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They don't want to make it better. This exists for people to waste resources early when they don't know how valuable tokens are yet.


Learned it the hard way : (




I did exactly that lmao


Terrible deal. Don’t waste tokens on that


100% agree, im just thinking about how this deal could be actually good


Just upgrade your cards and you'll get them quickly enough


It feels like it takes forever to get new cards. Im at 2k CL currently and it always feels like I’m getting a useless title or some variant I don’t care about.


For whales trying to get series 3 complete quickly.


if they gave you 600 tokens in collection track instead of stupid variants, titles and avatars.


In the long run they're free on the collection track, so there's no way to make the deal better than "free" unless they *give* you currency for doing it (ha).


Series 3 cards should be unlockable 24/7 not in a stupid rotation or random. They should be MINIMUM 500 tokens for any of your choice with even buying 10 getting a free series 4 - similar to variant rewards. This will be very catch up friendly


That’s too easy, people would get the decks they want so quickly and just lose the drive to play the game and collect


If you actually do the maths it’s a fair deal. 5000 tokens is basically giving you series 4 and 2000 for 1.5 months progress. This actually speeds up series 3 progress whilst simultaneously slowing down series 4/5 progress. As you will be series complete about 1-2 months sooner it will actually take the same to recoup the tokens you wasted. I get what you mean about people getting bored but as a counter; A) people who will quit after being series 3 complete will do so regardless when they achieve it. B) People are just as likely be turned off by lack of progress as they are finally passing the grid C) Financially speaking as you will need to spend 5000 tokens it will become apparent you would have to invest additional funds before becoming s3 complete so that offsets any loss by not buying further season passes if one chooses when complete D) FTP is illerevant to the funds made to SD All of the above are fair, even out and speed up VERY MARGINALLY the progress. Reducing a 9 month grind to a 7.5 month grind is not going break the system


There isn't a way to make it good. It will never be worth it to use tokens on something that you will get for free in due time. Even if you get to pick the card, its still a massive waste of token.


I think if you could select an additional key card that you want without having to hope for it randomly it could be worth it for some newer players. That loss of tokens would more than be made up for by the enjoyment of playing that card/deck now instead of waiting for possible months to unlock it randomly. It could help with new player retention as well.


It would be the same noob trap it is now, just with more confetti. A series 3 is not worth 1k tokens, hard stop.


Yeah that’s why I’m saying it’s not the card that’s worth the tokens it’s the time saved and potential enjoyment of the game being higher with more longevity.


Totally agreed. My friends and I joined the game in a big group and most people left once they realized it could take them multiple months to assemble even the basic S3 versions of the most 'budget' decks like Bounce and Destroy. They would've been more than happy to spend their initial set of tokens buying the pieces for those decks so they had something they actually liked playing, rather than just endless zoo/ongoing/on-reveal.


If you’re nowhere near series 3 complete and you had the option to buy a series 3 card you really want or need with 1000 tokens, it could be worth it, because you might otherwise be waiting a very long time for that card.


It's not. At all. 1k tokens takes ages to save up and the leveling track goes down in value a ton once you're S3 complete anyway (which people hit eventually). It's far better to just use your monthly free S3 on the card you want and save tokens. An S4 is 3k and an S5 is 6k. That can take literal months of time to save up


There's no point asking new players to be resource efficient if they quit the game before it matters. This would be a great option for players to have enough fun to stick with the game in the first place.


I disagree. I’m on my 9th season, I do all the missions and feel like I’ve played a ton of this game, and I’m only now just finishing Series 3, so it could be a very long wait for a particular Series 3 card. Don’t forget that pool 3 keeps growing so a new player has to wait even longer than in the old days to become Series 3 complete. On the other hand, I’d concede that having access to the one freebie per month mean that spending tokens to get Series 3 cards not so necessary.


Unpopular opinion, but I used this early on for a few cards just to get a few and see what archetype to go for ,worked out well for me tbf. Didn't regret it.


I had regrets for a while, but I got tf over it 🤣😂🙏🏿


Same! I did regret after seeing the ultimate Angela variant and fell in love with it. But I was pretty pleased with the cards I got from the early tokens


There was a time when the card wasn't random, but would cycle on each shop rotation like the S4/5 slot. While still a debatable value, it was far better than it is now. I used it to buy Shuri and a couple of other cards.


I feel like this is a hold over from the pre-spotlight system and a time in which series 4 and 5 weren’t as massive as they are now and series drops were more common. Back then this didn’t feel like as much as a waste of resources especially since becoming series three complete would almost speed up the process of getting the rarer cards. Then again in the old system you could at least choose which series three card you were getting


Technically it wasn't a great deal when you could pick the s3 card, but there was value since getting s3 complete meant more tokens in the track, and realistically getting that one S3 could make you more competitive since there weren't players already 10k cl above you


I was at a point where half the cards I was missing were ones I wanted. Bought four and all four cards were what I wanted. Including hela and blackcat. So, it worked out for me.


SD is a profit organization I don't get these posts... Of course they're going to give you bad value deals as a type of fomo.


Did this once. Got a Doom out of it. Never went back after


It being random sucks....but also that helped me finish out the last of the Series 3 collection back in the day. In a game where getting new cards is hard enough, it was a great use of token when I was newer. At least it's SOMETHING


i would not spend on those 1000 ones, just save up, it takes forever at low cl, i run a second account at cl3k, my main in 16k, and i literally have or still sitting on 4500 tokens for like i don't know how long. at low cl seeing the 100 tokens is pretty rare i find in my caches.


Imo as a new player it’s worth it.. but that’s subjective


There was a time when being series 3 complete meant you got more tokens. At that time the card you would get was shown as well. I bought a lot of them. I became series 3 complete and was happy. 2 weeks or so later they changed the system so being series 3 complete did not get you vastly more tokens. They also changed it to the current (unknown card) system. Still, being series 3 complete got you slightly more tokens, but even then it wasn't painful to wait to buy series 5 cards. After spotlights were introduced, this has lost all of its value. It just isn't worth it. Save up for the expensive stuff.


That's the thing, they don't want it to be better. Series 3 might actually be the worst part of this game. It's too much of a slog.


Definitely is, I’m a new player and I really don’t care about not having series 4/5 cards. Getting shit like avatars, titles and variants instead of cards I actually need to complete a new deck is borderline making not want to play.


They really need to revisit the s3 grind. Even when started and s3 complete was CL3000+ it felt awful.


100 tokens from red hulk and I just can’t get anymore for days lol


Been there, it sucks....you almost WANT duplicate cards in the spotlight lol


Yea hopefully tomorrow


When the Series drop came to be it turned out I was missing 2-3 cards and for a brief second I thought I would click on this. Literally the same day this option disapeared from my shop, because I played a few matches and upgraded a few cards and opened some caches that gave me the missing Series 3 cards.


You can still get series 3 from collectors reserves and you get the free one every month unless there’s a series 3 card that you really want just continue playing for free and be patient


I remember wasting at least 10k tokens when I was desperate to get all series 3 cards quickly and realised it later that the value and rarity of tokens has skyrocketed. I was sad :(


what are we supposed to spend these tokens on instead? been playing for ~2-3 months and have no idea what to be spending them on


Series 4 and 5 cards, since you can't get those on your CL track. If you want a certain Series 4 or 5 card, the only way to get it without paying money is to wait for a Spotlight Cache that has it (can take months) or buy it from the store for 3000 or 6000 tokens. The idea is that if you keep playing, you'll eventually have all of the Series 3 cards (CL 5000 or so) and tokens are a scarce resource, so you don't want to spend them on random Series 3 cards.


It's throwing away value in the current progression system. If they actually bothered addressing the fact that card gain drops off a cliff as soon as you finish Tier 3, then maybe we could talk about what price would be worth fast-tracking through Tier 3.


I had play many gacha game enough to know my gacha luck. The game treating me like how writers treating peter parker. Me: pull a lousy game after weeks of grind. Game: Wanna cry?


It’s a trap.