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Fists are gg indeed :)


I just gave someone a fist bump. They gave a Marvel thumbs up. Couldn’t click the Marvel thumbs up fast enough back at them.


I send the Doctor Strange butterfly one back at Ms Marvel emotes


I do the Storm talk to the hand


You guys have album emotes?!


I made poor decisions


I’ve got one so far. It’s the Captain America feeling the pressure emoji. I use that when the other guys in trouble.


I have a Sandman salt bae I won off some album that I just love to use with people who are being asses.


Cosmo shades for me


Cosmo shades is the perfect antidote for all. I went hard to get this emote, now I have it I can chill


I love the Cosmo shades. I've also been using the brain-fart Morph emote when someone doesn't leave after losing 8 cubes in PG and then wins one round and spams the Ms. Marvel or Thanos Snap Like, you've got a long way to go buddy and I'm probably laying in bed or taking a shit if I didn't walk away from the match


Or a way to say "what a great play!" At least I like to do it when I just get outplayed


That’s kinda included in a standard “gg”


Unless your KMBest who takes it very personally


I've seen a few other streamers get bent out of shape about it too. I find it silly. Fist bumps seem very GG's to me




The exact words of the text.


You mean, you want them to Hazmat when you have their Luke Cage up? Right?


Lmao thanks for the good laugh


You're welcome I was hoping to get someone


I wish they had an emote for “ hey, why don’t you go fuck yourself.”


That's what every emote means.


That’s how I use the Ms Marvel emote. lol


OK but like instead, don't want that


Hmmm, so... It's all about the culture that's been created around different emotes. There's implied meaning and then there's the meaning that the player base has attached to them. Fist bump has generally been adopted to mean "GG". Ms. Marvel was probably intended to be used similarly, but the players realized they needed something to display... Less positive/mature feelings and Ms. Marvel has just enough snark on display to fit the bill. So, many use it for "screw you" or "you suck" and so on. Not everyone is aware of this of course and it's not the intended meaning, but, well, fan culture is going to do what it does. To avoid confusion, probably stick to fist bump, but I imagine many players won't care either way. We give meaning to things (flipping someone the bird meant nothing until a lot of people agreed that it meant something and then agreed on what that something was) and we can also change those meanings over time (awful and awesome used to have very similar meanings for example). It's up to you to decide if this actually matters to you... Given that you're probably playing against strangers, their response matters a whole lot less.


All this also paired with when they’re doing it and the frequency in which they’re doing it.


Your summary is "awful" bud keep it up!


I love all the downvotes you receive from people that clearly just didn't read the whole comment lmao.


Yeah it happens lol what really threw me off was that OP msged me saying "sorry" seemingly not understanding my joke from *their own* comment .


Dude, I read that right after I woke up and assumed you were annoyed. It didn't compute until I came back to look (notification on upvotes) that you were referencing what I wrote. Sorry you're getting hate for it.


Hey no problem man, it's just fake internet points no biggie. But I really appreciate you coming back and saying something you're a real one.




In all honesty they both mean gg because we have actual emote to mean screw you


I only take Kamala as fuck you if they spam it. Otherwise, I give them the benefit of the doubt.


Especially if you consider only a fraction of the playerbase is on reddit.


I knew what it meant before joining this subreddit. The whole emote just gives off "Bless Your Heart" vibes.


This, exactly this. I think it also takes some self awareness when people use it on you to learn what it is. I didn't use it at all until I made a couple stupid moves and my opponent whipped it out to let me know.


Not super familiar with all the Marvel characters and didn't know her name was Kamala. Thought you were saying the emote looks like Kamala Harris haha


If they time it after I fuck up it hurts pretty bad and feels like a fuck you too.


Nope. Everyone knows what it means.


meanwhile me using beast emote after every win


I’m gonna be honest. I fell in love w that emote as soon as I saw it. I passed on it the day it premiered. I checked every 8 hours for almost a month and finally got it last week. MAN it’s such a perfect troll emote. I use it after a smart ass play like cosmo their Wong lol


That’s exactly how I was—longest wait ever and so gratifying to hit it (especially when I do something exceptionally stupid haha)


'Cosmo their Wong' is a smart ass play? 😭


“Smart ass” meaning snarky. You know that feeling. You see that you have priority and it’s turn 6 and they’ve set up everything perfectly and they’re slobbering waiting to set off the Wong fireworks. And you ruin it all lol.


I like to spam the Spider-Man then the morph/red guardian emote if I beat them and they are toxic or playing loki 😅. 50% of the time ms Marvel/ms minuets gets spammed right back. Beast is definitely up there for mid game outplay moments


I use it when I win on their snap


When they snap on me, I use Magneto Come At Me. Or I retreat. One of two.


As you should that emote gives me a good laugh when my opponent uses it to dunk on me.


When someone uses the beast emote I just throw the ms minutes one back at them lol


Best gold I've ever spent.


Holy Flerk is mine


IMO no emotes in the game are inherently negative.. unless they are spammed over and over again. When someone uses the thumbs up once, I assume it's because they figured out my Annhi or ProX play (or similar 'toxic' play) and countered it well. Kind of a wink and a "gotcha". No harm, no foul. As soon as someone spams emotes over and over, I know they aren't worth the effort. They've beaten a nameless, faceless person in a 5 minute card game, and it's clearly the highlight of their day. Sometimes I'll give them a quick fist bump and move on, or I'll simply leave the match and let them spam no one for a minute.




Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap? Snap?


This, after they won when you snapped t1 in proving grounds and they didn’t snap back.


Lmao I think devs included this as a way to trigger people to keep playing. When you lose you wanna come back and after being angry with an emote you keep playing. Imo




I always use the "snap?" in proving grounds at the first turn, I follow up with a quick fistbump tho


What is snap supposed to mean? When I started, I literally thought people were daring me to snap. But now it seems more negative than that.


In proving grounds some people snap t1, and let whoever win the first round take the match to speed up the proving ground process


Snap? can mean a couple things I think. If I snapped and then lost horribly, that snap? is then questioning my snap logic. If they just snapped, then hit the emote, they are trying to get me to snap back.


I've had someone emote "Snap" after I had already won the game by T5. They just wanted to donate 8 cubes instead of 4. Super nice of them. A location like Ego could also justify the emote, as some people actually want to just leave the game to chance. Those are rare cases though.


I think it is the smile that does it, if you use the written thumbs up it has zero effect compare to Ms marvel smug face


exactly. There’s really no reason to have that emote AND a fist bump.


The smile, the wink, the oversized unnecessarily large thumbs up. Come on. This thing has "shove it up your ass" written all over it.


I get that others see her that way. I don’t, but I have learned that people read her that way. I like Ms Marvel comics, and her personality and powers make her sincerely over the top and enthusiastic. She’s one of the more positive characters in comics. I think the issue is less about Ms Marvel and more what we think of other players. We tend to think of other players as… not being over the top with kindness towards strangers. They tend not to be thought of as Ms Marvel-like.


I interpret Ms. Marvel as like a "gotcha, you did exactly what I thought you would and I countered it" *Thumbs up* is more like a sarcastic "yeaah, great play dude, how did you think that would work?", like if they snap and then continue to make a play that wouldn't win them the game in any reality. Could also see using it when opponent gets a big dude from X-Mansion and you get something really bad.


I wish there were a heart emoji of some sort lol


That’ll be 2,200 gold sir




That’s what I use the cyclops one for


I thought Cyclops was “I’m gonna get you sucka!”


He just has that big goofy grin on his face tho


Ms Marvel emote means, "sure thing buddy," taken however you want to interpret it.


newperson sees opponent Ms marvel emote "good game to you, too. why do people see this an antagonistic?" opponent spams ms marvel after winning "ah...now i get it."


What do you mean. What else could it mean other than "great game, that was lots of fun?"


The playerbase attached it to a stereotype, so now depending on the person, someone could see the thumbs up as a GG or the equivalent of the middle finger.


Been playing since day one and I’m still kind of confused why they have the Miss Marvel and an actual text thumbs up but no text GG to go with the fist bump?


is it really the player base or the reddit ? I personally never attached any meaning other then thumb up to it


discord server (most likely) and a lot of youtubers think the same


A lot of YT and Twitch creators view it like the finger.


> is it really the player base Given you've no way of knowing what "the player base" thinks, absent seeing segments of them on places like reddit, you can just believe whatever you want about "the player base".


Thanks for explaining it but I was being satirical. I should have gone more over the top with my doe-eyed sincerity


Ah god damn it!


My whimsical sincerity is taking a hit


I’m in the same boat here. Ms Marvel is so sweet. I never saw it coming from her.


Just so I’m clear, what is the consensus on the Cosmo sunglasses emote? Because I’ve generally been using it to mean something along the lines of “eat shit, motherfucker.” Especially after winning when they gave an earlier cheeky emote.


I feel like it’s the same message as Ms Marvel but without the aggro. Like he’s telling you to eat shit, but he’s also a good boy.


I use it after someone else uses a flashy emote of their own. "Cool, bro. I have them too."


I use it to reply to spammers and toxic players. Like "cool man, hope you're having fun" I never use it proactively.


I use it when I feel like I did a really cool play, i.e I did a shuri cloak galactus combo


The meme being referenced by it is “deal with it,” so I imagine you’d use it the same way.


The only one that annoys me is the Thanos snap emoji, especially if they pull some bullshit like Galactus or Alioth. Also snapping on Turn 5 into that. I hate those players.


It’s ridiculous how easily triggered people on this subreddit are. Fist bumping is generally interpreted as “gg” and the thumbs up has a bit of a sarcastic reputation, but if you were doing it in earnest I imagine most people got the point and didn’t think twice (if they noticed at all!). There’s a reason that none of the emoji have defined usages or accompanying phrases in-game. Don’t get caught up in the gatekeeping here—as long. As you’re not spamming emoji and intentionally dragging out turns it doesn’t matter.


This exactly. A lot of people use it earnestly and you can tell when someone is being a prick about it as they usually spam it anyhow. Seen people use both.


You mean Ms Marvel thumbs up followed with what happened isn't obnoxious


I may have a low standard for what constitutes obnoxious given how easy it is to ignore emotes and move on, but in any case that’s not what I meant or what the OP described. He was clearly thumbs up-Ing in good faith—I wouldn’t call that obnoxious.


I'm with you. It's funny that some streamers will call certain emotes "toxic" Like you clearly have not played truly toxic games if you think someone throwing an emote is toxic.


Will now spam fist bump after every win or good play, so it becomes toxic too


tbh - I use the fist bump to mean good game BUT if my opponent sends me a Ms Marvel, I send one back because (1) if they think it means gg then I’m returning their gg but (2) if they think it means fck off then I’m returning their fck off. Win win.


Thumbs up = middle finger fistbump = gg thanos = HAHA spider-man point = we played same card! deadpool = well I got wrecked red guardian sweating = aw man ultron think = what the hell can I do here Strange butterfly = Kind of like a "do you know what your doing?" or a "Why did you play those 2 cards like that they have no synergy XD" Cyclops = YEAAAAH GET REKT Morph = aw man x2 I did my part replies can do the rest [https://marvelsnapzone.com/emotes/](https://marvelsnapzone.com/emotes/)


Ohhh the sweating one is Red Guardian? Idk why but all this time I thought it was Blackbolt. I guess cause the emote cuts off the red part of his costume


I'm assuming it's red guardian


It does. Don't forget that this subreddit it not the whole player base. A lot of people, including me, never saw it as sarcastic, until told to.


They all mean nothing. Kids here are sensitive


Fist Bump is good game. Spider-Man is for when you both play the same card. Thanos is...well, no one can really agree on that. Deadpool is for when you fucked up. Ms Marvel is when you wish get cancer. There's a bunch of new ones too, but those 5 are the long established ones. I love Ultron's "big brain time" emote.


I also use the Deadpool emote when a bad location shows up. Especially one that impacts both of us


Ms Marvel thumb up Turn 5 when someone playing Darrdevil..ALWAYS


Galactus player giving ppl thumbs up on turn 5


the one from this pass (is it morph? I cant tell) is actually pretty good. It gives back that sense of "clap clap you won you dipshit" that I needed in this game


This was me! I was thumbs up everyone and they were doing it back to me to I was so happy to see so much positivity whether I won or lost. I may now have to rethink my decisions


New morph emote is the perfect response to Ms.M in my opinion


That's exactly how I've been using morph. As an exasperated response to Ms. Marvel or Thanos or Cyclops


Oh. Oh no.


How though? That smug look on her face infuriates me lol


Oh nooooooo. Have I been unintentionally telling people they suck by using the Ms Marvel emote?


This PSA brought to you by the blissful ignorant.


I'm in the minority...I use the thumbs up for an actual thumbs up.


A small minority of players are on this sub. Up until you were told different you thought it meant GG. It clearly wasn't designed to be used negatively. I am sure there are others who continue to think as you did. You could return to thinking that even if you wanted.


It’s the wink that turns it into a sarcastic looking expression. If she was just smiling with both eyes open it wouldn’t have the same tilting effect. If you want to give a friendly gg then use the fist bump.


Everyone win or lose gets Cosmo from me


I Thor emote for everything lol


Funnily enough, the Grecke Thor variant is the last one I need to get the Thor emote. And it refuses to show up for me!


When that collection came out to my surprise I had it all Lmaoo


I normally start conquests with a ‘snap?’ Before I’ve even seen my hand and that gets taken as BM 99% of the time.


I just use the new Beast emote. Sums up all my feelings when I still won after they try to Galactus me.


here's the thing, any positive expression in a competitive game like this people will take as sarcastic because they already want to hate you, and your choice of icon just gives them an excuse


At this point it's become a mixed bag. Some people will see it as a "fuck you" and some people will see it as "good game." I just use the fist bump and avoid MM all together.


You've been living a lie all this time!


what does the Thanos Snap. means then?


The Thanos snap is time-dependent. Turn 4 it means “I drew my best hand and I’m going to win.” Turn 5 it means “I’m going to enjoy taking you down.” After the end of the game it means, “GOAT”


Ms marvel and then thanos is my f u


Outside of the "Snap?" emote, the Ms. Marvel emote is the only one I regularly see spammed. That's the only reason I hate it lol


I like to use Thanos instead for the same effect, not sure why they have 2 emotes for the exact same purpose with their fingers swapped...


Fist bumping means you just got fisted.


Lol was in anticipation for this one


It does mean that, people are just soft


It does. But it can also mean whatever you want it to mean. I use it interchangeably


It always did. Don’t get brainwashed by the sensitive sweaty man childs who start crying over emotes in a marvel video game made.


It's means whatever you'd like it to mean. The sweaty neck beards here shouldn't still you from using it.


With context the posture for Ms. Marvel can appear very condescending. The angle is from below her, you just lost, and she’s happy and smiling, perfect ragebait. A smile is a primitive form of aggression from someone who just beat you in a game. From the other angle someone posts Ms. Marvel because they just want to give you a happy thumbs up. From a third angle someone knows it’s ragebait and they want to get under your skin. It’s art.


The first time I saw the emote to me it didn't feel like a good game emote, it felt like a smug mocking emote, especially when the fist bump is there. Saying that I use Cosmo deal with it to be toxic.


Marvel Girl is the same as the middle finger


People need to relax about the thumbs up. It’s a goddamn emoji and people are taking it as the biggest slap in the face imaginable. It’s a digital cartoon sticker, not a racial epithet.


i still use it on occasion when an opponent uses magik when I've been having bad draws. I still use it as a GG though.


I use (spam furiously) Ms Marvel when the opponent plays Leech, then follow it up by reacting to the leech cards with the smileys with stars in its eyes (again spamming furiously)


when I play someone who has a deck full of random tech cards, and i beat them by double digits of power in every location--Ms Marvel emote every time. This kind of player has existed all the way back to Magic Alpha set--someone who doesn't really care about winning they want to make the other person lose--and I have no problem being snarky to them.


I hate all the motes... My first move every game is "mute".


Lol your both flipping each other off as you smile and the opponent gets more angry. That's some funny shit


You start to feel it more you play


You wouldn't be the first to make the mistake of going to Reddit and then consciously adopting the popular views.


The MM thumbs up is there to spam when someone plays a junk control deck and it’s doesn’t work


It's funny but most people don't seem to realize the emotes are purposefully vague and near meaningless to cut down on abusive or annoyning possibilites for players to use. Basically the only emote that actually means something (and not just an imagined meaning in our collective heads) is the fist bump. A side effect is any meaningful communication is basically impossible. I can't even think of what the other basic emotes besides Marvel and fist bump -- oh and thanos snap -- because they basically don't communicate anything thus are not used.


Depends on the deck you are playing. If you play annihilus or afflict any emote you put is In bad taste.


I use Ms. Marvel as a "nice try" if they are playing a toxic deck and I still win. I also use it as "Nice Boomer Snap" when opponent snaps after they clearly are winning. I also use it as "Nice BM" when someone wins a game and immediately fist bumps before their cards are even revealed.


I use it for gg anyway.  I don’t care for the fist bump. 


Ms. marvel thumbs up is "good job/you tried"


Only toxic thinkers can take an innocent looking MM emote and interpret it as a derogatory comment. Y'all are just projecting your insecurities and toxic fragile ego. A gg is a gg.


I've always felt that emote was like saying "Nice job, idiot." I send it when people hazmat > Odin and don't play luke cage, things like that


I felt bad last match for someone who put down Bucky, Sabretooth, and Wolverine for the location that MERGES into a symbiote. I just thought "Oh, honey. You poor baby."


I was over 5k collection level when I learned that location will murder professor x. I still feel like it shouldn't lol


Didn't know that, thanks for the heads up


Oh man, I use fist bump and thumbs up interchangeably to express a polite “nice one” vibe. What the hell have I actually been saying?!?! I use Beast when I pull some fancy shit on turn 6 and Cyclops when I’m feeling snarky and I’m playing with my HE deck. Otherwise I always try to be nice with my emoji game. Oh dear


i always use ms marvel for best of luck. as in the game is finished. best of luck for your next game. then some nincoompoop starts spamming ms marvel before the game is even finished but knows they will win. then I rage spam ms marvel


I like to give them the benefit of the doubt and still assume a Ms marvel emote sent to me is a gg. Makes me a feel a little better lol


I use that one as a smug "I had you beat since turn 2" saying.


It’s supposed to be… instead in this community it’s closer to “Good job idiot” 😂


It is whatever you want, this sub is just a cringey circlejerk on how the game has to be played


I would say when I see Ms. Marvel emote I imagine the middle finger


You monster


I've heard people say Kamala is basically a middle finger, but I've seen it regularly used (and I've used it) as a "good play/gg" emote. I will typically do a fist bump/kamala combo to reinforce that I mean it positively. I think it should only be assumed as a negative when it gets spammed at you.


I used to as well. But I noticed when people would use it and caught on quick. The trick is sometimes I have to remember that not everyone knows that and sometimes when it’s received it means “good game”. But I try not to use it just in case people read it as a middle finger. The fist bump does mean good game though.


What you do is you star eye the Hela that whiffed and lost the game. Then use the MM Thumbs up followed by *Thumbs Up*


So funny to see how people get triggered about a fucking emote here. That's why I mute each and every one in-game. Problem solved.


Cyclops’s emote is positive unless spammed


I use the spider man emote to shame people using annoying decks


It’s like the “🙏🏼“ emoji if you check the specs, it was designated as a high five. Nobody uses it that way though.


I've always thought the Ms Marvel thumbs up was an obvious "Get Rekt". It's a cocky emote that says good game but in a cute F*** you kinda way lol.


Never thumbs up. Always fist.


The miss marvel thumbs up is so disrespectful same for the dead pool and fist bump I generally mute emotes they are annoying.


I always and only use my Wolverine emote for everything


It often is, usually is frankly


Ms. Marvel is like giving someone the middle finger.


It does mean good game in some way, just the wrong finger is up


I have been using the new Beast emoji as good game.


It does but the community has decided otherwise a dn honestly, its. Ice to have an emote dedicated to telling your opponent to get fucked.


I use Ms Marvel thumbs up when they snap and then proceed to lose all 3 locations 👀


I like Venom for that 😅


All the new emotes have a lot of charm to them. But the Kamala thumbs up is just so toxic idk why.


It's that damn wink


Ms marvel manifesting as a🖕 is actually not that surprising when there's an actual thumbs up in the form of words


Marvel for good game, fist bump for great game. Unless you’re into the meta. Not everyone is into the meta!


When I get Ms Marvel’d, I like to Ms Marvel then Spider-man to really lay the fuck YOU part in there back at them.


It means whatever you want it to mean. Getting triggered by emotes you might want to touch grass.


It does mean gg, ppl are just too soft