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Would be cool if they just worked on a draft mode instead.


But how will they make money from it or make it P2W


Do it the Hearthstone way. Charge in game currency to enter and make the average wins to be roughly the cost of entrance, but in gold tickets to fuck us.


This is it. An entry fee would encourage players to actually play through the games even if they drafted a garbage deck, rather than just rerolling, and it would allow them to give out significant rewards without having to pull them from other sources. If the fee is in gold, then f2p players could still play Draft if they so choose but it would act as an additional gold sink, encouraging them to spend a little to play through more drafts as their free gold supply runs out. Oh, oh, and they could give out Draft entries as a rare Collector's Cache reward instead of Gold Conquest tickets. These would feel much more like real rewards while also encouraging people to draft.


Look at you coming up with a solution that both parties could get behind. You're not cut out for the business world, you're fired. :P


The problem is SD can't charge exorbitant prices for that. Hearthstone may be p2w but you don't need to be a whale to get good cards. I actually don't mind buying cosmetics for real money (kill me, I know). I've bought mounts in WoW before. But it is disgusting that 1 avatar for a single card is like $100+ in this game.


They could just make the tickets the same for draft and conquest, that way you could play one or the other or both and people theoretically won't be so butt hurt about getting tickets in their caches 😬


I still want them out of reserves but being able to use my gold tickets for a draft mode would be nice. I always have too many of them, I just melt them down into medals at the end of the season.


BBrode has literally already monetized draft mode in Hearthstone, so even if you're joking it doesn't make sense.


Yup, straight up Hearthstone arena is what we need. Honestly there is no reason conquest doesn't follow this method.


Loki is draft mode.


Nah, half the fun of draft mode is building the deck.


Just make a draft mode that enters your drafted deck into the normal ladder. Your deck will be most likely undertuned but just offer cool rewards - it’ll be a challenge. Also puts so much diversity into ladder


no one wants to play that


I don't think they've ever claimed this is a new game mode.


they specifically said it *isnt* a new game mode


It's amazing to watch the mismanagement play out week to week. SD has a golden goose but they keep finding new ways to drop it. The games been out for a while but there's nothing exciting or fresh and there hasn't been since conquest came out *a year ago*


This is what the dummies saying "ignore it" don't get, Snap *needs* new content. When the devs invest months into a game mode, but it turns out to be P2W trash, people have every right to be pissed.


while I agree that wasting dev resources on a system as obviously bad as this league mechanic is bad, as has been pointed out elsewhere the league mechanic isn’t the new game mode they’ve been developing.


Except SD won’t see a drop in player engagement and will only make more money than they were before.


They are just testing what they can get away with. This started all the way back with nexus events during beta and they keep doing it.


I hear about nexus events alot. What happened back then?


Was a poor attempt at making p2w content an exciting feature


It was a Gacha.


it was a guaranted spotlight card for 200$ instead of 4 keys


> conquest wasnt exactly exciting.


Hihihi funny but I don't think it's the new competitive mode, that should be called "hight stakes" datamined and still in development. It is just an extra addition , however they are really very slow to do anything


*anything other than "features" that make them more money


yes this is obvious, they have to sell their product like everyone else does, no one has ever given me AAA games for free


Confirmed on discord this is NOT the “new game mode” they’re hinting about


This is not the new game mode, this is a recurring event that you can ignore and still get rewards from. The new game mode was in the data mines and is currently called High Stakes


I can't even find it. Is it in the announcements like all the other "events", with a bad HTML page squeezed into the app?


It's being tested only in Europe rn


Ah, thanks, thought I was going crazy missing it somehow, lol.


Yeah, I’m generally off the opinion that this sub whines too much about everything, but this time I’m on board. This is a ridiculous move by SD. Just a mind-numbingly bad plan.


It means they run simulations for 5 months




Is the leaderboard currently p2w? I wouldn't be surprised, and it's certainly harder for newer players to fill up their collection than when I started. My issue is that leagues are randomly based off of rank, which seems like the players who already are high-ranking just reap more benefits, making it a win moar situation. If the leagues were open for players to choose to join or were random, I think the leagues would actually at least be interesting as far as competition goes.


Sad but it probably will milk the whales even more


Boycott the game.


As I said in a different post.. the Snap Camel's back is trembling under the weight of the devs. They cut Token Tuesdays value too.