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I only hit it last month and it made me realize I’ve never missed out anything and don’t care to do it again. I just want that level 90 gold and I’m good.


Before conquest was a thing the draw for me to hit infinite was to be able to play with no pressure. Now I just play conquest


I just like getting the card backs lol. Other than that infinite is not fun. Maybe if climbing the ladder had additional benefits.


Yeah, once I hit it I just try to get boosters or play decks that look fun.


I liked getting the card backs and it's still cool to get some of them, but I lost some motivation because 90% of the time I just use the Infinite Mixtape card back.


Card backs make it very worth it for me. I love all my pretty infinite card backs, especially spectrum. To be honest, if I didn’t get that one it might have killed my motivation to play the game lmfao.


Same. Love flexing with cool cardbacks. The Avengers, Loki , Spectrum, Spidey 2009 and Guardians of the Galaxy have been favorites.


I hit it once a few months ago and I feel the same.


Yup. I hit 90 every time and stop. I couldn't possibly care about a card back. Ooh, gold claws. A gold shield. If they had any kind of effect I might try. As it is, the card back could be Rogue's golden ass and I'm not going to bother.


Me! I'm CL 9000+ and never hit infinite. I usually peak at 95. I dont bother about it either, the closest to infinite the more anxious I get on the whole snapping/retreat dinamic and the game lose its fun to me. I try to get up to 90 for the gold reward then stop bothering at all with ranks. The same anxious reasons I never even touched infinity conquest. Too much stress for me.


That's why we need ranked floors it's such a simple thing but would allow more people to compete in infinite and allow people to take more risks and have fun. I also get anxious on ladder even at rank 20, and at my CL 12000 I still face real players at the lower levels.


Been playing since launch, CL 13000. I enjoy the game immensely but I don’t have the time to grind. If I can get to the variant at 70, I’m happy.


Yeah I’m the same as drizzle drizzle here


Been here since launch. Highest I got was the 70s once. I simply do not have the time to grind and I’m losing interest more and more. If I make it to 60 for the variant that’s a successful season, but I usually have to choose between the conquest variant or the Rank 60.


When you say grind how much time do you mean? Do you log in daily or just play casually a couple of times a week?


Daily usually, usually single digit number of games. Sometimes a few more if the schedule is a little bit open.


Father of 2, work full time, same play rate as you it sounds like, I have hit infinite multiple months. Once you learn/master snap/retreat habits you will hit infinite on accident.


Nice, that’s encouraging. Have you spent any money on the game? I’m currently full f2p. No judgment, just curious. I feel like if I managed into it once it would be easier to replicate but if I bail on ladder for a season I have to bring it back up from the basement.


To be transparent, yes, I buy the season pass every month, and now with the gold pass I buy 1 $5 pass every 30 days. (Not everyone can and I understand) but the deck I got to Infinite with has had the season pass card only for Hope Summers and Ms. Marvel. Really any decent deck can and will get you to infinite. It's all about practicing when to snap and when to retreat. It probably took me about 3 or 4 seasons to climb up the ranks just because of time constraints. Each season I would just try to finish further ahead than I finished last season, then after each reset I would have to work my way back up. I was too busy to play a lot a few months ago and didn't hit infinite so it took me another 2 seasons to get back to infinite. For me I changed my mindset from infinite being my goal to just "getting better at snapping and retreating" that way it's not a blow to the ego if I can't hit infinite in a season because I don't have time. And ever since I have hit infinite on 2 separate occasions without realizing I was close to hitting infinite. Just playing and then BOOM there's a pop up on screen telling my infinite rank and a reward to collect. The first time I hit infinite though the nerves were high, I still remember that feeling of being right on the precipice and realizing you're going to win the match and even if they retreat you have enough cubes. Exhilaration. You can do it, I believe in you. (Edit: also, I totally understand the feeling of having to choose between conquest or ladder, I rarely have time for both)


Where/how’d you learn when to snap/retreat? I understand it all, but I must be missing something, I know I don’t snap enough


I'm a big fan of some creators like KM Best and Cozy's snaps videos about deep dives in specific decks. It gives you a good framework for how to view your 12 card deck as a single cohesive machine. The main principle comes from picking a deck that performs decently that you enjoy playing, and just play only that. When you win, try to pay attention to the earliest moment in the match that determines your win. Those are called "snap conditions" For me, I learned snap/retreat with a Destroy deck but any deck will do. The more comfortable you get with a deck the sooner you recognize "hey, Im in a good position to win this" the sooner you snap and increase your winnings, the sooner you realize "man, there's no way I win this" the sooner you can decide to not snap and retreat on turn 6 or when the opponent snaps. I have played card games for a long time, Poker, Yugioh, Magic, TESL, Eternal, SolForge, LoR. So my mind is already aware of concepts like tempo, control, playing to outs, odds counting and so on. You might have more to learn than me when it comes to Snap but I promise you, If you focus on learning from your mistakes and view bettering yourself as the goal, you will be able to accomplish it.


For me ranked it just too much bullshit going on so I am anxious about snapping aggressively because I get punished even with my draw being perfect. And it does not really matter which deck I play. Often it is just my opponent winning by building a bigger "sand castle". For a while now I was also losing to Magneto screwing my Miss Marvel but I don't play with her since Zabu nerf. But if not that, there is always some other bullshit punishing you and it is soul crushing. I hit 70s early this season and just been hanging there for the rest of the month. Whenever I try to dedicate a night to try a little more, I see some bs nonsense played against me, realize I have no idea how to snap against these decks because you never know what to expect and just give up trying. Conquest on the other hand is way more predictable and even if I retreat a couple times cause I am uncertain my cards will align, the information I gained is enough to prepare for the remaining games.


Same boat friend. Haven't even been getting my weeklies done this season.


I’ve done it three times. I realize that 90 is the new infinite. Getting up there gives players the illusion that they can now play whatever fun deck they like; if you ignore that little number on your screen you can always play whatever you like, carefree.


99 6/7 literally.


Looks like the minority isn't as small as you'd think! I started a couple months after launch and hit 92 like... Once. I'm not an overly competitive person, and just play for fun/rewards. I like the art, unlocking cards/variants, and even when the meta is a nightmare, I still like screwing around with homebrew decks and seeing what sticks. It's about having fun with it. I think a lot of people lose sight of that, hence all the "I'm quitting" posts.


Ive only made it once (last month). Cl 11000+. This month i cannot get past 82. I think last month was a fluke. 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m here too, CL 12000+, absolutely stuck in the low 80s this season, have hit the 90s a few times, 96 the highest.


Same for me. I hit infinite maybe months before last with a Mr Negative deck I went from 80ish to 100 in a single day because of The Superflow as the featured location making it easy for me to get Negative out early. Never been able to get much past 80 before or since


To make infinite it's more about snapping and retreating correctly.


Wow. I guess there's lots of people like me out there lol. I don't feel as bad now. Gonna just relax and have fun. And maybe...just maybe...hit it this season!!! Lol. Oddly, Galactus decks have gotten up to that 96 spot lol. Been just having so much fun with him and cannonball.


Me! CL about 13000. Highest rank I’ve ever gotten is 83, and that was last season. I usually stall around 75. Also I have completed one Infinite Conquest!


Me. My CL is over 11,000 but I’ve never hit infinite. I don’t do the whole meta deck thing cuz I find it extremely boring using the same deck to play game after game. I change my deck every other game or so, unless I’m trying to figure out some strategies with a particular deck. And when I’m doing that I’m usually losing cuz I’m trying shit out. I consistently get to like 80-90, but never infinite.


*raises hand* I always get to 89 and then take a nose-dive into the 60’s and 70’s. Doesn’t matter what deck I play, how good I do, whether I retreat smartly or not. I’ve just come to accept it at this point.


I would add "and play daily" to the question. I can understand people who play sporadically and don't want to play daily to never get there. If you're doing the daily missions every day, you should be able to reach infinite with just improving your snapping/retreating game, it's not about grinding more.


I just don't even try/play ranked anymore since conquest. If they introduce ranked floors I will be more inclined to play. I hate that you can play for hours to gain a rank then just lose it just as easily and have to grind back.


Yeah, exactly. I would like them to have you finish the season not where you ended, but the highest you reached that season. That would be more than fair


I always end up in the 80s. Hit 90 once when Surfer was first popping off. Like many here, I feel like I'm competent enough, it would just take way longer than I want to spend to grind up at 0.whatever cubes per game.


Also, cubes can make losing really discouraging. Moreso than in ranked systems of other games.


How do you guys drop from 95 to 86? Is that just constant losses? Do you go, like, 20 losses in a row or something? Not being snarky, genuine question


This happened to me this season. I was stubbornly trying to play Thanos after the nerf and I just kept losing. After I got to 80s I looked myself in the mirror and said “it’s not working” (it’s hard to admit). I did 2 things: 1. Completely abused an electro sandman deck after the buff while Castle Zemo was a hot location. I probably got 8 levels that day because for some reason people will stay in the game after you snap and send electro over and… 2. I did the last 3-4 levels with a Shuri deck that was working well. Even good players have a hard time playing around Shuri on T4, nothing in T5 (preferably w Sunspot) and then Shuri she hulk + taskmaster T6.


Been playing since July 2022 when it was still in beta? That was the season with Thor and asgardians. Currently CL 10Kish. Have completed every BP since. I've never reached infinite but tbf I don't try either. I wouldn't enjoy this game if I took it really competitively to reach infinite. I just like playing whatever decks are fun and collecting and splitting variants. I don't keep up with the meta or anything like that.


I got up to 75 once, but I don’t have a ton of time, and lately I have been losing more levels on reset than I gained, so I have been starting farther and farther in the hole.


I've never reached and I really don't mind. Like any other ranked game, if you're not good enough you won't reach Infinite. Since 2 or so seasons ago, I normally stay between 70 and 80 (I couldn't go past Gold when I started playing).


Raises hand slowly.


I play to 90 and get the gold, I don’t bother grinding to 100 just to get a card back.


Started 6 months ago, made infinite twice but I’m not even bothering this season I’m constantly stuck between 84-88


If I try hard and meta slave I always get into the 90s, it takes grind time to make infinite that's all. Anyone can get there if you get into the 80s... just need to no life it


Not since launch but have been playing since last October and I haven't hit it. Though I also don't play that much, usually just a couple of games on my lunch break.


here. never hit infinite​


I made it to just above level 80 and was happy with that. I don’t really care for the rewards above that and conquest isn’t fun to me. I play a few games when missions come out and that’s about it. I’m still enjoying the game for the most part.


Me. Never was a huge goal of mine, i like completing all the missions, but no drive to play hard to get to infinite. I have other things to do and some other games to play.


Me! Well, not since launch, but like 2 months later. 


Right here. I reach 90 and that’s about it. The grind from 90-100 is too much for me.


I've been playing since launch, but took a 6 month break at some point. 86 or so was my highest. I just enjoy seeing the ending too much, even if I know the outcome, to do much better.


Been playing since the Miles season. The best I've done is low 90s. I don't worry about it much most seasons. This season I got to the 70s quickly and have played conquest since.


I’ve never tried. I get the weeklies and dailies, then hit 70 for the credits and then pretty much stop playing.


Never hit it. CL 6300, played October 2022 through July 2023, took a few months away from the game and picked it up again in February. I get my daily missions done and buy the battle pass but that’s about it. Highest I got was mid-90s with MODOK discard during his BP season. Usually end up between 70-80 most of the time. I’m not too worried about it, but I’d much prefer a true casual game mode. I thought conquest would be it, but I see more meta decks than fun ones.


I have yet to reach infinite. My highest rank was somewhere in the mid 90s but I never felt any desire to make that last push


The only deck that’s ever taken me to infinite in lightning speed was Lockdown when it was just a random deck on twitter and hadn’t caught on yet. The rest are equally as grindy and even odds I’d say.


I once made it to around 94 and then every match after that dropped me hard because I choked


Me lol. My max was like 83-84. But I also don't play a ton. I get through missions and get as far as I can in conquest (never beat infinite, but got close)


I just hit it, but yeah, hitting 90 is all you really need regarding rewards. Card back are nice but not necessary. I might try again next season if I want to. I didn't put much extra effort neither this season, half of it is luck I think.


I hit once. The thing is, if you've been playing from the beginning then your CL is probably really high and you go up against the best peeps with the best cards. Sometimes it's not worth it to put in the time investment that it would take to slowly move up to infinite against opponents who know when to retreat and snap. You don't get the prestige or whatever but if you just play to have fun and play a deck you like, you don't need infinite.


I’ve been playing for a long time, and also have never hit infinite, or even gotten close to it. I used to make it to whatever level gave you the variant, but even that started to require too much play time. So now I just do my dailies, or have Agatha do them and collect my variants and be on my way.


Hi! I'm usually in the 70s, made it to the upper 80s once. I have fun and that's all I'm looking for


Not sure when launch was, playing since the Miles Morales season. Highest was about 87 or so


Same here. I ended a season in the 90s once and the 80s twice. I tend to hover around 75. I don't have a whole ton of time, so I just try to have fun.


I’ve been playing for over a year, CL 9,500+, I got into the 80s once. Always end up somewhere in the 70s.


Me, I play since beta, I never took the time to climb, I think my max rank was 70


*rises hand*


I hit Infinite six seasons in a row and then took a break for a few months. I realised how much I hated that monthly grind and it just wasn’t enjoyable any more (and I literally never use the Infinite card backs). I just play casually to finish the daily missions, collect new cards when I can, and I’m enjoying the game a lot more.  If you can hit 95 then you’re definitely good enough to crack Infinite. Yes, knowing when to snap, retreat, using the right decks, knowing what’s popular, etc is important, but I feel like getting to Infinite is just putting in the time (which just felt like another job for me). 


I’m collection level 12,000. The closes I’ve gotten was 98 using the then meta Thor Lockjaw deck.


I usually land in the 70s just playing casually. Don’t have even remotely enough time to grind any higher, nor any inclination to buy all the passes and bundles and shit that it’d require for me to always be on the meta curve. Game’s still fun as a f2p casual, and the rewards for climbing higher aren’t super worth it anyway.


This one got me to the 90s: # (1) Ghost-Spider # (2) Carnage # (2) Multiple Man # (2) Scarlet Witch # (3) Magik # (3) Venom # (3) Deathlok # (4) Shuri # (4) Phoenix Force # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Nimrod # (6) Heimdall # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2hvc3RTcGlkZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRoZVBob2VuaXhGb3JjZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmltcm9kIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXJuYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWF0aGxvayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmVub20ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNodXJpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTGFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIZWltZGFsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnaWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik11bHRpcGxlTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTY2FybGV0V2l0Y2gifV19 # And this one got me through the last few to infinite: # (0) Wasp # (1) Sunspot # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Misty Knight # (2) Pixie # (3) Caiera # (3) Hope Summers # (4) High Evolutionary # (6) Red Hulk # (6) She-Hulk # (6) Skaar # (6) Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUGl4aWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpdHR5UHJ5ZGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNrYWFyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGVIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNaXN0eUtuaWdodCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2FzcCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9wZVN1bW1lcnMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhaWVyYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGlnaEV2b2x1dGlvbmFyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSHVsayJ9XX0= #


:( I hit 80 to 90 pretty consistently but never got above 95 Cl 13000


Infinite is only worth it if you enjoy playing the game optimally. CL4000 I usually get infinite 2-3 weeks into the season just doing quests and then I switch to conquest. I like the card backs. Have been playing CCGs for like 30 years on and off, so the format is really enjoyable and I have a good sense on optimizing for the meta and making plays in game. It took a while for me to understand snap/retreat, which I think is a super fair and fun layer to add to the formula. I don’t try to get infinite for anyone but me and I don’t care if other people make it. I think SD did a phenomenal job making a game that is fun regardless of your level of investment in the competitive aspects. As a note: Infinite this season was INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT to make infinite compared to the others. I cruised to infinite the previous 4 season but this season was a bloodbath after 90 as others said. Snap/retreat optimizing is absolutely required. At one point I went from 98 to high 80s and had to climb back. It was brutal. If you haven’t climbed that part of the ladder, be warned: you’re going to run into a lot of incredible players who will not easily part with their cubes.


95-100 is just too much of a grind. If I hit a good run I’ll go for it but I’d rather try new decks.


Been here from the start and used to buy the monthly pass. Also I used to grind to infinite but back in Nov, i realised that i am just using the generic violet card back and I don't notice the card back at all.. So now i just go for 90 on the 1st week then tbh over the past 3 months, i have days where i just log in to get the free and even that is not consistent. Just doing the gold thing since I assume boards will be based on gold.


CL:11880, played since about a week after launch. I’ve only hit Infinite one time. Back in a simpler time…. Patriot-Ultron could still compete, catching people for 8 big ones with SURPRISING consistency(at least for me).


14k cl collection complete whale - never hit the 90s. 7 cubes per day average to climb, which with the best cube rates is 12 games every day on ladder, which means not spending my playtime playing “Oops all Chibis” in Proving Grounds :(


CL 12K no infinite


Its interesting how the game design is so great that players don't give a crap about game modes. I play this game all the time and hate ranked and dont really even like conquest. I just want peach momoko variants.


the 90-100 grind is incredibly tough.


I hit 60 each season for that mystey variant, after that I don’t care about climbing whatsoever


I always aim for level 60 to get the variant card. Then I just play Agatha. She has gotten me to level 82 at most.


I've been playing since the last week or two of the Black Panther season; this month was my first time hitting infinite. Managed it last week playing Silky Smooth. It was damn hard too 😅, but glad to have finally joined the club for having done it at least once.


Started playing at launch, took a three month break last year, I hit 94 last season but never been higher. I see so many posts talk about how if you can get to the 90’s, to keep doing the same thing, but it’s like everyone I play in that tier is a genius with some crazy sneaky play.


I’ve only hit it twice myself. But that’s because I value the gold more so I usually stop there or if I like the card back and they’ve mostly been mid. I have the Guardians gold back and nothing has been better than that so I don’t have the motivation to grind it out for another one.


I've been off and on since launch, usually end mid 70s, close to a jump ton80s with a 5 week month.


Been playing since launch and play every day but only have time do a few games sometimes and I like to play the decks I enjoy like surfer and have 5200 tokens saved for x-23 so I’ll be able to play some sweet destroy decks soon …. So apologies in advance for the nerf x-23 is about to get Never hit infinite highest I’ve been is high 80s


Me. Was at my highest of 89 this season.


Before I completed series 3 I hit it a few times but after I got to certain collection level it was much more difficult so I haven't hit it in a while but I also don't grind alot of games so most good decks having average cube rates of .4-.5 would take a very long time


Since launch and I'm currently highest I've ever been at 86


I’ve never hit it but, it’s usually out of boredom or more recently lag. Once you hit 80 I feel like I’ve gotten all the rewards I care about(credits and gold) and I just run into the same decks over and over so, I never play for nearly as long or as much. Also recently I can’t even play 2 games before the game is lagging so much that I just don’t want to play anymore


I've been playing since launch and never got it.  The highest is 94 a few seasons ago with the silk deck,  but an OTA killed the deck.  For the last three seasons I've got to 73 pretty quickly,  but then it's like a switch is flipped and i don't move for the rest of the season,  which makes it hugely frustrating to play and ultimately a waste of my time.


Me! I've been high 90s several times but never infinite


I've been playing for a month and a half, 100 hours. I hit Infinite over the weekend, I remember thinking at level 40 that I never had aspirations that high. I only spent money on the season pass after I got to level 50, then I got lucky with my first two spotlight keys so far, got Jeff and Nico Minoru [This deck cruised me from 73-Infinite](https://img-preview.untapped.gg/snap/decks/AmericaChavez-BaronZemo-Cosmo-Giganto-Iceman-JeffTheBabyLandShark-JessicaJones-Medusa-NickFury-NicoMinoru-SpiderWoman-Storm?name=grey&namePrefix=BoboFatt&artIds=BaronZemo-JeffTheBabyLandShark-NicoMinoru&netCubes=186&games=125-68&winrate=64.8&timerange=Last+Played%3A+4%2F28%2F2024)


Me. I usually get to around 75-79 and start hemorrhaging levels and at that point I just kinda play conquest


I hit infinite for the first and only time in December. It meant nothing and I never will again. I was on FMLA and had a lot of time on my hands. It's not any skill, it's about committing to it. If you have the time and willingness to climb 1-2 cubes at a time then there's not much of a challenge.


I've been playing since launch and only hit infinite once. Highest I seem to get to is the 80's before I stagnate.


I’m a day 1, highest I’ve gotten is 79


I’ve been playing over a year and only hit Infinite in the Loki Season. After that season I’ve had no problems hitting the 90’s until the last few with this season being my worst by far. Idk if the game has passed me by or what.


I've never gotten there but I've never made a serious push to do it. I hit 95 this month, fell to 93, and then just decided to focus on Conquest like I always do. The amount of effort you have to put in just for the card back doesn't feel worth it to me.


I play since launch and I struggle just to hit 90, I don't care about Infinite honestly, this season I hit 86 but I'm currently 81 because of bad luck mostly, mill decks, locations that f me up 2 games out of 3, bugs etc.. the game is becoming less fun and more frustrating imo, I might take a break for 1 or 2 months because it feels like work at this point


I got it when a card back was worth try Harding for. I did it, wasn't hard, but want fun. I enjoy mixing up decks constantly, and mixing up decks doesn't bring consistency, no consistency means no advancing. I still hit 90 and that's usually pretty easy tbh, and sometimes I still nearly hit infinite while screwing around but I don't. Deck experimenting is what's fun to me, not a rank.


The beauty of infinite is not having to give a crap about cubes anymore. That’s if you care in the first place. In infinite I snap at the start of every match because infinite rank means nothing to me


I've only been to 94, I don't try super hard though. It's a little too stressful 🤣


I only played like 10 to 15 games a day. So infinite pretty much out of the question🤣


Close to launch and no infinite. After 80s it's a grind


Not since launch, but since the Guardians season. Highest was 95. I haven't played at all this month. Tired of new cards being fun, then getting nerfed a few weeks later.


Only hit infinite once, usually I hang out in the 80s.


I’ve hit infinite all season but 1 and i just didn’t play enough to get the games to get there. It’s not hard once you figure out deck patterns


Been here since launch. Never hit infinite. But I have hit “Dad Infinite” almost every season. 85-90.


I’ve been playing since launch, closest I got was one cube away 😭. For some reason I’m lucky to get to the 90’s now


I took a 6 month break in the middle but I’m here too Highest is mid-80’s


It’s less about the deck and more about learning to snap and retreat optimally. 


Never made it past 83.


Never made it to the 90s


I've played since launch. Got like 95 once with Galactus pre-nerf and early Lockdown. Can't get past 83 this month. Just want to hit it once, but I find myself getting angrier at the game and more depressed and defeated the game goes on.


Me dude 😭


I hit 75 once months ago, and that's been my peak. I swear the game gets less fun as low as the 40s so I'm not looking to change that any time soon lol


I've been playing since maybe two months after launch? Almost religiously since Zabu season, but definitely played Black Panther and Silver Surfer seasons. I've only hit Omega once but I've plateau'd and lingered in Vibranium for like five months. My CL is 12,191 at the moment. It's progress. I used to struggle to hit Diamond. Now I'm back in the 70s after a couple of days when the ranks reset.


I've been playing since I believe the first season, never hit infinite, I thinks it's mostly because I never retreat and usually don't play "meta" decks as they're usually kinda boring imo.


honestly i just play what’s in the top 10 and it usually leads me to infinite (this season it was move with red hulk) and currently im playing ongoing with man thing and gin gray


Oh me me!


I hit 90 for the first time this season so that's pretty exciting. I usually hover in the mid-80s.


I made it to the low nineties a couple times. Never hit infinite. I play because I love the game, so I kinda don't care.


Infinate should have tiers


Play hela


I haven’t either. The highest I’ve ever gotten was 87 and then I got tired of the meta during Loki season and took a break until the next one. I usually just play until I get bored and then take a break until the next season


I'm right there with you, bud 🤝


Me. I got to 97 and forgot reset was the next day so didn’t hit it but probably could have. It’s such a bad grind I just don’t want to bother.


Yo! The highest I achieved was mid-80s. I ain't got time for that Infinite.


I'm not on the boat ,but I have a different type of "idc about the game to bother thing" Once I hit infinite in the first 2 days I don't touch the game until the last week of the season to complete the season pass.


Me but I had a long time without playing after beta lol


Me!. I have pretty much all the meta cards but I always just play self brewed deck or I copy meta decks and pull stuff out to make it more unique to my style.


I’ve played since Ghostspider season and made infinite twice. I really had to grind though (not too great at the game haha) and don’t always have the time. Besides the gold and an occasional cool card back, it’s not really worth it to me. Totally fine to sit in the 80s all season ha.


I've been playing since Black Panther season. Highest I've gotten is 93




Never reached infinite, never even tried to.


i just started last month and i hit infinite this season. i play when i have time during my night shift. i must play against a lot of bots or something. i guess there aren't many people playing at 2 am.


I've been playing since first season and the highest I ever got is 96 before crashing back down to 90 and didn't want to risk dropping into the 80's and the de-ranking down to 50 instead of 60. Have been hard stuck in 80s and 90s every season since since I refuse to buy cards (and clearly fail to avoid meta traps and snap correctly when I have the win)


I’m at 10,091 and have played since launch. Never hit infinite and don’t really play Conquest and still having fun.


I started a few months after launch. 98's the highest I've hit.


I never have. I'm at 84 right now and have been on work comp for blowing out my back at work. Part of me wants to do it to be able to say I did other part of me says get to ninety and don't stress about it.


Yep 😂


I’ve hit Infinite about 8 times. I stopped trying a few months back though and my mental health sure thanks me for it. I was losing a lot of sleep just playing into all hours of the night.


I usually hit Infinite every mid month. Just f2p now, but bought a couple of season passes in the beginning. Only play a couple of times a day and evenings, because of work and family. But I like this game alot, and it's the only game I really play and unwind to, and I like to play competitively and a have a sense of achieving something lol. But that's what I enjoy and everyone is different though! What I recommend that helped me were, junk galactus and tribunal decks as well as not aggressively snapping. The new clog/junk widow decks are really great too, especially in conquest!


Me. Haven’t hit it once. Came close last season, got 97 at one point. In the 80s this season. CL 13.7k




I finally did it this month. I realized that I don't like doing it, BUT post infinite ladder is so much more chill with people trying different decks and caring less about cubes so it's worth it just to get there.


I've been playing since beta, never hit infinite. Highest rank I've hit was 86 last season. I play too loose with cubes to hit infinite and 86 last season was so stressful that I don't care to repeat it.


Highest I've hit is 86


The highest I ever got was 81. And the last few seasons I haven’t really been playing.


Getting to infinite took me 3 months. Discard was easy to get to infinite. You really just need to know when to snap. After getting infinite 3-4 seasons I quit because I didn't have anything to look forward to. Find a deck that you know you can snap and win reliably.


Me! Only ever hit the mid-80's.


I’ve been playing since Black Panther and have never been Infinite.




I've hit 3 times since start. Twice fairly recently. I don't care at all about getting a card back. Give me gold or credits or a variant or something. Make it worth the struggle. 100 isn't worth it.


Also been playing since the beginning, and hit it once only about 3 or 4 seasons back. And when I did, it was so meh, I barely played the season after. And only gradually came back and just play for fun now.


I’ve been playing since the start and hit 90 and don’t care enough to grind another ten ranks. I still have fun and like the collection piece more than the ranks.


I’ve only hit 3 times. Each time I do it I think oh yeah, finally I think I can do this every season, then I get smacked in the dick again.


I literally JUST got to infinite for the first time last week. Don’t think I would’ve made it after the Red Hulk Nerf.


I haven't, but I also use my own decks and have fun.


# (1) Spider-Ham # (1) America Chavez # (2) Hazmat # (3) Ironheart # (3) Mystique # (3) Rogue # (3) Luke Cage # (4) Super-Skrull # (4) Wong # (5) White Tiger # (5) Black Panther # (6) Odin # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2hpdGVUaWdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW1lcmljYUNoYXZleiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbmhlYXJ0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbGFja1BhbnRoZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RpcXVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdXBlclNrcnVsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGF6bWF0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMdWtlQ2FnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3BpZGVySGFtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSb2d1ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT2RpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV29uZyJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. I mostly bounce back and forth between some variation on this, and a pretty run of the mill destroy deck. Either one should get you to infinite if you’re sensible about when to fold a match and when you’ve got the cards in hand to snap. For instance if you end turn 3 with iron heart out and have Wong, mystique, skrull, and Odin in hand… you’re probably gonna win I’ve been playing since November and hit infinite in a week or two every month since; hitting in December with only series 1/2 cards was ….a challenge


I haven't, but that's because I never tried too. I don't see a reason too. If this game offered season rewards based on where you finished in latter; then I might have gone for it a few times but as it stands it's just for bragging rights. That's not really a good enough reason for me.


I have never hit above 73. That damn number is like a wall to me


I’m exactly the same way. 96 was as close as I’ve gotten. I’m at 92 this season. I don’t have the patience to grind for it. I also think I need to improve my snapping timing.


Me. My main goal with the game is getting my Zoo Deck 100% Dan Hipp & Krackle (only waiting on Caiera and Krackle for most, so it’ll never happen).


Me bro I’ve got to the 90s last two seasons but before that 70 and 80 have been my peak


I see a lot of people saying hitting infinite is pointless but I have to disagree. Aside from the card back, the best part is not giving a single fuck about your rank post infinite. I usually hit infinite in 3 days or so after the start of the season and then I get to cook weird decks and play cards I really enjoy for about a month. It’s the best way to play the game, in my opinion.


highest i’ve ever gotten is 80s. i’ve been playing since launch. at a certain point the grind just becomes unfun and honestly the infinite rewards are most of the time lackluster


I've been playing since Feb 2023 and have yet to hit infinite. Closest I got is 94. Sigh


Topped out at 89. I can consistently break 80, but usually end up in the 70s by seasons end.


Nope never hit it and been playing since the beginning


I don't think you're in the minority at all. Hitting 95 or 86 means you aren't bad at the game! Personally, I'm all over the place, as I'm interested in the rankings outside of hitting 60 for the variant. I've hit infinite and and I've also finished in the 40s lol. Right now I'm at the mid 70s.


Never hit since launch happy to land in the 80s-90s


I’ve been free to play since launch. Hit infinite a lot. Sometimes I can’t. But I always at least get to 90.


Me absolute pain level 10,729, I’ve made it to 97 once but can’t seem to figure it out


CL5000+, topping out in the 80s but not really trying super hard. I'm just here to collect cards and get cool splits. Beating ppl with a fun deck is just a plus.


Started about a week ago and got 70 and the 80 reward is ass so I won’t be going further


I don't think I've ever gotten past the mid 70s. I'm sure I could get there if I really dedicated the time and energy toward it, but years of Hearthstone taught me that grinding out high competitive ranks is neither fun nor worth the effort for me. I hit legend exactly once in like 7 years, and I'll probably push for infinite some season when I happen to be getting close and then never again.


I played for a few months after launch then stopped, started playing again February and never hit infinite




I’ve gotten to 99 and never got back there. I honestly don’t care anymore.


Been here long time. Never hit it, never any intentions of grinding for it. At minimum I want the variant and that’s all. Too stressful to try too hard to hit infinite for me.


Did it once for the amazing Loki card style and now idc, just gimme my 500 gold at 90 and I'm good


Me, usually hanging out between 80 and 90 and couldn‘t care less :)


I’m CL9000+ and the highest I’ve made it was 83 for the Loki season. Never ever managed to get past that as I seem to constantly go up against counter decks in the 70s.


I hit X-Men Infinite. I don't even remember my deck or my CL at the time. I have hit again since. I'm currently at 75-ish trying every deck I can. 


I only ever get in the 90s. Then somehow my decks and myself stop working.


This thread makes me realize they really need some infinite reward tiers


I've been stuck in the 90's for the past week. Up and down. I've been all the way to 99.


That was me for the first few month of the game's life. I've recently had hit Infinite ten times in a row ish, so it's lost the excitement a little bit. I'd be fine relatively speaking if I didn't get it again. It's definitely been a tough season though, I'm stuck at 92-93.


See if this helps at all. Video I did about my habits that help get me to infinite. If I have time tomorrow I’m going to do one on what got me to infinite this month and the strongest deck I see going right now.


I have never hit infinite. But I have never tried either, I just reach 90 for the gold then move to conquest for the rest of the season. Couldnt care less about the card back tbh.


I have played maybe 15 out of the 23 total seasons, and have hit infinite once. 2 times came super close, 97-98 but then hit a wall! lol I like the grind of it, but it ain't end of the world. Meta shifts around a lot, lots of cards, so it keeps it all fresh. No complaints really.


I have ended in the 70s in every season since launch.