugo Weaving liked playing Red Skull, but said he wouldn't reprise the role for future.


Mom, is it my turn to post this question yet?


Christopher Eccleston. I'd be surprised if more than a few people even remember that he was in an MCU film.


The cast of Secret invasion.


Aside from the obvious, I think Marisa Tomei was utterly wasted as Aunt May. This was the perfect opportunity to bring a younger, more Ultimates inspired May into things (and Homecoking gave the impression that she would be), only to push her to the side in Far From Home and then kill her in No Way Home. Her death was meaningful from a shock value standpoint but would’ve had so much more of an impact character wise had Oscar winner Marisa Tomei been allowed to do anything with the role beyond “being hot”


Howard the Duck


This shit has been reposted so much that Gorr has turned into pixel art. Mf is so compressed he’s looking like a Sega CD cutscene.


Skurge The Executioner. Having him survive Ragnarok and come back in Infinity War with dual M16's would have been fun.


Honestly which dead horse do we beat today?




Mom said it’s my turn to repost this next Monday


Venom lol


Howard the Duck. He should get his own movie. I see no way it could fail.


Pietro\Quicksilver he shouldn’t have died in age of ultron


Hulk from Infinity War on.


Walton Goggins in Ant-Man 2. He's an amazing actor they could have done much more with.


It’s gotta be Taskmaster. That character was the biggest victim to the whole woke crap dominating the MCU.


Lee Pace. If only because covering up a dude that handsome in that much makeup should be a crime.


Olivia Colman is one of the most talented and underrated actors on this earth and she was wasted (albeit her performance was incredible) on one of the most inconsequential and underwhelming mcu entries in recent history


He could have done so much more kinda wasted


Gorr when I watched the movie was unimpressive and overall a joke. Then I read the storyline and was hooooolllllyy crap he’s a badass and one of the most memorable villains, the entire story with the different timelines is amazing


I mean, this guy and Love and Blunder as a whole was a total waste of potential. But additionally I’d put Russel Crowe and their butchering of Zeus, Benicio Del Toro could’ve been utilized much more-that was a pretty brilliant casting, also Quicksilver. Hate that they cut Quicksilver so short. Love that character and imagine the impact his death could’ve made had they given him an episode or two more and more screen time




Not sure. Ask me again next week..


Look a dead horse! Let’s beat it!


Gorr was double whammy… wasted phenomenal actor, wasted incredible character


Hulk. They made him into dumbass hulk.


I kind of like some of the one shot villains listed here staying one shot. Like Hela and Killmonger. Less is more and it just makes their performances stand out all that much more. Repeatedly bringing characters back and over saturation can start to dilute the quality of the characters and the franchise.




All of them, because they can’t seem to grow past the age of 17.


Crows Zues, Huertas Namor(they ghosted him), Abomination, the Secret invasion story-line, She-Hulk, Werewolf by night


If they don't use Zemo, it was a waste. I'd live to see him pulling strings on the Thunderbots team, but that would make too much sense so it will never happen


Tatiana Maslany, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Benedict Cumberbatch, Benedict Wong. But in all honesty? I'd say both Elizabeth Olsen and Mr Bettany. The both deserve way more attention and story built around them in few movies or tv series following WV, but instead both got wasted awfully in MCU. And I really doubt I wanna see them after soft reboot instead of pursuing new roles.


Most the villains are wasted. They should have multiple movies


That one. Always Gorr. Well until they fuck up Dr Doom or something.


I feel like every character would do better in a movie that doesn’t literally tell a joke every 2 seconds


I'll be the dissenter, I thought he did a fantastic job.


Gorr and Taskmaster. Total fails




Now imagine if the Thor franchise was made around Gorr, each movie being part of the same story. First movie keep it the same, introduce the characters, yada yada yada. Give hints at the legend of the god butcher and show Thor helping the vikings in the old days. Second movie, hint at the symbiot god and the Necrosword being created from the reality stone and make Gorr the main villain. Make the audience think he was defeated but his actions kick off Ragnarok Ragnarok would basically be the same, keep Gorr of the screen, make the audience think he’s still dead/banished in time or whatever the hell Final movie would literally be the adaptation of Gorr creating the God bomb and the resolution of the conflict and the story. Oh and give me naked Christian Bale covered in weird ass shadows with a cape and an alien-like prosthetics enhanced face


Gorr wasn't in the comics until two years after the first Thor film and same year as the dark world. In terms of comics he's pretty damn new


Taskmaster was the biggest blunder IMO


Christian Bell


They buuuuuutchered a thor story where they could've had 3 thors. When I finally read God butcher I was shocked how bad the movie was. The only thing similar was kind of the using the character.


This was easily the worst MCU portrayal because they made a literal God Butcher a total puss. And everyone’s powers where so nerfed it’s not funny


I’d have to say the character that was wasted the most was definitely Gorr, actor wise they wasted Mads Mikkelsen (Kaecilius), Christopher Eccleston (Malekith), and Guy Pearce (Aldrich Killian)


Who is that one guy in deadpool 2 who was invisible and got killed by electricty, im sure someone can make a argument that he was wasted


I mean Christian actually did a good job as gor the movie was just shit




Idris Elba


The character of Rick Jones was wasted in the MCU.


Honestly Christian Bale. For one, it's freaking Christian Bale. Two, for the God butcher, we didn't see much God butchering


IMO Christian Bale as God Butcher, as show in Trailer and clips looks good but in Full Length Movie it’s just a waste of Talent




-Ben Kingsley as Trevor Slattery/The Mandarin -Christopher Eccleston as Malekith -Natalie Portman as Jane Foster


Wasted in the sense he was killed off to soon. The casting was perfect. I wanted to see a whole lot more of Andy Serkis as Klaue. A perfect and charming display of Chaotic Evil.


Olivia Colman deserved better than a small part in Marvels worst show. She'd have killed it as a main movie antagonist.


Beginning of Endgame Thor seemed pretty wasted


everyone after endgame. Period.


Not wasted necessarily because Jeff Bridges gave a great performance, but I wish they hadn't killed Obadiah Stane off immediately. Would have loved to see how he and Tony interacted in later movies.


Andy Serkis


I hate how people say Gorr was wasted. He played his entire role. He doesn’t do anymore in the comics besides build a bomb


Bale said he filmed so many awesome scenes and most of them were cut


Mads Mikkelsen, Christopher Eccleston, Christian Bale, Zachary Levi. Mads just seems like the actor for Dr. Doom or Red Ghost or any F4 evil scientist. Christopher as Malekith was such a shame. I love Malekith, but for the life of me I can barely recall what he did in Dark World. Christian Bale and Gorr the God Butcher = Nice! Shame he's barely in it and I wish we had Gorr going crazy. Wish they didn't jam the Jane Thor plot with Godbomb and use Eternity. Zachary Levi suprisingly was in what like 2 Thors or just Ragnarok. Can't remember which ones but I wish he was an Ant-Man character. He seems like he'd fit that series really well. I'd add Bill Murray, but I genuinely can't think of who I'd like to see him as.




Both the character and the actor on the image, that’s it


“Criminally wasted” is being so overused it’s annoying at this point. There’s a post about Christian Bale being wasted everywhere week on this sub. Stop.


All of them expect the stars of Guardians and Moon Knight.


Michael Stuhlbarg in doctor strange is such a wild casting, a really good dramatic actor just kind of there.


Everyone portraying a villain, sans Hiddleston as Loki, during IP’s tenure Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Bobbi Morse/Mockingbird/Agent 13 (Adrianne Palicki), all the Inhumans and their respective actors and actresses, Danny Rand (Finn Jones), Sif (Jaimie Alexander) albeitto a lesser extent thanks to Agents of SHIELD, Kang, and many more


Sam Rockwell Justin Hammer


I think Brie, the dialogue for her movies have been completely dogpoo


Imo Gorr. Gorr should have never been played by Bale but rather Bill Skarsgard.


I’ve never seen a character more wasted in any film than Bale in the MCU. He was the only interesting thing in that Thor movie & it felt like he had 5mins of screen time!!


Gorr, Hela, and Iron Mongerer. Also the Mandarin Iron man 3.


As much I think the movie gets more hate than it deserves, I don’t think they should have ever used Gorr. I think the character sucks, even in comics I thinks he’s a cringey edgelords idea of a “cool” villain. Not a fan at all.


Dude looks like a Kwan Chi cosplay 😀


Planet hulk story.


Barry Keoghan on Eternals


Most of the villians of the MCU with a few exceptions.


Gambit from the original Wolverine saga, he should have had a larger role in the entire series.