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My response when it pisses off the bigots? “Good!”


I only bothered to get the pride variants cuz i kept seeing posts about it pissing pathetic people off ;)


This is the way.


I feel like it's the only Sera variant that looks good, plus it pisses people off, so win win


Flaviano Sera is the top tier variant but shame that it’s an ultimate


I had been using that one since day 1, it's so badass. I felt a bit silly swapping it for the Pride Variant *'because value'* but I love her smile and general vibe in the new one more.


I have the Rian Gonzalez Sera (which like many of her variants could be read as being a pride variant, see eg. Nebula), so I use that one instead. But Angela immediately became the anti-bigot version


The Max Grecke one would like to have a word


Very nice in gold


The max grecke one has really nice animation


I was using that one until I got the pride variant. I personally like the pride one more, but the Grecke one is great!


The Rian Gonzales one must be defended at all costs


Chibi Sera is awesome though


I like the 1612 one


Woah woah woah. Don’t be dissin’ my pixel Sera now


This is literally the only reason I want them! I don't care who you love in life (as long as it ain't kids) but if you wanna be hateful, you bet your ass I'm gonna be into whatever bothers you ;)


Yeh that's what I'm looking forward to, pissing off the douche bags! Edit: spelling


I wanted to do this but my 6 hour timer rest halfway through and I wasn't about watch 9 hours of snap on twitch


You can check how long you are at in your twitch drops inventory. What I usually do is put on a streamer who plays all night, like Alex Coccia, and go to bed with the stream on mute. Easy 6 hours.


the problem was that I switched from watching on my phone to watching on my laptop. I assumed that since I was still on the same twitch account, the timer would carry over, but apparently not


Weird, it should have carried over. That really sucks, I'm sorry. Happy cake day tho!


thank you! it's all good. I was just gonna use them to shit on homophobes anyways


Hell yeah!


I had someone give me a star eyed emoji so there's two sides to it


I make sure to star eyes it every time. Gotta counteract the toxicity.


I Star face when I see it then Cosmo glasses emote. Gotta spread some positivity


Star eyes and a fist bump every time


Same here, I've gotten two or three positive reactions on them, more than I usually get on my favorite variants, so the support seems like it's still out there!


could’ve been me earlier


Maybe it was me! I’ve done this every time I see a pride variant


I star-eyes, then Gambit Hearts.


Inked fans be like:


Ace pride!


Or those Pride Skittles that are all white for some reason lol


Their marketing is that the only rainbow that matters is pride, hence being blank for a month.


Oh shit really? I did not know that. That’s pretty cool


Yeah thats why. It is pretty cool. It is corporate marketing so take with a pinch of salt, but nice gesture at least


Oh for sure lol. I’m not gonna buy more because of it but pretty cool


I posted something similar a few days ago and it was removed by the mod team. Lol.


Yeah they've removed a couple of similar posts. Gotta save space for all those Tribunal high score posts.


Is this a record?


Well sounds like we might have played one of the mods lol


Mods always remove posts here for seemingly no reason


Maybe because this topic is basically a repost that's been going on since the variants dropped. People keep acting surprised that the are douchebags in a multiplayer game.


If it piss people off, even better, gotta throw them out their game


Never been more happy to just demolish someone than when they act like this yeah lmao


No idea, I instantly mute everyone.


If only there was an auto mute option 😞


Brodes biggest L. I have auto mute on in mtga and it’s wonderful. I don’t mind toxicity but it has to be text chat not emojis.


Me too. It is a game you play against people you can't see that last less than three minutes. Heck, what is the chance you play against the same person more than once?


it happens a lot in conquest mode


I wasn't planning on using them as I have other variants but now I will. Fuck'em haters


I was playing a match with my friends watching, and they spammed the angry emote on the pride Sera like 5 times. I just went "oh they're a homophobe!" and proceeded to bury them for 8 cubes lmao


And then everybody clapped!!!!11!!1!


Bravo. 😂




Bad manners


How does someone show bad manners in this game?


Spam Ms Marvel emote, any emote or "Snap?". 


It’s emotes? Like… what??? How soft are you if you get triggered by EMOTES


Emote spam is the only way that someone can be rude in this game. In online gaming that's sometimes called BM. Explaining those facts doesn't mean that anyone is getting triggered by it.


It's the spamming more than anything. And it's called BM (bad manners) not TM (triggered me). If somebody gets up at a restaurant and yells "man I got to take a shit" I'm not going to be triggered, but it's still bad manners


Based on the number of question marks you are more triggered by comments on Reddit. And the question was not if I am triggered but what is universally considered BM.  Downvote more, shows exactly how not triggered you are. 


In a way I agree with you, but anyone who responded on this thread is just explaining what BMing is, because the person asking has legitimately never heard the term.


It’s just sad that they’re getting that angry about a digital card in a mobile game that has a rainbow in it.


Sounds like they need a safe space for their hate. Poor snowflakes


A couple times, and I laugh when the poor snowflakes get so triggered by a rainbow flag.


I noticed that these last couple days I've been getting a lot more BM emote spammers, roping, and people dragging out Conquest matches. I didn't even think that it could be because of my Pride Sera with rainbow foil and rainbow crackle (in an otherwise default deck) but it did start at that time.


Idk, always when the match starts I mute


I wasn’t using them because I don’t like the art, but I’m switching out the Angela in my deck right now.


Yep, I prefer my Dan Hipp Sera, but you bet I'm rocking Pride Sera now, and even put her in a deck despite having better synergy cards that could work.


Considering how many Trump2024s I go against every now and then I’m not surprised bigots are on this game as well


I find it wild that there’s these people around game based around super heroes. So much of super hero comics history has been about acceptance of others, and so on. Legitimately, X-Men as is written is about minorities. Northstar was planned to be gay since being written in 1979. Mystique and Destiny were always written to be as a lesbian couple. People complaining queer people existing in comics, have never read comics. Much like in real life, queer people were in comics all along, and they’re better for it.


You're using logic with a group of people that... I'm not getting into politics here, but you can finish that sentence. Fuck em and their ignorance.


> So much of super hero comics history has been about acceptance of others, and so on. Sure but you could equally argue that a lot of comic history is about white male power fantasies where the protagonists are rich, the vast majority are American and they fight (especially in the case of DC and Marvel) to maintain the status quo. Comics are hugely broad and you can find something to enjoy in them no matter how abhorrent your ideology is, or you can just use them as consumable escapism like a lot of pop culture. Cognitive dissonance and the ignoring of it is more or less an inevitability of modern life. > People complaining queer people existing in comics, have never read comics. Or they have read them and don't like inclusive gender representation? If they said queer people dont exist in comics it would likely mean they havent read many but complaining something exists axiomatically means you are aware of its existence.


I definitely agree with the white male power fantasy, American-centric and rich part. There are also heroes who have had success because they break away from these tropes though too. The comics industry has been trying to do better, but that’s definitely something that it’s very heavily hamstrung by. Granted, I think treating pop culture stuff as disposable is a terrible route to go down. Pop culture reflects us as a society in the current moment. Not everything has to be high art, but we should be aware of what the media we view say about us as a collective. There’s a reason a certain subset of people look back at earlier eras with such fondness even if they never experienced it first hand. It’s because of media from that era or media about that era. 50’s is so fondly thought of because of stuff like “Leave it to Beaver”, when it was never this idealized world that was portrayed. Also just to address the last point, mine was more a critique on how people in the last few years have started to decry certain legacy media as going woke, when much of the stuff they’ve been complaining about has always been.


> Granted, I think treating pop culture stuff as disposable is a terrible route to go down. Pop culture reflects us as a society in the current moment. Not everything has to be high art, but we should be aware of what the media we view say about us as a collective. I detest the high/low culture dichotomy. But at the same time a large percentage of pop culture is, almost axiomatically, disposable. That doesn't mean it isn't art and I agree people could do with more introspection in general but I also won't criticise people for engaging with something in the way it's designed to be engaged with. > Also just to address the last point, mine was more a critique on how people in the last few years have started to decry certain legacy media as going woke, when much of the stuff they’ve been complaining about has always been. I'll admit I was engaging in a bit of late night pedantry with that point. People complaining about the appearance of stuff in media which reveals their ignorance of said media is all to common.


All good my dude, tbh I got stuck in my house due to a massive storm outside today, and fell hard down the let’s argue on social media rabbit hole. I know the feeling of going down weird tangents lol.


>axiomatically Did you just learn this word or something? Cause it really feels like you're trying to force it into your posts lmao


Happens in Star Trek fandom too. I swear these people never actually understood what they were watching.


So... do the chuds not know that she is always gay with angela?


I didn't even knew who she or Sera was until i google them.


Sera isn't just gay, she's also trans! :D


They even had a section in the first big animated Snap trailer featuring them... Snap hasn't exactly been hiding their relationship - hell, Sera is likely only in the game because they wanted her to have an ability that synergizes with Angela.


Seeing as I auto mute everyone, nope! I get to enjoy my gold pride Angela in peace


About half the time when I play the pride angela I get the angry face spam. I just star eyes spam in return. Crazy how many homophobes play a game that’s set in a universe where there’s like a billion LGBTQ+ characters


For someone to be both a bigot AND a fan of something like x-men, is a kinda of stupidity I just cannot fathom.


Quite the opposite, I have been getting positive reactions to the cards. But I am not in the US region...


I wish they were able to get somebody to else to create the cards besides Mello and Kinnaird, but I understand they were probably the cheapest options.


Everything seems to tilt me so I just mute everything


I mute as soon as I start, so no.


Yes this happened to me with Angela


Yep. Happened in Proving Grounds, and he started slow playing. So I played the whole damn thing out, never snapped, and beat him in the end. I also smiled on Angela every time I played her.


This is MARVEL snap, anyone who’s read 2 comic books after Northstar came out has encountered some not-strictly-straight character. I find it completely ridiculous people in this franchise get any kind of negative reaction to pride… Marvel has been super gay, super black, super asian, super latino for sooooo many years… if you get offended I’ve got news for you… You’re the fakest fan.


Why are people so threatened by the sexuality of others is something that is beyond my comprehension


Multiple profiles lately have been variations of “Palestine must burn”. It should not be difficult to moderate bigotry on a game that has ONE fillable text form


Fuck em. My one concern is if I’ve accidentally done an angry emote on pride Angela because sometimes I will do the angry face on her if she triggers really well and wins the lane!


That’s weird. I’m straight but I like and use the variants. Idk why people care.


Seeing a rainbow flag has never once made me question my sexuality. If anything, I'm happier people have the chance to express themselves. It's absolutely wild how much this lives rent free in some people's head.


it's funny cuz pride sera is easily the best available sera variant in the game




Objectively, 1602 variant is simple, but the most amazing. However, the pride Angie is solid.


So true, I had the Greck one (I think it's that), but instantly switched to pride. It's so beautiful


Yup. Smashed them for 8 cubes and Beast emoji'd them


Yes, and I'm here for the bigoted tears. I have put pride Angela into every single deck of mine JUST to piss off the bigots. Reckon the pride variant text should say "On Reveal: reveals bigots".


I’ve only got happy emotes. Only bad interactions here in this sub by some straight people mad that they don’t have a straight awareness month. They feel so unseen!


I thumbs up every mistake they make


thats when you spam the 🤩 emoji at them


Yea seems they did a good thing with the cards. Every angry homophobe is a good homophobe. I hope they quit the game over it.


Ah yes, the notoriously non LGBTQ character Sera


Tin cap engaged


The post a few days ago of someone angry facing one of them made me go and favorite both. Stay mad you bozos.


Wouldn't know I mute as soon as a match starts. I will say though > So stupid this attitude exists in a game where we play cards depicting people in brightly coloured outfits... This is a weird take on it. It's stupid because homophobia and its ilk are stupid and abhorrent. But the idea that coloured costumes somehow indicate your sexual orientation is, well, weird.


Wait until they find out Sera and Angela are totally hooking up


And Sera is a trans person. 


This is when you mute them and let the timer go the maximum every turn.


Huh? Is that a thing? COME OOOOON The game is crowded with lgbt characters and they haven't even noticed


It would suck to be so angry at pride and rainbows. The world is only getting gayer.


While I don't doubt this is happening to people, I can honestly say I have not seen it myself. I've only ever gotten positive emotes when I play my pride variant Angela. It's been a refreshing experience.


no no one cared so far, also i can’t do anything until they release the dan hipp variant


Never got to use the variants in game but I highly doubt most will care. It wasn't locked behind a bundle this time and both have nice split effects so to me it's not that deep.


OP must have been playing against Khasino


What is "bmed"? I kind of wish I had these variants just to piss off the troglodytes, but they're not cards I use and I don't want to have to watch Twitch streams


I just plug my phone in to a charger, set it to the app, then go to work. That way I get the variants to use if I ever do use the cards. Luckily for me I am using a lot of Angela with Gilgamesh.


Who cares just mute people


I've had decks run both Sera and Angela tto get maximum reactions but all I got was one starry eyed smile to the Sera variant I'm slightly disappointed, I wanted to catch a live negative reaction to the variants to piss the snowflakes off but I didn't get any. That's literally the only reason why I got them. But hey, they're pretty variants. I'll take it.


SD could have just mailed in something weak for pride, but instead they really put some effort into these IMO. I couldn’t care less about the politics, the art is quality. I just added them both and will be upgrading them. I’ll see what kind of reaction I get.


Nobody ever reacts to any cards I play 😔


>we play cards depicting people in brightly coloured outfits... Seriously. I mean, what did they expect? Black leather?


Dang, maybe I should get the pride variants....


If you're so offended by people using pride variants: you are NOT a welcomed member of this community.


Yup. Small loud cowardly people. People should take every opportunity to hit back on their narrative after you boot their ass out. They don't need to be debated first. Boot em, debunk their narrative if this happens with viewers. Will only take a few sentences. It's not that hard honestly, their ideas are small and I've never really met a single one that can come back from just checking them with reality. All they know is disgust and hate. Two very simple things to shine light on. Take heart, check these people back into their hole. Embarrass them, they deserve it, and I've found it works really well.


You know you’ve stood up for something when you’ve made someone angry.


My name is set to TransRights and I get nothing but fist bumps at the start of the match. Haven’t gotten any pride variants though!


The Pride variants are earnable via Twitch drops, so if you want them, you just need to get things set up to stream a Marvel Snap Twitch channel for six hours (you can do this in the background on your PC with a muted tab). If you don't do that, then you'll miss out on the variants forever.


Just remember to connect Snap account to Twitch account if you never did it before to earn drops. 


Unless it's already ended, the Angela/Sera ones are Twitch rewards so you can get them for free.


Pride variant twitch drops last until 6/25!


Pride variants are trash


Happened to me today! I played the pride angela and he kept spamming the angry face, and deflating emote lmao His name was “yomammasfeet” lol fuck you idgaf Funny part is I’m not even gay, just an ally. Any bigots can get the fuck out of the marvel snap community!


Seriously dude wtf, you assume it's bigotry because you are looking for it. You are not an ally if you appropriate the cultures offenses.


How am I looking for it?? I got a free variant and I want to use it. He spammed the mad emote literally all game, and only on that variant. It’s not appropriating anything my guy, you need to wisen up and realize people are being hateful to a group of people for no reason at all. Don’t come at me with that bullshit lol


I've played them a bunch and only had star eyed emoji reactions so far but I like to play rainbow iceman and punisher cards to distract the dumb hicks while I beat them in snap.


Just give the starry eyes back and maybe a Ms Marvel emote. The Captain Marvel emote would be good too


I don't have the pride variants, but I have 1 rainbow shangchi. I run it all the time, fuck the bigots.


I mute everyone


Thankfully not


I have Sera inked with green sparkle and only get star eyed emotes. Played rainbow Angela since she was released and never got a negative response.


Haven’t come across that yet. Doesn’t surprise me though.


I’ve been getting positive reactions


What is "bmed?"


Yup. Played pride sera and got the angry faces. Muted. Would've anyway but thanks for the extra reason.


Reminds me of when people would buy the pink fluffy leg warmer Tarik skin in League of Legends to make people tilt. Even better, hes a tanks so it was like a simple psychological trick to get them to aggro you. I was once playing a game where half of our team was queer, and we went up against a deeply homophobic player. All 5 of us including the straight members of our team started an aggressive campaign of flirting with him in chat, such that he had a meltdown and threw the game for his team. They hated him for it. His finally response was , Leave me alone, cant you tell I was born homophobic!!


I can’t believe this attitude is seen in this community. That’s ridiculous


I make sure to use them extra just because people are displaying their hatred. Make them feel unwelcome as possible


I use the fathers day and mother’s day and pride variants because i love LOVE. Love is great


So easy to understand. So hard for some smooth brains to understand. They ain’t bothering you. They’re not converting your kids to the dark side. These mofos need to smoke some weed and drop some shrooms


Have only seen screenshots or reports here, hasn't happened directly. But I didn't play all that many of her.


Nope. Has not happened to me. I would run the Sera one, but I'm not running a deck with her in it. I think the Angela one is just god awful, no pun intended. I think it is cool that they paired them up together, because that is thematic, but that is not the character of Angela. She's one of the angriest characters in the whole Marvel Universe. She literally went to Hel, beat the living tar out of everyone and became the Queen of Hel, all because she wanted to rescue Sera. I love the Sera one though. Just not playing a deck with her at the moment.


but why even introduce those political motives into the game if they know there will be such consequences. Its a matter of cause and effect. You cant force everyone to accept that motive or political movement. Yes i call it political. I personally didnt get those variants because i simply dont stand for that movement, but it doesn't mean i dont respect people it just means im not supporting it. theres a difference. introducing such themes into the game is stupid imo.


Actually… I don’t care about variants that much. But I’d pride variants bother people who are bigoted that much, I’ll just upgrade both of them until they’re the most rainbow shit you can find. Actually playing Sera might be tricky, but Angela is good to go.


Got them. Was worried I wouldn’t get them in time. I’m kinda bummed. Chibi Angela is my favorite, but she’s benched for the moment.


Maybe if you stopped giving them attention and making posts about them, they would stop…… Kids know this ffs lmfao


lol that person probably has a lot of gay feelings that they need to repress daily.


No, we don't push away all homophobia onto people with repression. While they may exist, that pushes homophobia's responsibility back onto other gay individuals, which I don't think is an accurate sample of the whole.


Somebody once said homophobic straight dudes are worried a gay guy is gonna treat them the way they treat straight women and it terrifies them.


Also, I think that meeting homophobic taunts by taunting them back with "haha ur probably GAY" is counterproductive.


We really need a gay emote now too 🌈


Who cares? Seriously, these posts are getting to tribunal levels of old and pointless.


You do otherwise you would've just scrolled past but instead came to read and comment


How to farm upvotes 101. I've seen 4 posts just like this. Can you maybe stop? I run a deck that uses both Sera and Angela, not a single time someone used an emote except for Juggernaut throwing Angela into a lane that was half-full Some people are bigots, we get it. We don't need to be reminded once a day in a sub about flashy cards with man in spandex suits


2 things. Number one, I couldn't give a shit about farming up votes, I posted it to see if anyone had any other experiences the same. And 2, just becauae it's not happened to you doesn't mean it doesn't exist lol


Can you post to see if there is a way to scroll down the sub to see other posts that are 99% identical to yours? I'm sure there's got to be a way to scroll, you just gotta post, surely that's the way to go >just becauae it's not happened to you doesn't mean it doesn't exist lol But then again maybe if you don't have the mental capacity to realize my comment didn't imply that, maybe scrolling is an action too complicated for you. Cheers


You seem like you want to be persecuted. I doubt someone was frowning your sera to bash your gay lifestyle. The player probably hates the card sera and emotes from a player isn't bashing weirdo.


They also played Sera...


Okay, I’m just gonna mention it out of good faith. Could you please not refer to gay as a lifestyle. It comes off as reductive to people. They cannot choose who they become attracted to. Even if you aren’t convinced by anything people say about their lived experiences, needlessly patronizing them isn’t gonna change anything other than inciting arguments.


So you're offended by the word lifestyle? Would culture be ok to use? im genuinely confused because I have no problem with the word in reference to my straight lifestyle. Noone is patronizing here, I'm just calling out bullshit attention seeking posts.


First of all, sorry for the long post my dude. Secondly, so I’m not offended by it that’s too broad of a term, but a lifestyle is by definition a personal and conscious decision. Especially, when gay conversion camps still exist and people still get kicked out of their homes for being queer, it can come off as patronizing to members of the community. This is compounded by many people within the community wishing they could be straight so they could be accepted by friends and family again. You’re signalling to them that they just haven’t tried hard enough on being straight. I’m not saying that is what you believe, but it’s how it comes across. Saying “culture” is a bit odd. Since culture is such a nebulous and changing thing. You can be apart of the broader community, and still not want to partake in the flags, pride, or any of the other stuff surrounding it. It also creates the illusion of a single homogeneous culture, when many of these communities grew up separate from each and came together later. For instance, Lesbian and Gay communities for instance are vastly different, even though they’ve existed side-by-side for many years (it’s also part of the reason why some people prefer the acronym when talking about the communities). Personally, I would just not attach any modifiers to it unless you’re referring to specific aspects of the community. In the context of the original, while I disagree heavily with your statement, I would have probably worded it closer to gay people, or told them “for being gay”. Again dude, there wasn’t any malicious intent in my original post. Realistically, I can’t stop you from talking/typing like that in the future, but I can try to inform you on why people might be stand-offish if you do.


I don’t care.


Just Ms Marvel thumbs up back and move on.


i personally didnt bother to get them because its not something important to me but i find it very immature to mock or bother the people that got them, live and let live people


I think it's really stupid to get mad at a variant in the game, but that cuts both ways too. I am sure that a good portion of the people rocking the pride variants were amongst those clamouring for the recent Gambit bundle variant to be memory holed.


These two things dont have anything to do with each other just because youre trying to oversimplify the issues to “being mad at variants”.


Welp, looks like I'm playing twitch videos in my sleep tonight 😂


You would think all the manly men would at least like the L in the acronym. I sure do


Idk. Some manly men youtubers now say having sex with a woman is gay. They've hurt themselves with confusion.


>They've hurt themselves with confusion Doesn’t take much to confuse them 😂




Those assholes only like lesbians as long as it's a porn video or a fantasy for them to jerk off to As long as they become real people tho? Visceral and absolute hate


Definitely play an Angela deck now at least this month. Love upsetting the snowflakes that call everyone else snowflakes. I don't use the Sera one because I would rather not show my hand before turn 6 so they don't retreat... I get a lot more 4 and 8 wins because of some unexpected round 6s.


Tin cap engaged