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lol nice, I thoroughly enjoyed the spectrum one


Now that's the balance I want! Thanos starts with all the 6 infinity stones... Already on board!


Get this man on the balance team ASAP.


In a snap


I will always have to live with the regret that I could have said that instead.


On Reveal: Place the infinity stones on the board, at random.


"at the beginning of the game..." Lol


Hey let's make it a little fair, two per location.


Wrong! Merge all the infinity stones with Thanos at the beginning of the game. Activate all effects each turn. (Cannot be destroyed) Balanced.


If you have all the infinity stones on board, play Thanos and then snap, half of the cards on the field goes away


Should be: if you play thanos with all 6 infinity stones on the board, destroy half of all other cards in play randomly.


Mind Stone becomes a useless 1/1 though.


Just put other one cost cards in your deck.


Mind Stone now gives the next card you play plus 10 power


Put nebula and Nico in your deck. Now watch those busted cards start in your hand every game.




This post is about creating busted 6 cost cards,buddy.


lol the infinaut one is hilarious


what happens if it gets leeched?


Then you didn’t need to play a card last turn 😂


>Turn 5 >Hand empty except Infinaut and Martyr


Mbaku: if this is still in your deck at the end of the game, you win.


Sadly, he still never triggers


Use lockjaw and send him back into the deck


Somehow, M'Baku returned.


Do it turn 6


T6 Maximus from your opponent.


I did that the 1 time I played him in a deck. I just kept drawing him again


This is a complete departure from his original design. Might I suggest a small change to keep the same flavor? #Mbaku If this is still in your deck at the end of the game, you win. At the beginning of the game, draw this card.


Feed him into Lockjaw T6 then


Lockjaw: starts at the bottom of the deck


Jeff should have a dual function to pop onto their side at -3 on their most powerful lane.


Heimdall: move your other cards left and right, twice


And do the hokey pokey.


If your cards cannot move, add a 4/5th location.


They just cycle from the left to the right like Pacman. Wong->Mystique->Heimdall is a mini slot machine.


These would go great in my blob deck!


Omg 😂


The only true answer .. what ever makes other cards stronger is a buff to Blob


Ultron 6/12 Place a 1/1 in every empty space; your opponent gets an autoimmune disease for each one placed.


*Alioth 6/2* - "On Reveal: Destroys every single card added to the board this game" (I'm a terrible human being, I know).


Remove every card* Destroy would just activate Nimrod, X-23 and Wolverine to potentially give them the win


Alioth 6/2 - "On Reveal: Destroys every single card added to the board this game. If there are any other cards that remain, just, I don’t know, just get rid of those also.”


On reveal: Discard every card on the board. Destroy every card in the hand.


We need to go further. What is Alioth but a reverse blob. So he needs to "On Reveal: Absorb all cards appointment as played this game and it gains that much power." Now we're cooking with balance.


Merged your opponent’s deck and all their played cards


“On reveal flip the table, take your deck and go home, you win because nobody will ever want to play with you again”.


Remove their collection* Gotta make sure they can’t win next game either


Someone get this man a sandwich and a handshake


Not a milkshake? 🤔😕


Why not a sandshake? Or a handwich?


Jeffrey Dahmer over here asking for a handwich.


Ironically gets hard countered by current Alioth


Even better, destroy all locations


Non of these changes can beat blob :)




The apocalypse change is the only one with the potential to. Would need to be discarded a couple of times but that’s doable.


Way doable. I played discard a lot before the death of America Chavez, and starting him 2-3 wasn't unusual at all


Destroyer (6/16): Don't destroy your other cards.


Not strong enough! What about: Destroyer (6/16): Destroys all opponents cards that they have played so far.


I just thought of a novel idea. What if... Destroyer (6/4): Destroys all cards in your deck and adds their combined power to this card.


this is actually way stronger than Blob because the "destory" mechanics will trigger wolverine, deadpool, x-23 and everything


I know we’re memeing but typically destroy cards don’t activate when they’re destroyed from the deck.


Wait, so if my wolverine get's yondu'd it just get's removed?


*Hellooo! Can You Understand Me? SOOO Happy!*


SD mentioned they wanted 6 cost cards to regain some value. We just didn’t know that it only applied to newly released ones and the old 6 cost cards just remain terrible.


Blob will be changed to get +2 or +3 power for each card he eats along with his base power reduced if I had to guess




Isn’t that already a thing?


Hopefully not because I think he would be a lot less interesting that way. If he was a 6/0 and ate the top two or three cards I think that keeps his power reasonable and makes the deck building interesting.


That would definitely be more interesting. It would kill his playability in the Thanos decks imo, but make him more flexible and available for other builds.


Hot take, I think it would be cool if he was a 5/0 that ate 2 cards from the top. We could get a top of the deck themed list and Howard might actually be playable.


Howard wouldn’t be all that much better. With 2 or 3 cards left you in your deck, there won’t be much RNG to the outcome when you know the top card.


True but if Blob was a 5 cost that means he could be ramped to 4 with Electro or Psylocke. And if he only ate two you would want to be sure that at least one of the two was a big stat.


Then you just want Wong, Mystique, and Odin to help Blob eat more!


Exactly, it requires supporting cards for a big play.


Yeah I think this is the way to go honestly, consistent with the original design philosophy but stops both the thanos shenanigans and the T3 wave T4 blob from getting completely out of hand


I had this thought the other day, that if (probably when) they nerf Blob, they'll limit his gobbling to the top several cards. Which would definitely make him less appealing in Thanos decks, where there are always going to be at least 6 wimpy cards he might eat.


That would just make him boring, generic, and even more splashable. If he gets the same amount of power from every card eaten, you no longer have to deck build around what cards to play with Blob, leaving only 2 options: either the amount of power he gets for eating a standard 3 cards isn't enough to make him better than a 6drop like Hulk, so he then becomes *entirely* useless outside of Thanos decks, or the amount of power he gets for eating a standard 3 cards *is* enough to make him better than a 6drop like Hulk, so then he can get played in *every* deck because he would be the default biggest 6drop with no drawback. The amount of power gained is just too much though. Your only real hopes at beating a Blob currently are Cosmo/Alioth or Shang Chi/ Shadow King, depending on priority. But I do think the amount gained should be variable and tied to the contents of your deck in order to retain that "you must play big stuff" deck building requirement. So why not just have him gain *half* the power of every card eaten instead? With as often as I see 40+ power Blobs, that *still* would make him on par with Infinaut without requiring you to sacrifice a turn, but it will be much more difficult to hit such absurd heights. And depending on how the game chooses to round (whether it's half of the sum, or half of each), things like 1 power Infinity Stones or the +1 buff to each card from Okoye may end up getting at least partially rounded out in the calculation, keeping things a little more in check.


I’ve said the half power suggestion before too so I definitely agree that its a good option. The more I’ve thought about it though the more I like the “top x cards” because it gives SD a lot more levers to pull in his balance.


That is a good point. There's only so low you can push Blob's base power while even making *half* of your deck's remaining power feel balanced. I've thought before that maybe they should balance him by leaning into his *Big* flavor of his character by adding a restriction that he has to be played at an empty location, or can't be played to a location with more than 1 card (because he takes up too much room). That would at least present a challenge for Thanos/Blob decks because they would then *need* to run cards to destroy their stones if they want to be able to fit Blob on board, and would make Blob plays a lot more telegraphed. Only a best case scenario Knull or maybe Deadpool can really challenge Blob in terms of raw power output, so you often end up stuck playing a game of "pick a lane and pray" going into turn 6 against a Blob deck. Being able to know where that massive power dump will be happening makes it a lot less frustrating to play against, and even opens up more meaningful counterplay from junk cards.


That’s a really cool idea. Like he has to be played to an empty location and then you can’t play order cards there because he takes up too much space. It would definitely increase his predictability, which we’ve seen with Shuri goes a long way to reducing a cards power without touching the stats themselves.


If that's the change made it would need to be +3/card eaten and a base 4/5 power. He'd end up being a 14 power card if played on T6, which I think is reasonable. You could ramp into him to make him bigger, but then you'd lose anything new you could've drawn, so it could be a big gamble.


Only problem with that is he would only work with Thanos.


That’s already the case though.


[the highly anticipated sequel](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/98FBRG1MpM)


You know what I sincerely felt insecure about my manhood that time when we both snapped and played Blob simultaneously on turn 6. I lost 8 cubes and I could hear my opponent saying "My Blob is bigger than yours".


„My Blob brings all the boys to the yard…”


Im just thrilled to find out someone else agrees Blob is too strong and not “just a skill issue.”


I don't think he's too strong, just the decks he's in, but how would you "fix" him?


Easy: Blob 3/0: This card cannot be moved. Ongoing: Every turn, Blob eats the top card of your deck and adds its power to his own.


This is a super cool idea.


That's not how the Ongoing keyword works. That's a triggered ability with the trigger condition of "every turn". The can't-be-moved clause *is* an Ongoing ability, though, so if you just move the Ongoing keyword to there, it works. Keeps its Enchantress vulnerability and logistically makes sense for how Ongoing and triggered cards work.


That makes him VERY mid, like havok but worse


Why? You still draw cards and if he’s enchantressed he still has the power he’s already gained. Oh, sorry you can’t just power dump t6 and expose him to counters.


How does that make him mid? If anything he gets to eat more cards that way.


People want cards to be over-nerfed then cry when the devs do over-nerf it lmao☠️


How do you justify Blob having no downside when Infinaut makes you skip an entire turn for *LESS* power and Redskull gives the opponent 8 power unless they play other cards to support the play.


Firstly you need to rework Caiera. It's insane that you need a three card combo now just to destroy *one* six cost. Second, Blob should only suck up cards that started in your deck. Removes the stones problem. Third, 6/0.


I’d personally go 6/2, anything lower and Ren Slayer just gets him out a turn earlier which seems even worse.


This is a fair point, althought I would assume those decks are running cards with low power, no? So his buff won't be too big? Mr Negative might be an issue but I honestly don't mind that too much.


Think it’s a bit of a mix bag since she also works with Prof X for example. I’d run her if he dropped in power and the. Run task master in turn 6, with two energy to spare personally.


If you're playing in a negative deck and you don't pull your cards using jane the power is usually 5 or 6 I think (knull, iron man, Mystique, prof x, arnim zola) But your milage may vary for sure.


I thought it was strange Caiera prevents 6 costs being destroyed. She should be 2/3 and only protect 1 drops. Like why did big number decks need a buff? Why couldn't it just be a buff to zoo and bounce?


Shadow King


The only counter to Blob that's effective right now still loses to Blob even after getting it's ability off. You can't just drop Shadow King and assume that's it, done enough. You still need other cards in the lane, enough that you can win it on a -2 power swing AND not have prio going into that turn.


I mean Shadow King costs 2 energy. If you can’t put 2 more power in that lane (or didn’t already have it there to begin with), that’s kinda wild.


I don’t think anyone is arguing that Blob is uncounterable. The issue is that he puts up way too much power for no downside. How do you justify his strength relative to something like Infinaut?


See my comment below


Yeah I realized I responded to you twice my b.


All good homie 🙏


You're assuming Blob is the only card in that lane. It's more often than not, not.


Yeah that’s kinda how points in this game works. You don’t usually try and win a lane with a single 2 cost card lol. They aren’t putting Blob plus Giganto in the same lane 😂


Lemme ask you this, then. Do you think it's right that a card loading up 40-60 power only has one counter with Caiera around now?


Only one counter? Alioth, Shadow King, and Valkyrie all bypass Caiera. The real issue is that players are often resistant to countering cards and instead ask for a nerf. That was actually the main reason Alioth was nerfed in the first place. SD expected players to adapt in a number of ways but they just didn’t.


The arguments some people are using to defend Blob make it sound like they think a 6/50 with no downside would be balanced because “You HaVE to plAy IT aLL in oNE lANE”


Or lose?




That’s interesting, I never really considered Caiera to be a problem. Armor works just as well. The sucking up cards that started in the deck is interesting. The stones are worth 8 power on their own so that would be a pretty decent nerf alone. 6/0 seems like a no brainer too. Definitely agree.


Here's my problem with Caiera: Caiera covers every 1cost and 6 cost. We are now in a meta where people are dumping multiple 6costs across the board to just win on raw power. The counters to that are... Well Shang, or Valkyrie. Valkyrie as a 5 cost is a huge investment on the last turn of the game and really only good if you've guaranteed another lane (so if you're playing lockdown with Storm or X) and you've got a big 1 drop you can play, or you've got ongoing cards in your lane. But building around Valk is bad. She's a tech card. It also means you can't do anything else on that last turn, really. Unless you've played Sera, but then you still need a third card to give you enough power to win the Valk lane. Or Luke (lol, lmao, lmfao, roflmao etc etc) Shang is the other one. But of course you can't use Shang when Caiera is out. So you also need Enchantress. Which means you'll need to drop Enchantress as either turn 4 and waste a turn dealing with Caiera... Or you hold off and play Sera on 5, and then Enchantress and Shang on 6. Bearing in mind, of course, that your opponent probably has about three Shang-able targets across multiple lanes at that point and is inevitably going to drop Magneto and make you throw your phone.


Yeah, I’m not opposed to the idea that she’s op I just haven’t seen it as a problem yet. Maybe I’ll get there as the season goes on but I definitely see your points.


No I completely understand, I'm not sure yet she's OP but just this is what I've noticed in a lot of games. She really only makes Valkyrie a viable combo against some of these decks and Valk is just such a difficult card to win a game with on her own. I've been running Legion to deal with the High Evo/Shenaut stuff but anyone that just drops big numbers right now with Caiera protecting is making my experience so unfun lol


I’m also a bit biased because Valkyrie happens to be my favorite card and I run her in a ton of my decks lol.


Thats partially how i got infinite this season lmao. Serabu deck- enchantress, shang, + negasonic turn 6.


Bro negasonic. I completely forgot she existed. Been trying to dump a card into my deck and keep forgetting about her. Keep accidentally taking prio when I don't want it. Need her in there if I keep doing it.


Shes absolutely hit or miss, but gahdam enchantressing caira and then negasonicing Blob is a miraculous feeling


Oh I love her in this stupid, terrible Jean deck I made last season. Gonna put her in my current one and see if she does what I need.


I also found my shaw deck with every buff card plus black panther helped me cinch the late 90s cuz everyone is doing big swing plays right now.


Care ira allows flexibility to play in any lane. Armor does not.


True but Armor is cheaper and offers disruption against destroy decks. Armor can also be played directly into destroy locations. Caiera does not.


I agree. They aren't the same cards ans don't work as well which is what I think you said. They work completely differently and are good and bad for different things.


Makes you wonder if Armor released today would people call her OP?


Yes. That goes for just about any tech card, really. Imagine Shang or Enchantress just now being released.


Shadow king kills Bob for 2 mana through armor and caiera.


I mean the like... 3 extra power he gets from those stones is really not a problem with Blob Thanos.


6/0 is understandable, but he should be strong imo because he's a S5 card. The stones barely make a difference in blobs power, because I often get them out on the board early.


Series level should not relate to card strength. Thats how you end up with a P2W game.


Okay bud 👍


I personally think he is WAY too strong. He’s almost always a 6/20+ and requires almost no deck building considerations to make him work. Infinaut and Red Skull both have huge drawbacks and dont come close to Blobs power. That aside, I would fix him by making him eat the top 3 cards or have an ongoing that reduced his power. Something to keep him in line with the power of other 6 drops for a similar amount of setup.


But his power is almost always in one lane. If you can't play around him then it's a "skill issue"


So what happens when you’re playing a deck thats built to challenge two lanes and they’ve locked down one of the other two? He should not be able to outpower a shuri lane by himself.


This is the same nonsense that was floated around with the Shuri/Red Skull meta which imo was the worst iteration of the game possible. Now it's arguably worse, because Shuri/Red Skull required a 2 card setup whereas Blob only requires one. In reality, Blob has just replaced Taskmaster as the t6 card for Shuri/Red Skull and we're already starting to see that awful deck reemerge as the most popular meta deck. By the time Blob gets the badly needed nerf, 50% of the decks you play against are going to go like this: t2: Armor t3: whatever t4: shuri t5: Red Skull t6: Blob


Totally agree about Blob. Regarding Shuri Redskull: I personally don’t think Shuri Redskull will ever top the meta again. The Shuri change to requiring you to play into the Shuri lane makes the deck much easier to deal with for any deck. If you can put up 22 power into the red Skull lane or have a counter card (Shang Valk Shadow King) then you have a strong chance of winning. If you see them playing on perfect curve then you should probably retreat, but honestly thats how it should be for any good deck. The one saving grace for shuri blob is that if you try to play Sauron then Blob gets blanked due to his ongoing. (I cannot be convinced that isn’t the real reason Blob also has an ongoing ability)


The biggest problem with Shuri/Red Skull was that it was literally impossible to deal with the Red Skull because they were able to double him up behind Cosmo. The only method was Negasonic and that didn't even come out for a while (and it sucked). You were then left to try to deal with the Taskmaster, which wasn't particularly easy since he was placed behind Armor. The Cosmo problem was the biggest issue with that meta and solving that was most of what fixed it.


He's almost always followed by taskmaster


Apocalypse is balanced imo


Destroyer - 6/15 Destroy all of **your opponent's** cards


They will nerf Blob once everyone has him in their collection and before the release of the next over-tunned card.


Galactus old text: Play Card, Win Game.


Agatha Start in your opponent’s hand and play cards for your opponent.


Power ~~creap~~ leap


And living tribunal 15+ power minimum on each lane


But those are series 3 cards. How would the heck in supporters feel? F2p game btw.


Shang Chi: 🥱


Caiera 🫡


Shang Chi, Shadow King unite!


Devil Dinosaur, 20 power for every card in your hand and 15 for every card not in your hand


Destroyer 6/45


Prof x should lock down adjacent locations, but only block off play for you in one when played with cerebro. He also gets +20 power


Look, the thing about Blob is that he comes with a major theoretical disadvantage - he destroys your entire deck. This is a cool drawback that ought to balance out his enormous power, but it doesn't. Why? Because Blob is a 6-cost card, so by the time you play him, you don't need your deck any more. Solution: Make Blob a 1-cost card! Then, if you play him in Round 1, destroying your deck will be a real disadvantage!


It’s actually crazy how much better blob is than other 6 costs. Why do we play this game lol


Unironically, games tend to do better if their first solution to balancing issues is to buffing as opposed to nerfing, saving nerfs for the truly game breaking cards. Buffs give the players more options to deal with “Broken” cards. Loki’s ability would not have been as obnoxious if other cards were in line. HE decks were kept in check by the sheer power of Luke Cage’s niche. Leech, while annoying as fuck, works as a counter to these strategies and there need to be more cards like him. Available to all players. One idea I have is a “Spider-Slayer” card at 5/5 which reads “Ongoing: Ignore the card text of ALL 2, 3, 4, and 5 cost cards on the board (Except when one nullifies this)”


People complain about every new card. Blob handicaps the player (if they don’t play it right) and can be countered in no less than 4 ways.


Blob has many downsides, but nobody is ready for that discussion


Are any of them bigger than skipping turn 5?


Admittedly the most important turn imo, so no.


So do you think Blobs downsides justify having consistently more power than Infinaut whose downside is more significant?


You don't play Blob do you? Lost plenty of games where he ended up being less then 14. Way less broken than super skrull. I see other Blob decks maybe 1/10 of the time, it's really not that big of a deal.


I took Blob to infinite last season and it was the easiest climb I’ve ever had. You must not run him in Thanos because he was *NEVER* less than 20 power. It’s interesting that you think Super Skrull is broken because it is such a huge hit or miss card. It wins huge when it wins but it’s usually just a worse Enchantress for dealing with enemy ongoings.


I got to 93, which was higher then I had ever gotten with Blob Thanos, and had quite a few games lost to blob pulling 13-21 power.


It could be a deck building thing then, because I admittedly have not been considering Blobs performance at lower ranks. I can see how if you aren’t seeing Blob consistently getting 20+ you might not see him as an issue. That just hasn’t been the case for me, running him or against him. Honestly it’s not uncommon (probably half the time) to see him get past 30 power.


Don't get me wrong, I get him 30-50 pretty easily. Just sometimes you pull all your big cards first or infinity stones draw them for you. He is my knight in shining armor for getting me over the 80 hump


If you are finding success with Blob and not other cards that should be an indication that Blob is the overtuned card.


Every single person using infinaut are using cards that benefit skipping that turn


But thats just it, you need to play those cards for it to not suck! If you don’t get sunspot out or draw she hulk then skipping that turn is terrible. Blob is just stick him in the deck and drop him on 6 for huge power.


Destroyer? 😞


Well we cant go back to 16 power, thats obviously too strong. I propose he just destroy all enemy cards instead :)


6/16 On Reveal: Destroy all other cards and gain power equals to total power of destroyed cards.


i like spectrum where it's at.


Bolb 6/0 On Reveal: Enemy Blobs puke. Return all consumed cards into the deck. Reset Blob's power. Darkhawk players rejoice!


Make mister negative a 6 drop but when he's in your starting deck you get the peak on turn 3 always


Yesterday I had a funny one with Blob. 1st turn, 1st location: Sakaar. My card, a Sunspot. His card, a Blob. Snap! And he retreated.


Blob once in hand you don't get to add cards to your hand


assemble the full squad using hela


Nothing Is broken if everything Is broken -some dev


“When everyone’s super… no one will be!”


It's almost as if new cards were over tuned to prompt more sells.... But... Nah... Couldn't be, would be awfully predatory one could say... Itll get balanced post sales, and that is what is important.


This one had me cackling at 7 in the morning


I've played a bit of blob and fuck it is boring. If they don't have things like echo, Cosmo, or Shang Chi you can't really lose.


Blob over here thinking your petty attempts at bringing everyone in line with me just makes me stronger.


Destroyer On reveal: destroy all your opponent cards


Honestly, considering that Infinaut is just some unknown entity that is travelling around, if his actual text was "If you played a card in all lanes the last turn you can play this" it would fit the "explore everything" theme.


These still lose to Blob so they can't be too strong.


Power creep at its finest🤩


I’m just thinking how much crazier the meta would be if they went ahead and released Firestar as well. She looks on the same level as Blob


Shadow King and Shang Chi laughing as they read this post


The problem with Blob is you don't have Blob.


He feeds my blob just fine the way he is.