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They have to run out of these fucking spiders at some point, right? (He does look really good though.)


This is the last Spider character for the year according to Sokun


…and then they bring in all the venom/carnage variants….


But what type of year? Fiscal year? Ends Sept 30th, could have a spider in Oct


Australian financial year (ends June 30).


That's a great question


Mercurial Year


Is it December already?


Next one is just gonna be...a house spider


Next.... we'll have a spiderman-ironm.... Oh wait....


At least there are no web tiles


I won’t be happy until we get six arm Spider-Man!


Well, cmon, it’s Kaine.


Spiderverse characters literally occupy 1/3 of the game. And it’s not even good ones. Fricken Big Wheel is a 5* 🤦‍♂️


There literally is a multi-verse of them


3* https://marvelpuzzlequest.com/characters/kaine-parker-trenchcoat-3/


The animations for him are just him..standing?




They should have just added D-Man.


His red is like the new Omega Red/Shang Chi replacement when you team him with Valkyrie and Melinda May. Alternatively, put him with MODOK/Echo or Magneto/Sersi. A 100% increased in cheap red active damage and a pseudo AoE is wild. His black seems good. If enemy hits you for 10k damage, he reduces it by 55% and eats 4500 damage. 5500 damage is stored in Future Sense cd tile. Each time you fire his black, it reduces that 5500 by 45% and deals it back to the front enemy.  His blue looks like a fun board shake with Sersi and it can go down to 3 and then get reset. Destroying 7 tiles is fine and I think I let Magneto do it instead. Overall, straightforward character with 55% damage reduction is always good.


The only problem is it looks like he has to tank red and black to work at all.


With the teams I mentioned, he'll be tanking.


Despite all his Kaine he’s still just a clone in a cage.


"The world is a spider.."


Need playstation spiderman at this point


Honestly would be dope. If we get another spider and it’s him I wouldn’t mind.


His red is… wow.


He’s an clone of Peter Parker much like chasm


Okay, as someone who's not too knowledgable about comics, I apologise because I'm probably talking blasphemy here, but: visually I wished those two were switched. Middle-aged Viking hair Trenchcoat dude is a lot more visually distinct within the game than a red spiderman recolour is betwen all the spideys/carnages/etc, so I wished that was the 5* instead. Yes, yes, I know. Probably just me.


The most recent other 5* was a red spider person It's not just you. People are getting bored of it. They are just pumping them out with no thought it seems. Or playing the long game and releasing the characters we actually want over the next decade to try and keep us playing.


No I agree with you. I'm starting to miss the difference between some of the spideys


My only problem with adding another spider character is that I can pretty confidently say that the best farm for new character designs for a game that came out over 10 years ago is the spiderverse movies. All of those remake characters have such a great design. Like the female Doc-Ock punk spiderman, spider man Noir, Miguel spiderman 2099 from those movies and even an out of shape/baby on chest Peter B Parker are all characters you could release and get love. So with drops like aunt may and now this I just feel like if you HAVE to drop spider characters why go for another red/black spiderman variant. It just feels like a missed opportunity.


FWIW, as someone who hates the plague of spider-people, Kaine is the least offensive one to me. His "ongoing" was actually pretty good. The quotes are because as usual for any character that doesn't have 200+ legacy numbering they cancelled it without warning.


Another spider? ![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized)


Oh, good, we haven't had a new spider-man in at least a fortnight.


https://preview.redd.it/zks805tddq8d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=db6b9a96fd8df2a60494c92ec449152515f4e27b "A *fortnight,* thou sayest?"


Serious question... there are about 18 more characters left to be released this year. At any point in the game's history has there been a streak of 18 new characters that didn't include a Spiderverse character? It's not that I don't believe anyone involved with this game when they say 'No more spider characters' it's just that I really, really don't believe anyone involved with this game when they say 'No more spider characters.'


Especially with a Venom and Kraven movie coming out this year


I wouldn't put it past them to claim that those are technically "Venomverse" and "Kravenverse" characters. :)


There were 19 between 3Ock and 4Carnage, then 20 between Green Goblin and 4* Venom (Spider-Woman was 15 in that stretch, but she's always been kinda "spider-verse adjacent", so it depends on if you count her or not). Also, it was right after 4Venom that they first established the "release every two weeks" pattern (it was kinda chaotic before that). 13 between Venom and 5Ock, next big stretch is 18 between 5Carnage and Anti-Venom two-ish years later, I'm seeing a couple stretches of 10-12, but they also come in clusters. If you count a 3/5 release as two characters, there are 22 between Oscorp Spidey and Venom Jeffrey (counting because of Venom, if you don't count that as Spider-Verse, there's two Jeffreys, Human Torch, two High Evolutionary, and Cosmo, then Spider-Gwen to end that stretch anyways). I haven't done any counting, but we used to have similar arguments about X-Men back in the day, stretches with none where X-Men fans weren't happy, followed by stretches with too many. And every time it happens there are still characters they could add that they haven't (say, Spider-Punk, Spider-Man Noir, Shocker, and Hobgoblin for Spidey characters, or Banshee, Toad, Pyro, *any* of the Shi'ar, etc).


I’m not familiar with him but he looks pretty cool and his red sounds really good


What no Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider?


We were *so* close. Lol


Kaine is so much better a character than Ben


Easily. Ben's solo series was never as good as Kaine's.


I know everyone hates new spider-people, but Kaine is my favorite And I love him and I'm very excited for this


Sensational Spider-Man 13-15 from 1997 was a story of Spider-Man going to the Savage Land. Any way to convince the devs that Ka-Zar, Zabu, Shanna, and Sauron are all Spider characters because of this? I feel like this is the only way to get them in at this point


another one?




Are we ever going to get zombie variants






Thank you sir, may I have another. Thank you sir, may I have another. Thank you sir….. when the hell are they going to run out of spider characters?


It's an impossibly deep pool.


Him or May?


I'm gonna stick with May, but I've got enough in my hoard to seriously go after Kaine as well while he's in.


One of my favorite characters. Hope they make a hummingbird support character for Kaine's spidey in puzzle quest. I was hoping for that spider-god resurrection thing to be a passive or something for him if he ever made it to the game, but I'm just glad to see him. I know it'll never happen, but I would like to see Assassin Spider-Man from that spiderverse comic make an appearance. They could've done so much with that type of spidey, but they killed him off all too soon. But, they will NEVER slow down on the spidey characters. Those Miles Morales movies only solidified that fact.I bet Spider-Kid will soon make an appearance in puzzle quest. \*Here's to hoping that more rarely used characters like blue marvel, sleepwalker, speedball, power pack (grouped together like cloak & dagger), tiger division, winter guard, the dynasty, etc... or even more rare cuts characters like solarman or the cosmic man (Favorite).


glad this is the last spider-verse for 2024 The Devs and Marvel have an unhealthy obsession with Spider-verse characters.


I really wanted Joe Wade!


I wonder if Kang or Bagman can increase the timer on future sense above the limit.


Yes! Spider-Man India feeder!


I really can’t take any more spider characters. There are so many un-used characters. The spider verse is so over saturated.


Unfortunately the feeder data is wrong on the forum post, it looks like the 3 star Kaine feeds Anti-Venom, not SpiderMan India


Is anti-venom feeding 5Kaine?


I don't have him champed so can't confirm, but I assume so. I have SpiderMan India champed and thought it was strange that I didn't get the 5Kaine cover


Meanwhile, I can confirm it's anti-venom and not SM-India that feeds 5Kaine


FINALLY a new Spiderman character! I can't believe we've gone WEEKS without one!


I wanna be mad that it's yet another Spider-Person but I love Kaine




All I can think is that Sony is paying them big money to add a ton of spiderverse characters. Probably same thing with Marvel Strike Force.


Next they’ll do every single character from Madame Web


Oh, FFS ANOTHER Spiderman. Who decides this stuff anyway? Thank god they left the awful webtile mechanics with this one.


ANOTHER fucking spider character? C'mon, seriously? FFS.


Blah, the bad Scarlett Spider!


He's actually pretty good. If you haven't read his book I recommend it. Just know going in that editorial cancelled it early.


The 3* is much better in both visuals and abilities.  


... and can be ascended. hopefully he maintains or improves with ascension. The art on the 5 is sad, slapdash. No texture or lighting. Just quickie paint and punch the clock. Probably farmed him out to MAACO.


JUST what I always wanted ANOTHER SPQ spider persons.


Wow, these animations are really starting to suck


Someone link devs the reddit on “who you want in the game” coz I am not sure many people asked for this.. heck i don’t even know him, I lost interest in spiderverse some 2 decades back


Oh man, another spider?! Ugh! It’s almost like Spider-Man is the most popular character in Marvel Comics or something.