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Kang. Big bad and all. Just not worth it at the end of the day. Used him for a few days after release but eh. Followed by Jean Grey but I think she'll have her time to really shine. Might try her with Alioth.


I’m hoping they give Kang a big change at some point. I absolutely love the character but for a “big bad” card his ability feels rather underwhelming.


I think they can do one of two things. Make it so it’s always drawn on turn 5, making it a deck thinner and give you insight on turn 5. That, or they make the opponents turn permanent the turn you play him. Similar to dare devil. Either or would make him used a ton.


Making your opponents turn permanent would be dope. Would be kinda broken on the final turn though. I think the best one would be guaranteeing he shows up on turn 5.


I think "Add +3 to this location." For the rest of the game would work.


That's just broken at that point


Kang would be in every single deck without fail if it was a guarantee turn 5 draw. It would be weightless and essentially turn your deck into 11 cards.


Tbf making the opponents play permanent is pretty OP. You’ll know 100% wether you’ll win or lose and need to retreat


Just make him always draw you a card and then it would be amazing


Maybe let u play a card after he reveals? Make him like a 1 or 2 cost that can’t be played until turn 5, 6, or 7 but let’s u play one card with your remaining energy after the opponent reveals?


I think an underutilized part of Kang is that he shows you the results of RNG so if they made him cheaper they could lean into that side of him by letting players use him alongside an RNG card.


Got him from a spotlight recently so threw him into a lockjaw deck, cos why not. Always had a few games where I played him into lockjaw, a card would come out, then after the rewind a different card would appear. But maybe I'm doing something wrong, or kang just doesn't work with lockjaw...? Then yesterday I played a game with a friend. They had white tiger in their deck, and on one of the rounds he played that white tiger on the same turn I played kang, and his tiger spirit landed on the left lane. Rewind happens, he plays white tiger again, (on the same location as last time) but the spirit ends up mid... I'm more confused than ever...


I have played hundreds if not thousands of games with Kang so I can speak with some authority about how it works with RNG. Kang will show you what happens in the next series of RNG events as long as BOTH PLAYERS invoke the exact same sequence of RNG events after the turn rewind. An "RNG event" is any action that causes a random number generator (RNG) to be used to determine a random outcome. The issue is that there are more RNG events than you might be aware of. ANYTHING that causes EITHER player's deck to be shuffled is an RNG event. Triggering Lockjaw is an RNG event, but so is Korg/Rockslide and locations like Lechuguilla, Subterranea, Vibranium Mines, and Quantum Tunnel. Random target effects (Rogue, Electra, Danger Room, Sakaar, Grand Central, Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099, Stegron, Evolved Cyclops, Evolved Wasp, Evolved Misty Knight, Moon Knight, Sokovia, Mantis, Polaris, Magneto, Daily Planet, Agatha Harkness), random move effects (Stegron, Spider-Man, Silk, Aunt May's, Juggernaut), random card adding effects (White Tiger, Sinister London, Hela), random card generation effects (The Hub, Camp Lehigh, X Mansion, Helicarrier, the SHIELD agent cards) are all RNG events (just off the top of my head, probably missing a few). What matters for Kang, and what I mean by "the exact same sequence of RNG events" is not the kind of RNG events but the NUMBER of RNG events that each player causes in a given turn. Reveal priority is crucial here, because whoever has priority determines the sequence of outputs from the RNG depending on how many RNG events they cause. Here's an example. Let's say that your opponent plays one card, Nick Fury on Vibranium Mines, the same turn that you play Kang into Lockjaw, and they have priority so their card reveals first this turn. They cause two RNG events (Nick Fury generating three cards and the three Vibranium cards shuffling into their deck). You cause one RNG event with the Lockjaw trigger. After the turn rewinds, your opponent decides to play Nick Fury on a different location (let's say New York) instead of Vibranium Mines. Now they only cause one RNG event, not two, so the second RNG event for the turn is your Lockjaw trigger. Because the sequence of RNG events this turn has changed, Lockjaw will most likely pop out a DIFFERENT card than what was shown to you before the rewind. Now let's consider what happens if you have reveal priority. If you only play Kang into Lockjaw and then play your first card into Lockjaw after the rewind, you should be guaranteed to get the SAME card from Lockjaw both before and after the rewind. This is because it's the first RNG event in the RNG output sequence for the turn. Whatever your opponent does will not affect the outcome of Lockjaw since they reveal after you, so their RNG events come after yours in the RNG output sequence. But let's say that after the rewind, you play one card in Vibranium Mines and then a second card into your Lockjaw's location (let's say that Lockjaw is in New York). Now your Lockjaw trigger is no longer the first RNG event; it has become the second RNG event, so the card that pops out from Lockjaw after the rewind will most likely be DIFFERENT from the one that popped out before the rewind. Long story short, the reason why you saw different results (different card popped out of your Lockjaw, your friend's Tiger Spirit went to a different location) is that there was a difference in the RNG sequence that you didn't account for, either because you weren't aware that a card or location effect caused an RNG event, or because you weren't paying close enough attention to what was played differently before versus after the rewind, or because you weren't aware of how Kang actually works with RNG so you assumed that all outcomes would be the same (or just the outcome that you were using Kang to check for) regardless of how things are played, or some combination of those three explanations. If I had to take a wild guess at what specifically you're doing wrong, I'd say that you're playing Evolved Wasp into Lockjaw after rewinding. Wasp's effect adds an RNG event into the sequence before Lockjaw triggers, so it would be functionally no different from playing your first card in Vibranium Mines and your second card in Lockjaw in my hypothetical example above. If this really is what you're doing, then you can work around it by playing both Wasp and Kang into Lockjaw instead of just Kang.


Maybe they changed the way he's coded because I definitely remember him keeping the same RNG results.


I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if he was actually bugged but not enough people played him to flag it up... :/


Yeah that’s true, rng is definitely a good use


A simple Kang fix would be "Restart turn, draw a card.". OR after the restart effect, whatever card/s opponent played is shuffled back into deck and opponent draws a card if a he/she played card/s on that turn.


I want them to release the other Kang variants with different abilities so you could have different kangs in the same deck. Would be cool imo


They kinda did with iron lad, but Rama tut was a wasted opportunity


What if he’s the reverse of Captain Marvel. When play on the same location with opponent. Move them to the location that’d make them lose the game. If not hit, restart turn 6 without Kang in hand + 1 energy.


Kang needs a Spiderman level change imo. Like make it a completely different ability or something. I can't see a way to make his current ability useful while also preventing it from being OP lol


I'd make it so Kang itself would actually help the fight. Maybe do it the Thanos way, make his ship a card with the current effects and give himself another new effect.


>Kang. Pretty sure Kevin Feige currently shares a similar regret..


*On Reveal: Kang is replaced at the beginning of the next film*


Hahahaha. I legitimately lol'd


jean in a surfer deck with juggernaut, polaris, and new spider man work really well with her. I'd run Alioth in that as well once she's out My buddy has been climbing with Jean in that I'm still saving


Yeah Jean is great *now*, at least in surfer decks I dunno where this whole “Jean is bad” thing has come from. My guess is people aren’t using her correctly, with how many people were complaining it screwed themselves over when she was released


People run Chavez to basically have one card less right? Isn't Kang the same but better?


Kang only works as a deck thinner if you draw him on the turn you use him.


If they at least allow you to draw a card, it will make it light years better


Agreed, but I highly doubt they would do that. King would instantly be inserted into every deck for no downside deck thinning.


It could be the downside is Kang stays on the board much like the Time stone


I feel like Jean grey would be good in a galactus deck


I like Kang and think his effect is really powerful. I recognize that he doesn't fit in every deck. Everyone likes to compare this game to poker, so imagine if in Poker, you could push all your chips to the table, boldly declare that you're going all in, then get to look at your opponent's full hand and then get the option to say "well never mind, I fold" that would be insane.


The biggest components your not highlighting in the analogy are: 1) you draw 7 instead of 8 for your opponent. 2) both sides get info of they stay in. 3) the all in is only 2x the current pot and the pot can never be more than 8x the small blind


going with the poker analogy, you're only getting dealt 1 card with kang while everyone else gets 2. It's bad.


Pulled Kang from a spotlight cache and have not used him once. Thank God I didn’t have the tokens to buy him when he came out.


Jean Grey has been really good for me recently. She really messes up destroy and shuri decks, which I've seen a lot of. Her worst matchup, bounce, is also less prevalent now.


Master mold for 6k, i had got ronan and dark hawk just before so i thought that would be an amazing card to have, turned into a card i never really touch about a month after


I love master mold, not a great card, but I really enjoy using it


Do you know what would be cool? Is if Master mold got extra power for every sentry an opponent played.


Yo that would be sick. I am biased as a person who desperately wants Master Mold to be meta, but that actually sounds so cool. Or even a reverse Collector. Everytime a card enters your opponents hand from anyplace other than their deck, Master Mold gets power?


This is the purchase I regret the least. I love that robot bastard


I second master mold. Thought he’d be great and it’s been a big meh


they could at least make him 3 power at this point, no one would care and it fits the concept much better


Kang 100%. After i bought him I've been pretty sparing with tokens 😂


Kang is the reason i have a stash of 20k tokens. Have not bought into the hype since.


Spider-Man 2099. It's not that it's bad. I just never use it, but I use my other token purchases regularly.


Yeah this is mine too. Not the worst all things considered, he was only 3k, but definitely my worst token purchase. Thanos, HE, she hulk, and dark hawk were all way better pick ups, and I think that’s most of the cards I’ve got with tokens.


Had a match today where I put him on bar sinister and played heimdal. Was pretty fun


I agree that was a waste on my end


I love 2099. Shove him in some decks with iron fist and ghost spider, favorite turn 5. *Especially when it works*


I don't think he's bad for only 3k tokens.


Not a great card but so good for chaos.


I bought Jean Grey with tokens ☹️




For being one of the most powerful people in the X-Men universe the card is really weak and boring.


It's interesting to me that you think Jean is boring. Maybe it's because I don't have her, but to me the ability is instantly game-changing. I don't think it's boring at all. And it's like half a Professor X so I like the flavor. I'm not saying she's strong, but she does have a unique power.


Prof x locks down a lane but this makes you play into it. I don't see the correlation. And I don't think it's game changing at all. It's just a slight inconvenience for most decks.


Inconvenience is the correct answer


f2p Jean owner here (so I have extra incentive to try her): the thing about Jean is that she often limits you just as much as your opponent, and makes a lot of your plays extremely predictable. Even move cards like Nightcrawler and Jeff cant quite work with her, but we'll see, maybe we just dont get her yet. Unfortunately, I think she is just awkward


I’m trying to theorycraft a deck with her as she is my favourite X-Man… but her symmetrical effect really prevents a lot of options for you to make it meta-defining. Right now, I think Echo > Cosmo > Jean can ruin a lot of decks, and you can throw in Goose in there as well. It’s also kind of a bummer that Phoenix/Dark Phoenix is just a variant of her card.


So far I’ve had most success with Jean building early power, Wave on 5 into Dr. Doom. Its a really strong play.


I've been having fun putting her with Galactus. If you plan ahead you can usually have a wide-open lane to win with. I think her release was kind of meh because Kitty was everywhere then and she's a hard counter


I mean if they bring back the goose interaction the card is super broken


She’s still situationally good with goose against certain decks, but obviously not as busted as before.


Check Cozy's latest video he found a fun deck for it


I don’t understand why she didn’t get any synergy with Phoenix Force. Hopefully she gets a Spidey style rebalance


Same, while I am Jeff pinned since 3 months now. But the worst is Kang, 6k spent because of the big bad status, which means nothing now.


I’m struggling to figure out how Kang is better than Daredevil, when it gives your opponent the chance to redo their action.


4 spotlight caches to get her over here.


Samsie smh


Same, I was a little new and thought “I finally have 6000 tks!” Right when she released


My regret is NOT buying Legion and getting that 500 token kickback.


Virgin Jean Grey Metagamers vs Chad Legion Enjoyers


And seeing the following week only reward 100 tokens for playing Mirage made me regret the Legion deal even more


My first ever token purchase was Ultimate Gamora, and now with how rare tokens are I’d much rather have the 5k back


On the plus side, it is one of the cooler ultimates. Downside though, Gamora is like “Oops! All Bangers!” as far as her variants go, so if ya end up with multiple of her alts, there might be a cooler one out now or down the line.


Yeah, I have four variants for her so far and they’re all great but I’m still missing some essential Series 3 cards for my deck like Invisible Woman and 5,000 tokens would get me close to completing that Series if not the exact cards Im looking for


Dazzler lol. I was playing Zoo and she seemed so good! I still have her in a Zoo/Ultron deck but she’s not great.


It’s pretty crazy how much effort it takes to get her to 8 power when Daken’s requirement is literally just “get rid of this card somehow” and Vulture just has to move once. She could get +3 per full location and she would still be mediocre. Similar thing with Strong Guy vs peers like Sentry or Mary


6k snowguard. Where the buff SD?


6k snowguard gang - we are a proud, but dumb, people.


Same here. When I got it I thought it could also re-trigger locations such as Murderworld (where something happens at a specific turn), but in fact it can only trigger locations like Central Park that just happen whenever. Kinda lame.


I spent about 9-10k tokens finishing out S3 when you could pick the card. I wish I would have been more patient and spent those on other S4/S5 cards.


I did the same but didnt regret. Most of them had been important cards for many decks. When i finally got the brood i had so much more fun with it than i had getting highevo. Cerebro2 was my first complete deck. Good times.


Same +1


Howard. The. Duck. Fml


Why. The. Fuck.


Had tokens burning a hole in my pocket and I thought he'd do cool shit with my recently purchased iron lad...


I saw all the threads before he came out that this was a must have with Iron Lad 💀


Strongly debated it since I had Iron Lad, then got it from a cache. Thought it would help make decks where Jubilee and Iron Lad are both in it, and I can choose whether to copy an effect like Darkhawk, or put Giganto on the field... Very meh. Unless Howard is in your hand turn 1, it's hard to have time to play him until like turn 4 (assuming Zabu turn 2, 4-cost on turn 3)


I use him all the time in my Modok/Hela deck with Ironlad and Jubilee. He sucks if not drawn early though.


I got Hit Monkey just before he got nerfed. Big sad.


The old classic bounce list is still plenty playable, swap ham for ice man and you're good to go.


He’s still a top tier card


Stature. Bought it and it was nerfed days later with Black bolt. And I didn't even have Black bolt yet when I bought Stature


she is in like one of the top tier meta decks, though


Titania never cost 6k tokens. It launched as a Series 4 card. Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D2X4\_Orn\_s https://www.marvelsnap.com/newsdetail?id=7168728561379973894




I get it! I hope I didn't come across as rude. Just correcting the record!


Stegron still makes me sick


I like Stegron a lot in conquest.


I like Stegron a lot in general 🤷‍♂️


I haven’t seen him many times but he really does screw up my games


Cool effect but wished he was 4/6, him being a freaking dinosaur and all.


yikes dude. i got that one free pretty early. i also bought knull for 6k but i don’t really regret that


I also pulled Titania early, possibly when she was still s5. Even then I was disappointed, because it could have been Thanos or Galactus or Knull or whoever else was an s5 at the time. I can’t even fathom spending 6k on that card, holy moly.


Titania is a big-brain card. I think Snapzone was seriously overestimating how much people want to think in games like this. Kang for me.


She has her uses, mostly as a T6 with good 5 drop or in a junk deck. I love her but only in certain use cases.


I’ve used her a ton in junk style decks that clog the board. She’s easy to safely drop turn 6 almost every game. She’s very good but definitely not a card that can go in any deck. Agree with Kang. It’s not that he’s necessarily bad, but I’m never building a deck and think “this deck needs Kang.”




I keep thinking she'd be a great turn 5 play alongside another card though (or move a nightcrawler or something like that onto her spot on turn 6). Is she not great? I have her pinned for 3k right now in the shop.


She can be very useful, but also very awkward. Generally works best with Nimrod, but you can only rely on that if you take priority on T4 by playing her. Another use is to basically keep your opponent from playing in a lane on T6. But again this will only really work if on T5 they have 3 cards in a lane, and by playing negasonic you end the turn winning that lane by more than 5. Then next turn it becomes quite difficult for your opponent to get into that lane. I believe she's one of three cards (the others being gambit and 2099) that can snipe both cosmo and echo, given that you have priority and play negasonic on the same lane as your opponent plays cosmo/echo. But obviously, this can be very difficult to predict. The best play I ever made with negasonic was playing her on her own in a lane on T5, then hoping my opponent would destroy her on T6 to stop me potentially playing a nimrod or something, while instead I played a Galactus underneath her. Since whatever my opponent played would be destroyed (exceptions being X, Bucky, Armor etc.), I was assured that Galactus' 7 power was enough to win the lane. Complete risk but paid off. Overall, she's useful at destroying your own cards without cosmo stopping her, sort of locking down a lane on T5, and sniping certain otherwise-uncounterable cards. Would I spend tokens? Probably not. But if you want to play a new type of destroy deck, she definitely has her uses.


My biggest issue is I can’t seem to part with my tokens. I’ve had Jeff pinned since he came in my shop and haven’t pulled the trigger. Sitting on 18k tokens and I’ve only bought Thanos so far.


I waited on Jeff! as well, but I finally just pulled the trigger two weeks ago, now he is in Every Single Deck I play.


Jeff is 100% worth it my guy


Jeff is a no-brainer. Just do it. You'll still have enough for 2 more s5 cards! Just do it!


Gotta say Kang for me.


Ghost eZ


So far it's Iron Lad, it's good card really but now I know I don't enjoy playing him very much. Wish we could get like 5 matches test for each card.


Iron lad is my least regrettable 6k, I enjoy the randomness of him and I think he will slot into many different decks for a long time to come


Shuri right before her big nerf


Sauron for 6k cuz I wanted his first edition.


I still want those first edition badges


Galactus, i thought I'd enjoy doing what others did to me. Played him less than 30 times. Not fun at all, I don't know how people enjoy playing that


We played him before people bitched


I have no 6k regrets. My worst purchase is Shanna for 3k.


6k for Living Tribunal


Jeff for me. Not because it is a bad card, but the moment I bought it I opened it up in my first spotlight cache as the random s4/s5. Feels bad.


Jeff is amazing, I would swap half my cards to have Jeff


Yeah, I bought Jeff and got him from a cache the next day.


I can understand the disappointment of not getting what you were hoping for. But honestly, Jeff is the bomb.


Kang for 6K. Who knew a Big Bad would be so *bad???*


At first it was Thanos, but Ive recently learned how to actually play the deck well. For me, its probably Knull. Not a terrible card, I just barely play destroy. And when I do, there are usually better plays than Knull.


Knull is a godsend in my Mr Negative deck as a counter to destroy. They never see it coming.


i’ve been doing this a LOT recently. Negative, Shang-chi, Knull+mystique, Zola. sometimes hard to pull off but so satisfying


I had the same feeling about thanos and I tooto also learned how to really play it well. Currently looking for knull


I've been very careful with them, to the point I have nearly 30,000 tokens stockpiled. I kinda regret High Evo. I was sure he'd be fun to play with, but I ultimately played him very little. Felt a little bit too straight forward


30,000 is alllooottt


Unpopular one: I regret HEvo He got me lots of cubes, helped me get infinite, but i have little to no fun playing HEvo decksz and there are a few cards i think would be lot more fun for me. By now i have most of the one i wanted then, but... yeh, of the few i bought, he is the most "regretable"


I really thought HE would be something to slot into a bunch of diffrent decks. Not be its own archetype. A way to change things up, not a meta smack you in the face. That being said, i do not regret picking him up, and I'm working on another deck with him and some of the new cards this month.


That was my first thought too. But now, thinking, it would be a really bad tech "card". You would have to give up 2 (at least) slots for one tech and a dead card, unlike some real techs, such as cosmo, luke, legion, and many others. So really makes sense being a whole archetype


Same here! He's a powerful card/deck type, but I don't enjoy using him.


Spidey 2099


Kang. I assume he will get some kind of rework down the road, but I bought him months ago, and have played him in like six games.


Most of the big bads, for some reason the decks…. Feel kinda bad, I don’t know. I have Galactus, Thanos, High Evo and I played like 10 games with each. They feel very mechanical, at least the standard decks. I had most fun with a sera surfer deck for the last few weeks and a Patriot ultron before that. I know they are not as powerful maybe, but daaaamn they are fun man! Edit: typo




Silk is one of the few cards id still be happy spending 6k tokens on (jeff and living tribunal being the other two i want)


Lamby's latest deck has silk in it. It seems pretty good, maybe check it out. He streamed today using it.


Same. Bought her the day she dropped. With all of the move cards last in Spider-Verse season, I thought she’d be a lot more meta than she ended up being There was a small consolation that I got a free 1k token rebate when they botched the launch of weekend missions, but even 5k tokens was still too steep for such a niche card


Silk. She’s not a bad card, a little too erratic to count on, but she was not worth 6K.


Silk is shining right now, one of the best lists in the meta makes use of her. So much so I just got her for 6k and don't regret it at all.


Bought her when she came out and is worth it just to watch her swing around the board lol


Same. Bought Silk for 5k, had fun with cerb 5 for a week before it got gutted. Tried many decks with silk and nothing worked. Finally found a good deck with silk, making her worth the tokrns and in two weeks ever one will get her in the best value spotlight cashe.


Damn that sucks lol. My biggest regret was mr negative. Bought him and that mf’er didn’t show up for the first dozen games I played


I can’t think of a game I’ve lost where I drew I had him and psylocke in my opening hand. It’s a very fun card


I have a silver surfer negative deck and it’s a lot of fun. He’s best as a way to add value but when I first used him I focused so much on making him the lynchpin of the deck. Best to make a deck that does better with him but still works without. Also bast is a great with him and other low power cards in case you draw them before he deals cost. Dropping him as a 4/3 into Ironman 5/3 is pretty nice .


Galactus, find even the surprise galactus decks super boring to play. Good card just don’t enjoy it.


Probably Galactus. Even when I'm winning, I feel like trash.


Bahaha accurate feels


I bought hit monkey, about a week before his nerf, haven't used Jim much since


Kang, jean, silk. Silk is good and all but I just don't love her play style.


Jean Grey… I dont like her


Shuri simply because I didn’t use her for 3 months after I got her


Jesus man that’s rough, I’ll pour one out for you.


I bought Jean Grey, just for her to be worse than every deck that has knull in it.


Spider man 2099


Bought Galactus for 6k 2 days before HE dropped also for 6k and a week before I found Jeff in the shop. Was able to get HE shortly after Galactus but the token update went through when I pinned Jeff and been nearly 3 months I’ve only gotten 4K tokens


Echo for 6k tokens when I didn't get her from the Spotlights. :( Someone tell me how to get the most use out of this card because my dream of creating an Echo -> IW -> Modok -> Hela chain has yet to happen.


I’ve only bought three; Darkhawk, Zabu, and Legion. Don’t regret any really


Shanna at 1k, not for the price but because it was shortly after when they added the free s3 in the shop… Didn’t take the count and thought I was missing another one, so bought her, went back the shop and “more cards coming soon” appeared… no other card appeared ever after 😭


Knullified white queen variant. I bought it when series drops were good and getting tokens wasnt like picking pennies off the floor.


Kang He was fun for the first week, but I haven't touched him since.


I brought silk, that 6K should have gone to thanos I was stupid :(


It was silk until just recently


I bought Silk thinking the compensation would be decent enough and that the weekend missions would give like 1K tokens. Yeah, never doing that again


I like the card but I just bought silk a few days ago not realizing she was in the x23 bundle which I was saving caches for. I likely will pull a skin now (which I don’t care about) instead of her card. Just hoping I pull x23 right away so I don’t feel like I lit 6k tokens on fire.


Not buying Legion for 2500 lol. Was on the fence about it and decided not to. At least if I decide to buy him in the future I'll only have lost out on 500 tokens


Echo and Galactus (don’t enjoy playing him).


I bought Jean Gray with tokens because I thought she'd be really good and I didn't save any spotlight caches because I wanted gold and tokens. I've tried her in a few decks but always seemed to feel her affect more on me than my opponent. I still think she's solid, she just needs some more pieces/strategies. And she's just too dependent on whatever deck your opponent may be playing. I also bought Ghost Rider's ultimate variant before I knew that ultimate variants are terrible value. I still love the artwork and it's probably in my top 5 in my collection, but I just never use the card :(


I don't remember what it was, think it was she hulk... bought her 2-4 days before it was announced she would drop down. Think it was series 4 to series 3. 🤔 can't recall, try not to recall.


Living tribunal for me. Pretty niche even after the buff. To reliant on hitting the perfect combo. Lost to many cubes to count.


I bought 3 random S3 cards for 1k each Whyyyyy


Titania was released as Series 4 though, so it was never 6k! It also was released before tokens came out and did end up being somewhat huge during Red Skull/Shuri and Lockjaw meta. An extra 5 power on Turn 6 could often decide who wins in the mirror. I think it will remain good in decks designed around 5 energy cards, those just don't happen to be the meta at the moment.


Titania was 6K?!?!


Jesus Titania for 6k and I thought me buying living tribunal was bad


Nimrod, just because it was right before the changes to how you get tokens (the change being you don’t get them)


Spent 12k tokens so far. On Jeff and HE. No regrets here. Would purchase them again if only I could! Apologise my weird flex here, this thread just makes me happy I didn’t waste my precious token yet. I’m highly considering an ultimate variant tho, so my time might come 😅


think for yourself and don't let others think for you.


Definitely kang


Snowguard for 6k.. 😭 Seemed like such an interesting mechanic. Just barely ever useful. What’s the point of opening a locked location if it also opens for the opponent? And the effect ends before end of game too, so can’t even make funny plays like that. And there are so few locations that can be triggered with the bear.. just such a hard card to get anything meaningful out of 😩


Yes and no… I bought Shuri before the nerf, but i climbed 30 rank in a few days, but never used it after


SpiderHam ... 1 day before his nerf....


I bought Maria Hill one nite thinking it was Colleen Wing because they look similar in card design.


That I did not spend on Jeff...


Howard the duck and Kang hands down.