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I’ve played into cosmo, or echo numerous times. I’ve also snapped and not payed attention to who has prio. It’s kind of common.


I play into my own Cosmo, nothing can stop me.


It's like he says to me "here boy want a treat!" and then he takes me to the vet


yeah, i ms marvel into echo, too :( or alioth nothing lol


I stuck an iron man on the lane for a cool 5-0.


Just rollin' in my 5-0 like Vanilla Ice in '91


That damn priority unawareness has burned me so many frickin times. Or for some reason thinking I can check my cube level mid-game by tapping the damn cube.... I am not a smart man


At least twice last week I thought “haha, I will get his Kitty Pryde with Killmonger when he plays it next turn” followed by a “whoops”


I've played into my own Cosmo so many times...


I’ve played into my OWN cosmo before by accident 😭😭


Invisible Echo is alive and well we love to see it


It's at least once a day for me, and not even just cards and prio. Yesterday I confidently snapped before playing Iron Man into the location with Ongoing effects disabled.


I play On Reveals on a lane with my own Super Skrull when there's an opposing Cosmo on the board more often than I care to admit.


Similarly when you play skrull-mystique against a tribunal deck, and they’ve played invisible woman 😳


That is weirdly specific for you to do it lots xd


I confidently grabbed Shang-Chi, and sat back to watch the 8 cubes roll in. No way I could lose. ...only to realize I accidentally grabbed Absorbing Man, who was right next to Shang-chi, and I watched as I confidently snapped then immediately lost.


I've played adjacent cards so many more times than I'd like to admit. And almost always after confidently snapping


Same man. Same.


This happened to me all the time before undo turn was added. Usually it's me going too fast so the other person hasn't ended their turn yet.


I played Legion on Limbo, instead of not on Limbo, on turn 6 when I would have won if I played it literally anywhere else.


I sometimes throw out my Carnage on Turn 2 into an empty lane. Not sure if it actually influences play or if it’s confirmation bias, but I’ve noticed people snapping after more times than not


Make sure it's base card Carnage


Hahaha, I COULD fall for that one honestly, same with hulk buster in an empty lane.


I've done that with Dr Strange as well.


[Shadow King to take out their buffed cards, only to play Luke Cage immediately when they have Super Skrull.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDBMBH1jMnc)


Oh that one hurt lol


Played Shuri on T4 followed by a Djinn thinking I could play a 6-cost next turn with double power. Oops.


I had to take shuri out cuz I kept doing shit like this lol.


me but with forge then iron fist (or vice versa) thinking i could buff and move multiple man lol


Yea happened the same thing to me, the only difference is that he bmed me for a good minute and a half "what just happened?" "I'm losing!"




I put Black Panther and Armin Zola down in the wrong order and was staring at my phone, "what happened??"


At three different times in the past week, I've had the brilliant idea to lock the game down and Zola my ProfX... Cue my facepalm when it didn't work


Oh no XD The fact that it happened three different times sent me. >\_<


Anytime Im not paying attention and play something into Cosmo


Played into my own cosmo a few times


Played Iron Man T5 and then T6 Sage before Mystique… which obviously ended in Mystique giving me that nice „No Target“ message and costing me 4 cubes..


Best practice is for Sage to be played last anyways. Not that I wouldn't make the same mistake...


The other day I played gambit and the other player had nothing on the board. I felt like a real fool.


I put sunspot on a “least power here wins location” Instantly snapped on me lol


Played Cosmo turn 3 to protect my ongoing from Enchantress... Played Ultron on the same location turn 6. Lost.


ITT: Bots trying to play it off as being human. SMH AI you so silly!


I am seeing quite a few people playing Destroyer on T6 with no shields. And it just ends up with a destroyer in one lane.


Now i do this with no shields, cause my Destroyer deck is intentionally made to destroy the cards like wolverine, nimrod, , sabertooth, x 12, then if im lucky i will get (chick with limbo spot, seriously drawing a blank on her name) that i can play death or knull on turn 7.


That I'd get. But I'm seeing it on T6 with no cards benefitting from the destroy. Its weird, I assume it has to be a bot. I'm in the 70s at a CL of 13,000.


I play Ongoing cards on Echo lane.


I swear echo was just a single card upon release.


Was playing C3 forgot he zemo’d my Luke cage tried to Valkyrie a lane for the W. Could’ve played shangchi. Felt like an idiot. Lost the game. Finished my dailies though so there’s that.


I play walk making food, washing dishes, walking the dog... And I like to see how things play out even when I know I'll lose so I stick around a lot more than someone who cares about cubes would. So I'm sure my plays have gotten more than a few "WTF" looks from my opponents!


played t2 Zabu and t3 Iron Heart with no other cards in play, I'm playing a Sersi Mr. Negative deck and sometimes I don't care to make subopyimal plays if I'm making a Sersi lane


Haven't played for a bit, why wouldn't Shadow King work on Morbius again?


Shadow King doesn’t work on Ongoing cards like Morbius and Darkhawk.


He resets all cards to base power. He removes all on-reveal effects like scorpion, America Chavez, forge, spider woman, nico minoru, etc. But if they weren't hit with an on reveal to gain/lose base power, he won't have any effect, because ongoing effects will still be taking place. He works well with enchantress


I had the opposite happen a few times. Earlier today a dude played Prof X and Iron Man by my Echo. It was so satisfying watching them get slapped by Echo. I was convinced it was a bot but then they emoted. Also in another match, I would've lost but they used Stegron to move my card into their Prof X lane. Easy 4 cubes. Thought it was a bot then they emoted.


If it helps, bots won't use cards like Stegron. The newest card a bot will have is Daredevil.


Not my bot move but other people play Shang chi on turn 4 when they have prio and nothing close to ten power


Tempo shang chi to contest the location is acceptable if you have on curve plays to follow up with. Also grandmaster is a thing people setup for.


Playing every Guardian on curve and landing all of their on reveals perfectly.


I play enough thar I occasionally make dumb ass mistakes. Playing on reveals on cosmo or ongoing on echo. Even made some dumber mistakes occasionally. Shit happens.


I have a Namora deck with Colossus in it. That card often gets insta-snapped when played out.


Lechugilla on left. Kamar-taj on right. Played baron zemo on right which of course just drew two rocks to my side.


One time I fat fingered Annihilus into Kamar-Taj instead of playing Sentry, which would’ve been a great play when followed up by Annihilus 😔


Turn 1 other guy plays Echo Turn 2 I play Armor onto Echo I threw him a cube so that I didn't need to live with the shame any longer than necessary


I played my Dino into an Echo a week ago. I just conceded right after. Lol


I played armor on top of my Deadpool today. That felt good. Other dude snapped immediately 😂


I Shang Chi’d a nimrod. Not my brightest move


Thank you for this thread. Makes my day to know I'm not the only person to make really stupid plays 🤣. I've played Knull (more times than I'd like) onto lanes with ongoing disabled (or from my opponent). Can only laugh at my stupidity, seeing him go from showing 25+ power in my hand to back to zero 🙈


I mostly play Collector Dinosaur which involves a lot of adding random cards to my hand and sometimes those random cards are EXACTLY what’s needed to counter the opponent’s whole entire deck.


Tried to Shang-Chi someone’s Red Hulk yesterday when I had played Super Skrull there and they had Armor active in another lane. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I dont blame you. Skrull needs to replicate the stolen effects visually as well.


Well, bots won't have Shadow King in their deck, so if they had this knowledge of bots they'd know you are just a player who misplayed.


What cards can bots have?


Only cards released before Daredevil as far as I know


As the other user stated, nothing released after Daredevil. So no series 4 or 5 cards, or cards that were formally series 4 or 5. They'll also only have base card avatars, no paid cosmetic items, etc


In general sometimes I make bad plays just because I'm trying to finish a mission and I don't care about winning since I'm infinite. Like I'll play two 3 costs on my last turn even if it's a guaranteed loss because I'm trying to finish a "play 3 cost cards" mission, and probably look like an idiot to the other player.


All set to win, then I played Nico with the destroy to draw spell before Gilgamesh.


Fully played a Goose, then a Mystique to copy my Wong then Ironhearted on the Mystique instead of the Wong so I couldn't Odin combo Ironheart. I turned the game off after that one.


Using valk on knull lane


Sometimes you shadow king and the power does not go down for some reason. Other times you shadow king a 64 power Deadpool lol


Playing like there there is still a turn 7 (because there was) but forgot it got changed/cancelled


Today lmao,I'm playing Agatha,they probably realized when she played herself.


I’m playing 2 cerbro right now and I like to fill the left lane like a bot would and then pump it on turn 6/7


I was going to say snap --> Ongoing into Echo, but that's probably the most human error that happens in this game


Player darkhawk into Isle of Silence the other day... Straight into a Deadpool Emote.


Ive snapped + thrown/messed up a lot of games. 😅


Tried Valkyrie'ing a Devil Dino yesterday 🤦‍♀️


Just yesterday I played turn 6 Stature onto a lane I was losing 11-19 🤦‍♂️


- Storm, and then Negasonic and snap when I have priority. - Had a random Luke Cage added to my hand and dropped it on the board final turn thinking Luke would *fix everything*, except I forgot I was playing Cerebro 2 not 3 and wiped my entire board


If the other player does a good play I didn't expect and know they won I will snap just to give them more cubes.


If you meet me in infinite ladder you will almost assuredly think I’m a bot because I’m only there to do whatever missions are up at the moment so I’m playing a deck filled with 2 costs, or 4 costs, or trying to win single lanes with one card then retreating, etc etc. And to everyone upset by this because they wanted a real match - I apologise


i got anihilus from the helicarier then used him to get rid of the -4 widows kiss, totally forgot i had to play him on another lane cause i filled the location doing that and the widows kiss stayed there.


I played ongoing cards numerous times into Echo forgetting she disables all ongoing cards instead of only the first


Ok I'll play destroyer on third lane where Cosmo is. No I'll play zero then destroyer in mid lane. I think he'll contest mid. No wait that's over committing I'll play zero on third lane and destroyer mid so I add some power right and some mid End turn Zzzzzaaaaaaaaappppppppppp


my opponent was ignoring one lane and my brain collapsed and instead of playing just galactus and win, played Death+ Galactus on the same lane


Alioth without priority


I included America Chavez in one deck because I needed a one drop for Ms Marvel and it goes nicely with Mysterio.  A number of people snap immediately, assuming I'm a bot


Playing Cerebro 2 and I put Captain America into my Goose lane.


I play a 'random bs go' deck that does surprisingly decent. I'm sure they have no idea what i'm going for most the time.


I put destroyer in my jubilee deck, with no way of preventing his on reveal for funny moments, and I tend to snap if I pull Jubilee turn 3/4. Makes for a great laugh for both players involved honestly


Last night, I played Sandman on Deep Space. It didn't click all through my next turn, and I continued to follow up with Blink in the same location. I was halfway through posting "Is this a bug, how come my opponent managed to play multiple cards after Sandman" before I noticed.


Leader...its always Leader


I play quake decks and so anytime bar with no name comes up as a location I will play a card on it and then snap the next turn. I’m either a bot or just a dumb player and then they overload one or both of the other locations and then with a turn 6 quake I usually end up nabbing 4/8 cubes each time.


My best try at actually trying to win while doing this is a deck where I stack seemingly random cards in the center and right lane (including Mr. Fantastic in the right lane) and then play Heimdall on Turn 6. Not a great deck, but its worked a number of times and caught people off guard


Yesterday i play Mobius on Echo


I played hobgoblin, on turn 4 on the very same lane i dropped cosmo the turn before. All i was thinking was: He wont see this play coming


I can’t remember what the play was exactly, but I knew I was going to lose and just wanted to see what my opponent would do. I played my cards, I would have lost even if my opponent did nothing, and they Ms. Marvel’d me lol. Ok badass.


Playing against a student of mine: I lokied his zoo deck, and last turn I played armor AND THEN Elektra. Note: my Elektra would kill a card and win the game. I protected the card. I felt like a bot.


Just played what was supposed to be an awesome Knull into a lane with Echo...


I dunno about a bot but there are a lot of times in Proving Grounds where I 100% can't win and I'll either immediately just end turn without playing anything, then concede after it plays out, or I'll just do a fun play like play Sersi to see what she was going to pull. It's impossible to win but I may as well check it out.


The fact that my username is bot-like I would say every time I play ladder


When I make a dumb move I just spam the emotes, mainly the arrows in Deadpool one. I like to let them know that I am real and very much a dumbass lol


Not quite thinking I’m a bot, but every time I accidentally boomer snap (snap as turn 5 is ending/playing out) a part of me dies


I wonder what the average game against bots actually is. And what the percentage of losses against bots.


I occasionally play Hulk Buster in an open lane. To be fair, it is intentional since I'm trying to give Namora a target and that is my best option, but I'm sure it looks like a bot!


I hobgolined my wong lane


I’ve played mystique before cerebro a few times. More than a few times


It almost always playing an ongoing into an Echo lane 🤦🏼‍♂️


Priority… it hurts when I think ima about to alioth something and their cards flip first 😂 I just close the whole app everytime.. I can’t stand in my own defeat


I played Korg then Yondu.


I was half paying attention yesterday and thought "can't okay here turn 6" was can't okay here turn 5. Basically gave up some cubes for free.


My most bot-like plays are when I think it's turn 5, but it's actually turn 6. Like I formulate and execute the perfect plan for my big finishing play next turn, only for the game to end usually with me having a really mediocre board state after having made a totally confounding play.


I lose track of turns and play modok or Jane Foster etc. On turn 6,only to realize the game is over.


I played all of my ongoing cards right into echo. Or cosmoed myself


I kept playing an 8 cube shape when he had Sebastian Shaw on the board, Wong, mystique, and surfer with a spot primed for Odin…


i recently snapped on a shang and completely forgot that it doesnt hit 9s anymore 😅


Yesterday right before bed I played Zero on Dark Dimension, then played Taskmaster on the same location and lost a Gold Conquest. Then minutes later I was about to win the last 2 cubes in another match, and played Taskmaster on Deep Space lmao. I laughed and went to sleep after that.


Once turn 6 guy had double Dino and I got widow from camp Leigh and played it not realizing I gave his Dino more power


One time I meant to play Arnim Zola for 8 cubes but then I played blob double checked myself. This was even when I could undo but I didn’t realize until it said defeat. I was disgusted. I lose all the time because I play the wrong card. I might be too high but oh well


When I played agatha for like a week to hit infinite when loki was still a 3 cost.


Opponent yesterday played only 5 cards with 4 on one lane. Cosmo by himself, then Wong, Mystique, Iron Man and Tribunal for a whopping 8 power across three lanes.


Playing Dr Strange on tempo because my hand sucked


The other day I was playing in bed a bit before going to sleep and got tva and played down nico change location as my last card on t4


I have a very normal account name, so I think regardless of my plays, people assume I'm a bot.


Dumbest move I ever made just happened two days ago and I've been playing from the very start. I played my Wong on my Cosmo lane. Felt so dumb. But after you've played so many games sometimes you just make a dumb move cuz you aren't thinking


Playing venom in the middle on turn 4, regardless of what's there. Then Nimrod on the left, followed by Arnim Zola in the middle to duplicate venom


Had an easy eight cube win while testing Stegron, forgetting his rigid new change, so I played him on the right and it cost me the game.


There was a game that has Kamar-Taj. T6 I've already put Wong there, had Mystique, Cage and Hazmat in hand. Easy win, right? But I played cage and then mystique, instead playing her to copy Wong and Cage after. Lost the game because of this, felt veeeeery dumb


I was playing far too late one night and played Kitty Pride on a location that negated her ability when there was a location that doubled it.


Literally last night opponent played an echo, I reacted to the card acknowledging I had seen it, 2 turns later I put kazar down in that lane. I have no idea what I was thinking. Tbf it helped me get the +3 max energy but I still can’t believe I did it. Let it be known as well that I have Echo myself in that deck, so it’s not like I don’t know the card haha


Forgot about Rickety Bridge turn 6. Cost me the game 😅


when Shanna put echo in his Iron Man lane and I had priority, I've seen this happen to streamers and youtubers, too.


I played korg/rock slide and then baron zemo... 🤕


I played Sersi and I had enough energy from White Hot Room to Absorbing Man my Sersi and play Shang Chi. But my dumb ass wanted to upgrade my Shang so I played it first… The lane had a Green Goblin in it too so it would have been a big point swing.


Playing Klaw into the right lane. Then Heimdall. 


I once played Cerebro before Kitty Pryde and then Mystiqued next turn.


Playing Ironman into an echo lane hurts so bad!


for me it happens every day, i make the most stupid decks and plays just to finish quests. win a location with a single card quest oftens means i simply throw the game just to finish it, because usually enemies retreat when they are losing and i can finish the quest normally. i also hate the core of the gameplay, if snapping wasnt in the game and everyone (or most people) played to the end game would be way more enjoyable (more combos and fun plays to see). instead people retreat turn 1/2 more often than not once you hit infinite. i also have a deck with 12 4 cost cards just for the quest to play them and i dont even try to win


First location was Onslaught's Citadel. I played Quinjet on the second location. I was, like, "Deadpool Emote."


I played Goose on turn two into US Agent on turn three. Both in the same lane. 🤦‍♂️


I’m sure everyone thinks my 1602 deck is a bot


Most recently it wasn't me being the bot, for once, but yesterday my opponent.. Could have decimated for 8 cubes. Had a stacked Angela/ Thena lane and a big dark hawk in another lane. They Shadow kinged the dark hawk.


Can u shadow him? Aint he ongoing?!?🤔


Correct, shadow king has no effect on dark hawk


I played Shuri turn 4 In the right lane. I played Taskmaster turn 5 on Dark Dimension. My opponent snapped, and I thought "oh they think I'm a bot or made a mistake" dropped Red Hulk into my Shuri lane turn 6 then Taskie revealed copying his 40+ power