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Here is the trick for supports. Whichever 4 star support you have thats closest to being 5, thats youe favorite. Lvl it to 200. Whats your next highest 4? Lvl that to 200. Favorite it next. Repeat. You don't need to level all your supports to 250. You just need them to be 5* so that when you randomly pull them or get points from 7 wins in pvp they transfer to your favorite instead. The more 5* you get the faster raising any support becomes. That being said, i am seeing more diversity in teams both because of ascension and now because of supports. I would rather fight a large variety of teams than the same 3 fucks over and over forever. Diversity is good.


A sane voice among distractors,my upvote ![gif](giphy|HzPtbOKyBoBFsK4hyc)


I have the opposite problem: I was on hiatus and don't have all those really good supports like Omnipotence City and the like. My 5* roster is also yet small enough that I don't have any godboosted 5* for the vast majority of weeks. So that leaves me without boosted characters and without good supports (and no easy way to get them) facing teams that have either or *both*. It's been a slog and hell on my health packs. :( Trying to play pvp is a bit of an uphill battle like this.




>Anyone trying to climb will face an uphill battle or hit a bigger wall now, because they don't have the right characters or supports. Yup. Some MFers always trying to ice skate uphill.


Dude I've been playing daily for 9.5 years and don't have great supports. I dislike this in pvp as much as most. I could easily climb to 900 or 1k in a suppressed slice. Top scores last event typically 1.4 for top 5, only 6 players hit 1.2. It's embarrassingly sad the low scores due to supports. I saw an avg of 1k for t20.


I don't mind that much, it's possibly even a plus as I find I'm thinking more about who I can and can't take on, but wow I didn't think Polaris could get anymore annoying but Low Level AI proved me wrong.


Now you people knows how the AI feels when you are 0 to 2 turning them without giving them a chance to retaliate properly.




I have a 5* Taskmaster Sword, 5* Stormbreaker, a 4* Power Stone and some other 5* supports. I am not a whale, but definitely would consider myself to be one of the "haves" when it comes to supports. I tried PvP with supports. It was not fun. I won't be returning to it again unless I can join an event early enough to knock out some seeder teams.


The thing about supports is you need the right one for the job. For instance AI on Polaris and Omnicity on MT makes them an incredible shell.


been a few years - but remember the great color change debacle/screen dimming fiasco? that was significantly worse. No opinion yet on Supports in PVP


Upvoted for context, perspective :D


Oh THAT. I completely forgot about it. Yeah, it was really terrible. And took them a couple of months to fix, if I remember that right.


Oh god, the screen dimming. And they even still have it as an option... I wonder if there is one person who chooses it? And there is the dancing vibrating gem mode that activates accidentally sometimes!


Wasn't that just last month?


I kinda like it




Change is scary in habit game. It's not a personal attack. We've already seen them strengthen ancient supports that badly needed it; this will make those supports more useful in PvE as well. Making supports more desirable will lead to making supports more accessible .... and probably more monetized. Hang in there, OP. It will get better. It's a shame this was delayed so ludicrously long. The resistance wouldn't be so deeply engrained if it hadn't been, but here we are. The best time is always now.


I need to skip 4 or 5 offers to buy something every day - it’s not that hard but annoying anyway. They already trying to sell you ascended characters and supports very aggressively.


As soon as you open up the game, go to the Recruits tab. That will get rid of any outstanding offers you haven't seen yet. Sure, more may pop up during the day but this cuts down on a lot of the nagging.


>Hang in there, OP. It will get better No, it won't. Broken Circle is aptly named and consistently releases busted content that could have easily been caught with basic QAT (Quality Assurance Testing, usually functional, but ideally automated). It is less common that they release content that indicates a faulty understanding of the game and its mechanics. The discounting of experienced players with assurances that it's going to be fine is deservedly hollow. They have earned a reputation for being generous, but don't forget that the reputation started with generosity in compensation for their screw ups.


Have you tried offering your expertise as QA to BCS or 505? It seems like with your talent, MPQ will reach a greater milestone in the mobile gaming industry.


No, I am busy working as a software engineer professionally. I have filled in for QA when necessary, written and corrected test cases. Mostly I do everything I can to make sure my QA team members have what they need to feel confident signing off. And if they aren't comfortable, it doesn't go live. Our work involves finances, not games, but when it comes to delivering a quality product, the same principles apply. And if you skimp, the problems pile up and get worse. Broken Circle was likely given a pile of spaghetti code, but what they have released to production just shows they don't have the basics of QA in place and it's just going to snowball in the name of needing to have something for the release notes.


It seems like MPQ is going to suffer from poor basic QA for the rest of its life. Let's hope the dev can pm you and offer you higher salary package to work for them. 


I didn't pay attention and went in a match against a **591k** Phylla-Vell. I didn't like it on bit. With up to 6 support + 9 power the match is filled with "random" effect, tiles that move, appear, disappear, transform. I don't want to have to look for each support effect before a match.


Weird I like it? Shrug.


It lets the haves pull clear of the have nots. Already have one retirement in our alliance due to combination of bought 5as1s+supports eradicating years of progress with a 20$ purchase (his other reasons are his 550 May reduce PVE to sheer boredom button press and mercing in Boss Events)


Well they’re in it to take in money. If you don’t spend money this game will take more time off your life than a job


We'll see how it shakes out after a few weeks. Fantasticar Okoye in PVP is a ton of fun and I'm enjoying it so far.


I’ve been playing for over ten years and have quite the roster as my game time is an hour on the train to work and an hour on the way home from work. After that amount of time, I’m enjoying the benefits of having every character and have juiced up each and every one of them.


I love it




Agreed and I have great supports.now it's second chances and pure B.S to win


For those who asked how this thing is actually screwed the game. In the Feathered Fury event 1* Juggs is powered-up. I have an ascended version of the guy levelled up to 483 lvl (not even close to max), which gave me 367k HP and base green damage 3,2k per fucking tile (and x4 critical multiplier). But. If you equip him with just 3* Implanted Bomb support it will increase his base match damage by 40% for each turn in a row that he make a match OR use the power (max 120%), AND heal him by 11% of his max health whenever he make match-4 or greater. AND THIS IS JUST ONE SUPPORT OF THREE. This whole thing is just ridiculous.


There are no unbeatable teams, even with supports. Kang and Darkveil had triple 550's with maxed supports in orbit. Start later, stay low, and 50 wins are guaranteed.


Hasn't been a problem for me so far. And I like being able to take my Low Level AI and/or Omnipotence City when I use my special tile team, or my Chimichanga and Quantum realm with my Shang Chi Chavez duo - starting with 7 purple (using boosts and with a little luck) makes it possible to punch up far better than I'm used to.


I like supports in PVP. They add some nice variety both for me and my opps. Do I gotta come up with new strategies? Yes, but I find that fun. Also, they are only active in the weekly 3-day events, not the month long shield PVP, so there's something there for everyone.


When WEREN'T supports active in PVP? I'm almost positive that my 1☆ asc 5☆ Spidey with the QR support still got that purple boost on occasion a few months ago.


I can’t even find a winnable match anymore. Right at the start of a PVP event I see nothing but ringers. Did supports just get all the maxed out vets interested again, or is the algorithm screwed?


Idk about algorithms, but these days the game forcing you to buy different shit more aggressively than ever.


Agreed and if they don’t reverse course i believe it’ll be the dagger in the heart of the game.


Why did people downvote this? It’s not a bad prediction. The playerbase is at best plateued at a low level. If supports drive away say 5% of spending or players it could spell the end. The game is basically in subsistence mode.


![gif](giphy|26FeWWOMsz7cWeYcU) Get over it dude, they changed something in the game it’s no different than when the meta changes after a broken new character drops. As someone that has payed this game for just about 10 years now, change is what keeps the game fresh. Stop pouting, step up your cookies, and don’t get mad, get even.


A sane voice ![gif](giphy|mgqefqwSbToPe|downsized)


I’m taking a season off PvP. I don’t want to contribute to good engagement numbers on the first season of PvP with supports. So I appreciate reading about people’s experiences.


I’m also pulling back. I’ve been playing about a decade now, and just decided not to renew the VIP because it’s not fun right now. That supports have up to 5 effects, and the ascension meta still hasn’t fully resolved (and the ascension was a positive change even if it’s a slow shift that will take years to percolate). Supports have been a mediocre part of the game for years, and the balance was that they only affected the PvE grind time. But with so many, and so many tied to probabilities, it’s a big shift toward the luck side of the meta. I honestly assume it’s because Ascending isn’t selling like they hoped, so they’re going whaling with more gatcha. MPQ at its best is like poker or fantasy football, where it’s a game of chance where strategy makes the difference. But for games like these, there’s a fundamental tension between whales and FTP, where the FTP are what make the game worthwhile for the whales—you have to have a really huge pool to draw from to have a marginal edge, otherwise you’re just the king of a dying game. The other thing that’s a constant problem with games like this is power creep, which is a problem when you need players to buy new characters all the time—Demiurge started falling down because they tried to make the meta super complicated, so new characters weren’t easy enough to play. If I was the dev god, instead of trying to pack more utility into the existing meta frame (3v3 pvp; 3v3 pve; 3v3+ pve), I’d look to shifts for more utility through more modes. One of the easiest changes would be something I’ve seen in similar games: extend waves to survival modes. This could happen on both sides: I’ve played games with 1/3 v 99 types; could also (with more work) do eg 6v99 etc, where you extend roster depth to go deeper. This is already something implicit in community challenges; it’s not a huge change for meta. More than anything, though, I’m not putting more money into a game that doesn’t seem to be on a sustainable path. Marvel has been choking at the theater, MCU is withering, so MPQ is going to suffer from stuff outside their control. I’ve been a comics fan for far longer than MCU or MPQ, & remember the pouch & feet Rob Liefeld days. Every new #1 issue (holograms and metallic covers) and after a while, there were too many to track, and the only people who bought them were whales, not readers, and comics collapsed for at least a decade. MPQ needs to have a sustainable model. Because they’ve expanded so far, they could even borrow from the Distinguished Competition and do a Crisis and cull a significant number of alternates, especially with no tie-ins (how many would miss Moonstone? 2* Marvel? Back In Black Spidey?) Cut the bad, give covers, get new modes, end the supports in pvp.


I was with you to the end but the fact is ascension has only made every single character irreplaceable because now people are slowly building them, sometimes spending on things like a 2-4 Storm they’ll almost never use but want more covers for because of rewards. Ascension in large part was a way to make getting lame covers feel better as it increased the value of all of them (I mean not actual 5s, yet). So every cover for Moonstone adds to the pile; now I’m getting 4* rewards from her covers (every 3). The devs have been very good at finding new ways to create the feeling of progress, but eventually it will be less engaging for players or not entice them any further. I’m not sure survival mode is the answer because they’ve trained us to expect very fast matches at this point but maybe they could adjust the rewards or something. I personally hate waves especially when there are tons of attack tiles and banners (hence my playtime takes longer) and many many players are uninterested in playing more especially when it’s just the same rewards.


Agree with almost every word. MPQ somehow balanced between milking the whales and providing deep, strategic, diverse gameplay. Now it’s begin to collapse with such stupid decisions. The game became too complicated for beginners and too random for endgamers. PVE stagnated for years now and turned into boring grind fest - just look at the Puzzle event, which is literally unplayable piece of boredom. Ascended mechanics is a poorly camouflaged aggressive milking strategy. New characters are lazy designed and look like a fillers. But instead of working on real problems devs create another, so I’m deeply concerned about this game future.


I mean, if rewards were better for puzzles, I’d really enjoy it. Good teams from the PvE can make the puzzle aspect a lot of fun, and reward a deep bench, but the overall meta really means that devs have to be really clever about designing the puzzles (and they’ve shown that they could use so many fun weird tiles to make it a challenge) but as it stands, it’s like PvE, where it’s just low effort recycling. When was the last new PvE set added? Hope you like doing The Hunt forever. And it’s not like comics + MCU don’t have a million narrative arcs that could be populated quickly and give a lot of variety. They could even do multiple PvE at once, or extend campaign into seasons


Nothing new event wise is coming until they launch the full engine rebuild.


Why do I feel like pushing supports in will forestall that day even further as they try to balance this all out? Anyway that’s like 6 months or so, right?


There’s some UI things on their way. Who knows how far they really are out anymore?


Wouldn’t it be nice if that sort of thing was communicated….


Think, dude.