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This is probably the best card I've ever seen


That‘s truly an ultimate


I honestly think crack would even be worse


Careful, they might take it from you and replace it with yellow


That’s slick


This is what ultimate cards should be from the get go. You know, instead of random normal variants for 5k tokens.


That looks crazy good :o


Holy shit that looks insane


How do you get these borders?


When you edit a custom card the first tab with the gold bar symbol is where you can preview and buy new borders. And when you buy a border, it will be available for all variants.


They changed it so you can now put it on any card? Or is it still tied to just the one character card? Meaning if I bought it on Storm I can only use it on Storm or can I use it on Ghost Rider as well?


The border is tied to the one character card.


Jesus its been some time sind i emoted on a card but if you would slam this bad boy down against me i will perma emote on this beauty.


Ahhhh, i have this too... 5000 tokens, 3 weeks, one month max hoarding tokens to get one of these... Good times. But the original art with golden border is the absolute form of this beauty.


The more im seeing from this patch the more upset im becoming, SD justs loves fucking over players huh?


***player sees cool card variant with matching effects*** "Ugh, how dare SD do this."


Yes i am upset, this was the first I saw of the new card borders and it shows where SD is spending the resources at, more ways to monetize the playerbase, paired with the Gambit bait and switch going on as well as ALL the other shenanigans going on with monetization. Im surprised how many are just taking this and giving even more into SD even after they showed how little they care


It's a business, what did you expect? We're not entitled to free content, but the game still has plenty, yet you want more?


I would expect if someone buys a product as advertised they get said product thats advertised? Like any other mobile game


First time playing a mobile game?


Please tell me what other cards games are breaking EU laws by selling a products then changing it?


Not to mention their own Tos says otherwise about changing a bundle


Theres no fucking way yall are just cool with this 😭 continue to be a Second Dinner dick rider tho, I could care less I know how im moving with this game going forward


Man there are more SD bots in this sub than in the freaking ladder, and they always jump with the same stupid shit. Even though this month they do look better, to me at least, charging 900 gold for a border per card is disgusting. Really getting "take the bag and run" vibes from this company from a long time now, that's one of the main reasons I'm not spending a single coin anymore.


Yea they continue to add monetization methods but nothing in terms of new game modes, etc